Read Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter Page 2


  “It’s kinda obvious that you want nothing to do with this baby though.”

  “No, I am just thinking about it. My career has just taken off. I got promoted to detective today.” Pennie gasped.

  “Wow you wanted that job for a long time. Wait a minute, you got a promotion and were going to dump me?” she asked.

  “I didn’t say I was going to dump you. I just said things haven’t been so great lately. You haven’t really been giving me oral.” Pennie pushed him back.

  “I’m pregnant.” Dylan flashed a boyish grin.

  “You are supposed to be horny when you are pregnant.” He pressed his body up against hers. Pennie gazed at those sharp blue eyes. She was looking for answers that were not there.

  “I am still hot for a pregnant women?” Dylan answered her with a hot, passionate kiss. His lips were wet and made Pennie salivate. She could feel the heat of his body against hers. He was so warm. His six-pack was hard against her pregnant belly. Dylan briefly broke away from her.

  “Pennie you are always going to be hot to me. Well, until you balloon up.” Pennie was going to say something. Dylan smothered her with his lips. They kissed for a long time. It was passionate and sent tingles up and down Pennie’s back. Dylan rolled off of her after a little while.

  “I have to get some sleep for work tomorrow.” Pennie caressed his body. He was wearing his cute red plaid boxers. She started touching his manhood.

  “You said I didn’t give you enough oral. Don’t you want some oral now?” Dylan grunted and pushed her away.

  “I have a big day tomorrow and so do you, Pennie.” Pennie snuggled closer to him.

  “But I am horny now.” Dylan chuckled.

  “Now that the shoe is on the other foot, how does it feel?” Pennie sighed once again. Dylan was such a little asshole sometimes.

  “How about I give you a bj tomorrow?”

  “Maybe if you are good.” The rain pelted down on the apartment complex. Combined with Dylan’s light snoring, it helped Pennie drift off to sleep.

  Pennie Apples was standing in a hospital room. She was wearing a set of blue scrubs. On the bed before her stood doctors, nurses, herself, and Pennie’s boyfriend Dylan. She saw herself on the hospital bed. It looked like she was giving birth. Her boyfriend was watching anxiously. The doctor was in between her legs. The image of herself was moaning and groaning. Pennie watched herself give birth from the corner. The doctor came out from between the image of Pennie’s legs and held up a baby. It was covered in blood and crying.

  He handed it to one of the nurses. Pennie followed and watched her clean and wrap the baby up. When the nurse was done she set the baby down. Pennie walked over to the cart and took a look at the baby. It was albino. Its eyes were pink and they looked at her as well. It opened its mouth and smiled at her. Pennie looked up at the scene around her. It was changing.

  Suddenly Pennie found herself in the yard of a quaint house. The house was across from a school. It was the only house that could be seen on the street. Its red bricks were dusty and covered with vines. The front door burst open and a small albino toddler came out. She was dressed in an adorable red dress with little strawberries embroidered on it. She was also wearing a red strawberry bonnet. Trailing behind her was Pennie’s image dressed in dark brown pants and a flowy flower shirt. The flowers on the long sleeve shirt were carnations.

  “Hey Carly! Come back into the garden and help your mother pick some herbs and roses,” Pennie’s image yelled to her free-spirited daughter. Her daughter ran to the back of the house. Pennie’s image opened the wrought iron fence and held the door open for her daughter. Carly skipped merrily into the backyard. The real Pennie followed behind the mother and daughter. The garden was full of life. There were roses everywhere, carnations, tulips and lilies. There was even a small herb garden within the larger garden. Pennie saw that her future self planted mint, rosemary, sage, and basil. There was even a cute vegetable garden. In it tomatoes, lettuce, jalapenos, cucumber, and onions were growing. The smell that this garden had was out of this world. Pennie breathed in the air. She would have complimented her future self for having such great taste.

  “Wow, look at those huge roses! Mom, when I grow up I want to be the rose princess!” Pennie’s imaged giggled. She was right. Pennie looked up to see a huge rose bush. It climbed onto the lovely brick house.

  “Wait Carly don’t touch that!” Carly tried to pick a beautiful full bloomed red rose. Her mother stopped her from getting pricked by the thorns. Carly sat on the ground and watched as her mother cut the roses one by one. Carly accepted every rose and put it in the wicker basket her mother had brought out. Future Pennie went on cutting and dethorning the roses. She talked to her daughter while doing this.

  “You know your grandpa ate roses in his old age. He said they helped keep him youthful.” Carly murmured something and plucked a petal off of one of the roses in the basket.

  “Yuck, it tastes awful. It doesn’t taste like candy at all. I can’t believe grandpa ate this.” Carly spat the rose petal out of her mouth. Future Pennie was giggling.

  “Well your grandpa was a strange man.”

  “Mom, you never talk about grandpa much or grandma either.” Future Pennie stopped picking flowers.

  “That’s because I was adopted. Carly.” Carly pushed one of the roses up to her nose. She breathed in the aroma of it. Carly sighed happily. The rose smelled magnificent.

  “What does adopted mean?” Future Pennie sighed and walked over to the vegetable garden. She started cutting tomatoes from the vine. Carly skipped over to the garden. She sat on the ground and put the tomatoes her mother handed to her into the other basket.

  “They gave me away, your real grandpa and grandma. I don’t remember them much. Your other grandparents took me in. They were very kind and considerate.” Carly’s tiny hand held her mother’s face.

  “I’m sorry, mama. I’d never give you away. Except maybe when you don’t let me eat snacks.” Future Pennie burst out laughing. Oh how Carly loved to eat her candy. She hummed merrily as she continued to pick tomatoes.

  Real Pennie woke up from her delightful dream. Dylan was staring at her. She glanced at the alarm clock and closed her eyes.

  “Really, Dylan, it’s 6 o’clock in the morning?” She was irritated by him. That was a great dream she was having.

  “I know, hun, but I thought I should serve breakfast to the mother of my child. Don’t you want a breakfast burrito?” Pennie slowly opened her eyes.

  “Alright, lead the way to the kitchen.” Pennie put on her fluffy cotton robe. Dylan had one on too but his was navy blue.

  The kitchen was bland compared to the master bedroom. The walls were white and boring. The appliances were black and white. Pennie had planned on painting the kitchen but she just never had the time, or maybe she was always stuck reading. Dylan turned off the vent above the stove. He handed her a brown plate with a breakfast burrito on it. Pennie took it to the glass table by the kitchen. She sat down and started to chow down. It was delicious and smoky flavored. The flour tortilla was crispy and held its ingredients quite well.

  “You like it? The day before I went to a barbecue at Mike’s house. He gave me some pulled pork and sausage to take home. I also put some egg in there as well.”

  “Babe this is good.” Pennie was so happy to be eating the pulled pork, sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast burrito. She was so grateful for Dylan.

  “I am glad you like it. I thought it would be a nice surprise. I know you work today. I figured you’d be stressed.” Dylan sat beside her with a steaming cup of coffee. He drank his coffee and watched her eat.

  “I am excited about working. Solving cases sounds exciting.” Pennie replied. She was happy to be a psychic detective instead of a real one. The real ones were more likely to lose their lives.

  “So did you figure out what you want to do with the baby?”

  “I am ten weeks along. I don’t know. I shouldn’t be working. I
think it is too late to abort.” Dylan sighed.

  “Look Pennie I really like you. If you want to have this baby, I am okay with it. You can stay with me.” Dylan said.

  “Really?” Pennie asked, making sure Dylan was not lying.

  “For real. I promise.” Pennie went over and sat in his lap. She hugged him. Dylan embraced her and cradled her in his masculine arms.

  “I don’t know what to do. I am so nervous and scared. I should be on maternity leave right now. I think the agency would just fire me if I told them.”

  “You know what you should do is just work. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure they will understand.”

  “I hope so.” Dylan gave Pennie a warm smile and kissed her. Dylan’s warm and wet tongue tickled Pennie’s tongue. Pennie was starting to get turned on.

  “Maybe a little morning sex?” Dylan whispered into Pennie’s ear. She thought for a moment.

  “I’ve got to shower and get ready honey. Tonight, I promise.”

  “Okay,” Dylan replied halfheartedly. Pennie walked into the bathroom. It looked like Dylan already showered before her. The rug was wet and there were fresh water drops on the shower curtain.

  The warm water ran over Pennie’s skin. It seeped into her pores. Whatever would Pennie do without hot water? She heard it again. Thump, thump, thump. The sound of a heartbeat. It was fast and erratic. Pennie looked around again for the source of the sound but it seemed to come from all around. She hoped it