Read Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter Page 3

would not come up during work. It would be annoying her first day on the job.

  “Dylan, are you out there? I need my towel,” Pennie called out after she finished her shower.

  Dylan came in and handed her a towel. He watched as she dried herself. She stepped out of the shower with the towel wrapped around her.

  “I want you, Pennie.” Pennie smiled at Dylan, but she needed to blow dry her hair and get dressed. There was no time for sex. Dylan suddenly grabbed her and hoisted her up onto his shoulder.

  “Hey, put me down Dylan!” Dylan took her over to the bed and placed her down gently.

  “I love you, Pennie.” Dylan planted a wet kiss on her lips. Pennie wrapped her legs around him and kissed him passionately.

  “I want to be on top, if we are going to do this.” Dylan’s blue eyes were a dead giveaway. He rolled over. Pennie jumped on top of him.

  “You look beautiful.” Pennie posed for him shyly. She had stripped off her fluffy towel. Dylan laughed.

  “You are such a little ham bone.” Pennie flashed him her puppy dog look for a minute. Dylan grabbed her and they kissed for a long time. Pennie could feel him throbbing beneath his robe. She wanted to take it out and pound him into submission. Right now Dylan seemed to be just having fun with the foreplay.

  Then the inevitable happened. Dylan’s phone rang. He grabbed it from off the table. Pennie jumped off of him. She watched him as he left the room. Dylan’s new boss was probably calling to tell him to get to work. Pennie glanced at the grey alarm clock on the end table next to the bed. Shoot it was 7:30pm already? She really had to move her ass. In the bathroom Pennie blew dry her semi wet hair.

  “Hey Pennie.” Dylan stuck his head in the bathroom.

  “You have to go to work now?”

  “Yes, sorry babe.” Pennie walked up to him and gave him another passionate long kiss.

  “Have fun taking down the criminals of L.A dear.”

  “I will. Could we finish what we started tonight?”

  “I am up for it anytime.” Pennie gave Dylan’s package a tough squeeze. He wore a goofy smile on his face as she held him. Before Dylan walked out the door, he put his department issue in his holster, which he kept underneath his business suit jacket. The navy suit brought out the color in his eyes.

  Pennie continued to blow dry her hair and brush her teeth. She was very excited about the job she had received at the psychic detective agency. Pennie didn’t know why Burke had picked her, but he did. She put on the brown curly wig and battled with her eyeballs to put in the blue contacts. Pennie grabbed her phone and keys. She decided to wear black slacks, and a white long sleeve silk blouse. She checked herself in the mirror. She looked good. Aside from the pale skin no one would notice that she is albino.

  It was sunny and traffic was backed up like a parking lot. Pennie sat in her Prius and listened to her iPod. When she finally arrived, she parked her car near the rear of the building. Walking up to the building you could tell it was old. The once white brick was turning yellow, but Pennie thought it gave the building more character. The building was only one story high and had a lot of clear glass windows. Unfortunately you couldn’t see the inside of the building because the windows were covered with blinds. There were a few plants and shrubs at the front of the building. Across the front was printed in clear navy blue paint, Burke’s Psychic Detective Agency.

  “Pennie, nice to see you.” Dennis Burke was sitting in his office with the door open. Pennie walked into the office. It was boring. The beige walls were filled with sports memorabilia. Dennis loved his San Francisco 49ers. He also had some memorabilia of the Detroit Lions, his hometown. He also had a Los Angeles Laker’s ball in a display case. Pennie could see that Kobe Bryant had signed it.

  “Nice to see you again, Mr. Burke.” Pennie coughed. Burke sat behind his desk smoking a Cuban cigar and the fumes were almost intolerable. He didn’t notice that Pennie had coughed and was clearly disgusted by the cigar. Dennis Burke was a large fellow with a thick handlebar mustache and tiny spectacles that did not match his big face at all. In fact they looked out of place.

  “We have a client coming in soon. Would you like me to show you where your office is?” Burke asked, blowing a puff of smoke in Pennie’s direction.

  “No need, Mr. Burke. I can find it myself.” Pennie walked out of his office and through the building.

  “You can venture anywhere you like Pennie. Please be cautious around my snacks in the kitchen though. I would be upset if they went missing.” Pennie poked her head back into Burke’s office again.

  “I won’t, Mr. Burke.”

  “Call me Dennis. Please.”

  “Of course, Dennis. I just wanted to be formal.” Dennis scoffed.

  “Formal? I am smoking a Cuban at 9am in the morning. Nothing formal about that. Pennie you remind me of the flower children from back in the Woodstock days. I hope you are okay with my illegal habits. You do rebel against society, don’t you?”

  “I suppose I do. I do use absinthe when solving some cases of my own.”

  “Absinthe, how interesting. I guess my Cubans are nothing compared to that.” Pennie nodded.

  “It helps me solve cases. I believe it should be legal in the US.”

  “Well, dear, get settled into the office. I will come get you in a few minutes before the client comes to give you a briefing of the case.”

  “Dennis thank you for giving me this job. I really need it. I think this agency will suit me well.”

  “You’re welcome, dear.”

  Pennie started exploring the office. The walls were pale yellow like the brick outside. She wandered into the kitchen, which was also painted with a pale yellow paint. There was a coffee maker on the counter and in the corner an old green refrigerator. There were white cabinets above and below the counter, but when Pennie opened one of the cabinets it appeared to be empty except for an abandoned spider’s web. The kitchen was practically bare except for a white wooden breakfast table that sat four in the middle of the room.

  Pennie’s office, however, was not as bare. It had potential though. Dennis had put up a curtain rod with a simple white curtain on it. There were also blinds for the window. There was a modern thick glass table that had a modern black cushion chair behind it. The room had some matching black chairs that were made of heavy duty wood and metal up against the wall. There was a large metal filing cabinet next to the table. Pennie walked over to the glass table and sat down on the black chair. She sighed. This office could use some sprucing up. Hopefully this job wasn’t too stressful. She thought about Dylan putting himself out there, all the criminals he would have to face. Pennie secretly wished he would get another job. She had a strange sensation that started from her belly and went to her head.

  “Hello?” A girl’s voice asked. She sounded like a toddler. Pennie looked around. There was no one else in her office.

  “Am I dreaming?” Pennie thought aloud. Again she heard a sweet girly voice.

  “Hey, mom.” Pennie was starting to worry. What the heck was going on.

  “Uhhh hi?”

  “Are you happy with your job? That older man seems really nice. I think he would make a great boss.”

  “Is this the baby?” Pennie thought aloud again.

  “Yes, I am your baby.”

  “How is it possible for you to talk to me?” Pennie thought but not aloud this time.

  “I don’t know.” Pennie remembered an important piece of information. Mrs. Clancy had told her why her mom and dad gave her up for adoption. She said that they thought Pennie was the devil’s child. She went on to say that during her birth mother’s pregnancy, Pennie would try to communicate with her birth mother. The birth mother was completely freaked out and decided to give her up.

  “So how is it your vocabulary is so good?”

  “Like I said, I don’t know.”

  “This is really weird.”

  “Tell me about it. I don’t like being in here. It is dark and scary. I want to
be out in the real world!”

  “You're inside my tummy. I am feeding you and everything. You got it made.”

  “Mother, are you going to abort me?”

  “How do you know I was thinking about it?”

  “I heard you and father talking about abortion.”

  “I can’t abort you now. I mean now that I know you.”

  “Good. I’d like to live my life.”

  “I’m not insane, am I?”

  “No you are not. I saw that thought run across your mind. You know you did the same thing while you were in your mom’s belly.”

  “Well, now that we are on that topic, what should I name you?”

  “Something cool. Like Anastasia, Rosie, Paris, Carly, Vanessa, or maybe even Avery?”

  “I think Carly would be a sweet name.”

  “Me too.”

  The door creaked open. Dennis poked his head in.

  “Pennie our client is here. Follow me if you would, please,” Dennis said. Pennie put her purse down and followed her boss Dennis to the front room. A blond woman in her mid-forties was sitting on a light pink love seat in front of a black coffee table. Behind her were light pink curtains and on the floor a pink rug. The front room was very girly.

  “Excuse the furniture. My wife picked it out,” Dennis said gruffly.

  “Oh, its lovely,” Pennie replied quietly. Dennis sat down in an easy chair on the other side of the coffee table. The woman sitting across from them had a short haircut. It was a bob cut and she was hiding behind designer sun glasses.

  “Mrs. Wilder please inform us about this case we are going to be