Read Plausibility Page 10

  He turned the little knob and touched the vibrating dildo to her clit. Well, maybe he could use it. She quivered beneath the soft rubber pulsations.

  “Do you know what I am going to do with this, Quill?” he asked, teasing her pussy with the foreign toy.

  Hopefully what you’re doing. She couldn’t speak. She shook her head as he took a tube from the cabinet, not letting the toy leave her throbbing pussy.

  He lubed up the oversized toy and squirted a little on his finger. “I’m going to put it here,” he explained, pushing his finger into her ass.

  Aquilla stiffened and pulled back a little. Fuck, she hated his finger in there. He moved it in and out of her tight ass as he rubbed the dildo over her clit. Fuck, she loved his finger in there.

  “Julius, I don’t want that in my ass,” she boldly told him.

  Well, fuck. “You don’t,” he asked with a disappointed tone.

  “No, I want you in there.”

  Mother fucker, his dick just grew another inch. He was sure of it. He would have expected her to protest his larger cock than the smaller toy. He wasn’t wasting time. He didn’t want to give her time to change her mind. After lubing himself up, he felt her tighten her ass muscles as he penetrated her with his head. Fuck, she was tight.

  Mother fucking hell, he was big. He surely wouldn’t fit in there. She stiffened again when she felt him open her more, filling her with his cock. He held her hips to keep her from scooting away out of instinct.

  Inch by inch, he buried himself in her ass. He watched his cock slide slowly out and then just as slowly, back in. It wasn’t bad, and she could handle it. She wasn’t sure she could cum that way, but it wasn’t unbearable like she had thought that it would be.

  Julius leaned over and took a bright pink vibrator with a curve on the end from the cabinet. He pulled out enough to slide the pulsating into her pussy. Fuck, yep, she would no doubt cum. Every time he pushed in, she felt the vibrations deep in her pussy. She moaned, writhing her hips into his cock.

  Spreading her pussy with his thumbs and adding stimulation to her clit made her moan even louder.

  “Ah, fuck, Quill. Cum for me, baby,” he lured. He was close. He was so fucking close to ejecting his load in her ass. He needed her to cum, NOW.

  He steadied himself, needing to stop the friction. Why the fuck wasn’t she getting off? He used three fingers and smacked her clitoris with quick taps.

  “Oh, yes, yes, fuck, Julius,” she moaned. Thank God, he couldn’t take it another second. He thrust deep into her ass and released with her.

  “Jesus, Quill. What the fuck is wrong with me? I can play with girls in here for hours. I wanted to do so much more with you. You make me want to shoot my load as soon as I fucking touch you.”

  “Unfasten my ankles and pull me up,” she requested, with a little bit of a tone, that Julius wasn’t sure where was coming from. She was the one that told him she wanted him in her ass.

  “What did I do, Quill?” he asked, pulling her to him.

  “You didn’t DO anything. I hate it when you talk about fucking other girls.”

  He smiled and kissed her pouty lips.

  “I’m sorry, I was just pointing out the fact that you do something to me that no other girl in this world could do.”

  “You’re 25, Julius,” she said like she had just realized it.

  He snickered. “I am,” he agreed.

  “I’m only 18. Don’t you find this fucked up?”

  “Oh, I find it fucked up as hell. And I don’t mean the seven year age difference. I mean fucking falling in love with you.”

  “How did this happen?”

  “I think it happened when you were three and we brought___”

  “We brought what, Julius?” she asked, knowing that he had just stopped himself from saying something that he shouldn’t say.

  “Nothing, Quill. I just know that I have loved you for a very long time,” he derailed, pulling her closer and kissing her forehead.

  He was lying again. He couldn’t look at her when he lied.

  “I saw you jack off in the hotel when I was 14,” she confessed.

  He laughed and looked down at her. “That’s okay, I watched you play with your pussy there too.”

  She didn’t laugh. She was embarrassed and was sure her crimson face was betraying her. He didn’t tell her that he watched her walk naked into her room daily through his little window, or that he watched her masturbate there as well.

  “I’ve always loved you, Quill, even when I shouldn’t have. Do you know that your pussy was the first one I ever saw?”

  “Yeah, probably. What? Was I like one or something?”

  “You were actually three, and I was ten. That was the first time I ever got a hard on.”

  “You’re a sick son of a bitch. You got a hard on from a three year old?”

  Julius laughed. “It was your fault. I was trying to get you to get dressed after your bath. I had bathed you many times and never thought anything of it.”

  “Didn’t I have a caretaker to bathe me?”

  “You did, but you wouldn’t let anyone except me or MY father bathe you.”

  “Why was that time any different?”

  “I never actually saw it before. That night, you wouldn’t get dressed and you climbed on your bed and pulled your feet up with your hands, exposing what it really looked like. I didn’t know any more than you did, but it was enough to give a little boy a hard on.”

  “Did you touch me?”

  “No way, I wouldn’t have hurt you in a million years. I just held your pajamas in my hand and pretended to talk you into getting dressed while I examined it closer.”

  “You can examine it closer anytime you want,” she smiled, kissing his lips.

  “Oh, I plan on it. We better get you out of here.”

  Julius needed to regroup his feelings. He had the sudden urge to tell her about his fucked up childhood. Talking about the things he had seen and done wasn’t something he had done with anyone before. He wasn’t sure he wanted her to know that side of him.

  Aquilla was everything that Julius had ever dreamed her to be. He was infatuated. He couldn’t get enough of her. Every time he looked at her he wanted to fuck her. They spent most of the next three days in bed, hiding their little secret from their father. Julius wanted to talk to him and tell him that he wanted to be with Quill. She freaked the fuck out and wouldn’t let him.

  Julius knew as well as Romano and Aquilla that her father would never hand her over to another man….EVER. He made the most sense for Aquilla. Nobody would ever protect her the way that he did. Nobody would ever love her more, and whether Romano would admit it or not, he was the only one that she could ever be with.

  Deciding that she was too fresh and new, he didn’t want to treat her like another chattel, he didn’t push any more on her than he already had. God, he wanted to, but he didn’t and refrained from doing all the dirty little things he wanted to do. She wasn’t like a chattel at all. Aquilla was special, as delicate as a dragonfly’s wings, in the bedroom anyway. Outside, she was a hard ass, at least she thought so.

  He wouldn’t say Aquilla was fragile, just different. She was probably tougher than most girls her age with a classless vocabulary. Of course, she wouldn’t dare say the F word around her father. He didn’t like it and would reprimand her over saying mild words like shit and damn. What did he expect? She grew up in a house full of mafia type men that cursed like mad. Fuck, was just a part of the language around there.

  They did go downstairs and eat at the table like they were required to do, and were right back upstairs, usually naked. Hila stopped coming in to lay out her clothes, rush her to the table, and resorted to sliding notes under the door.

  By the next weekend, the air had settled and her father had started to relax. No new news about the bust was being given. He was still pissed about the money that it had cost him, but really, he didn’t need it. He was more than fine without it. They all wer
e. Aquilla and Julius could move to Spain and never work a day in their lives, and live more comfortable than most.

  “Can I please go see Tua today?” Aquilla asked her father at the table Saturday morning.

  He thought about it briefly, and agreed, telling her that Valdez would take her. Julius wanted to protest. He didn’t want her around that scrawny little horn dog, however he trusted her, and knew she just felt bad for breaking the pussy’s arm. She only wanted to go and apologize.

  Romano made it clear that Julius was to stay behind, because he had some things to discuss with him. Julius presumed it was about business.


  Tua had a cast all the way from his fingers to his shoulder with some sort of rod holding it up from his side. Aquilla felt horrible. He wasn’t mad, and told her that it wasn’t her fault. He even joked, wanting her to teach him how to fight like a girl. She didn’t stay long, she really didn’t have a reason to. She just needed him to know how sorry she was for hurting him, besides she had talked Valdez into taking her to Spirmitz to meet with Talin and Vennah for an ice cream cone. He reluctantly agreed and stood off to the side with Talin and Vennah’s bodyguards eating ice cream cones too.


  “Just say it father,” Julius finally had to say when Romano beat around the bush, making idol conversation.

  “I want to know what the fuck is going on with Quill and you.”


  “What do you mean?” he asked, twirling his shoestring around in his fingers. He couldn’t look at him. He was a horrible liar. He could lie over the phone or with his head down. He just couldn’t look someone in the face and lie.

  “Are you fucking my daughter, Julius?”

  “She’s not your daughter.” Shit, that slipped.

  “What do you mean she’s not my daughter? She is my daughter and she’s your Goddamn sister. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  “She is not my sister. I was ten when we brought her home. Remember? Father, I love her. I want to be with her. Who else are you going to hand her off to?”

  Romano didn’t get a chance to answer before they heard the loud crash. They both grabbed for their guns tucked behind their pants.


  Valdez joked with his comrades about the spoiled rich girls as he licked his chocolate cone. He didn’t think anything of it when he saw Julius’s name flash across his cell. “Yeah,” he answered. He panicked, he didn’t know what to do. He knew he had three choices; get Aquilla to the underground room beneath the house, get her to the hidden dock where he could get to a very fast speedboat, or to the helicopter on the roof of a building in town. He saw the man in a black suit flash his badge and a picture to a bystander at the exact same time he heard Julius yell “RAID!”

  He wasn’t going to prison for the rest of his life, because Romano was careless and stupid about their last run. He tried to tell him it was too reckless, he wouldn’t listen. He dropped his cone in the trash and quietly told the two men to get Aquilla out of there and walked with his head down, ducking down a dumpster alley.

  Aquilla didn’t think anything of it. She figured that her father had called him home and wanted her to ride home with Talin’s bodyguard. It wouldn’t have been the first time. She didn’t think anything of the worried look on his face as he drove her either. Talin and her were too busy laughing and singing a new pop song that she had downloaded. What caught her attention was when he dropped her off a ¼ mile from her door, her father would have shot out both his kneecaps for doing that.

  “You have to get out here, Aquilla,” he demanded. She got out as Talin and her exchanged a confused look.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” Aquilla told her. She lied, she wouldn’t be talking to Talin or anyone else.

  As soon as she walked around the bend, her heart sank. There were seven black tinted windowed cars, all with the doors hanging open. Something was going down. She was worried about Julius and her father. She was pissed at Valdez for leaving her, he could have at least warned her.

  She climbed the little bank leading into a patch of palm and white cedar trees, hunched down, and walking quietly toward the house. She didn’t know where to go. Did Julius and her father get out? Looking at her cellphone and seeing that there hadn’t been any calls, she had a feeling that they hadn’t. Julius would have called her.

  She heard the exact same cracking, crunching sound that she had heard when she broke Tua’s arm. Someone tried to grab her from behind. Executing the same move for the second time that week. She had never used that move in her life, and here she had broken two arms in one week. What the fuck? The guy hit the ground and grabbed his shoulder. She didn’t have time to react when she turned around, hearing the click of a gun.

  Two men stood behind her, holding guns. “Get down!” the smaller of the two yelled. She held her hands up and dropped to her knees. The other one cuffed her hands behind her back while the short fat guy held his shaking gun to her head. What did they want? She didn’t know anything. She wouldn’t be able to answer one of their questions.

  They didn’t speak to her and shoved her toward the front door. Two other men had run to the guy lying on the ground crying like a baby, holding his arm and making dreadful sounds as his body rolled from side to side in unbearable pain.

  Aquilla looked around her house. She didn’t see anyone, but could hear voices coming from the north wing. They were in the training room. She turned her eyes toward her father’s office on the right and screamed. It was him, those were his shoes, and he was covered by a white sheet. They had killed him. Oh, God, where was Julius?

  Ducking and swinging her upper body down and around, she was able to break the hold the two men had on her. She jumped from one foot to the other, swinging her left foot into the air, landing it right across the jaw of the taller, older man. The younger, short one just stared at her with wide eyes. He couldn’t even reach for his gun, what a pussy. It stunned them both long enough for her to run to her father. She turned enough to pull the sheet from his face with cuffed hands. She had to make sure. She had to see for herself.

  She wailed, dropping her face to the side of his in some kind of makeshift hug with no arms. They fucking killed him. They didn’t have to kill him. Where was Julius? She didn’t get to properly say goodbye before she was pulled from him. She was pissed. She was beyond pissed. She was crazy infuriated. Aquilla dropped quickly to the floor and right back up, landing two quick elbows to the one man’s face, a kick and a knee to the other man’s, and then a shoe right to his crotch. She turned back to defend herself from the taller one when she was picked up by the back of her pants by another man that she hadn’t seen. He looked familiar. Why did he look familiar?

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” the man yelled to the two guys, one holding his nuts in a ball on the floor and the other holding his bloody, broken nose. “She’s in fucking handcuffs?” he said in disbelief as he held her up on her arms and the back of her shorts, pushing her toward the training room.

  “Where’s Julius?” She yelled at the guy manhandling her toward the sitting room where the rest of his crew must have been.

  “Why don’t you tell me where Julius is? Better yet, why don’t you tell me who the fuck you are?”

  There was no way she was telling this guy shit, she instantly shut up., but at least she knew Julius got away. He would find her.

  When she walked into the room she almost fell. Standing in front of her was the beautiful Ms. lying fucking bitch Seri.

  “You’re a fucking fed?” Aquilla screamed. It wasn’t really a question. The guy tightened his hold on her when she tried to go after her.

  Seri dropped her head when she saw Aquilla, trying to figure out why this young blonde beauty was involved with the Chavez men.

  Aquilla wondered if she’d told her spy buddies that she had licked her pussy and fucking loved it. She was sure she hadn’t. That’s why she couldn’t look at her.

  The guy shoved
her over to the sofa. The sofa that she had spread her legs for Agent Seri on, or whatever the fuck her name was.

  “You have some explaining to do,” the man that she now recognized said as he pulled up a chair in front of her. He was the new client who had come to claim Seri. She was sitting on his lap that night by the pool.

  “I don’t have shit to say to you,” Aquilla assured him. It wasn’t like she couldn’t really tell him anything if she had wanted to. She didn’t know what her father and Julius had done. She knew what they did, but she was never involved in the details.

  “See, I think that’s where you are wrong. I can have you locked up for the rest of your life.”

  “I want a lawyer,” she demanded. She knew her rights. She didn’t have to say shit without a lawyer present. He laughed a full blown, throw your head back laugh. The stupid fucker laughed at her. She slumped back on the sofa and cockily crossed her ankle over her knee.

  He kicked her shoe back to the floor. “Who are you?” he asked. Should she tell him? She didn’t know what to do. She needed her father or Julius.

  “Did you kill my father?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t the one to pull the trigger, but I think we both know that you are not a decedent of Romano Chavez. What’s your name?”

  “Aquilla Jade Chavez,” She answered.

  He laughed again. “We can sit here for days if you want. It doesn’t mean shit to me.” She was confused. What the hell did he want from her? “I’m going to ask you one more time. What is your name?”

  What the fuck? That was her name. “I just told you,” she smartly replied.

  “Goddamnit, there is no fucking Aquilla Jade Chavez on this fucking earth…Anywhere. You’re a liar,” he screamed. Damn this guy was wound tighter than a ten day clock.

  “Malone!” Seri chastised with a look and a shake of her head, telling him to back off.

  Aquilla’s face dropped. Now she was really confused. “Are you a slave here?” he asked.

  “Chattel,” Seri, or whoever she was, corrected. “They weren’t treated that way.”

  “Are you a personal Chattel here?” he rephrased.