Read Plausibility Page 11

“No, I have my own room here. I have never done anything with men here.”

  “Except for Julius Chavez, right?” Seri asked.

  “Yeah right, him and you,” She spit out with a vengeance. Seri turned instantly red. “You stupid fucking bitch. You fucking low life whore!” Aquilla screamed at Seri as she tried with cuffed hands to come off the couch and go after her.

  “That’s enough,” Agent Dick Face scolded. She didn’t falter. She came from a long line of malicious criminals. If he would take these fucking handcuffs off, she would shove her shoe right through is Adam’s apple.

  “What is your real name?” he asked, getting ticked off. “And I don’t want to hear that you are some girl that doesn’t exist either,” he added.

  “That’s my name, I don’t have another name.” She assured him. Where the fuck was Julius? Why wasn’t he there blowing the heads off of every last one of them?

  “Agent Malone,” a man said, coming into the room with a manila folder. He dropped it to the table. Agent Malone and Agent Seri walked over to see what he had found. Aquilla wanted to see too, she was sure they had been marauding her father’s office, looking for clues.

  “She’s telling the truth,” Agent Malone said, looking to Aquilla. What did he have? What were they looking at that had their attention?

  Agent Seri sat in front of her next. She had her shot records, school transcripts, passports, and her birth certificate. This wasn’t making any sense. There was no record of an Aquilla Chavez, but she had the documents to prove it. Who was this little girl? She held up a picture of Aquilla when she was around three or four. It was a colored picture from a newspaper clipping. There was no description to the picture, just the cut out picture of her around 2 or 3 years old. Seri flipped it over, looking for a date or some sort of clue. There was nothing, just something about a Relay for Life run in New York. Her hair was even blonder back then.

  “This is you, do you remember this picture?” Seri asked. She must have been in New York then, but why was her picture in the paper?

  Aquilla didn’t know what to say. It was her, she knew it was her. She just didn’t know why or where it was taken. Why was she in the newspaper? She said the only thing that would come to mind. “Fuck you, Seri,” she sneered. She wasn’t answering her questions. She didn’t fucking know how.

  “My name is Sarah,” she stated, resting her elbows on her knees and leaning into Aquilla.

  “And you miraculously speak perfect fucking English too,” Aquilla indicated right back, remembering her broken English when she had met her, right there in that room.

  “I’m trying to help you here, Quill.”

  That pissed her off. Her father and Julius were the only two people that called her Quill. She hadn’t earned that respect. She reacted. Seri reacted faster. As soon as Aquilla brought her leg up to kick her in her teeth, she tackled her to the floor. The fucking bitch was tougher than the three guys she had already assaulted. She crammed her elbow into the side of her face, trying to calm her thrashing body. Aquilla stilled, she wasn’t going to win.

  She pulled her back to her feet and tossed her back to the sofa. “We can do this all night,” she stated. “I’m trying to help you here.”

  That’s what Aquilla chose to do. She tightened her lips and slid to a laying position on the sofa. She wasn’t saying a word. Seri got up with an exasperated breath.

  Aquilla’s mind whirled as the three agents studied her. She thought about what they had said. She wasn’t Aquilla Chavez. Who the hell was she? She wondered where Julius was. They hadn’t gotten him, she knew that to be fact. They wouldn’t be asking her where he was if they had him. She thought about Valdez leaving her to fend for herself. She would have never come back to the house had she known it had been raided by the feds.

  Chapter 7

  Where the fuck was Valdez with Aquilla? Did they have them? Did he stick to the plan and get her out of there? Julius had been waiting for almost four hours. He ditched his cellphone, far into the ocean, not wanting to be traced. He had no way to find out. He couldn’t go back to the house. He knew they had it guarded tighter than Fort Knox. He was starting to panic. He couldn’t live without her, especially now that his father had gone down for him. He distracted the sons of bitches so Julius could escape. He almost turned back when he had heard the gun shot. Maybe he wasn’t dead. Maybe he was just injured. Where the fuck was Valdez?

  He should have gone with her. The thought of them having her and interrogating her about something she had no clue about, made him sick to his stomach. Would they hurt her when she wouldn’t talk? She couldn’t fucking talk she didn’t even know anything. They made sure of that. Would they rough her up, thinking she was lying? Julius paced back and forth, wearing a path in the dark woods. How long was he going to wait before he had to get out of there? They were hunting him, he knew they were, he wouldn’t be able to hide out here much longer before they would find him. Nothing could make him feel as bad as this, he had shot men point blank in the forehead, and that was still not even comparable. This was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. He was leaving her. It was going to be daylight soon, there was no other choice. After rationing with himself, he decided it was best that he left. There was no time left he had to get off the island. He couldn’t come for her if he was in prison or wound up dead. He would come for her, he would fucking find her, one way or another.

  He unburied the boat and started the engine, heading toward Anguilla Island. He couldn’t even turn back and look at Jamelia Lei. Julius kept his eyes focused on the black water. He was fucking leaving her there to fend for herself. If he ever saw Valdez again, his life would be in his hands.


  Aquilla sat up sometime during the night. She didn’t even remember falling asleep. The room was dark except for a golden light illuminating from a small lamp in the corner. She wanted to run her fingers through her tangled hair and stretch. She couldn’t, her hands were still confined behind her back. She saw Agent Seri sitting in a chair with her elbows on her knees, staring at her. Agent Dick Face was in a recliner sound asleep.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” Quill requested.

  Seri got up and pulled her from the sofa, leading her to the bathroom right outside the door. She didn’t ask for backup from Agent Malone. Aquilla was sure she could head-butt her. She was seriously thinking about her move when Seri tightened her grip on her arm. “Don’t even think about it,” she warned.

  “Are you going to take these stupid handcuffs off so I can get my pants down?” she asked once they were alone in the bathroom. Seri left the door open. Aquilla was sure she wanted her partner to be able to hear if she screamed for help. She smirked at Aquilla and moved in front of her.

  “Not a chance in hell,” she replied, unbuttoning her shorts with a sneer.

  Aquilla smirked right back. “What’s the matter, Seri? Having a little hint of nostalgia?”

  Seri didn’t falter. She kept her cold stare on Aquilla’s eyes and slid down her shorts and panties.

  Aquilla peed with Seri staring at her with a cold glare and crossed arms. Aquilla unabashedly opened her knees. “You gonna wipe my pussy for me too?”

  Seri didn’t stammer a bit. She tore off a couple sheets of toilet paper and wiped her with her eyes boring into Aquilla’s. As they had a stare down, neither one of them blinked, Aquilla knew who had the upper hand. It sure as hell wasn’t her.

  Aquilla looked down the long, dark hall as they made their way back to the room. She wondered where her father was, hoping that he wasn’t still lying on the cold tiled floor. Had she known she was never going to see him again, she would have hugged him and told him that she loved him before she left that morning. She didn’t feel sad. She felt angry. She was pissed. They were going to move, Julius and her were going to be together in Spain. This stupid bitch had ruined everything.

  “Are you a lesbian?” she asked, looking behind her shoulder. She wasn’t sure why she asked. She
was just trying to focus her attention on something else.

  “Keep walking,” Seri replied with a snort. She wasn’t going to answer, Aquilla betted that she was.

  She didn’t go back to sleep, instead, she stayed sitting up on the sofa as Seri sat in the chair close to her, still trying to figure her out. The sun was up, illuminating the marble floor with a bright, graceful light.

  “How long have you been investigating us?” Aquilla asked.

  “If I answer, will you answer a question for me?”

  Aquilla shrugged her shoulders and nodded. She may as well. It wasn’t like she was going to release her hands and let her go anyway.

  “Nine, very long months. Do you remember coming here?”

  “Yes, it was only four years ago,” she replied. She knew that wasn’t what she was asking, but that’s how she asked it, so that’s how Aquilla answered it. She snickered.

  “Do you remember coming to live with Mr. Chavez?”

  “No, I have been with him since I was born, I guess.”

  “Do you know where he got you?”

  “Not for sure. I imagine I belonged to a chattel. He probably knew he could give me a better life or something, he never talked about it.”

  “Did you ever ask?”

  “A handful of times, he would never talk about it, he derailed it every time I brought it up.”

  “You never asked? I mean, surely you could tell that you weren’t his flesh and blood.”

  She hesitated while she thought about it. “He told me that my mother was an American. That is where I got my light skin and blonde hair.”

  She saw the look of disappointment on Seri’s face when Agent Malone sat up, rubbing his face with his hands. Aquilla was talking, and he was going to ruin it. He did, Aquilla was done. She had nothing to say to her or him. She was having a hard enough time trying to figure out what the fuck was going on herself.

  “Will you please take these handcuffs off?” she begged. She couldn’t take it anymore, her hands had been bound behind her back for at least twelve hours. Her shoulders hurt, her wrists hurt, and she had to keep adjusting her hands to keep the two bones from digging into each other.

  “Is there coffee here?” Agent Malone asked, looking at Aquilla.

  “I don’t know, I would imagine there is. I’ve never made it, we have servants. Where are they?” she asked, wondering where Hila and the other help had gone.

  “We sent them away, they couldn’t answer any of our questions either.”

  “That’s because they didn’t know anything. Nobody knew what was talked about in that office.”

  “Yeah, and our undercover agent couldn’t seem to get in there either,” he said, giving Seri a look for not being able to achieve a major goal. “I’m going to find coffee.”

  Seri pulled her to her feet with keys in hand. “I’m a black belt,” she assured Aquilla, turning her away from her.

  “So am I,” Aquilla retorted, looking over her shoulder.

  “I just won the national title for the LZZ Championship,” she bragged.

  “So did I,” Aquilla smirked, rubbing her freed wrists and turning to face her.

  Seri snickered. She knew as well as Aquilla did, she had no idea what the hell that was. She did, however, believe that she could very well be a black belt. She did kick the shit out of her men…handcuffed.

  “Have you always been intimate with Julius?” she asked as they both sat.

  “No, actually, you fucked him before I did.”

  She was harsh. Nothing Aquilla said seemed to affect her. She was tough. Aquilla pictured herself the same if she were in her shoes; Seri was tough and held power. She could tell that she did. She wondered how she got into her profession. Since she was a F.B.I. agent, it was obvious she was older than her chattel application said she was.

  “How old are you?” Aquilla asked.

  “Twenty-six,” she answered. If she was going to keep Aquilla talking, she knew that she had to answer her questions. She was beautiful, and she really didn’t look like she was over the 22 year age limit to be a chattel.

  Her cellphone rang, Aquilla was again intrigued by her demeanor, “Agent Strokes,” she answered. Aquilla smiled inside. Agent Strokes, she said to herself. She would use that the next time she pissed her off. Seri strokes her tongue, she chanted in her mind.

  “Give me five minutes and then come in,” she ordered.

  Aquilla locked eyes with her. “Will you cooperate and let us do an electronic fingerprint?”

  “Why? You’re not going to find anything. I’ve never been fingerprinted, I’ve never been in trouble.”

  “It’s just procedure.”

  “Am I in trouble?” Aquilla asked. She wouldn’t know what she would be in trouble for. She really hadn’t done anything. She wasn’t involved in what Julius and her father had done in anyway.

  “I’m not sure yet. You haven’t been very cooperative; you did send three of my agents to the hospital.”

  “I wasn’t wired to lie down without a fight. Are you like the head agent or something?”

  “Agent Malone and I are in charge. We’ve both been on this case for way too long, I’m ready to put it to rest,” she explained, looking exhausted and more than ready for it to be over with.

  “But it’s not going to be over until you find Julius, is it?” Aquilla asked. The thought of him in prison, killed her, he would never make it. They would put him on death row for murder the first week. She knew they weren’t going to give up finding him. She also knew that Julius was an expert at hiding out. He had power, people, and money. Even if they were to seize all of her father’s money and assets, they had money in other names and places, she was sure of it.

  “Yes, we want Julius,” she assured her.

  “You let him fuck you,” Aquilla stated. Was that part of her job? Did her peers know about that? She knew for a fact she enjoyed the hell out of it. She got off too, that was a fact obviously she was there when it happened, she witnessed it. She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as she leaned against the table and crossed her ankles. “I’ve done many things to get what I was after.” She stopped talking about it and changed the subject quickly when Agent Malone entered carrying coffee. The other agent came in with two more, and another one followed carrying the portable fingerprint scanner.

  Aquilla laughed when he wouldn’t hand her the cup of coffee to her. He set it on the table. The stupid fuck was afraid of her. She took the coffee and sipped it with all eyes on her. They looked at her like some sort of psychopath, waiting for her to go crazy wild on one or all of them.

  “I’m Darren, can I scan your fingerprints now?” the balding man holding the portable scanner asked.

  “You’re not touching me. Seri can do it,” Aquilla offered, being difficult.

  “I told you, it’s Sarah,” she stated, taking the scanner from the man.

  Aquilla stayed standing, offering her middle finger first. “I like Seri better. Sarah sounds like a crybaby pussy. I think Seri sounds more like a badass.”

  Seri smiled, replacing her middle finger with her index finger. Aquilla let her scan all ten of her fingers, picked up her coffee, and sat back on the sofa. The balding man, Darren, took the scanner and plugged it into the laptop on the table. She wasn’t worried. They weren’t going to find shit. She had never even been close to a police officer or a Goddamned Fed. This was so fucked up. If she ever ran into Valdez again, she would cut his nuts off and stuff them in his mouth for leaving her.

  Another female came in with a box of doughnuts. Aquilla hadn’t realized how hungry she was until she saw the food. She hadn’t eaten anything since her ice cream cone treat, which turned out to not be such a treat after all. The sugary pastry was something odd, she wasn’t sure about it, she never really ate stuff like that. Red meat was something else she had never eaten red meat before. Her father didn’t allow it. They had seafood, vegetables, and fresh fruits. Fruit was their delicacy. He didn’t even have a
good reason for it. When he had been a young man, he ate a burger and fries at some restaurant. She couldn’t remember where, but he got food poisoning and refused to eat red meat from that day on. Of course, he controlled what the cooks prepared, rearing Julius and her to eat what he dictated.

  She did eat pizza once with her friends. She was sick the whole night, afraid to tell her father what she had eaten. She guessed her system just wasn’t used to the processed food.

  She nibbled on the doughnut, but didn’t care much for it. It was so sweet and made her feel sick almost immediately. Seri didn’t eat hers either. She noticed her take two bites and place it back in the box. She wasn’t surprised. She didn’t get that body from eating doughnuts.

  “Agent Strokes,” Darren alarmingly called from behind the laptop. Aquilla studied his face. He looked pale, his eyes were wide, and he looked as though someone had just hit him in the chest with a ball bat, knocking the wind right out of him. He grasped the top of his shirt in a clinched fist.

  Aquilla watched Seri walk behind him with the same expression as she read whatever the fuck he had found.

  “Fuck!” Seri muttered, barely perceptible.

  What the hell was going on? Aquilla wanted to get up and look for herself. She couldn’t move. She was in a frozen state. Something was happening. This couldn’t possibly get anymore fucked up than it already was, could it?

  “Quill, come here,” Seri requested.

  Aquilla cautiously got up and walked to the table, while Agent Malone pulled a chair out for her to sit. She unquestionably needed to sit after that gunshot wound to the head.

  Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw in front of her. This was something that she couldn’t have imagined in her wildest dreams. This wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. She looked over her shoulder to Seri. Seri squeezed her arm in a comforting fashion.

  Aquilla looked back to the same picture that Seri had shown her from the newspaper clipping. It was her. She knew it was her, but that wasn’t her name. Shelby Rae Rimmer. Who the hell was that? She quickly scanned the article.