Read Plausibility Page 2

  “What the hell, Quill? You said no tongue,” he asked, freaking out.

  “I just wanted to see what it was like.”

  “Do your homework,” he demanded.

  That never happened again. She left him feeling very uncomfortable. The spasm that he had felt in his cock, when her tongue touched his, left him feeling even more uncomfortable. He avoided future talks about kissing boys or anything else about boys like a pandemic.

  Julius stayed away from her as much as possible. He still helped with her homework, but insisted on doing it at the dining room table. He spent more and more time in the location of the house that Aquilla wasn’t allowed to be in. He had to. It helped with his forbidden wandering eyes. By the time she was 14, she had blossomed into a curvy C cup. He really had to fight to keep his eyes level with hers, especially by the pool. He stopped going there with her too. It was better for him to take his frustrations out on a new trainee. By that time he was 21, he was an expert at his job. He needed his job to keep his illicit thoughts away.

  Julius had just gotten in bed late one night when his father called from out of town. That was his next frustrating as hell contact with Aquilla. He woke her from a dead sleep, telling her to pack. They had to go. He helped her pack only what was really important while she cried. She didn’t want to move again. She liked the beach, her room, her pool, and she had just gotten a new comforter set that she only got to sleep under twice.

  “We’ll get you another one just like it, Quill,” Julius promised. “And we will live some place by the beach.”

  “I am tired of fucking doing this,” she screamed with tears streaming down her face.

  He didn’t reprimand her about her language. “Quill, it can’t be helped, we have to go.”

  Julius stayed held up in a ratty hotel with her for almost a month, waiting for orders from his father. It was pure hell, and he didn’t even have the girls to relieve his hindrances. They slept in the same lumpy queen sized bed, played numerous card games, mostly ones that they made up out of boredom, watched the only three Mexican channels that they had, and ate from the rundown little diner attached to the hotel.

  “Julius, this is it. I have no more clean clothes,” Aquilla whined, taking her only clean outfit from her packed suitcase. Of course it had to be short shorts and a skimpy tank-top. “And I have to go panty-less now,” she assured him, searching for a clean pair of underwear, which weren’t there.

  Fuck! That was just the image he needed implanted in his already fucked up head. “I will ask Father if it’s okay to find a laundromat tomorrow.”

  “How much longer do we have to stay here?” She was sick of staring at the same four walls, sick of looking at Julius, sick of eating the same food every single day, sick of the tiny bathroom with the warped door that wouldn’t even close all the way, and sick of the shower with hardly any hot water.

  “I don’t know, Quill. Father is working on it.”

  She groaned and went to take a piss warm shower.

  Julius was leaning against the headboard when she came out half naked. Fuck. Shit. Fucking shit. Shit. He couldn’t keep his eyes from scanning her perfect body.

  “Here,” she said, handing him her brush and plopping between his legs.

  He looked at her cautiously sitting in front of him. He hadn’t brushed out her hair in years. He ran the brush down her hair, letting his eyes wander to her bare shoulders. He loved her hair. He always had. Most of the girls on that side of the continent had dark hair. Aquilla’s was as blonde as blonde could be. It did get a little darker as she got older, but not much. The tropical sun kept it light. It was long, half way down her back.

  “Julius, will you please tell me what is going on? I know something is going on. Is it because of a drug run that has gone wrong?” she asked.

  “Why would you think that?” he asked, brushing long strokes down her hair.

  “I’m not ten, Julius. I do live in the same house, I hear things.”

  “Well, you just don’t worry about that. Everything will be fine, and you’ll be living in a lovely new house before you know it.”

  “I liked my old house.”

  “You’ll like this one even better,” he promised.

  Aquilla fell asleep early. She had a headache and they didn’t have anything for it. Julius showered and laid down beside her just after eleven. She squirmed and kicked the covers from her half naked body. Julius stared at her, watching her perfect body every time the neon light blinked through the crack in the curtain. He had the strongest desire he had ever had in his life to touch her.

  Julius let his imagination run wild. He could feel the soft skin on the back of her leg as his fingers ran up it. Fuck, what the hell was he thinking? He knew what the hell he was thinking, his erect cock proved it. He needed to fuck in a BAD way.

  He got up and walked into the bathroom. He had to relieve himself, in order to stop the image of Aquilla running through his mind. He had to stop the thoughts about what he was doing to her. What the fuck? He closed the door and took his hard rod in his hand. He tried like hell to think about the last girl that he had been with as he pumped his cock in his hand. Fuck, it wasn’t working. Aquilla’s naked body beneath his was the only image that made him want to cum.

  Aquilla pulled the covers back up when she felt chilled. She sleepily opened her eyes to see the empty side of the bed. She rose up and dropped her head back to the pillow, realizing he was there when she saw the dim light, seeping through the crack of the bathroom door. She rose up again when she thought she heard him moan. Was he hurt? Was he sick? Was she hearing things? She quietly moved off the bed to peek through the crack of the warped door. She sucked in a breath when she saw him leaning against the wall, stroking his rock hard cock.

  Holy fucking Pacific Ocean, she couldn’t move. She was frozen and her pussy had just done something unfamiliar. She should move away. She shouldn’t be watching him. She couldn’t, she was too engrossed in what he was doing. She crossed her legs, needing contact herself. What the hell was going on? She felt like she started her period. She knew she hadn’t, it wasn’t time for that. She was wet.

  Aquilla’s eyes widened even more, if that were even possible. Julius thrust himself, frantically in his hand, moaned quietly, and relieved himself into the palm of his hand. Aquilla ran back to bed, feeling confused, frustrated herself, and… and…she wasn’t sure what. She felt him move in beside of her a few minutes later. He leaned over, kissed her hair, and lay down. She couldn’t go back to sleep. She wanted to touch herself. What the hell was happening to her body?

  She did touch herself as soon as he fell asleep. She had to. She couldn’t get the image of Julius’s lean body propped against the bathroom wall, jacking off out of her head. She stayed turned away from him, lying on her stomach and ran her fingers between her legs. She even pulled her hand out once to look at her fingers through the blinking light. It wasn’t blood. She was just wet. She was drenched. Her clitoris throbbed, and something unversed was building.

  Julius looked over when her breathing became erratic. He saw her hips moving and could tell where her hand was. His cock instantly reacted. She was fucking masturbating. Fuck. He couldn’t take his eyes from her any more than she could take hers from him. Shit. He wanted to reach over and make her cum. He turned his eyes away. He couldn’t watch this, this was wrong. That lasted about two seconds. He heard a small whimper as her hips thrust inward and steadied on her fingers. She just fucking had an orgasm laying inches from him. What the fuck?

  The following morning was awkward for them both. They avoided eye contact at all costs. Aquilla read a lot, even though she had just finished the book the day before. She started it over. Maybe she would catch something she hadn’t before. She needed to occupy her mind as did Julius. He messed around on his laptop, and although they both tried like hell, their eyes did meet on several occasions.

  “What are you typing?” she asked when he was still pecking away at the keys as s
he crawled into bed after her not so hot shower.

  “Nothing, I’m done,” he said, closing the laptop.

  “You’ve been typing nothing for hours?”

  “It’s just kind of like a journal, I guess. I haven’t written in it for a while.”

  She giggled. “Julius Chavez keeps a diary?”

  He snickered too. “If you breathe one word of that to anyone, I will have to cut your tongue off or something,” he threatened.

  Julius had to relieve himself again that night when he woke up to his right hand on her breast. He pretended to stay asleep, loving the feel of her perky young breast beneath his hand. He abruptly moved it when his thumb brushed her erect nipple on its own accord.

  Aquilla too pretended to stay asleep as she shamelessly enjoyed the feel of his hand on her body. She didn’t want him to move it. She wanted more, and yet, she didn’t. What the hell was happening between them? Something was going on. She knew it. She felt it. He knew it. He felt it.

  Julius was never so happy to get that call. He was to take Aquilla to Jamelia Lei, a small island just north of Anguilla. Their father had acquired a new home, and they could finally get out of the claustrophobic hotel. Romano talked to Aquilla, telling her how much she was going to love her new house, and although it wasn’t right on the beach like the last one, it was fairly close. Aquilla didn’t care anymore. She needed to get out of there and away from her BROTHER.

  Aquilla had learned something new about her body, and it was killing Julius. He had to watch her please herself quietly during the night five more times before they got out of there. Of course, he had to relieve himself from the horrific events…every fucking time.

  Aquilla never saw him again. He had fixed the bathroom door when he watched through the crack one night after her shower. She was rubbing herself and just had to go and prop her foot on the toilet seat and slide her fingers inside her pussy as she came. He wasn’t about to have to be tortured with that again.


  Aquilla did like the new house. However, she wasn’t happy about her new caretaker, Hila. She was 14. She didn’t need someone trailing after her all the time. Hila would sleep right across the hall from her. Julius would sleep right next door.

  "I thought you might want this," Julius said, handing her the doll that he had bought for her when she was a little girl.

  "I thought I forgot it," she exclaimed, taking the doll.

  "Ah, I see you have the same ugly painting as me," he recognized, looking at the identical ocean painting that hung over both their beds.

  "I love that painting," she said, turning to the portrait with the water lapping out over a white sandy beach, framed in thick dark wood.

  "I don’t, mine is coming down immediately," he assured her. It didn’t come down, and he suddenly really hated it when he tried to take it off the wall, discovering something bad, really bad. It was sure to get him into trouble. He tried to remove the ocean scene from the wall over his bed. It wasn’t hung on the wall. It was irremovable. It was set like a window and attached to the painting over Aquilla’s bed. When he slid the little lever on the frame, the waves opened up like venetian blinds. He could see her putting her clothes away. He left the tiny vent open and went to Aquilla’s room to ask a dumb question. You couldn’t tell her waves had been opened at all. Fuck, this wasn’t good. This was bad, this was real fucking bad.

  Aquilla ran to her father when he arrived later that night. She hadn’t realized how much she had missed him. He had never been gone that long before. He, of course, embraced her, closing his eyes and relishing his baby girl. He had missed her, too.

  "Do you like your room?" he asked, kissing her head.

  "Yes, but I don’t like Hila. I don’t need her, father," she complained.

  "Yes you do. Julius and I are going to be busy for awhile. She’s nice, give her a chance."

  Aquilla normally would have argued, but she didn’t. She didn’t want to upset him. She had missed him and was glad to be out of that hotel with Julius and into the ten thousand square foot home. She needed the space.

  Romano shook Julius’s hand next, happy to see his son as well, and thanking him for taking such great care of Aquilla, not that he expected anything less. He knew she was in good hands with him.

  "Please tell me you have a shipment coming," Julius begged.

  Aquilla questionably looked at them both, when Romano laughed.

  "A little frustrated?" he asked.

  "That’s an understatement," he assured him.

  "Two weeks," he replied. "Come on, let’s eat," he added, leading his children to the massive dining room.


  Aquilla was pissed. She had just gotten there, and Hila was waking her early the next morning for breakfast. Her new teacher would be there right after. Her father wanted her to get right back to her studies; she had a lot of catching up to do. She didn’t like the new teacher either. She did, however, like her new music teacher. He taught her how to play the flute like a professional composer. She could play the most dramatic composition. She loved playing the flute more than anything she had ever tried.


  Julius was extremely happy when the four new girls finally arrived two weeks later. He was fucking every last one of them and the new guy, Latium, was just going to have to wait. He would train all four of them. He didn’t need any help. He had over a month’s worth of stress to relieve. He did too. He spent the entire five days that they were there in the north wing, avoiding Aquilla at all costs. He didn’t see her the entire week, except for the times that he couldn’t help but watch her through the slits of the ocean scene over his bed.

  He couldn’t help it, he couldn’t stop. He knew when she would be exiting her bathroom after her shower every night. He also knew her body probably better than she did. He watched it blossom every night. He had even begged his father to move to a downstairs bedroom where he slept. He didn’t have a good reason. He surely couldn’t tell him that he couldn’t resist the urge to stare at his naked daughter. Romano refused his request, he felt safer with Julius close to her.


  A week before Aquilla’s 15th birthday, she sat with her father at the massive table picking out what she wanted for her birthday. She wanted a bikini so that she could tan more of her white skin by the pool. After an hour of arguing with her, picking out way more than a 15 year old should get on one birthday, and going back to the site with the bikini that she was so adamant about getting, he gave in.

  They spent her birthday at the beach, the entire day. Julius hated the new fucking bikini. It showed too much, and he couldn’t keep is stupid eyes off of her. He even stayed in the water more than he normally would, trying to hide the erection that kept creeping up. He wasn’t lacking any in the package department, it was hard to hide it.

  Aquilla lay out on the beach, playing in the water, and she even built an amazing sand castle with Julius while their father worked on his laptop. Their eyes locked uncomfortably way too many times. Julius’s eyes dropped to her cleavage and hers dropped to his persistent hard on more than once. He was playing with fire. She was playing with fire. And, what the fuck were they doing?

  They both needed relief by the time the day was over. They ended their night by doing just that. Julius watched her sprawled on her bed as she ran her fingers through the elastic of her panties. She normally did it safely under her covers where she felt invisible and nobody could see. She didn’t turn them down and even went as far of sliding them over her hips and to her ankles. Fuck. He didn’t need to see that.

  Aquilla was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with her. Her mind went to one place when she pleased herself. It was always back in that dingy hotel room with Julius leaned against the floral print wall, pumping his cock in his hand. She was going to ask for a laptop. Maybe if she could see some pictures of other men, she could picture someone else’s dick and not the taboo; Julius’s.

  Julius was one sick mother f
ucker. He wished she would turn around so that he could see her. He took his own throbbing sex into his hand while he watched Aquilla squirm beneath her fingers. Fuck, he wanted to do that.

  “Yeah, baby, rub that pussy,” he whispered as her fingers frantically massaged the little nub that he so badly wanted to see. She whimpered at precisely the same moment he spewed out to his hand.

  Aquilla and Julius both began to avoid each other. They had to. Aquilla wasn’t any better off than he was, and the constant eye locking thing confused the hell out of her. She was never so happy in her life, when her father invited a man and his daughter to dinner when she was not quite 17 yet. That’s what she needed. She needed a friend to occupy her mind. She hadn’t had a friend since she was seven.

  Talin and her hit it off, right off the bat. Talin was the same age as her. Aquilla envied Talin. Although she was like her in many ways, she was able to have a little bit of a life. She went to high school every day, was allowed to hang out with her friends at the beach, and go to her friend Vennah’s sometimes. Her father too, was into some shady business. Of course he was, he was partnering with her father. They were up to something that wasn’t good, she was sure of it.

  Chapter 2

  Aquilla loved it when her father told her that they were coming over. It gave her something to look forward to. She loved Talin, except for when she was lusting over Julius. She didn’t like that one bit. It was stupid. There was no reason for her to feel bitter when Talin talked about the things she wanted to do with Julius. Aquilla found herself reminding her that she had a boyfriend, and how even though she had never met this Salem that she spoke of, she was sure he wouldn’t appreciate her thirsting over Julius.