Read Plausibility Page 3

  “You should go to school this year, Aquilla,” Talin decided one afternoon by the pool, while their fathers conducted business in his office.

  “Yeah right, my father would never let me do that,” she admitted. He wouldn’t. He was way too protective for that.

  “Maybe my father can talk to him, it’s our senior year. You need to go to high school. It’s not like some big high school with 500 students. It’s private. Most of the kids that go there are just like us. They come from fathers shepherding risky business too.”

  “I would freaking love that, Talin. Do boys go there, too? Does Salem go there?”

  “Yes, he is a senior too, but I don’t have to wait to see him at school anymore. My father lets me see him now; his father does some things with mine.”

  “Do you know what they do?” Aquilla asked, curious to know if she did.

  Talin shrugged her shoulders. “I have a good hunch, but I think your father and Julius do a little more than run drugs.”

  “What do you mean?” Aquilla asked, having a pretty good idea herself.

  She shrugged her shoulders again. “My father has some girl staying in the guest house out back. He got her from your father, I heard him on the phone. He told me that she just needed a place to stay for three months, but I see him go out there late at night. The guest house is right outside my window.”

  Aquilla raised her eyebrows then dropped them. She wasn’t sure how to comment. She knew there was something going on too. She just wasn’t exactly sure of what.

  “Were you adopted?” Talin asked.

  Aquilla was the one to shrug her shoulders that time. “I guess so, I’ve seen my birth certificate and my father’s name is on it. He’s never really told me the fact, but anyone that looks at me can tell.”

  “Yeah, you’re kind of a ghost,” Talin joked.

  Aquilla laughed, looking over at Talin’s dark skin.

  “Hey, you should see if you can go to the beach with me tomorrow. Salem has two friends that will be there. Vennah will be there too. She has her eyes on Keiki, but Tua is pretty cute.

  “My father won’t let me,” she assured her.

  “You dress for dinner,” Hila called from the glass door, interrupting their plot to get Aquilla out of the house.

  “We’ll ask at dinner,” Talin assured her.

  Talin dropped more bombs on Romano that night than he could handle, but at least she was getting her out of the house. Valdez would have to escort her, but at least he agreed. Talin didn’t mind. She had her own bodyguard that her father insisted follow her too. He hadn’t agreed on the whole high school thing yet, but they had six more weeks to convince him of that.

  Julius was the one that looked like he was going to fall out of his chair. He glared across the table at Aquilla. He wasn’t about to let her run around the beach with boys, wearing that skimpy ass black bikini. There was no fucking way.

  “You’re not going to the beach where there will be boys,” Julius assured Quill later that same night as they walked to their rooms.

  “Yes I am, Father already said that I could go.”

  “And I am telling you that you can’t,” he demanded with a clinched jaw. No way, no fucking way in hell was she doing that.

  “Fuck you, Julius, yes I am. You’re not my father.”

  Aquilla was almost afraid of him for a second. He shoved her against the wall and lifted her chin to make her look at him.

  “I don’t want you around fucking boys, Quill.”

  She shoved him away. “I don’t want you around fucking girls,” she shot back. He knew what girls she was talking about. She dumbfounded him. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t say anything when she jerked away from him and went into her room, slamming the door behind her.

  Who the fuck did he think he was? He couldn’t tell her what to do. He didn’t have that right. She couldn’t wait to meet Tua. She needed that distraction. She needed it more than either of them could imagine.

  Aquilla did go to the beach. She went that day with Valdez following her, and then more and more. Sometimes Valdez followed, sometimes Julius. Their relationship had gone from bad to worse. Now they just glared at each other. He hated her hanging out with the boys. If he knew that it would just Talin, Vennah, and her, than Valdez escorted her. If he knew the boys were going to be there, he followed her. It pissed Aquilla right the fuck off, she thought that she liked Tua. It didn’t matter, she couldn’t get away from Julius long enough to see for sure. She needed to like Tua. She needed someone to take her mind off of things she shouldn’t be thinking about.

  Aquilla did get to go to high school, and although it wasn’t what she had in mind, it was a lot better than being homeschooled. The school consisted of exactly 23 kids in the entire little building that didn’t look like a school at all. It was exclusively designed for kids like Aquilla, Talin, and Vennah. She was still picked up by Julius, Valdez, or her father, but she didn’t mind. She loved getting out of the house every day. Romano was extremely pleased to see her so happy. Julius, not so much. He knew that slimy little Tua went there, he didn’t like it.

  Their relationship continued to be washed out to sea. They were constantly into it over something or another. Julius just needed to mind his own fucking business and stay out of her life. It didn’t concern him, and she let him know of that fact…often.

  Julius had just started down the corridor one afternoon when she met him at the foyer. She picked up her backpack and glared at him.

  “Where are you going?” he asked. It pissed her off, she wasn’t going anywhere. She wanted to. She wanted to go to Talin’s, but her father had said no, not today. That pissed her off too. She was almost 18 and was treated like a fucking five year old. She was in a pissy mood before she ran into Julius. He just poured a little more gas on her fire, sending her into a raging blaze.

  “Where are YOU going, Julius?” she countered, walking toward him. He had to back up. She was right in his face. She knew exactly where he was going. For whatever reason, that pissed her off too. He was going to the north wing, the north wing where five year old Aquilla was forbidden to go, and the north wing where she knew beautiful girls awaited his presence. “You need your dick fucked? Is that where you’re going, Julius?” she crossly alleged. What? Where the fuck did that come from? PMS that had to be it.

  Julius took a step toward her, causing her to now back up as he got right in her face too. “Like you have fucking room to talk, Quill. Let me smell your fingers.” What? What the hell was he saying? This was Quill!!!!!

  What the hell did he mean by that? He left her speechless, but only briefly. “Fuck you. I’m sick of your stupid shit.”

  “Stupid shit?” he yelled right back.

  “That’s enough,” Romano yelled, breaking up their argument.

  “What’s going on?” he demanded to know.

  “Ask him,” Aquilla said, crossing her arms, and glaring daggers at Julius.

  “Julius?” Romano asked, turning to him.

  “Nothing,” he replied, gave Quill one more dirty look, and then turned on his heels, leaving her to deal with their father.

  “Quill? What’s gotten into you two lately? You two can’t be in the same room without wanting to rip each other’s heads off.”

  “Nothing,” she said, giving him the same answer, and storming off, up to her room.

  Romano shook his head at both his children, constantly at each other’s throats.

  Julius tried his best to stay away from her. He did as much as possible, but still insisted on going with her if he knew she was going to be anywhere near boys, or Tua, anyways. He wanted to break his scrawny little neck.

  Aquilla avoided him at all costs, as well. They shot each other dirty looks. If she thought he was being too demanding and acting like her father, she would just tell him to go fuck himself.

  Julius tried like hell to stay away from his secret little window, too. The longest he made it was three days. He had heard Aqu
illa on the phone with Talin, planning an evening at her house for a technician to come to her house to do their nails. He knew the technician wasn’t doing their nails. He heard the conversation loud and clear. It was just a coy for Talin’s father. He couldn’t help it; he had to look.

  Aquilla came out of her bathroom wrapped in a towel, as she always did. She removed the towel and stood in front of her full length mirror. Julius’s cock went from limp to full blown, painful hard in 2 point 7 seconds. She smiled in the mirror, liking the way her freshly waxed pussy looked. She moved her fingers down and touched it. She liked the soft smooth feeling. Julius fucking loved it. He was hoping like hell she was going to masturbate standing right there. He had the perfect view.

  Quill separated her lips a little and rubbed her swollen little nub. Julius just about blew his load. He removed his cock from his constricted slacks and stroked himself, watching her. He wanted a closer view. He wanted to see her throbbing little clitoris up close.

  “Fuck yeah, Quill, rub it for me baby,” he whispered, hissing and pounding the hell out of his cock in his hand.

  Aquilla didn’t rub anything for him. She picked up her towel and walked back to the bathroom. “No, fuck,” Julius whined. She took forever before she came back out. She slipped her nightgown over her head and lay down with a book. She fucking took care of it in the bathroom. What the fuck?


  Romano threw Aquilla a party for not only her educational accomplishments but also her 18th birthday as well. She wanted to go to college. She didn’t understand why he forbade it. She wasn’t trying to be difficult and she was happy about her party. She just wanted him to see how awful it was for her to be 18 and treated like a child. It didn’t matter though.

  “Aquilla, you know you cannot go out into the world to do that. I will have a professor come here and teach you anything that you want to learn,” he offered.

  She didn’t want that, she wanted to go be normal. Normal like the girls from the movies, that Talin had slipped to her, like the girls from the magazines, and books that she had read. She was 18. He couldn’t tell her what to do anymore, she would just leave. She defeatedly knew she wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t defy him. She knew that he was only worried about her well-being and wanted to keep her safe. Her dreams would be causality; she would give them up for reality, her reality.

  Her party was supposed to be a happy time in her life. She wasn’t happy. She had always been homeschooled, that is until her senior year, and that was only because she had begged to go to school with other people. She wanted the chance to have friends. She wanted to eat lunch in a cafeteria, play in the band, and go to gym class. Her father had reluctantly agreed, but it wasn’t what she had wanted. It wasn’t that kind of school.

  “Are you going to be a party pooper all night?” Talin asked, coming to her, sitting alone, and watching the few people at her celebration.

  Talin bumped her shoulder and handed her a red cup full of punch. “It’s spiked,” she smiled.

  “This isn’t a party, Talin. There should be at least 50 people here, not nine. These aren’t even my friends. Like that guy there,” she pointed to a man talking to her father. “Who the hell is that?”

  Talin laughed. “I don’t know, but he’s kind of cute.”

  Aquilla rolled her eyes and took a drink of the punch. “Jesus, Talin,” she exclaimed, tasting the massive amount of vodka with very little punch.

  Talin laughed. “Drink it, maybe it will loosen you up,” she insisted and darted off to be with Salem.

  Keiki and Tua were there, too. Vennah was hanging all over Keiki, and Tua was too busy getting shit faced to pay her any attention. That wasn’t the real reason he wasn’t with her. Julius had pulled him to the side and told him to stay the fuck away from her, he did. Julius was twice his size.

  Aquilla looked to Julius talking to Valdez. He stared at Aquilla sitting alone. He could tell she was disappointed. He wished there was something he could do, but there wasn’t. She had to live this way. He and his father had collected too many enemies over the years for it to be any other way. They would hurt her to hurt them.

  Aquilla moved her eyes from his with a disgusted look. She was sick of him constantly looking at her like that. It confused the hell out of her. One minute he was jumping down her throat and the next; he was staring at her with eyes full of emotion. Stupid fucker.

  Julius sat beside of her when Talin walked away.

  “You don’t look like you’re having much fun,” he assumed.

  She smiled at him but didn’t reply.

  “You look very pretty tonight,” he said, moving her blonde hair behind the front of her shoulder to her back.

  Aquilla knew she shouldn’t get goose bumps when he touched her, but she did. She couldn’t help it. It had been something she had been fighting for months now. NO, not months, more like years. She took a deep breath, trying to rid the forbidden thoughts.

  “Thanks,” she replied. Talin, Vennah, and her had all ordered new sundresses for the party. They all matched, except for the colors. Hers was a pale pink with a red strawberry embroidered just above her right hip bone. Her father scowled when he saw it. He tried hard to control her clothing, not wanting her to dress like the women that came and went from the mansion.

  “You need another drink?” he asked.

  “No, Talin has enough alcohol in this one for five drinks,” she admitted.

  Vennah pulled her away from him when they were going to play a drinking game. Julius’s eyes never left her, he watched her getting drunk and playing games with her friends. Romano had left the party fairly early, leaving Valdez and Julius to chaperone. Julius knew she needed to quit drinking, however, he didn’t say anything. She would have just told him to fuck off anyways.

  By eleven o’clock, she was shit faced and could barely stand up.

  “Clear the party out,” Julius told Valdez, going to Aquilla, getting sick in the yard.

  Valdez broke up the party and sent the youngsters on their way with the two bodyguards who escorted them safely home.

  Julius went to Aquilla and tried to hold her hair back.

  “Don’t you fucking touch me!” she shouted, shoving him in the chest.

  “Quill, don’t be like that,” he tried.

  She couldn’t say anything. She turned her head and heaved again. Julius didn’t think she was ever going to stop. He was starting to get worried.

  “You okay?” he asked when she finally rose up, resting her hands on her knees.

  “Like you give a shit,” she angrily replied.

  Julius knew it was the alcohol. He was trying to let it slide. He didn’t want to fight with her, it was a special day for her. He didn’t want to be the one to rain on her party.

  “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”

  “Keep your fucking hands off of me,” she yelled, shoving him in the chest again.

  Julius put his hands up, letting her know that he wasn’t touching her. He was trying to help her.

  “I’ve got to lie down,” she suddenly realized when the ground beneath her feet started to spin in circles, FAST.

  She laid across a chase lounge and was out cold. Julius left her alone for a few minutes. He wasn’t going to leave her out there; she was just going to have to be mad. He picked up her arm and let go. Her arm dropped like a dead weight. She was definitely passed out.

  Julius scooped her into his arms, and she dropped her head to his chest. She was drunk, and barely responsive, but she knew what was going on. She knew she was being carried by Julius. She even knew when he kissed her forehead as he carried her.

  He carefully laid her down, and again, her body dropped like a dead weight. She felt him remove her sandals and caress her foot with his hand. He didn’t need to do that; he couldn’t help anything he was doing. His mind was going crazy wanting to do things to her. He needed to get the fuck out of her room. He shouldn’t leave her in her sundress though, should he?

; Julius lifted the sundress and took a quick peek at the pink panties covering her pussy. He looked up to her face. She didn’t move. Aquilla wasn’t passed out. The room was spinning and she was no doubt drunk, but she knew everything that he was doing. She felt the breeze when he lifted her dress, the flutter deep in the pit of her stomach, and the instant pulsating between her legs, she felt it all.

  “Fuck, Quill,” she heard him whisper.

  He lifted the sundress higher, great, no bra. He needed to see that too. He needed to go. He needed to get the fuck out of there before he did something stupid. He would just help her out of her dress and under her covers and then he would go.

  Aquilla pretended to moan as he lifted it over her head. She plopped back to the mattress, purposely lifting her leg and letting her knee drop to the side. She wasn’t thinking like Julius. She wasn’t arguing with herself at all. She was drunk and horny as hell. She was hoping he did do something. She wanted him to do something.

  Julius stood frozen. Fuck. Mother Fucker. Son of a fucking whore. He touched her inner thigh, looking at her face for a reaction. Nothing, she was out cold. He moved her other leg up, spreading her more and then looked back to her face. Still nothing. He carefully lifted the inside of her panties, pulling it to the side.

  Jesus Christ!!!!! Should he touch her? She would probably kick him in the nuts if she woke up. Fuck, he wanted to touch her. She wanted him to touch her.

  Aquilla squirmed, deliberately trying to get his fingers to slip, they did. He felt her wetness right before he freaked the fuck out. He let go of her panties and got the hell out. She was not happy. She shouldn’t have moved. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  She wanted to move her hand down and take care of the throbbing, but she couldn’t. She was too drunk and was afraid to move. She couldn’t even move to get under the covers.


  Julius went right back to ignoring her the next morning. He had to. He couldn’t get the image of her pink little pussy out of his mind.