Read Plausibility Page 4

  Aquilla spent her day in her room on her new purple laptop she had gotten for her birthday. She couldn’t do much on it. It was just like the last one that she had. Her father had parental controls on it. The only thing she could do was play games or download books. She was 18 and had a parental block from the internet. How pathetic was that?

  Aquilla fell into a slump; she came out of her room when Hila dragged her to the table, and then went right back to her room, where she played solitaire for hours and slept. She wasn’t tired, just bored. She needed out of that house.

  Talin finally called her one evening. Julius, unbeknownst to Aquilla, listened through his secret window.

  “We’re going to the pits tomorrow. My father already gave me permission, you’re coming right? Vennah will be there too,” Talin explained the plans.

  “I will have to ask my father at breakfast. What time are you going?” It really depended on whether or not he needed Valdez. She knew she wouldn’t be allowed to go alone. What a pathetic life to live at 18. She may as well have stayed three. She wasn’t treated any differently.

  “We’re not going until around six. Keiki, Tua, and Salem are going to be there. Salem’s going to cook lobster over a fire, Vennah’s caretaker is going to make us up a basket of bread and fruit, Tua’s going to bring the alcohol, and I’m bringing the punch. You can bring something if you want.”

  “I’ll try my best.”

  “Come on, I need you to be there, Tua needs you to be there.”

  “Why? It’s not like we can be alone, anyways,” she stated.

  “Stop being so depressing, get over it, let’s go. We’ll get drunk, and who knows, it might be the night Tua kisses you.”

  Aquilla rolled her eyes. Like that would happen. “I’ll text you and let you know tomorrow.”


  Hila was waking Aquilla before eight the next morning. She wasn’t ready to get up. What did she have to get up for?

  “Come, Miss. You father wait,” she spoke in her broken English.

  “Tell him I’m sick,” she moaned rolling over.

  Hila ignored her, started her bath and laid her attire for the day on her bed.

  “You get up now,” she coaxed, pulling the covers from her body.

  Aquilla sat up, rubbing her eyes. She knew she had to get up. Breakfast was the one meal that her father insisted they ate as a family. He and Julius were usually busy working for lunch and, if his schedule allowed it, he would insist that supper be shared together as well.

  Aquilla bathed and then groaned as she put on the customary dark blue dress slacks and white button up shirt. She wanted to wear shorts and a concert t-shirt or something. She didn’t want to dress like a nun. She changed as soon as breakfast was over anyways. She didn’t understand why her family had to arrive at the breakfast table in full blown funeral clothes.

  “You button,” Hila demanded, wanting her to button the top two buttons that were allowing cleavage to be visible. She knew Mr. Chavez’s rules, and it was her job to see that Aquilla followed them. She had been with Aquilla since their arrival on Jamelia Lei four years ago. She wanted to keep her job, and did her best to keep Aquilla in line. She was never close with Aquilla, and Aquilla wasn’t close with her. Aquilla found her to be more annoying than anything. It would have been nice to have a female to bond with, unfortunately, Hila wasn’t her.

  Aquilla placed her hands on her hips with a puff of air as Hila buttoned the two buttons. She slid into her heels and walked out, unbuttoning the two buttons as she descended the stairs.

  Her father was seated at the head of the long table, wearing a black suit and tie. Julius sat across from her wearing his own formal attire. She rolled her eyes at the ridiculous sight. Julius smiled, amused at her. He knew exactly what the eye roll was all about. He knew her better than anyone knew her.

  “Good morning, Quill, button your shirt.” her father spoke as they both respectively stood from their seated positions. Romano pulled out her chair and kissed her cheek.

  Their coffee was served, and Romano led the conversation while they waited for their meals to be placed in front of them.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  “Yes, thank you,” she replied.

  “May I go to the pits with my friends today?” she asked, forcing her eyes away from Julius.

  “No, you have an art lesson today,” Romano replied.

  “Why do I have to do that? I hate it, I suck at it,” she stated with a tone.

  “Suck?” her father asked with raised eyebrows.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized right away. He had already warned her about picking up Talin’s vocabulary. She would have to be more careful. She didn’t want him to stop her from hanging out with her. “I just don’t understand why I have to paint, I don’t like it. Why can’t I just keep taking the flute lessons? I like that.”

  “You already play beautiful music. I want you to be creative,” he explained.

  “I can’t paint,” she tried to argue one more time.

  “Your lesson is in an hour. Don’t be late,” he warned, dismissing the subject.

  “Talin and Vennah aren’t going to the beach until this evening may I go then?” she asked, giving up on the stupid art class. She wasn’t sure how much more of her captivity she could handle; she was 18, for God’s sake.

  “I will let you know at lunch.”

  Aquilla moved her arms for her spinach quiche, and a refill on her coffee. Another servant followed and ground fresh goat cheese on top. She raised her hand, stopping him before he grounded the red pepper.

  Aquilla picked at her breakfast and listened to the conversation that her father and Julius assumed she was oblivious to. They really did treat her like she was a child. She knew what went on there. She was no dummy, just because she was never involved or knew the details didn’t mean she was an idiot. When her father spoke of a shipment coming in, she knew that he was speaking of drugs. She had watched four new girls come in a couple of nights before, so she knew it wasn’t a shipment of chattels.

  “May I be excused,” she asked, eating only half of her breakfast.

  “Yes,” he excused her.

  Julius’s eyes followed her out.

  She went right to her room and removed the costume, replacing it with comfortable stretch shorts and a t-shirt. She had just gone on a cruise ship and fell in love with a hot maître d when Hila came in, interrupting her romance novel.

  “You do art lesson,” she demanded, laying the prescribed clothes out once again.

  “I’m not changing,” she assured her, got up, and walked out. She wasn’t wearing the ridiculous clothes to learn how to paint something that she didn’t want to paint.

  Her father could have at least hired a good looking teacher. Armani was old with a balding top and a thick Italian accent.

  “Aquilla, Aquilla,” he chanted, moving behind her easel. “You must feel the brush, right here,” he said, tapping his chest with his fingers. “Close your eyes and feel the strokes,” he requested, taking her hand.

  Aquilla slid the brush across the canvas, creating a deep purple mountaintop that was nothing more than an elaborate zigzag. She didn’t close her eyes and feel anything. How the hell were you supposed to feel the brush? The only thing she felt was irritated that she was there.

  “What do you feel, Aquilla,” he asked in a quiet, over dramatic tone.

  “A wooden handle that feels like a fat pencil,” she replied with closed eyes and a smirk.

  Armani looked at her crooked line and breathed a defeated breath. He couldn’t get through to her. Her heart wasn’t in it, and no matter how hard he tried to teach her, if she didn’t want to learn it, he couldn’t teach it.

  Romano didn’t get back to Aquilla about her request. He never came to the table for lunch. She waited until after five to knock on his office door. She did replace her shorts with the formalwear, thinking she should probably go in with ammunition. She knocked on his door a
nd Julius let her in.

  “What can I do for you, princess?” Romano asked with a smile.

  “You were going to let me know if I could meet my friends,” she reminded him.

  “Who’s going to be there?”

  “Talin, Vennah, and,” she hesitated, not sure if adding the boys would alter his decision. “Tua, Keiki, and Salem,” she spat out quickly.

  “You will be home by nine,” he assured her.

  “Eleven,” she countered.

  He smiled at his audacious daughter. “Ten,” he reasoned.

  She would take that.

  “Valdez will drive you.”

  “I’ll escort her,” Julius demanded. He didn’t like the fact that Tua was going to be there.

  “You have a training session this evening,” Romano reminded him.

  Aquilla knew what training session he was speaking of. She had watched the women come into the house late at night. She had never witnessed it, but she knew. The girls would stay in the north wing, where she was prohibited to go, but knew what was going on, sort of.

  “Latium can do it, I’ll follow Quill,” he commanded.

  Chapter 3

  Julius was waiting in the foyer when Aquilla descended the stairs wearing a red bikini top and white fringed shorts that were too short for Julius’s liking.

  “Go change your clothes, Quill,” he demanded.

  “Fuck you,” she retorted.

  “You should watch your mouth. If father heard you talk like that, he would wash your mouth out with soap. Go change, you are not leaving like that.”

  “Yes I am, we’re going to the beach. I’m not wearing a sari just for you. Let’s go,” she demanded, walking past him, shoving his shoulder with her own.

  Julius watched her walk out, eyes going right to her tight little ass. He slid her over from the driver’s seat in the sand buggy.

  It was her sand buggy; she had gotten it for her 17th birthday. She was never allowed to drive it, but nonetheless, it was hers.

  “You make me so mad sometimes,” she said, slumping and crossing her arms.

  Julius’s eyes, once again, went to forbidden places and followed her long legs as she propped her feet on the windowsill.

  “You make me mad too. Sit up and put your seatbelt on,” he demanded.

  Julius, once again, watched her ass storm away from him as she walked to meet her friends. Tua threw a florescent green bouncy ball towards her. She missed. Julius thought he was going to have to adjust himself when his cock instantly observed the two ass cheeks peek from her shorts as she bent to pick it up.

  He sat on a log, passing a whisky bottle with the other two girls’ bodyguards. Julius hated Tua Shumah. He wanted to walk over and tell him to keep his hands off of Aquilla. He didn’t though. He only stared with a vengeance as the boy flirted, placing his hand on the small of her bare back as they stood around the fire drinking whiskey in red plastic cups.

  Aquilla was having a great time; laughing and goofing off around the fire. It was just what she needed. They ate their food and continued to drink the spiked punch while Julius steamed. He almost did get up and say something, when he watched the two of them walk out to the water. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Their shirtless bodies touched, and Julius was about to come unglued. He stood and paced back and forth in the sand.

  “Do you want to go for a walk?” Tua asked as they swayed in the water.

  “Sure,” she replied, glancing up to see Julius still glaring at her. What the fuck? Who the hell did he think he was? He was worse than her father. She knew Julius would follow, she was expecting it. She, however, wasn’t expecting what was about to transpire.

  Tua weaved his fingers in hers as they walked. She wasn’t sure about it. She didn’t feel the butterflies that Talin described when Salem touched her. He walked her behind a big boulder where he knew that Julius couldn’t see. He backed her up to the massive rock and moved slowly to her lips as he placed his hand on her naked ribs. Aquilla parted her lips for him, but wasn’t sure why when he kissed her. Her lips moved in sync with his, but he never inserted his tongue. It wasn’t the sexy, wet kiss that was described in the romance books that she had read. It was a dry, awkward kiss. Nope, no butterflies there either.

  “Go home, Tua,” Julius demanded.

  Tua abruptly backed away from Aquilla, dropped his head, and got the hell out of there. Julius could break him. He wasn’t stupid or suicidal. Aquilla wasn’t upset at all with Julius. She was glad that he had intervened. Maybe she didn’t like Tua as much as she initially thought.

  Julius moved closer to Aquilla. She cautiously watched him as he placed his right hand above her head. He fidgeted with his belt with his left hand, like he was trying his best not to touch her.

  “What the hell do you want a pussy like Tua Shumah for?” he asked.

  “Julius, I’m 18 and have only kissed two boys my entire life. You, when I was like 12, and now Tua. That’s unheard of.”

  “You don’t come from that side of the tracks, Quill.”

  “Well, it’s bullshit. I’m sick of living like this. I want to go and live my life. I don’t want a bodyguard or my brother following me everywhere I go,” she exclaimed.

  “I think you have known for a long time that I am not your brother,” he replied, moving closer to her. Was he going to kiss her? Her heart suddenly picked up a few extra beats right about the time that her stomach did a few summersaults. She could barely see his face in the dark.

  “Who am I Julius?” she asked just above a whisper. His lips were so close. Did she want him to kiss her? Maybe she did. Maybe she could make a comparison between his and Tua’s kiss.

  “Someday I will tell you,” he promised close to her lips, she could feel each word.

  Julius realized what he was about to do and quickly backed away. What the fuck was wrong with him? His father would shoot him right between the eyes. “Let’s go home,” he said, turning away.

  She followed, confused.

  Valdez met them at the entrance as soon as they were home. “You need to call Deion, he needs to reroute,” he informed Julius.

  Julius followed him to the office, closing the door behind them. Aquilla took a deep breath, looking around the immense quiet house. This was her life, like it or not. It was hers, and it was what she had to work with. She bounced the green ball high, catching it in the air. She did it again, but missed when it caught the corner of the area rug, sending it forcefully down the north corridor. She hesitated when she saw the light streaming from the door at the end of the hall. She wasn’t allowed on that side of the house. It was off limits to her. She had lived in the house for four years now and had only been to that location once when they had first moved there. Her father was furious with her. She never ventured that way again.

  She looked around to the empty house and cautiously walked toward the ball, or the room was more like it. She was more curious about what was going on in that room. She knew from hearing talk around the house that it was the “training” room. She knew what went on in there without knowing what went on.

  Aquilla guardedly made her way down the dim lit hall, looking over her shoulder as she walked. She picked up the ball, took two more steps and peered through the door with one eye closed. She gasped at what she saw; Latium was there with a beautiful Latina girl. She didn’t look any older than Aquilla. She was on her knees as Latium stood in front of her, fucking her mouth.

  Julius knew he should yell at her and tell her to go to her room. He couldn’t do it. He watched as she took in the spectacle going on in front of her. He leaned against the wall with crossed arms as he observed her reaction.

  Latium moved the girl to the sofa and told her to spread her legs. She submissively sat down and spread her legs. He stood in front of her and stroked himself as he viewed her wet pussy. Aquilla crossed her legs, needing contact to her throbbing clit. She was instantly wet, she could feel it.

  Latium slid his fingers up the girl’s
wet pussy. She moaned at his touch. He sat beside of her, giving Aquilla perfect vision to what he was doing. She cupped herself with her hand as she watched Latium finger fuck the girl.

  Julius had to stop her. He was rock, fucking hard. She was fucking turned on by the show. He wanted to cup her pussy with his hand. He moved his shaft, relieving it as much as possible in his now too tight of slacks.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” he claimed, causing Aquilla to jump, startled and embarrassed by his presence.

  “My ball rolled down the hall and I___,” she explained, sounding like a small child getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She didn’t get the last word out before Julius crushed her lips with his, forcing her to open her mouth with his tongue.

  Fuck, there it was. The butterflies, the fireworks brighter than the sun, and the emotions burning like wildfire. Aquilla kissed him back. She let her tongue dance with his as he devoured her mouth.

  Julius closed the door to the training room when she moaned in his mouth. He spun her away from him, holding her small hands clasped by one of his. She squeezed the ball in her hand, trying to remind herself to breathe. Julius circled her body with his hand. Fuck. She felt fucking amazing, even better than he had fantasized about for the past few years.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm, Quill?” he asked with hot words to her ear. He knew she had. He had watched her multiple times.

  She could have said yes. She had given herself orgasms, more lately than ever. She didn’t tell him that. She lied and shook her head. She couldn’t have spoken if she wanted to. She sucked in a breath of air when she felt the button on her shorts being popped open. She breathed panicky as she felt her zipper slowly being slid down.

  Julius ground himself into her back, needing to be stimulated too. He slid his fingers between her legs. Fuck, was she ever wet. He wanted to fuck her. He needed to fuck her.

  Aquilla dropped her head to the wall as soon as she felt him. Shit, she was going to cum, his touch was ten times more intense than her own. Julius moved her held hands to his aching rod, sliding himself over her hand as he rubbed her nub. She could feel the size of him through his pants, imagining him sliding it in her.