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Playing to Win

  C. Metzinger

  Copyright 2014 C. Metzinger

  Orlando, FL 32835

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: The Ticking Time Bomb

  Chapter Two: Do She Really Do That?

  Chapter Three: Something’s Missing!

  Chapter Four: Sabotage!

  Chapter Five:We’ve Got Fans!

  Chapter Six: Love is in the Air

  Chapter Seven: The Big Surpise

  Chapter Eight: The Competition Stiffens

  Chapter Nine: The End is Near

  Chapter Ten: The Big Finale

  Chapter One: The Ticking Time Bomb

  "I'm scared," Taylor mumbled, chewing her lower lip.

  Leisha grinned in amusement, "There's nothing to be scared of! You'll be fine! We'll be great!"

  "But what if I screw it up and-"

  Leisha grabbed Taylor by the arms and shook her gently.

  "Forget it! You are NOT going to screw up anything! We have played these tunes a million times and we can play them in our sleep, so don't worry! You've just got stage fright, that's all."

  Taylor gave a huge sigh and shrugged, "I know. I just can't shake it."

  "Once we get out on that stage and start to play, it'll be fine. We are just going to do our usual thing and do our best. If we don't win, that's okay. At least we got this far, and it's been fun, hasn't it?"

  Taylor looked into her friend's deep brown eyes and then ran her fingers through her own long black hair.

  "Yeah, it's been great," she admitted.

  "Right! So just be cool and enjoy the music. That's what it's all about, right?"

  Another voice from behind snapped, "It's a lot more than that! If we get kicked out of the running, then it's over! No tour, no recording contract, no hundred grand in prize money….nothing! You'd better not screw up, Taylor!"

  Leisha glared at the girl with long blonde hair, full lips, and doe-like eyes.

  "Shut up, Susan. You're only making her nervous."

  Susan rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She gave a careless shrug and walked away. Her outfit fit her curving body like a second skin, and as she passed all eyes followed her.

  Both girls watched her leave. Leisha rolled her eyes and shook her head in frustration, biting back the things she wanted to say out loud. Instead, she turned to Taylor and said,

  "Ignore her. Just concentrate on what you're playing and try to enjoy yourself. That's all you have to do…nothing else."

  The attractive Oriental girl smiled at her dark-skinned friend and they hugged.

  "Thanks, Leisha."

  "C'mon Ladies!" shouted Joey Travino, their manager, "Get moving! You're up next!"

  The girls hurried back stage to take their places behind the curtain. Leisha and Kelly, the bass guitarist, picked up their guitars and Ashley adjusted her drums. Taylor checked the settings on her keyboard synthesizer. They stood waiting nervously behind the curtain as the crowd in the theatre still cheered for the previous band's performance.

  The girls survived eight weeks of competing with 20 other bands from all over the country, managing to come out somewhere at the top each week in the ratings. The theatre was packed with people as the television crews stood waiting to give them their cue.

  The MC was a suave and handsome pop icon named Cold Chill. His voice boomed out over the theatre's speakers.

  "And now, the group that has been here since the beginning of the competition is back again. They have beat out nineteen other bands and are one of the three finalists here tonight. Please welcome these five beautiful and talented ladies, known as Nightingale!"

  Applause thundered as the curtain rose and Susan walked to the front of the stage. Ashley counted off four beats on her sticks and the first chord rang out loud and clear. The crowd screamed as Susan began to dance on the first few bars of the tune.

  "If I had known you better," she sang, "I would've walked away …"

  The crowd began moving with the beat and clapping as Susan sang and shook her head, dancing expertly. Her body moved like a serpent, winding, turning and swaying smoothly in time to the music. The music created a driving force that filled the auditorium. Everyone was riding the same wave of energy, rocking in unison.

  When it was over and the last chord rang out, there was an explosion of cheers from the crowd. Susan waved at the fans and they screamed back at her.

  Cold Chill ran back on stage as the curtains began to descend.

  "Aren't they incredible? Great job, ladies! Now it's time to vote! Everyone text in your votes…"

  The curtain was down now and the girls had to hurry off the stage for the next group. As the girls left, an attractive dark-haired guy in another band gave a thumbs-up sign and Taylor smiled. The other guys in the band glared angrily at him.

  When Leisha came off the backstage steps, she saw Susan kissing Pete, one of the guys in the next band to play. Susan held his head in her hands, pressing his mouth against her lips. Leisha fumed angrily, crying,

  "Come on, Susan, let's go!"

  They parted lips and Susan scowled at her, "Mind your own business!"

  Pete drew away from her as the other guys yelled anxiously, “Pete!”

  Pete said, "Gotta go, Babe. See you after the show," and ran up on stage.

  Susan smiled and called to him, "I'll be waiting."

  Leisha and Susan went back to the dressing room behind the TV studio. The room was small but had a long counter with a full mirror and five chairs. Clothes were hung on a rack behind the door and make-up kits and hair accessories cluttered the countertop. Once inside the room, Susan slammed the door.

  Leisha turned to Susan with her hands on her hips, demanding,

  "What do you think you're doing?"

  "What? A little kissing is against the rules, too?"

  "For one thing, I wouldn't call that a little kiss! Second, I don't care what you do in private with your boyfriends, Susan, but in public, keep your hands to yourself!"

  Susan faced her and spat, "You're not my mother! Mind your own damn business!"

  Joey stepped into the dressing room and intervened.

  "Hey-Hey! No fighting!"

  "Then tell her to mind her own business!" Susan yelled.

  Leisha cried, "Tell her to stop acting like a slut in front of everybody!"

  "Hey! Both of you!" Joey ordered, "Just calm down and relax! What's the problem?"

  Leisha pointed at Susan, "She was mauling one of the guys out there right in front of everybody! She's giving us a bad reputation!"

  Joey turned to Susan, "Susan, what did I tell you, huh? You can't act like that in public. It's not good for the band's image."

  Susan flung her arm out in anger, "Oh, so I can't even kiss somebody, huh? Well, I've got news for you! For all of you! I'm tired of being told what to do and living by a bunch of stupid rules! Who cares about this stupid band, anyway? I don't need you! The only reason you got this far in the competition is because of me! I'm the one they're cheering for out there, in case you haven't noticed!"

  She turned and ran out, slamming the door behind her.

  Taylor sighed heavily and Ashley shook her head. Joey sensed their frustration. He was a young man of Italian heritage who had once been a musician, but soon realized his real talent was in managing musical entertainers.

  "Don't worry about it. She's just in a bad mood," he said.

nbsp; "She's always in a bad mood!" Leisha declared.

  "Never mind her. They want you back on stage for the final curtain call in five."

  The girls discussed Susan while fixing their hair and make-up. Susan was becoming a handful, and they knew it was only a matter of time before things really blew up. They were all worried she would do something to ruin their chances of winning. There were only two weeks left in the final competition, but Susan was like a ticking time bomb that could explode at any minute.

  As they were returning to the stage for the final call, Kelly said to the others,

  "I just hope we can get through this competition without another problem with her."

  "I wouldn't count on it," Ashley replied.