Read Poetry Strewn Along Life's Pathways Page 5

lingering swoosh

  letting almost too much in, no barriers

  yet so few know its there, have the address

  "branch number 4, gnarly oak"

  from either side the view is outside

  only butterflies alight on the side

  transfixed in a memory of translucent emergence

  window #3

  the dust shimmers sideway on my uphead hole

  a staved beckoning of earth wet rock

  should I recount the words which skid along the slime?

  should I have kept an accountant's notation of the echoes?

  it is my crazy time, weirdness and huffing and hallooing

  I cannot control it, the hole is for flushing

  the debris from within oneself

  I know that if I stand on head that it would be beneath me

  and I could fall, clawing at greasy spit walls

  and be deposited on terra celestial but

  only my shadow is spliced by the bars

  my chains restrain my dreams, keep me clear headed

  window #4

  I most times, almost can never but edge towards it in the dark

  monstrosities & magnificences, like unto kaleidoscopic

  one's emotions are leached, on the half hour as

  the sun trades light with the moon, and

  the messages from beyond jump from somber to excited to awful,

  this jeweled window, this stained page of the divine book

  shatters souls, heals minds, wards off the demonic

  and on overcast days comforts only the widows

  window #5

  wash, wash, wash dreaded dreadful dirty job

  worse than her hairy lip, aging

  more irritating than tv static

  far worse than the indefatigable dirty kitchen floor

  wash, wash, wash dreaded dreadful

  every vision is blurred, each wipe paints another smear

  only to be clear is to see what a new angle reveals

  smudge, unclear, unclean, horrible, impossible!

  it is an eyeball into our untouchableness

  whereas we seek joy in its transference of out and in

  accepting it as almost a wonder of nature, protector

  translator, transformer, faithful without fail

  when we undrape, vision is always granted

  yet, "I don't do windows!” masks but slightly

  the allurement, the mystery of the pane


  Juking on Luke 15

  "This fellow," they said, "welcomes sinners and eats with them!"

  the three children settled into the table

  a monstrous feast lay before their eager hands

  ham and potatoes and peas awake in their sporting colors

  and grace was said with a resounding "AMEN'

  she watched the ants ravage the remains

  of the meagerly meal

  and she consecrated with them

  chanting with the growls in her stomach

  McDonalds was lined with the itinerant beggars

  drawn by the-magical division of potatoes

  and the multiplication of the cow's scant flesh

  into the sustenance which lingered beyond taste

  "Rejoice with me!" he cries, "I have found my lost sheep."

  by truckloads, in vans, endless jumble of transports

  the herd of excited faces was carried

  clamoring their claim, "It is me!" "IT IS ME!"

  snubbed against the plasticine barrier

  his eyes jogged up and down, this way and that

  the hand he sought was accompanied by a stained foot

  and he yearned to touch to affirm the identity

  for the 7th time that night

  the red lights flashed by the curbstone

  and one more man-child blackened by lack of breath

  was stashed in the medicinal purse

  and chauffeured, home not stopping for the lights

  "In the same way, I tell you, there is joy among the angels of God

  over one sinner who repents."

  after the fairy tale and the laughter of monsters

  the beardless youth tugged at his mother's dress

  "Why do we say "Our Father" ?" he shyly requested

  and the moon shone brightly till the dawn.

  I will not break, she muttered,

  nor bend nor sto6p nor curse beneath their silences

  I will not shatter their hearts

  with the hatreds cemented into these walls

  as the breakfast hour rushed out on comic strip laughter

  25,000 less than awake Denverites

  turned-the keys in their cars

  and threw a cosmic hum towards the cloudless skies

  fumbling for her place the Abbess

  began to recite the Confiteor

  as Sister Jane genuflected before she crossed the altar


  Juking on Luke 21

  “Take care that you are not misled,” (Luke 21)

  beware the bus driver who collects for salvation

  watch the left hand of the one-legged preacher

  stoop not to support the arm of the craggy grandmother

  “For many will come claiming my name, and saying ...”

  Burma Shave out-haves them all!

  Pepsi is the real thing!

  The Yankees are Number One!

  We try harder!

  “Do not follow them” is the counsel

  Trust not thy brother or sister mother or child

  The Spirit leaves the dead to bury the dead

  And only a corpse signs the post on The Way

  “But hot a hair of your head shall be lost.”

  a chilling consolation to the army of bald men

  even newborns cannot be tricked by this sleight of hand

  Madison Avenue lusted for the copyright to the jingle

  “For there will be great distress in the land and a terrible judgment upon this people!”

  despair at the curbstone over the last forever brown bag

  flailing anger at the split fingernail

  all the children were born with green eyes

  The TV outage lasted for four hours: no Superbowl!

  “I tell you this: the present generation …”

  has found “IT!”

  new relics of ancient script found on Egyptian toilet paper

  lead by the bionic Mom and Dad

  weaned on the machine begotten by the machine

  only those over 6 feet tall

  “ ... will live to see it.”

  “ ... I am he”

  “The Day is upon us.”

  The Pope is Jewish.

  “By standing firm you will win true life ...”

  as a quaking Aspen embraces the storm

  in respect for the crane who stilts on one leg

  amazed at the fecal stained tramp who smiles fetchingly

  stunned by the passion of a passing kiss

  “The Day is upon us”

  where my hand touches air you begin

  gravity is discovered as centered in my heart

  words are the clothes that freedom wears

  a crowd begins to hum and the Spirit strikes forth from our ears.

  “Be on the alert, praying at all times ...”

  Juking on Matthew 27:46

  at the turn of the corner i caught the gnarled body

  on the lamp post gurgling in intoxicated tongue "Eli,Eli,lama sabachthani?"

  the soap fresh face of the hooded monk

  swung in golden arcs fumes to quench the stink,

  and fraters in swishing dresses broke flat bread

  in soundless mockery of the broken bones in his side

  she turned to me in a whip of anger

  froth amused itself on her bubbling words

  "You promised me!" and again "You promised me!"

  I laced my shoes and forgot my
handkerchief as the clock chimed and my time was up.

  not realizing that he was a child

  his arms failed and shocked his heart

  as he battled to grab the shirt-collar

  of the woman plunging to her death in his bed.

  as the bodies were counted

  with marks appropriately placed on the ledger

  the guard stifled a yawn

  as he stoked the ovens for their repast.

  in dutiful disarray the garden exposed itself

  flouting the offspring of wild seeds

  and airborne messengers of late summer

  at the bus stop the children were arranged in proper lines

  not knowing their destiny

  while parents disappeared in unmarked cars

  and left indecipherable messages on bloodstained papers.

  But the others said, “Let us see

  if Elijah will come and save him.”


  An Editorial Never to be Printed

  they burned witches in Boston

  and Cotton Mather embraced himself in prayer

  praying for their soul's salvation

  with words drawn from the scabbard

  of wild men's yearnings

  i stood at that spot in years gone by

  placing my feet upon the shadows of his footprints

  and i recited his prayers

  but this time they were for him, alone

  when the subway noisily awakens the avenue

  the screeching lamentations of burning tongues

  fade into the overwhelming smiles of outsized billboards

  advertising new slogans with which to bait the witches

  Boston is dead and has died too many times

  after resurrections magically staged by Madison Avenue

  but the ardour of the witch hunters is yet requited

  as guide books are spewed in Sunday additions

  to the Sports Section and tacked on to churchly bulletins

  take fear you witches and seeds of the Black Rose

  the sweet rain which has fallen to nourish you

  has raised the curse of the Crystal Knight

  who is relentless in pursuit of the Holy Grail

  which is stained with your Ancient Blood


  Franciscan Monks, Indiana: Many Moons Ago

  they move slowly by each other's shadows

  rushing their prayers towards the morning light

  machines of dutifulness

  cracking out codes from ancient scripts

  as they assemble at their terminus

  slips of incense bind them together

  as common breaths are startled by chants

  of "Awake! Awake! the Son has arisen!"

  in the midst of what dawn exposes as splendor

  the stealth of ages

  residing in golden memory and bejeweled hopes

  presents itself in the mockery of saltless bread

  will they remain forever but each other's shadows?

  craving a sunlight which sets in a foreign land

  calling forth a voice which speaks a strange tongue

  will they remain ... are they still there?

  i left 20 years ago, a deaf