Read Preacher Man Page 24

Sheel sat quietly watching the Preacher Man and Ta-Namu. During the hour or more since the three figures representing him and Ta-Namu had gone into the circle at the top of the mound, they had not moved.

  People around them awakened. Quietly, they slipped from the room chirping to each other. The children began wrapping the figurines in a soft cloth and placing them gently into carved boxes. The boxes were put into cupboards in the back of the hall. The three winning figurines remained on the mound. In the last few moments, she saw tears drip down the Preacher Man's face. First, he had no expression, then his face got tense, and, finally, the tension left his face. Tiny tears slid slowly down each cheek. He shook himself and focused on Sheel who had drawn herself closer to him. He touched her cheek, "I am all right, Little Sister. It was only a dream. "

  "You were cryin', Father. Was it a bad dream ?"

  "No, Sheel, it was a good dream. If only it would come true. I dreamed that my brother was near."

  "I hope that you find him, Sir. Why would he be out here?"

  "I fear that he may be among the smugglers."

  "I am sorry to hear that, Father."

  Zeer bowed and spoke to the mind of Ka Namu, who had also risen, "Thank you, Ka. Thee are most kind and gracious host. Please come to my nest some day soon. My builder is making you a dan within my dan. It would bless us if you came. "

  Ka bowed as well, "It is a blessing to serve thee."

  Zeer had heard this exchange earlier at the Namu Dan. He finished it,"It is a blessing to be served by thee. Will Thee come?"

  "Yes, Father. I will come to your new Zaya Dan, the Master’s Home."

  Sheel bowed also. Although, she could tell these two liked each other, she heard none of the talk between them. Her people had never developed any ability in mental speech. They were a fierce, physical people. Only a few, like her sister, Tristan, were artistic in any way. Even Tristan's art was used in a practical way.

  As Zeer and Sheel were walking back to their camp, he stopped, turned to her, and said, "Sheel, you know, if thee are ta marry a Justice, thee will hafta give up yer part in the black market."

  She jumped, "You knew about that, Father."

  "I hear confessions, my dear. I know your people. If they are in the black market, then thee would be also."

  "But, you've told no one about this?"

  "The secrets of a confessional are sacred. Also, I have less love for the Imperion than thee for reasons of me own. The Master knows my faults and forgives me as well, but, Jimmy is a Justice. He canna do that and you canna ask him ta choose."

  She sat down hard on a rock and thought for a while, "Patch won't like that." she mumbled.


  She took his hand and knelt before him, "It's no loss, though. I haven`t done much business since I came into your service. It didn’t seem right, some ways. Our littlest sister, Tantee has taken it over."

  Zeer let her ramble. He knew that she was working it out. Now he jumped in, "I'm glad to hear that, Miss."

  She shrugged, "I do sleep better nights, not worryin' about that mess."

  Just then, a young Askirabi child shyly pulled on his sleeve, "Ta-Namu, please follow me." he heard in his mind.

  He tried to act natural, pretending to read her actions, "I think that she wants me to follow her, Sheel. We must go."

  "Go... go where?"

  "Let's go find out."

  "I reckon, if’n ya wanna. I could use a walk. We've been sitting for hours." She checked the charge in her side blaster. The child led them back past the Namu Dan into a small town of these domed Askiabi buildings. The little red female continued, turning this way and that following the narrow streets of Tarrad Washoe. Finally, she stopped in front of a small, building with a stout metaloid door.

  She spoke mentally to Zeer, "A visitor waits within, Ta-Namu."

  He bowed, "Thank you, samu."

  She folded her wings before her like flowing sleeves, "It is a blessing to serve thee."

  Zeer bowed also, "It is a blessing to be served by thee."

  She hid her face, laughing and ran off.

  "Sonny, I canna detect any one inside."

  "I know, Dad. Still, I can hear some one singing softly."

  Sheel pulled her weapon, "I don't like this, Father."

  "Sheel, we are within the power of the Pra-Namu. What could happen?"

  "I tell ya, we should wait fer Little Jim. I just don't like it."

  "Well, stay out here, if’n ya like. I must see who sent for me in so strange a fashion."

  They walked slowly through the low doorway, down the three steps to the floor level, pushed through a cloth covered doorway to find a shadowed figure sitting a large table. "Come in, Zac." said a muffled voice. The table was strewn with papers and little piles of Quallium. In the poor light, Zeer thought that he detected red hair. "He thinks I'm you, Dad."

  "May be he knows I'm here."

  The man moved into the light. The part of his face not hidden by the hood was scarred as if it had been badly burned. He had a patch over his right eye. Sheel turned a chair around and straddled it, leaning on her arms, her blaster dangled from her shooting hand. She smiled a sad smile, "Hullo, Patchie."

  "H'lo, Baby Girl. Put that thing down. I'll not be harmin' me own Dad."

  Zeer walked over to the stunned woman. He patted her gun arm. "Little Sister, please put away the blaster."

  The pirate focused his good eye on the woman, "Aint seen much of you lately, Sheel. How does the new berth suit ya?"

  "I like it fine, Patchie. The Father's nice ta me. How's business with Tantee?"

  "She's not as crafty of a buyer as you were; but, she's learnin' fast."

  "You always were a good teacher."

  "Those lessons do wear me out though."

  Sheel laughed, "You aint a gettin' old, are ya ?"

  "I only feel old around you young girls. I can still dance if I takes a notion."

  He turned to Zeer, looked at him long and hard, "A Father, is it, Zac? Are ya still usin' that old scam?"

  A wave of recognition changed the older brother’s face, "Wait… Could it be?"

  Zeer snapped to attention, "Your best lazer monkey, Admiral, at your service!" Zeer finished his brother's sentence. He wanted to grab his brother in a bear hug; but, he waited.

  Shannon stepped back, "Wait just a tick. You're not Zac?"

  "No, uh, Patch, Dad died over four cycles ago in an explosion."

  "I was murdered, ya mean."

  Shannon turned up the lights. "Let me look at ya."

  He walked around Zeer. Zeer said nothing. He just let his older brother circle him slowly in a limping shuffle. Sheel broke the silence, "Black Patch MacTarn, I present Father Roan Taflick. Now who is Zac?"

  Ignoring her question, the old pirate continued circling. A broad grin broke across his face. He grabbed Zeer in a tight embrace, "Z-boy... ma wee brudder, come ta life before me eyes, but, I canna believe this… your face… man… you got old!"

  Zeer looked at mirror over the bar, "Huh… you should talk… yer Admiralship…”

  “Yeah, well, I sort a lost a fight with a fire ball…”

  “That’s no fun.” Zeer turned his face and stared at himself in the mirror over the bar, “I never realized it, I guess I do look like the old fart."

  "Watch yerself..."

  They turned toward the shocked Guardian. Shannon put his arm on the shoulder of his brother, "Sheel, I see that it’s you who have never been properly introduced. This pirate here masquerading as a man of the cloth is ma wee brother, Zeer MacTarn, jewel thief extraordinaire.”

  “Ex-jewel thief extraordinaire…”


  “Yeah, Patchie aint ya been watchin’ the viddys? He’s the Pastor of Purgatory Parish. He’s the heroe of Emeswan.”

  Then, the truth of all of it hit her. She sat with a thump in the carved chair behind her. Looking at her boots, she shook her head. She pointed at the pirate, but, spoke to Zeer, "Man
y's the night I have slept on that chest... And you... there was always somethin’ so familiar about you from the start. I just knew that there was something about yer face, Father. Now, I know what it was. I was in love with your brother and there you are big as life, a younger version."

  "What do you know, my dear?"

  "When me and Patch was first lovers, more than ten cycles ago, before the fire, he looked just like you do now."

  Shannon walked over to the girl. He put his hand softly on the back of her head and rubbed it in a familiar way. "Well, darlin', though we ain't seen each other for more'n twenty odd cycles, but, we are brothers." he said softly.

  "Now that I see yas together there's no doubt about that." she said without looking up.

  Shannon turned and stared at his brother's face, "When I seen the viddy's, I thought I was looking at Dad."

  "Dad, why can't we connect minds?"

  "I dunno, Sonny. Even as a young pup, I couldna tell what he would do next. He always had a barrier I could na cross."


  She smiled, "Well, my old love, you always were something of a surprise. Now I see that the rest of yer family is no different."

  Zeer looked into her eyes, "My friend, I am sorry to deceive thee. When I decided to change my life, the Master chose me a new name and a new identity. Thee are now privy to me secret. It is a dangerous burden and for that, I am sorry to involve thee."

  She knelt and kissed his hand, "I loved your brother once and I love thee now. Yer secret goes no further. I am pledged to thy Holy service and that is that. You have changed your life for the better and the lives of all of the people of Purgatory Parish are better for thee. "

  "Thank you, little Sister." he turned to his brother, "Shannie, we have looked so long for you. Where have you been?"

  "Here 'n' there. Yer really a Holy Father?"

  "Real as they git. I am now the Sheppard of this whole district."

  "You mean this is no scam?"

  "A straight arrow, that's me." Then, he got a serious look on his face, "You do know that this washoe is crawlin' with Justices?"

  "Me boys is leadin' them on a merry chase so`s we can talk."

  "I see... How can I find ya again?"

  "I'll find you, bro." He cocked his head for an instant, "You got a leave now, the Justices are returning."

  Zeer was surprised. He also heard the mental babble that indicated the return of non-mentals. He asked his father within, "If he doesn't have the gift, how does he know that?"

  "Oh, he has the gift alright. His gift is different, but, better suited to his life of crime, son."

  Zeer hugged Shannon. Zeer's heart broke. His brother, so young and strong the last time they were together, was now just skin and bones. His face was a mass of scars, "Take care, bro..."

  Carefully, they left the way they had come, following the young Askirabi female back to their camp. Fra and the others were entering camp from the opposite way, "Father, how was the game?"

  "Fascinating, Jim. The Ka-Namu won again. "

  "I have never seen Ka lose."

  Sheel asked, "Tarry, how do you tell them Askirabs apart by gender?"

  "I don't even try."


  "No. Really. They can change once a moon, if’n they want. There is no change in status due to gender. When the Ta-Namu is a female, we would translate the title to be Mother of Mothers."

  "I see."

  "If you treat them the same, they will treat you the same. The only hard part is that the guy you talked a few moons ago will show up at the next meeting pregnant. After it happens to you a few times, you get used to it."

  Chapter 14