Read Preacher Man Page 25

The next morning, they prepared for the descent back to Purgatory #6. They found that it was a lot easier and faster going down than coming up. By nightfall, they had arrived in town. They had led the Even Song service. Next, they had eaten a quick supper. By the time these activities were over, it was dark. They sat outside in the cool evening air when Zeer turned to Fra. "We must be moving on to the other camps, my son."

  "No, Father, I must request that you go no further up the canyon. With all the trouble up in P-7 and P-6 and now, we have activity out aty P-4, I have to shut down your tour until we can figure this new activity out. To be honest, most of the people that you would have seen came here to see you instead."

  "I am not afraid. We are simple shepherds, tending our flock."

  "Please, Father, I must insist that you remain safe. I do not wish to risk it."

  In truth, Zeer was not upset to hear this. He was missing his family terribly. "I understand, my son." He turned and went into the traveler, "G'night, Sheel... Jim... Tring."

  "Ya canna kid me, laddie,” said the ghost in his head. “You've little interest in goin' on any farther with this treck."

  "Well, I had to make it look good, Dad. I'm worn out, what with findin' Shannie and all. I want to see me kits."

  "I must say that I miss them a little meself."

  "G`night, Dad."

  Sheel and Jim took a turn around the perimeter checking both the live and robot guards. They walked slowly, holding hands. There was so much to say that they were unable to even speak. They went into her tent. She turned to him and squeezed him tightly, "Come here, Big Boy."

  "Easy, Madam, I cant breathe."

  She released him, "Now, don't be shy."

  "I don't know. You lion girls have a reputation. And right now, you look hungry enough to eat a little feller like me. I've heard about you people."

  "Oh, we never eat our own mates, just other people's mates. I may have to torture ya though.”

  He was suddenly quiet. He sat on her cot, and he took her hand and looked up into her eyes. "Leaving me alone will be torture enough, thank you." He never finished his sentence.

  She tackled him and smothered him with kisses. They fought their clothes until the tent looked as if a tornado had been inside of it. Several hours later, they put the bed back up and crawled into the sleep sack. Neither of them felt like sleeping. Finally, she raised up on one elbow to look him in the face, "My sweet Jimmy, what're we ta do?"

  "Do you suppose they need a Justice over your way?"

  She brightened immediately, "You'd move for me, my darling man?"

  "I'm smart enough to see that I couldn't pry you away from your Preacher man. In truth, I wouldn't try if I could. I can't stand to be away from you, though. All the air goes outa every room you leave me in. You, my darlin’ girl, are my air."

  "I have been thinking about us. If we got ourself declared to be a town and get the fort returned to just a Maintainance Station, we'd need a Justice, then."

  "It'll be hard for me to leave this place. It has always been my home."

  "We can visit a lot to see your friends and yer bro'. Give him tour shield and put on the cowl for me and our children. Your folks and yer first wedding mate bein' dead, there's a lot of bad memories here, too. It might do you good to move on."

  "I know. You may be right."

  "I'm aware that I’m just bein' selfish. I'd try anything ta git ya down ta the valley."

  "The Master will provide the worthy," he said. Then, he held her close, and they dosed off to sleep. Near dawn, Sheel untangled herself from the big arms, dressed silently, and slipped from the tent to make her rounds in the predawn gray mists.

  As before, the crowds were already gathering in the dusky light. This time, knowing it was the last day, more than twenty thousand souls came into P-6 to call the Fire Eagle’s Morning Song. They came from the little mines and washoes all up and down Pergatory Canyon.

  For the first time, Sheel noticed large groups of Askirabim mixed in with the others. She didn't know it, but they had come from the outer Dans, wanting to see their Namu-Kalik. Streaks of color began seeping into the canyon sky. There were no clouds in sight. Fra rolled out, dressed and came out of the tent. He found her sipping a cuppa at Tring's table.

  Zeer slipped from the bus. "Good day for church, Little Sister?"

  "Yes sir, we'll leave 'em somethin' ta remember us by." She knelt to receive her morning blessing.

  Jim knelt next to her. "I know I have plenty to remember," Jim said softly. He watched her open the building and help her boss climb up to his pulpit. Silently and sadly, he went to join the others to pray.

  Zeer got into position just before the first sun was half out. In a well practiced move, he spread his arms to gather the fire. With the rising of the second sun, Zeer seemed to explode in flames as his robe was back lit by the two morning suns. He began to sing. The crowd joined him in the Le Matins. Their voices could be heard for miles in the still mountain air.

  What no one saw the hooded figure high up on a ridge, just outside of town. The figure watched in awe as a spectacle unfolded in the canyon below. He gasped as his brother appeared to explode in flames when his white robes caught the two suns light perfectly. With the others, he sang the songs that their father had taught them. For a moment, the years fell away. A single tear dripped down his face, trickling slowly from one scar to another, it fell silently into the deep folds of his robes. When the service was over, he watched his little brother climb down from the building, "Better'n Dad ever was, little bro..." He turned and faded into the brush as if he had never been there.

  His brother was too busy to think of anything but his job. After the service, as before, there were souls lined up to be gathered or to confess. Zeer and the associates worked through the long lines joyfully. He knew that could tell that these miners were too tied to their jobs to come to him because he was not able to go to them.

  He was exhausted, yet happy, at the goodbye luncheon. "This has been a good trip. "

  The Fra hugged Sheel. "For me as well, Father."

  They managed to get into the bus and on their way with out any incidents or tears. Zeer looked at Sheel as she drove up the road out of Purgatory Canyon, "Are you alright, Sheel?"

  "No, Father, I am not alright. My heart is about ta bust over leavin' that man."

  He rubbed the soft fur across the top of her back, "We'll think of somethin', Darlin'"

  Sheel clamped her jaw and drove. Zeer and Tring sat at the back table playing Diamonds. After a time, Zeer slept as she drove on through the klicks. She and Tring exchanged driving duties while the Preacher man slept. The whole caravan drove like mad men. Near dawn, they could see, far off down the mountain trails, the lights of Emeswan appear as tiny dots in the distance.

  Zeer was awakened by a voice in his head," Preacher man."

  "Paris, me darlin', me love."

  "Why are thee coming home so soon?"

  "Pirates cut us off, we were asked to return for safe keeping."

  "You'll get no complaints on our end, husband."

  "I admit I dinna fight that hard to stay out, me love."

  "How long?"

  He turned to Sheel, "How much longer, Dear?"

  She leaned foreward and looked over Tring's shoulder at the odometer. "About 40 klicks more, Father."

  "Good job, both of you." He patted Tring's shoulder


  "I heard her, sweets. It's still too long."

  "Sheel, are you feelin' any better?"

  "No, sir. I swear that I feel worse every tick." A single tear trailed down her face, "Don't get me started."

  He pulled her close. She laid her cat-like head gently on his shoulder. There was nothing to be said. They watched the lights grow in front of the wind screen. He tried to change the subject, "Now, will ya looky there, Lassie. I swear that town has grown to double the size in the week that we have been gone."

  She nodded bleakly. "Look! Tristan's been busy.
" They all said nothing more, remaining lost in their own thoughts for the duration of the trip.

  Finally, the bus wheezed to a stop outside of the Rectory. Three weary people stepped out to be enveloped in a crowd of well wishers. "After a week in the mountains, even at midnight, the air here is so much hotter and heavier than I remember it."

  "I agree, Father," said Sheel.

  "Preacher man!" Par rushed to his arms. She pulled him out of the crowd to a waiting chair on the veranda. She knelt before him. Placing her velvet, soft paws on each side of his face, she looked deep into his eyes, "Thee..."

  "Thee..." was his unspoken reply.

  "Thee look exhausted, my love."

  "There is much to show you, ma sweet. Much has happened since we left."

  Mrs. Tren was having none of this socializing. She started herding people off the veranda, "People, people, people... It is after midnight. I need to get the Shepherd to bed. Now, git along. Go on now." The towns people laughed, but, grudgingly, they obeyed. Everyone bid "Good night" to each other as they headed off to their homes. Zeer waved to the last of them. He turned to find the Rectoress waiting by the table holding two squirming boys, "Evenin', Father, or, should I say, Good morning." She handed Zac to him and Shannon to his mother. "Can I get your cuppa, Sir?"

  "Bless you, Mrs. Tren. That you may."

  He kissed the little furry face of one boy then traded with his wife and kissed the other. "I am so glad to be home, ma sweet."

  "And we are glad to have thee home, ma sweet." She rose on tip toes and kissed his forehead.

  The Rectoress returned with two steaming cups. "That smells heavenly, Mrs. Tren. Thank you."

  To hide her embarrassment at the compliment, she grabbed up the two boys, "Way past your bedtimes, buzz mites.” Zeer watched her as she took them into the Rectory.

  "Alone at last..."

  What do ya mean alone?" said the ghost.

  "Oh, yes, ma wee ghostie."

  "Zac, you old fart, I even missed you a little."

  "I know where this conversation is headed. I'm goin' ta the pleasure dome. I'll wager they missed me a lot.”

  "Have fun, Da’."

  "Now, where was I? Oh, yes, alone at last."

  She looked at him hungrily, "What're we waitin' here for?"

  He leaned back in his chair, as if he had all the time in the world and nowhere to go. "I’m just enjoying me cuppa, dear.”

  She moved over onto his lap, "Oh?" She nuzzled under his beard, "Ya canna think of nuthin' else ta be doin?"

  He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and put his chin up. "Hmmmm… Now, let me think."

  "I will do the thinkin' for ya, Mister." She took his hand and led him into the cool bedroom. He fell exhaustedly onto the soft bed, "I’m so tired, my sweet. I canna move."

  Paris ignored his playfulness. She gently undressed her man and covered him with the soft coverlet. He lay there with his eyes closed. Soon a warm softness was snuggling in close. As one, they turned to each other. "Is it too soon, ma love?"

  "No. The medicos said that if we were careful that we might have some fun tonight."

  "Ta be perfectly truthful, I am in no mood ta be neither gentle nor careful."

  "Then, I'm sorry, sir. No snuggles for thee."

  He turned over, "Okay," and pretended to go to sleep. She gave a huge kick with both legs, and he found himself on the floor.

  He smiled slyly, rubbing his bruised backside. "I say, Madame, Thee seem fully recovered ta me."

  "Well enough ta handle you, Mister. Now get in here before you catch yer death a cold.”

  "Yes'm..." He moved into the arms that he had missed. They joined physically and mentally. A technique they had worked out together. They would alternate mental sharing with physical sharing. Sometimes they slept. Sometimes they didn't. Asleep or awake, they mentally replayed the trip. Paris was thrilled at the finding of a lover for Sheel. She was fascinated by the "Mirawana Quest."

  The best part of it all was the finding of his brother, Shannon. She was also puzzled about not Zeer’s inability to link up mentally with his own brother. "That's a toughie, Preacher man. Either Papa Ghost or Thee should have been able ta crack him. It is unlikely that Shannon would not also have the mental speecher gift."

  "It's different, sweets. It's almost like a barrier. It’s as if he was walled up."

  "He has been through a lot. May be even more than Thee?"

  "No, the barrier had a hard edge to it. The wall seemed more like it was intentional. It seemed as if it was designed like a one way trap. He could get out when ever he wished, but no one else could get in.”

  "Hmmm...what did Zac say?"

  "He said that he never could get into his mind. When Shannie was a boy, Dad could na tell from one tick ta the next what Shannie would do. For a man unused to surprises he had a hard time with that.”

  The next morning at breakfast, the news came over the viddy. The Viceroy was coming back tomorrow to discuss his plans for a new district.

  Paris looked at her husband, “Preacher man, what do thee think?”

  “I think maybe he has come to some decisions. He and I have discussed this civil commission at length”


  “I have submitted a written proposal for a civil commission”

  “Has he said what he thinks?”

  “He did not rise to the position of second in command of the entire Imperion by tipping his hand too soon.”

  “So, what if he chooses your proposal?”

  Zeer shook his head, "Then, me darlin’ wife, it looks like me plans will come none too soon."

  "Yes, ma sweet. Thee had better get busy."

  "Aye," he finished eating quickly. "I have ta get ta the library."

  "Good Luck."

  Over in the office of the Administator of Farms, Zzarrat was leaping like a dancer. "He wants to form a Commission. They muzt be talking about me. Who else would they be picking to head a new government."

  Zzarrat’s little Frogger girlfriends were clapping with glee. He looked over the pix of the new dam that Tristan had just completed. With the new water that this dam and its rapidly filling lake would provide, this valley could support enough people to become a district. That would bring hundreds of new square kilos and the mines therein under the "protection" of the new Commission.

  "And that meanz me,” he gloated. "My opportunity to skim Quallium into my personal pile will now become endless. My mother will be so pleased. "

  Zeer had other plans. He went to the town's new library. It had not opened for the day. Breaking in was no problem for an old cat burgular. He had put in a switch to disable the security viddy cameras for the time that he was there. Unknown to anyone, he walked quickly and silently through the empty building until he found the viddy book on a back shelf. He had hidden it there for just this occasion. He dusted it off, and slipped it into the sleeve of his robe. He left the building through the same back door, reset the security cameras with no one being the wiser.

  He jumped into the waiting grounder, “Home!”

  “Do I wanna know what you just did, Father?” Sheel asked him.

  “No, child, all will be revealed soon.”

  “By your command, Father.”

  The grounder passed through the empty streets and returned quickly home. Zeer passed through the kitchen grabbing some cookies and his waiting cuppa, "I must prepare for the Viceroy, Nana. Unless absolutely vital, I am not to be disturbed."

  "Very well, Sir."

  "Where is the Missus?"

  "She took the boys to the park, Sir."

  "Who is with her?"

  "She took her usual group of Guardians. I sent Sheel along once she brought thee home. She’s moping like a love sick lion."

  "Oh good, it'll take her mind off her broken heart."

  "Yes, sir, that's what we're hoping."

  Zeer went inside his new study. Tristan and Sheel had found an old roll top desk in an abandoned m
ine on one of their "hot foots", as they called their 50k runs through the canyons of Tarra. They had fixed it up and presented it to him after the Arch Bishop had left. They were afraid that it would have disappeared if that old Frogger had seen it. He replayed the tape. Then, he sat for a long time, just thinking. All of a sudden, he smiled, leaped at a pen, and began writing and drawing rapidly. He worked for several hours.

  In that time, his office became a mess of crumpled papers. In the middle of his desk was a neat pile of lexite sheets. He was ready to put his plan into motion. He emerged into the hall outside of his study. Sleeping in a chair across the hall was a giant figure. In the gloom, Zeer could not make out the face, but there was no mistaking the shape.

  "Little Jim!" He kicked the bottom of the sleeping man’s boots.

  The figure jumped, "Sorry, Father. I must have dozed off. Some little Par Cat woman threatened to make me her size if I disturbed you. So, I waited. "

  "Yes, Mrs. Tren can be remarkably firm if she takes a notion."

  "I definitely noticed that. She reminds me of my own mother."

  "Yes, Jim, she reminds me of me own Mum as well. When she gets a certain tone in her voice, I instinctively must do whatever she says. You can tell that she raised four boys, eh?"

  The big man nodded, rubbing his jaw, "No way to mistake it."

  Just then, Zeer's family came in the front noisily. They headed down the hall toward the entry way to meet them, "How are you at being a first responder, Sir?"

  "I have been trained, but, what do you mean, Father?"

  "I hear the women returning with the children. Someone in that group may faint when she sees who has come ta visit us."

  "I may have to apply mouth to mouth, Father."

  Zeer smiled slyly. He slapped him on the shoulder. "Yes, I expect that will fix her right up, me son."

  When they entered the foyer, Sheel had her back turned, down on one knee, tying the shoe of Shannie. He was, of course making it as difficult as he could. "Now, come on, Shannie. Help yer Tanta Sheel. Pleeese."

  Par looked up from watching her friend work. Zeer put his finger to his lips, "Fra James Magregor." he thought. She knodded and smiled a sweet smile.

  Zeer continued loudly, "So, Little Jim...what brings you to our little burg?"

  The big man played along, saying loudly, "Ohhh, they made me come, Father, to provide extra security for the VR. All the pirate activity and smoogglers, ya know."

  "I see..."

  Sheel turned around as if she was spun with a cord. She leaped the two meters that separated the lovers. "Jimmy... oh, Jimmy, " she cried, muffled by his large embrace. He caught her like a child.

  Zeer laughed, "Where are your manners, lassie?"

  She did not let go or insist that he put her down. "I am sorry, Father."

  Jim put her down. Sheel practically dragged her lover over to where Paris was standing. "Miz Taflick, this is Fra James Magregor, Justice of Purgatory Canyon.”

  He bowed low. "Your humble servant, Ma'am."

  She beamed her prettiest smile. "The Preacher man was full of stories about you yesterday, and my darling Sheel has spoken of no other topic all day, Fra. I am glad to meet you."

  "And you, Ma'am, are even prettier than I was lead to believe."

  "Oh, Sheel you were right. He is a silver tongued divil."

  "Yes'm. That he is." She hugged him again, even harder.

  One of the acolytes came up to them, "Father, the church is already full for Even Song, and more crowds are gathering."

  "Is it that time already?"

  "Yes, Father. What do we do?"

  Sheel perked up, "Father, I want to show you what new toys Tristan has made fer ya. Thee can do Even Song out of doors now."

  "All right... We’ll do it out in the Master’s air. So says the Word." He turned to the boy and shrugged. "You heard her. Inform the inside crowd first and then the outside crowd that the service will be held in the..." he turned to Sheel and shrugged.

  "Ummm, she told me that the best place for the crowd is off the East landing, Father. and, uh, by your leave, sir, I had the boys move the inside people out."

  Zeer shrugged and followed her. Sheel led them all a new set of steps to the entrance to the East Landing. Crowds were gathered. The area was full. She pointed, "Father, stand on that square...hold the back edge of the pulpit." She pressed a series of buttons. With a hum of hydraulic motors, the square rose up. What had been a section of the balcony now became a high pulpit.

  “Very interesting..." was all he said.

  "Tristan thought that in times like this, you could use this to work any size of crowd."

  " what?"

  She pressed another button. His voice was amplified. He turned to the crowd and began, "Let us breathe the Living Word..." The words of The Service of the Wind in the Evening appeared on the side of the building, and they all began to sing and pray together. Sheel and Jim stood arm in arm looking up at Zeer as he lead their prayers. Knowing, for this evening anyway, their prayer was answered.

  He caught Paris's eye from the podium, "I am for thee, ma wife."

  "And I am for thee, ma husband."

  Jim stayed for dinner. Later, they went out to the veranda for a cuppa. Zeer could not resist the chance to tease Sheel again, " So, Jimmy, me boy, would ya stay with us at the Rectory this evening?”

  "I don't know, Father. There being no sitting Justice here, I can't stay with him."

  Sheel knew their game. She elbowed him smartly in the chest, "Don't you worry about this one, Father. We'll find some sand hill or other fer him ta sleep on."

  They all laughed. Jim looked for a long moment at Sheel. He made a big production out of an exaggerated stretch and yawn, "Speakin' of sleepin', I am pretty tired."

  Sheel yawned too, "Yeah, I'm bushed."

  Paris smiled that sweet smile of hers. "You two had better get moving before your fake yawns throw your arms out of joint."

  Laughing, Sheer grabbed Fra's hand and pulled him off the veranda toward her new house. "You heard the woman. They want to go to bed."

  As he was being dragged off into the night, Little Jim turned, shrugged, and said sheepishl, "`Nite, all..." as they disappeared into the darkness.

  The Preacher’s family also laughed as they gathered up the cups to take inside. The Rectoress magically appeared, "I will get those."

  "Oh, Mrs. Tren, I thought you would be asleep."

  "I shall sleep when thee sleeps."

  “We need you too keep us. Dinna tire thyself, Nana.”

  "I get plenty of sleep, Father, dinna worry about me."

  Zeer laughed, "We're turnin' you all into Emerish Par Cats.”

  "Oh, go on with ya."

  "Though, I must admit that it is an attractive combination."

  "G'nite Mrs. T." said Paris.

  "Good night, Mum.”

  "Thank you for the supper, Nana. It was so good that every one will want to steal you away from me. "

  "As if they could, you old flatterer." she laughed and went inside.

  "Our sleep chamber awaits, Madame."

  “Aye, Sir, that it does." And in they went.

  Chapter 15