Read Preacher Man Page 26

That night he reviewed his proposal with Paris as their bodies slept. In her mind, she did not just see plain two-dimensional drawings. She saw what he saw in his mind. His drawings came to life as buildings, lakes, and canals spreading throughout the valley. When she found any weaknesses, she made suggestions by changing the plans. He would change it again and eventually they solved as many as they could.

  They awoke before dawn. She stood behind his chair as he entered the changes into his laptop. When the plans were as good as they could make them, hand in hand, they went into the nursery to check on the babies. "They are beautiful, just like their mother." He said softly into her mind.

  "You flatter me, Sir. These kits are much more beautiful than I."

  "Please... I'll be needin' an insulin shot, you two are so sweet."

  "Dad!?! What are you doin' here?"

  "The pleasure dome has been closed for the Royal visit. Besides... I've come ta see me kits."

  "You can't fool me, ya old goat. You love ma wee bairns as much as ya can with that dried up old heart of yours."

  "Oh? And what do fur balls know about human hearts."

  "I know enough to own your son's heart."

  "Sure... sure... and you manage several of his other parts as well."

  “Oh! You…” Zac was now joined to Paris. They continued bickering. Zeer left them to their fun, heading out the other door. He moved into the shade of the veranda looking for another cuppa. He found Sheel and Little Jim sitting. They were even more giddy than usual, as if they shared a huge secret.

  He smiled at them. "Mornin'children..."

  “Father,” they said together and laughed. Giddy behavior was to be expected from these two for a while, he thought.

  They rose and knelt in front of his chair for their morning blessing. Zeer said a small prayer and they rose and kissed each other on both cheeks.

  Having witnessed their morning ritual more than once, Litle Jim joined in. When they were done, Sheel sat on Jim’s lap. He said, "Good morning, Padre, “he said, “lovely day, isn't it?"

  "It would be if you two could just cheer up a tad." At this, they all laughed.

  An acolyte stood politely at the entrance to the varanda where they were having their breakfast. Zeer turned to her, “Child?”

  She came forward, bowed, and handed him a packet, "Message from the Papal Vicate has just come."

  Zeer took a small wooden box out and frowned. Paris said out loud, "So, what is it?"

  "Danged if I know, it aint my package." and Sheel grabbed Jim's hand and dashed off, both of them laughing.

  Zeer watched them running, "Ain't love grand?" Then he opened the little box. Inside was a note and a ruby ring. He tried it on. It was just his size.

  He showed it to to Paris. "Is this some kind of joke? A mistake, maybe..."

  She smiled softly, "No, darlin'. There is na mistake." She inspected the ring. "I see that the ring size I sent to that nice Zzinn person still fits thee."

  He looked at her crossly, "Thee knew of this? How could it be kept from me? "

  "Well, mister... The church sent ye three hunnert klicks out into them canyons. The distance dinna hurt and when Thee returned, I was so distracted, I had fair forgotten the whole thing.”

  "So, I still dinna understand."

  "Silly buzz gwump, did thee na read the note then?"

  "Oh..." and he hurriedly unfolded the crisp lexite. The top of the page was the Father Visitor's personal herald. It read: