Read Preacher Man Page 45

Their meeting over, the Viceroy lead them out onto the speaking ledge. All of the people below stopped to hear what the Viceroy would say. Praseer walked up behind his brother and watched Janni run her to the camera.

  The Viceroy drew himself, but he still looked like a green egg with legs. "Today, we embark on a new adventure. We will rid this planet of pirate vermin." He made a motion to one of the buglers, "Sir, Call the assembly!"

  Trevor Praseer turned the camera back on. Janni played the camera around taping the soldiers as they assembled into straight ranks. They appeared to come from everywhere at once. In a few ticks, sixty thousand hearty souls covered every available inch of open area. Following the next command from the VR, they marched in review in front of him for all the news cameras. They formed a giant snake marching in time across the field. With great pomp, he dismissed the troops. The men and women soldiers broke ranks for the kit bus to get their bags. Once they had gotten their kit bags, they lined up to be assigned housing.

  Praseer had set up computer centers at the beginning of every street that opened off of the parade ground. People poured though these gates and headed for the new homes that they would be using for the duration of the campaign.

  Zeer stood at the back of one of the tables as one group of fresh faced troopers hurried past trying to find their new place.

  "Wonder what these dumps look like."

  "At least they're new dumps."

  "I hope they're cooled. This heat's killin' me."

  "Well, yer face is killin' me." They all hooted and pounded each other on the backs as they went past.

  "Look at 'em, Dad. They are such young ones."

  "Aye, laddie..."

  "There'll be many sad mothers afore this is through." He shook his head.

  "There always is, sonnie. Dinna be sad. That is the way of war and man... and mothers," said the old ghost sadly.

  "Did we look like these shavers, Dad?"

  "Whew, that was a far off day...I remember watchin' you, Shannie, and Doggy. There ya all was in yer starched greens actin' much the same as that lot."

  Suddenly around the corner came the Viceroy and his entourage. Seeing the Preacherman standing alone, he changed course and headed over, "Your plans are going well, Father."

  Zeer stood up tall and bowed, “We had a lot of help, Sire. We had a contingency commitee formed early on. We just dinna think that we'd hafta use it so soon."

  "Listen to you, sucking up to that Frog."

  "Hesh a hesh, Dad."

  "I think I'm gonna be sick."

  "Ya canna be sick, yer dead."

  "Well, if I had a stomach, I'd be sick ta it."

  "If’n ya had a stomach."

  "And you should be ashamed, laddie. Have ya no honor for the dead?"

  "If they would stay dead it would be easier."

  "Well, me little Frog lover, I'm going to the pleasure dome. I canna last another tick. This area’s infested with Frogs."

  "Good riddance...ya bigot..."

  "Up the Froggers!" and with an almost physical snap of mental energy, Zac was gone.

  Down that same street, Trevor and Janni were taping pictures of the lines of soldiers for the Noon (Nzed) Report. When the Viceroy and his group had passed out of view, they wrapped up the report. Janni packed her cameras carefully to protect it from the sand swirling around the lines of shuffling feet.

  Seeing the Preacherman, they headed his way. Trevor smiled, "Quite a show, eh, Father?”

  "Yes, my son. So, how did the Channel take the news about you being drafted?"

  Trevor laughed, "That's simple… They said for first dibs on the reports, you could have me for the duration. The second crew was at the Viceroy's palais taping the birthday party of one of his wives when the call came through that MS-1 was under attack from pirates. Now, the space lanes around here are sealed and the other news teams are prevented from getting in to make any reports. We have two teams and other channels have none."

  Janni jumped in exitedly, "Now, our two crews are running live feeds to every channel in the Empire. We are getting ten times our usual rates for this gig. We might just retire with all the credits we're racking up here."

  “If you live, Miss."

  She looked stunned for a moment, then her eyes filled with tears.

  Zeer took her in his arms, "I'm sorry, lass. But this is not just another show. Yesterday, we buried over two thousand people. These pirates are set to kill us all for the mine and its wealth."

  "I'm sorry, too, Father. I guess all this war stuff is more than I am used to."

  "Think nothing of it. I guess I'm just tired. I shouldna have made thee cry. If you will excuse me, I must find me wife. She promised me supper," and he walked off.

  Trevor took Janni's hand and looked deep into her eyes for a moment, then he spoke to her softly, "What gives? I have never seen thee cry before, my sweetest. "

  Her mouth opened as if she were about to tell him something. Then, she thought better of it and shook her head, "I dunno. I guess I'm just tired, too."

  He stared into her eyes for a moment. "Well, if you're sure," he said softly. He picked up her camera, "Let's go see our new digs. We need a shower and a nap before the Evening News, anyway."

  She brightened, "You dog! You're just tryin' ta get me outa my clothes."

  He looked hurt, "Dog? Thee calls me a dog? All these cycles together and you still can't get the species right. We are CAT people... not DOG people!"

  "Furballs is furballs..." and she took off running toward their apartment.

  That night, after they had filed their report and eaten their dinner, they were walking along the parapet catching the last rays of the beautiful sunset. They leaned against the wall and listened to sounds of the mine. He put his arm around her shoulders.

  She shuddered, "Could we really be killed, Trevie?"

  "Girl, thee are the love of my life. Look around us. We just landed sixty thousand of the finest troops in the Empire. What could happen?"

  She shrugged and snuggled close to him, "Yeah, you're right, baby. What could happen?"

  Waiting for news was always the hardest. Trevor and Janni had a cup in the canteen and returned to their apartment. This night, they made love tenderly. Later, when he was asleep, she cried.

  He awoke to her sobs, "Darlin'...darlin'... we've been in tougher spots than this. We`ll be fine." He calmed her by stroking her soft skin.

  "That's not it, ya idjit. I'm pregnant," she cried as she buried her tears in his furry chest.

  He nearly fell off the bed, "What?"

  She grabbed him under the chin and looked deep into his eyes, "You, Sir, are a father."

  He sat a moment, cocked his head, and smiled, "Well alright, then. I'm a papa!" He leaned forward and held her, "and you, ma jolie belle, can resist this question no longer. I'm askin' thee ta be my official mate." He jumped into bed. "Scoot over, woman, these desert nights are cold."

  "How? By the Master's beard, fur face, am I, mere hairless human, supposed to keep your furry arse warm?"

  He nuzzled her neck, "We`ll think of something..."

  Once she was asleep, he contacted Zeer mentally, “Cardinal!?!”

  Zeer was sitting on the veranda, half asleep. He was shocked to be contacted, “Yes, Brother Trevor?”

  “May I request a wedding ceremony after Morgen Tide?”

  “Whom are thee marrying, my son?”

  “Janni Mixten, my cam tech.”

  “Does she know?”

  “Kind of…”

  “You and she must come and see me at first light. This is not something to spring on someone.”

  “Yes, Sir. I will… um… we will be there right before Morgen Tide.” Trevor then went to find that small box he had been keeping for just such a moment.

  As usual, Zeer had preparing himself to call the fire Eagle before 60, 000 new eyes. He was having his morning cuppa as two shadows came out of the fog. It was Trevor, looking nervous, and a very sleepy Janni. She
spoke, “Trevi says you wish to speak to me, Cardinal?”

  Zeer looked puzzled, “Really? Come, child, sit by me.” Paris came out and sat on the arm of Zeer’s chair with one arm around her husband’s shoulder. When both women were seated, he looked at Trevor, “Tell me son, what was it that you wanted to ask your friend here?”

  Trevor dropped to one knee, “Janni, ma sweet jolie, will thee marry me?”

  She looked from Trevor to Zeer. Zeer shrugged. “When?”

  “Ummmm, now!”


  “Uhhh, yeah!”

  She looked at Paris, “No dress…no flowers?”

  Trevor looked lost, “Do we need that?”

  She pretended to think hard. Trevor was panicked, “Well, do we?”

  Janni covered her face as if she were crying. Then she couldn’t contain herself. She burst out laughing and put her arms around Trevor, “No, my furry prince. All I have ever needed was you, ya buzz gwump! I need you!”

  He put the ring on her finger and swung her around. He put her down and asked Zeer, “Satisfied, your Grace?”

  “Aye, laddy. I think that will pass for yes! I will see you both in Church.”

  Paris took Janni, “Come, Child! I think I have a dress that’ll fit ye, and we’ll pick some flowers out of my own garden.” They disappeared, leaving the two men feeling stunned.

  Zeer got up and headed for the chapel, “I got two suns ta call. I think you need to call yer Brother and yer Dad to make sure they don’t miss your big day.”

  Trevor appeared to come out of his stupor, “Yes, Father…good idea.” He hurried off to get ready.

  After Morgen Tide, Zeer called them up and ran them through the banns of marriage. When it was over, he dismissed the tiny congregation of faithful, “I pray the Master’s blessings on us all.” He heard Paris telling Armand thet there was to be a wedding brunch for the two families at the Abbey.”

  Chapter 22