Read Preacher Man Page 46

The next morning, the Zeer was awakened in the first gray edges of morning, by the Rectory door bells. By the time Zeer walked up, a Guardian Commander was standing at attention in the foyer. Sheel and Jim had were standing behind him quietly. The Guardian spoke, "His Royal Majesty requests your presence at this morning's meal after Morning Song. I await your reply."

  "We'll be there, me son.”

  The Guardian bowed and withdrew. Jim and Zeer shrugged and laughed. "Well, aint every day we get invited to breakfast meeting with the Prince of the Empire."

  "By the Master's beard, don't get too excited."


  "No! Have you ever seen what they eat?"

  Zeer laughed, "Well, Old friend, hopefully, he'll have regular food fer us."

  "I hope so."

  When they got to the VR’s ship, the Viceroy was already eating fistfuls of something green and alive. They were shown to their seats. They looked at each other. Slowly, Jim lifted the lid and was relieved to see an ordinary breakfast. Encouraged, the other two looked their meal trays. As they ate, they waited to be noticed.

  The Viceroy ate several more mouthfuls of the stuff, and, just before Zeer thought he might be sick, turned to them, "Do you have any news, Gentlemen?"

  "Yes, Sire."

  "Go on."

  "Some Askirabim spies have located three pirate camps."

  "Yes? Well?"

  He took out a map, "Sire, they are in these three washoes."


  "Washoes are the little dry river beds that form the littler sections Purgatory Canyon. It’s an Askirabi word."

  "Yes, I see."

  "Well, Sire, there are so many washoes, they were given letters and the number of the mine that was nearest, although, some had Askirabi names."

  "Okay, enough geology. I was never too interested in science."

  "Well, Sire. We have reports of Pirate camps here… and here… and here. They are all in Washoe Joni. They are called camps J#1, J#4, and J#6." Little Jim pointed to the locations of the three camps in their washoes on the viddy screen set up around the room.

  "Alright then, lets go get them!"

  “Ohhh, look at that Frogger go.” Said Zac.

  “Say what you like, Dad. This is what they excel at, straight out war.”

  “They certainly handed us our arses back in the day.”

  The Viceroy had six tables set up outside in the shade. He divided the force into six war wagon units of eight hundred professional troops and two hundred miners. This left a full legion in reserve back at the fort.

  The Viceroy moved quickly from table to table making assignments. A general or an admiral took lead in each task force. Each camp would be hit from two sides. Zeer was assigned to a mop up unit at the camp they had labelled J-#6. They would come in behind the attack units and secure the area. This would release the war units to attack another site, if necessary.

  Zeer went back to the apartment. Paris had lunch ready for him. "I thought you weren't goin', boyo."

  Zeer smiled, but he watched her warily. He knew her claws were ready to spring out for a swipe at his face. He held his hands up palms forward, "Now darlin’, don't get yer knickers in a twist. I'm just in a back up unit."

  "Yer still goin' into that damned canyon, aintcha?"

  He let a huge blast of air out of his lungs, "Wheeeeww, well, yes, but only after the fighting is well over that I'm just goin' in ta help."

  "Yeah, sure." she ran out of the apartment.

  Zeer sat there a moment. He looked at his wrist timer, got up, and headed for his assigned war wagons on the flight deck. At the flight deck, he joined a rifle plattoon and got on his war wagon. He and Jim waited for the next ninety ticks as the radios remained dead. Zeer looked at his Par Cat operator, "I canna hear nothin'. Are the Askirabs say anythin’?" he thought.

  "No, I’m not hearing anything, Father. I heard them fine until they landed. They were taking a lot of fire, then, nothing. That's my cousin on that wagon. I am so worried."

  At that, they could stand it no longer, Little Jim looked at Zeer. He nodded. No words were necessary. They clicked their seat belts, "Go..." all the riders scrambled for seat belts as the flitter esponded and they leaped into the air like a great beast.

  They flew in silence. At about thirty klicks out from J #6, Zeer looked at the Par Cat corporal. "I'm picking up random messages from other camps, but nothing from Washoe Joni 6." Zeer slumped back in his chair thinking.

  Jim leaned over to holler in his ear, "What's with the cat?"

  Zeer yelled over the jet noise, "His cousin is in the first wave. He can't reach her."

  The large men sat back heavily, "That's tough. Poor kid!"

  The war wagon swooped low over the ridge above Joni 6. It was immediately thrown to the side by anti aircraft fire. The pilot wrestled for control and ducked back over the ridge. He brought the wagon to a rough landing and looked back at Little Jim, "I'm sorry, Sir, this is it until I can look at these thrusters. Maybe they're clogged or blown. I just can't say."

  Jim shrugged. "Okay, people...bail!" The two platoons headed for the ridge running low.

  Zeer grabbed Jim's arm, "Look, old friend, I'm no good at this. I'm a Navy man. I don't know nuttin' about land fightin'. So, you’re our leader, now."

  Jim smiled and waved them forward. They followed him in a wide arc around the rim of the washoe and down toward the source of the cannon fire. Almost immediately, three of their people were wounded. The rest followed closely. From the hiding place, they looked down into the washoe. In it was what looked like the usual mud brick Askirab homes. Where the mud had been knocked loose, blaster proof terraplast inner walls could be seen.

  Little Jim sat back on his haunches and threw a rock, "By the Master's eyes, it's a trap. There's a fortress down there waiting for us. Three quarters of the attack force looks dead."

  Zeer looked around the rock. He pointed for Jim, “Look at those one-man fliers buzzing around..."

  "Yeah...they're picking off some of the batteries…"

  "Aye...if not for them, we'd all probably be dead. Now, what are we going to do about the survivors, me son?"

  "I think we should go get them out."


  "We send a small squad down to keep the batteries busy and the second squad leads the survivors out to the wagon."

  "And I suppose you're the battery detail."

  "Well, you put me in charge, Father."

  "Aye, throw that in me face."

  His big friend laughed, and pointed to three different Legionairres, "I'll take you... and you... and you... Corporal!"

  The Par Cat radio operator slid forward, "Aye, aye, Mage!"

  "Get to the top of the ridge and inform the fort."

  “Call for back up. Got it!”

  The Comm tech said, "We have already done that, Sir. Prince Praseer says that Colonel Magregor sends her regards and three war wagons full of hard noses are already half way here for relief. He'd bring more, but every party was the same trap. Black Patch was ready and waitin' on all counts..."

  Zeer spat and cursed, "Damn my brother's missing heart!"

  "Aye, son, I'll second that," said his father.

  "Dad?!? Where are ya? "

  "I'm about three klicks away. Ta-Namu says to tell you that the cave that you got soldiers holed up in has another opening. Go two rods left and find a blue cloth. Pull it and the rock will move. Follow the tunnel and you should come to your lost troops.

  "Bless you, Da’."

  "It is a blessing ta serve thee."

  "Ahhh, she's teaching ya some manners then?"

  "Well, when in Rome."

  "Aye," he chuckled as he ran over to tell Little Jim. The giant face cracked in a smile, "That's the break we needed. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it first."

  "Aye, Laddie."

  "Alright, Father. You go get `em out. I'll try and help the others."

  Jim made hand signals to his plato
on, and they all headed for the rim of the washoe.

  Following the Namu's instructions, Zeer and his group crawled around until they found the cave entrance. They crawled forward until they reached the troops. Inside were several hundred Legionairres and naval air guardsmen. In command was a young CPO.

  Zeer crawled to her. She was directing several patrols trying to pick off the batteries inside the Pirate's fort. She turned in surprise at the new commotion behind her, "Father... where did you'ns come from?"

  "We found another way into this cave, it opens outside the washoe. Well, Chief... ready to bail?"

  She finished wrapping a soldier's arm and nodded, wiped the dust from her eyes, and saluted, "By your leave, Sir."

  " and your people follow this cave back. Outside, go to the high ridge on your right. Get your people aboard the relief wagons, then lead Praseer's relief troops back in here. Check?"

  "Check... "

  She took off, pushing and leading the remains of her troops out the escape hatch. Zeer looked out into the washoe from the inner mouth of the cave. Six of eight original war wagons were burning. Several blaster batteries had pinned down a large group of Legionairres.

  From the rim of the washoe, Jim’s radio man began radio-controlling the one man fliers. This directed fire distracted the blasters away from the pinned down troops. Gradually, the troops moved to better cover.

  Then, they were able to use better patterns of fire, the troops advanced and were able to pick off the cannons one at a time until the firing stopped. Jim turned, “Corporal!"

  "Aye, sir?"

  "Sound the all clear to the relief column."

  "Already did, Sir Prince Praseer sends his compliments and says they are just two ticks out."

  "I wish you damned people would wait til I give an order to obey it."

  The Corporal's face went white. Little Jim laughed, "Just kiddin', shaver. Good work! It’ll just take me some time to get used to these new command protocols."

  The young girl relaxed, "Thank you, Sir."

  As expected, in two ticks the relief battle wagons showed. Engines roaring, the wagons landed in cleared areas and killed their engines. In the dusty, wind blown silence, Little Jim's rifle patrol fanned out around him to check the area for survivors. Halfway around the washoe, they found another pocket of Legionnairres. Leaning against a rock was a Grygorian major. He was trying to read ripped up orders which had been blown out of the pocket of the dead general in front of him.

  The man was weeping, his trunk waving back and forth. "NDeadn… ney're all ndeadn..."

  Jim shook him, "Snap out of it, Major. They're not all dead. We can save some of them if we can move them out now. "

  "Nno...nnlook, nthey're all ndeadn..." and the elephantoid turned away, buried his face in his huge hands, and wept.

  "Get him out of here." Soldiers lead him away. Everywhere troops were being evacuated. People aboard the war wagons pitched in, grabbing the wounded, and helping them on board. As the wagons filled, they lifted off. Zeer found Little Jim. He yelled over the roar of jet engines, "Father, I'm glad to see you safe. We are regrouping at P-6. The hospital there is the biggest of the canyon centers."

  As things settled, Zeer turned to Jim. He pointed at the CPO, "She can finish this. Let's have a look at these pirates."

  Carefully, they advanced to the bombed out buildings. Zeer crawled through a toothy blast hole. Inside, the cooling smell of melted brick and metal filled his nose. Leaning back against a wall, he pushed larger chunks away from the opening until the opening was big enough for Jim. On hands and knees, he crawled inside to sit by his freind. One look was enough for them both, "Robots...nothin' but stinkin' robots..."

  "Me bro's havin' a horse laugh over this'n, I'll wager."

  Armand Praseer stuck his head in, "Gentlemen, let's bail before more pirates come."

  "Aye, aye, Cap'm.” They crawled out into the glare and jumped aboard the last wagon's runner as it lifted off.

  The wagons were loaded with nearly double the amount of troops it was rated for. It was unable to fly over the canyon's rim, so, it was forced to fly a crazy course along one washoe after another toward Purgatory Mine #6, the rendezvous spot.

  Zeer noticed the fuel light. He leaned forward, tapped Little Jim on the shoulder. "Jim, look at the fuel.”

  Little Jim leaned over to him, “What gives?"

  "I figger we're usin' fuel at twice the normal rate with this overload. We won't make P-6 without fuel.

  Jim thought a moment. "Pilot, head for P-3. We can refuel there. "

  "Aye, aye, your Honor."

  They landed in the abandoned town. Troops who could walk fanned out to get water for the wounded and fuel for the wagon.

  Zeer and Jim sat in a shadow and waited. A young Askirabi female with a baby bird child in her pouch, materialized by Jim’s side. He smiled, "Hello Tedab, how may I serve thee?"

  She was ashamed, looking down at her feet. She spoke in her tongue. Zeer heard them talking in his mind. "We are sorry, Jim-Samu. We did not know what awaited thee. That village was wiped out by an off world illness. It was abandoned many lifetimes ago. None of us had been back."

  Jim put his hand on her arm, "Thee are not to blame, Mother. We are just as guilty. We were arrogant, and they were waiting for us."

  She drew Zeer aside, "I bear the Father Spirit..." she thought.

  Zeer felt a familiar presence. "Hi, Dad."

  In his mind was a quiet, "Laddy..."

  "Robots, Dad, I feel so stupid."

  "We couldna seen it comin'. Dinna blame yerself... blame the bedamned Frog Major, once again, he rushed us in there half prepared."

  Zeer ignored his father and bowed to Tedab, "Thankee for protecting the Father."

  She bowed, "It is a blessing to serve Thee."

  "It is a blessing to be served by Thee." and she was gone into the gathering shadows.

  Loaded with water and fuel, they headed for P-6. They rode on through the late afternoon. There was no talking. These grim troops now knew that this was gonna be no easy job.