Read Preacher Man Page 50

Zeer was the radio man for their flight. The hospital ship blazed its way back to Namu Dan. For the first hour, he tried to watch every direction at once. He was looking for pirates in every shadow. When the wagon finally left the last canyon behind, he relaxed. He was so tired that his head nodded down on his chest until a crackling in his ear piece woke him. He sputtered, “No joy, no joy, repeat, please."

  "Ahoy there. This is General Frami..."

  "Aye, Ma’am, this is Delta Six Niner."

  "Acknowledged, Delta Six Niner..."

  "We're runnin' hot, General. The BIG care package is still tickin’. ETA will be in eight ticks.”

  "Acknowledged. We're waitin' fer you’ns at the usual place."

  All eyes strained forward to see the towers of the Cathedral, the first sign of Namu Dan. In a few klicks, the towers began to rise out of the shimmering desert. War wagons formed around them as an escort. Their wagon headed for the hospital. One by one, the pilots landed easily on the roof. Instantly, the doors were flung wide and the patients were carried inside.

  When it was empty, the wagons took off to make room for the next one flying right in behind. Unloaded, the new pilots replaced old. The ships headed back for P-6 to get more wounded or to evacuate the remaining town’s people. Trading crews every shift, the big ships flew through the night. By morning, P-6 was evacuated.

  Their ship landed. The first one off was the Viceroy. Zeer watched Paris as she shuffled along side the still form of the Viceroy as he was whisked to surgery. "Thee..."

  "And thee..."

  Zeer could not go with her. He had to help with the unloading of other patients. Holding onto a stretcher, Zeer went in and out of the cool hospital until the last one was brought in. Orderlies took both ends of the last litter and suddenly Zeer felt out of place. People rushed around him at a dizzying pace.

  He wandered down to the street level and headed to a machine for a cuppa. He sat at a table for a moment when a warm paw went softly around his neck. He turned and buried his face in the breast of his wife. "I have missed thee..."

  She held him to her breast. No words were spoken. They merged, "And I have missed thee, ma sweet husband..."

  "Have thee moved inside the fort?"

  "We have a room in the dorm across the street until a room is ready at Paronese HQ.”

  "Not like our own home..."

  "Where Thy heart is becomes my home, sir..."

  She jumped as the beeper on her belt sounded. "That's all for me! Work! Work! Work!" and she ran off to answer the call. Behind her, Zeer saw Tristan enter the cafe.

  "Tristan...over here!"

  " is the Viceroy?"

  "He's holdin' on. They rushed him to surgery when we arrived."

  "Good...good. I need to talk to ye."

  "I am at your disposal, Madame. "

  "We caint talk here. What I have to show you is in my office."

  Outside Zeer saw Sheel waiting at the wheel of a grounder. They jumped in it and headed for the Government Central. Tristan spoke for both of the women. "How bad was it out there?"

  "I've been in ambushes before. They aint never fun. This'n as bad as I've ever seen it...we were snookered from the beginning. It's as if they knew our plans." He put his hand on Sheel's arm. "Little Jim was the hero today. He and his Zurf hunter buddies saved every one of us with their pinpoint shooting."

  Tristan made a face, "Zurf hunters?"

  Zeer continued, "A Zurf is a one meter sized lizard lookin' thing, a mean, ugly sucker that runs like the wind. Them crazy miners hunt them for fun up in them canyons. They use one-man armed robot fliers. Against the pirates, they were simply too quick for the robot controlled blasters."

  "It makes me crazy that I missed it...I could've lost y'all."

  Zeer squeezed her hand, "We needed you here, Darlin'..." He continued, "With Little Jim's direction, they were able to concentrate their fire and put the cannons out of commission PDQ. It was a beautiful thing to watch."

  "Dang his hide...he was supposed ta be held in reserve..."

  "Don't worry, Darlin'...he was way back in the rocks on a com set."

  Sheel gave a whoof sound, "I'll yer idea of acting in reserve is to fight your way INside of a cave, thus and saving half a battalion.”

  “Technically, I was waaay off to the side…”

  “Right…if that weren’t enough, you fight your way across the center of the hot zone to get into the Viceroy’s boat and pull his Royal poochy out afore it blowed …”

  “Nooo…it blew up later.”

  “And then, you proceed to fight your way BACK across the center of the hot zone to a cave to into the surgical unit."


  “I just wanna know what you were thinking, that’s all.”

  "I wasn't thinkin'. I knew we’d be lost without him, that's all!"

  "I know...still, I haint gotta like it," Shell said as she wheeled the the grounder into her spot outside of Government Central. Sheel ran ahead to get Little Jim. Tris and Zeer headed for Tristan's office. Once inside, they all gathered. Tristan looked around and began to talk softly. She pulled some old Lexan out of her drawer and unrolled it on her desk. She set cups and books on the corners to hold it flat.

  Zeer looked at it, "So?"

  "This map is of this valley made more than a hunnert cycles ago."

  Little Jim leaned forward, "Yes?"

  "These drawings show an underground aqueduct system that has been unused for two lifetimes. Eighty cycles ago, someone diverted the river at the top, creating the Little Pergatory River.”

  “Oh, is that where it came from?”

  “Yep. They forced it to run through a different path right under the fort. The aqueduct tunnels weren't needed, and they were abandoned."

  "Okay? We’re with ya so far, so..?”

  "The point is that we can use these tunnels as an underground fort. They run several hunnert klicks in three directions away from the old fort. We can reopen them at both ends and use these air vents.”

  Zeer looked close. “What? Oh, yes, I see them.”

  “Right. There’s one here... and here... and here...really, there’s thirty to fifty that might work.”

  “Fer what?”

  Come on, Sis. Keep up! To set up secret gun ports as a surprise for our friends out there when they come a` knockin'. We let 'em git past us inside the perimeter and then we toast 'em from two sides.”

  “Brilliant!” They exclaimed.

  “That aint all. There’s mining train tracks all through ‘em. We can use the trains to move troops underground and be in different parts of the valley before the Pirates know where we are."

  Bedlam erupted. Everyone spoke at once. Finally in a quiet moment, Zeer asked, "How quickly can we set this up?"

  Tristan thought a moment, "Ummm… while you BOYS were out playing HERO, I was working all night, we been fixin’ and cleanin’ track. We got the metal shop putting mining trains inside. They’ll run end ta end in fifteen ticks. We could have it nearly done by a week if'n we hurry."

  “Got enough crew?”

  “Too many eyes will tip the Pirates.”

  “True enough…beautiful work, Little Sister…we are blessed.”

  Zeer got up and walked over to the window. He was lost in thought. The others watched him for a tick. Little Jim nudged his friend with his foot. "Okay, old what's cookin'?"

  Zeer looked deeply into the Mage's eyes, after a moment, he spoke softly "I canna see any other way to do this..."

  He stared at Zeer, "Ta do what? Man, you are actin’ crazy!"

  Zeer ignored him. He turned to the women, "My friends," he took each of their hands, "what we are about to say canna leave this room."

  Both women spoke at once, they looked at each other for a click. Sheel spoke, "You can count on us, Father!"

  "Sheel, have you told Tristan about Black Patch MacTarn?"

  She hung her head for a moment. When she loo
ked up, a single tear streaked down her face. She looked hard at her husband and spoke in a quiet voice. "I told her."

  "Did you tell her about me?"

  “I didn’t need to, Padre. Anyone who sees you’ns knows you and him is brothers. "She jumped up," and as to your past record, there’s nothing ta discuss.”


  “No! There haint one in ten of your flock that didn't end up on this hell hole with a side trip or two through police court. It's the man you are now that we know and love. Fergit the past, Father. Today, if we are gonna come out of this alive, we need all of us ta pull it off."

  Jim applauded, "Hear, hear, darlin' well said..."

  Zeer held up his hands, "No! You misunderstand me. I am not ashamed of my self any longer. Now, thanks to my brother, I must redeem the family name."

  "I understand that..."

  "No, wait...there's more that you two need to know, Darlin'. My family is telepathic. Thanks to Paris's training, I am now able to mentally speak with several species. On this planet, it's Par Cats and Askirabim. That was really the "new" radio network that we came up with."


  "Yes... ma dad had the gift...I have the gift. It stands to reason that Shannie has the gift. Them pirate bastards have been one step ahead of us at every turn. I fear that he was listening into our network. I think he was linked through Tantee..."

  The girls hugged each other. "No...not Tantee..."

  "Honey...Tantee probably didn't even know...I don't blame her. You shouldn't either. Some of us are able to link up so completely that we can see what that person sees and hear what that person hears. They don’t even know."


  "That's not all...your sister was with me the day a Ssarrian showed me a Verdollium necklace and the next day, all the people we talked to were dead."

  Tristan put her hand to her mouth, "By the Master's beard! It's worse than I thought. Poor Tantee..."

  Suddenly, Sheel turned pale, "Ya know, Father... it explains a lot. Being in love with your brother was more intense than anything I had ever known.”


  “It was more like an addiction.”


  “Yeah. We seemed to be part of each other. The day before Shannie left, I was called to inspect the new security system for a new jewel locker. That night the locker was robbed. The old Commandant was accused and demoted because the security system was overcome as if it were an inside job. When Patchie disappeared after the robbery, I felt more alone than I ever had before. Then, by the time he returned, I had recovered and there was no way I would let him back into my heart."

  Zac came in. A tired voice in the distance. "Maybe that's how he does it. The woman has to love him enough ta give herself ta him totally for there to be a mental bond...maybe that's why I could never get in."

  "Aye, Dad..."

  He turned to Tristan, "The reason I'm tellin' ya is that we canna tell yer new plan to any Par Cats. Use only the fewest people, preferably Ssarrians. Their mental patterns are such a scramble that we canna read them. Make it look like yer rebuilding the swamp nests. We can hide one of the outer openings in their swamp."

  Tristan jumped up, "Ooooh... that's sneaky. I like that in a man. If you ever git tired of that skinny Par Kitty and wanna try a real cat..." and she left without another word.

  Zeer laughed in embarrassment. He looked at Sheel. "You girls have no shame. What if I really was a priest."

  "Father...ah got two thangs ta say. ONE! You, of all people, know that the Master made us flesh and blood ta enjoy one another. And... TWO! Do NOT fergit this ARE our married me and this little feller...and yer gonna gather our babies..."

  Zeer got up and hugged her. "Thee are the best of friends I have ever known! A man canna have too many friends.” He turned at the door, “I'm headed back ta the hospital. Maybe Par is done. Gotta check on the Viceroy."

  "Okay, Father...I`ll call on him later." When Zeer had left, Little Jim looked at his wife, "So... ya never loved another man like that, eh?" he said playfully.

  Sheel got very serious, "Now you look here, bub. I toldja it was more like an addiction, a sickness, really. When I met you, that's when I knew what love really meant. "

  "Oh, you sure are a pretty one when yer mad, darlin' girl."

  She pulled him up off his chair and shoved him toward the door. "Come on, big fella, let's git some dinner, and I'll share some of my true love with ya..."

  "I don't know...I'm pretty busy..."

  "You better never be too busy fer me...I'll go find me a pirate again..."

  "Okay, okay...I'll be good..."

  "Yes... Don’t be so hard on yerself. So far, you been real good."

  Back at the hospital, Zeer's grounder skidded to a stop. He jumped out and went inside to check on the Viceroy and to find Paris. He found her asleep on a chair in the lounge. Without a word, he scooped her up and headed across the street. A young medico was coming out of the dorm. He held the door. "Thankee, ma son," he whispered.

  Zeer went up to the desk. He got the attention of the young fellow almost asleep back there and whispered, "Which is our room?"

  He checked his file, "13 C, Father."

  Zeer nodded, and he headed for the lift. On the 13th floor, he quickly found his room. The electro butler did its job, recognized Paris and let them in. He carried his wife to bed, covered her softly and promptly fell asleep beside her. He didn't merge with her to keep Shannie out of their secret plans. They awoke that way the next morning.

  Paris stirred first. She looked around herself, "How did I get here? Where's my beeper?" She shook Zeer.

  "Hush, baby...I must a left the blasted thing across the way..." and pulled her down to a long kiss. They rolled over together and fell on the floor laughing.

  Zeer lifted up on one elbow, "I'm too old for these student beds. An old man needs more room."

  Paris jumped atop him and looked lovingly into his eyes, "It is so lovely to hold thee, me darlin', darlin' man."

  "And thee..."

  "Ohhh, you two give me hives with all this sweetness..."

  "Butt out, Zac,” said Paris, but the moment was over. She jumped up, "Well, I'm fer breakfast..." and she ran out to the kitchenette.

  Zeer followed more slowly, "I'm feelin' old this mornin', ma sweet."

  His dad cut in again, "If yer old, laddie buck, what does that make me..."

  "Dead.., I think..." Paris laughed.

  "Smack `er once fer me will ya sonny..."

  She placed his cuppa on the board in front of Zeer, "Drink this, Preacherman, it'll stir ya. It's a new liquid ration. I got it from Praseer. It supposed to get you through the whole day."

  "Oh, this is too grand. Now, she's gonna poison ya with cat food."

  Zeer drank it as ordered. Putting the cup down, he put his face in hands, "I canna stand this... three days ago, sixty thousand souls arrived here. Now, twenty thousand are dead and half agin that many are wounded...all over some damned rocks. We canna do anythin' about it. Three fourths of the wagons are down."

  " are fergittin' one major point. That Verdollium's here. We wait here, and Shannie and his pirates must come fer it."

  Zeer stood, "Dad, you've hit it. We never had to go after Shannie. It was stupid…I was stupid…blinded by anger…after all those dead Ssarrians…”

  “Now calm down, sonny…it’s na yer fault! That damn frog Commandant Major called the attack.”

  “But, Da’…I let him. I begged him to come. We may have lost all those men for no reason. Shanny knew all along that he must come after us. Our stupidity has just helped even up the odds for him.”

  “Dinna fesh yerself…It’s not yer fault. Now yer gittin' smarter. Maybe the reptile will even git smarter… if he lives…”

  “But, will Shannie come?” asked Paris.

  He stormed around the room, "Oh, he's comin' alright…and we must be ready." He l
ooked up at Paris, "Darlin, you at the hospital all day?"

  She thought a moment, "Aye...I'll be around."

  "Well, the cat food got me straight. I'm goin' out to the perimeter ta check the troops. Come on, I'll walk ya over and check the Viceroy's condition."

  They walked together across the street. "I'm sure that they would have waked us if something was known."

  "Aye..." they headed toward the suite secured for the Viceroy.

  Little Jim and Sheel were coming from the other direction. "Mornin' folks. Thee look rested."

  They laughed and blushed. "Yes, Father. We did manage to get a little rest," she said.

  They passed through the security ring together into the Viceroy's room. The surgeons had finished and the cloning machines whirred as new skin was growing into the burned areas. The Viceroy floated in the warm water bath of the sleeping pond. All around him swam young female tenders who lowered him into the water and brought him to the surface to breath.

  Dr. Panzo looked up from his desk. "Pariz, ma jolie, reporting for duty?"

  "Yes, Doctor..." and she moved to the control console and began checking dials and readouts. Zeer knew that she liked this little Doctor. They had been through two disasters together. Their respect was mutual. He was more than the second cousin to the Empra. He was the best burn master in the galaxy. It was lucky for the Viceroy that he was also at the Palaise for the birthday party. He had come along to see if he might be useful. Boy was he.

  Zeer asked, "How is the patient, Doc?"

  The little Frogger looked up tiredly "He is rezting. I zink zat he iz going to make it. By tomorrow we will know. In a week, we can zee if za cloned burned partz will live."

  Paris touched his shoulder, "Dr. Potick, ma old friend, why don't ya catch a few zzz's. I will alert thee if anything goes wrong."

  The little Frog slouched his shoulders. "Yezz. Now zat ma favorite nurze iz here, I believe I will do that." He waddled over to the pond. Some of the tenders broke off from the Viceroy and swam over to tend the doctor. He slid to the far end of the pond and was fast asleep.

  Zeer kissed Paris and held her close, "Thee..." they thought together, and he was out the door.

  He jumped into the grounder to head for the flight deck. As he passed through the guard station out into the open area, he heard, “Ta-Namu...I await thee at the Church..."

  "Ka-lo-Prim, my mother, my friend, I will come..." He turned the car and headed over there. In the cool shade of the south wall, a crowd was finishing their morning prayers. They bowed as the Zeer climbed from the grounder. Zeer felt a moment of guilt. He missed the simple life of a priest.

  "When the Master chooses, we serve..." She made that funny face that Zeer had come to recognize as a smile. She put her foreclaw out. He touched it with his pointer and middle fingers and they bowed together in a Tarrien handshake.

  " are me kits?"

  "They are well, Zeer-Namu." She touched her claw to his forehead. Pictures of them flashed into his mind. His eyes filled with tears of regret and need for his wee bairns. "Do not be sad, Namu...for where I am...there are you also. You are the are always with us..."

  "Still, Namu, I would like ta hold ma wee bairns…"

  "Then this you must do. Come home to thy nest..."

  "No, Namu... Can thee move in here?" He showed the mental images of the new place Tristan had built for her.

  “You have made a wonderful Dan for us. I will bring thy kits home.”

  “Thank thee, Mother.”

  Just then, they were disturbed by the approach of another grounder. Little Jim jumped out and ran to hug his adopted mother. They conversed in sqeeks and squawks for a time and then turned to Zeer.

  Now that Jim was here, she began talking out loud, "We have found the lost brother..."

  Little Jim jumped in, "Where is the little bastard?"

  “Jim-Samu...he is gone..."


  "We found a pirate waiting for a transport off planet from one of his lairs. We searched his mind carefully and this he told us. He was to be in the last ship. The rest had left but only two sun rises ago. Apparently, they have left the canyons for another place. He did not know where, but it was far away."

  "No way, Namu... the Viceroy's fleet is out there... this space is locked up tight..."

  "No, Samu. This man had been through the net many times. More pirates left with him each time. Now, we think they are all gone."

  "Okay. I guess we must just wait then.” He sat in thought. A Guardian came up and knelt before the priest.

  Aye, laddy?”

  Jim broke in, "Oh, yeah, Father, the Viceroy wants to see ya. I was comin ta find ya when I seen Ka-Namu and forgot myself fer a moment. "

  "Okay, let's go." They bowed to Ka-lo-Prim and jumped into Jim's grounder.

  “I’m goin’ with Ka!”

  “Okay, Dad. See ya!”