Read Preacher Man Page 51

Chapter 27; Two New Titles

  Zeer entered the Viceroy's Suite, touching his wife gently as he went past. She squeezed his hand gently. "Thee..."

  "Thee," he returned, never taking his eyes off of the little green figure floating in circles out in the tiny healing pond. He sat in a chair and waited to be noticed. The Mage leaned against the wall. The nurses swimming around the Viceroy floated him and his mass of bandages, wires, and tubes over near to Zeer's chair.

  Zeer leaned forward to look into one exposed eye, bright, almost feverish with pain. "Your Majesty, it is good to see thee alive."

  A muffled voice came from the bandaged head, "Becuz of you, zaved my life. I can never repay zat."

  Zeer bowed his head, "Your Mage did as much as I, Sire. He directed the counter attack that set the defense perimeter. He carried you to the medics. I, myself, did little."

  "Don’t kid me, your Graze. I had the reports read to me ziz morning. YOU were the one who went into my burning zhip. You found me and got me out before it blew up. Magiztrate Magregor'z contribution was equally valuable. I cannot tell you what ziss meanz to za Crown and to me."

  "If thee lives, that will be sufficient payment. All I knew was that we would be lost without thee, Sire. Now thee must rest, Sire...let your cousin's magic machines do their work..."

  "Yezzz..." The eyes closed. He sank back into the pool. The tenders resumed their slow circles in the waters of the resting pond, their motion washing the healing fluids over the wet bandages.

  Zeer saw the doctor waiting outside in the hall. He motioned to Little Jim and pointed at the door. They nodded and headed over to him, "How's he doin', Doc?"

  Without looking up from his writing, the doctor spoke softly, "He iz barely hanging on. Only iron will power iz keeping him from a trip through the Mazter'z Gate. If he can hang on for a day or zo, the clone machines will be able to fully repair ze damage.”

  Zeer took his little green hand. “Let us pray for him and for thee." They dropped their heads in silent prayer. After a moment, the doctor squeezed his hand. "Zank you, Fazzer," and he returned to his paperwork.

  They turned and headed out. "Who's fer a cuppa," asked Zeer.

  "Good idea, Preacher man, but can we git it outside? Hospitals give me the creeps."

  "Okay, old friend, that will give us a chance to check out those field kitchens at the perimeter."

  "Good plan." Just then, a Fra'ad detective stopped him for a word.

  Zeer walked on. As he walked up, the lift door opened, and Sheel leaped out. Giving him a big kiss and hug, she said, "Father...I'm a mother...I'm a mother!"

  Just then, Little Jim walked up, "What?"

  Without a word, she leaped into his arms, "Baby, yer a father!"

  Stupidly, he pointed at Zeer, "No...he's the father."

  She punched him in the chest. "No, you big hairless ape. You are A father...we goin ta have A baby."

  Jim sat abruptly in a chair, "How?"

  She snuggled his neck. She tipped up on her toes, licked him with her scratchy tongue, and whispered into his ear, "If'n ya come home with me right this minute, big feller, I'll show ya."

  Zeer stuck out his hand, "Congrats' ma friend, thee dinna waste any time, I see."

  Sheel turned and hugged the Preacherman, "Thanks ta you, our marriage is blessed. Now, I gotta get this ape home afore he passes out. He looks like he needs ta lay down. I KNOW I do..." They left him laughing, cups of coffee forgotten.

  Paris walked up behind Zeer and slipped her arms around his waist, "Thee..."

  "And thee, ma sweet...did thee hear?"

  "Aye, I’m sure the people down the street heard.” They laughed, “I am so happy for them. They will be good parents."

  "Aye, that they will." He turned around in her embrace. He lifted her face to his own. "Thee looks tired. I have good news fer thee. Tris has extended a wall around the Guardian Central Square. We are now safe to stay in the Cathedral and the Rectory. Our Guardians are moving back into their old barracks. We are moving back to the Rectory. Ka-Namu will have your kits in thy arms by Even Song.”

  She leaped into his arms, “The Master is good to the Faithful. So sez the Word, so sez I.”

  “Aye, lassie…”He held her feeling her warmth and his love.

  He put her down, “What gives wi’ the Viceroy? Ya workin’?”

  "I was just comin' ta tell ya... I'm off til sundown. We're gonna split shifts until the cloning of his skin is completed."

  "Let's go..." Zeer hailed his grounder. They headed for their room to gather their belongings. The driver waited and took them to their home. He went to a new, small gate on the inside of the wall.

  Tristan was waiting with a big smile. “Hey, yer Graces…looky here.”

  With a whoosh of dust, they thudded to a stop. Without a wasted motion, Paris was out the door and headed for the gate, “Tris…it…it goes right through.”

  “It sure does.”

  She opened the door and lead the way. It opened into the space between the new Askirabi Dan and the garage. It closed with a solid clunk. Looking up, they saw that an entire section of wall had been replaced in the two days since they had left. At the top, just above the cornice of the Cathedral was a full blaster turret aimed out over the Valley.

  As if reading her mind, Tristan said, “Yep. They’re here… A grounder just came through the Rectory Gate a few ticks ago.”

  At full speed, Paris headed into the Dan. Zeer followed at a slower pace. He turned and headed into a different hall. Following the glowing fungus he found the Dan-Dan, the heart of the nest. Ka-lo-Prim was seated in a pile of pillows, his kits asleep with their heads on her lap.

  Zeer settled next to her. Taking her hand, they began a silent mental joining, "Mother... I bring thee the Father Spirit. He is weak and sick at heart. Would thee take him to the Pra-Namu... I believe she can ease his burdens."

  Zeer felt his father leave, although he had not spoken in several days. "I will handle this journey, Ka-Namu. It is a blessing to serve thee..."

  Zeer bowed, "It is a blessing to be served by thee..."

  In his mind, he could hear Paris calling to the kits. The boys woke up and tore off in her direction. Tracing their mental meows, he raced after them through the dark tunnels until he burst into a lighted room. Paris was sitting in a shadow watched by Mrs. T as she sat rocking the kits. Mrs. T looked over as he came in, without words, he heard her soft voice in his head, "H'lo, your Grace, lovely day."

  Zeer smiled and hugged the chubby old cat, "H'lo, dear...we had ta bring yas all home. We couldna wait another tick..." She nodded with understanding. Paris took one kitten and Zeer took the other. They sat on the couch and held the first one, then the other of their children, covering their wee faces with kisses.

  After a time, they sat quietly. They didn't see Mrs. T slip out. Soon, she stood over them with a tray of snacks and some cuppas. She set them on the table behind the couch, "Here's your tray, Father..."

  Zeer stirred and shifted the sleeping wee Shannie to rest against his mother's leg on the couch and stood stiffly. The baby turned to the warmth and wiggled closer.

  He went to the table and sat with a thump. "As usual, thee are a treasure. Have thee all been treated well?"

  She whoofed. "Ya'd think we was made of pure Quallite the way these birds have treated us. We canna think of something before it is handed to us."

  Zeer chuckled as he watched the old woman unravel the kits from their mother. She gently woke Paris and led her to the table, "Ya must eat somethin', Darlin'. Thee needs thy strength more than ever, now."

  Zeer looked sharply at his wife, "And... just what does that mean..?"

  She smiled a toothey smile, "I was meanin' to tell thee somethin'...Sheel is not the only breeder in this nest, Preacherman."

  Zeer reached across the table to cover her paw, "So...this is quite a day then."

  A young Askirab came and stood at the door, "Zeer-Namu, the netwo
rk seeks thee...the Viceroy asks for thy presence. The Mage called to say that half the court just arrived and a full tilt scramble had been called."

  Without a word, they kissed the bairns and Mrs. T and ran back through their gate. They jumped in their grounder, “Go, man, Go!”

  “Yes, your Grace!” said the driver. As soon as they were buckled in, the pilot gunned the engine. They took off in a cloud of dust. With a tail wind and full throttle, they made the hospital in a few klicks.

  Little Jim met them, "Cardinal, a packet came on the Empra's personal shuttle. Eight High Court Froggers got off and went into the suite and ran everyone else out. The Guardian Corps have been doubled. The Viceroy himself has been calling fer ya."

  "Let's not disappoint him." They piled into the lift. In a tick, they were at the right floor and headed down the hall.

  The lift door opened onto a mob scene. Reporters and viddycam crews were shouting in the hall. Pushing their way through the mob, the Mage spoke over his shoulder, "They came in on a shuttle. These news crews normally are at the Empra's court."

  Sheel piped in, "I pumped one of the Par Cat court reporters. The Empra hasn't been seen for two days. Then this group got together and these newsies tagged along."

  They saw Zeer, and they mobbed around them. Luckily, Jim had thought to bring a few extra Guardians up the lift with them. They formed a circle around Zeer and got him into the lift.

  The newsies tried to yell over the shoulders of the Guardians. They called out questions at the same time.

  "Yo, Padre...what gives? Why’s everyone waiting for you?”

  "Is the Empra dead..?"

  "Is the Viceroy dead..?"

  "Is the Viceroy gonna get the crown?"

  Trevor Praseer shoved to the front, "Come on, Cardinal, have you any statement for the press?"

  Mentally, Trevor linked with Zeer, "Paronese spies at court inform us that the Empra died yesterday. The Holy See is here.

  “Holy See..?”

  “The Exchequer of the Court Jewels…The only time that bag of bones is seen is when the new Empra is crowned. The whole newsie pack is in a hot triffle. The Viceroy's brother and sister are saying that the Viceroy is dead.

  “They were almost right.”

  “Ya well…We have to get our Frog on camera before the whole Empire slips away. Mind yer jewels, Preacherman, they've got big plans for thee as well."

  Zeer thought, "Thankee, Trev, what plans?"

  "Thee will know soon enough."

  “Very funny. Thankee, little brother.”

  “Mind thee, I get the exclusve.”

  “Right.” As if nothing had passed between them, Zeer smiled for Jani's camera and said nothing as the lift door closed. A press aide came forward. Her Tritonian size stopped the newsies, "People... people... Cardinal MacTarn has only this moment been called to the Viceroy's side. We will have a statement after his interview with the Prince."

  Zeer took the distraction and slipped out of the crowd toward the Viceroy's suite. A cordon of Guardians stopped them in the hall. "State thy business..." Zeer pushed to the front, "Cardinal Zeer MacTarn. I have been summoned by the Viceroy."

  The Guardian-Major stepped aside, "Sorry, your Grace, I'm new here. His Majesty has left orders to bring thee in PDQ. "

  Zeer followed the Major into the burn unit. The difference in only a few hours was incredible. The Viceroy was sitting up, talking rapidly to a circle of advisors in Francase, their native tongue.

  In the corner, sitting on a high backed chair was the oldest, most wrinkled Frogger that Zeer had ever seen. Paris joined him, "That’s the Holy See, sweets."

  "Aye…Trevor tipped me," he thought back to her in return. Zeer couldn't take his eyes off of the Viceroy. The skin of the Viceroy's face was completely replaced. Only a few patches of lighter green showed any evidence of the burns that had still been there this morning.

  He knelt, "Your is a blessing to see thee looking so well."

  "Zank you, Cardinal. I am much improved. I have zad newz. My brozzer, Zza Empra, iz dead. Now, as zee ranking priezt, you muzt elevate uz into the offize of Empra."

  "I am honored, Sire. I feel unworthy of this task. Is this not a task for a more senior priest than myself? The Holy See, fer instance…"

  "Za Holy Zee muzt prezide, but he cannot speak to me until I am the Empra. The Scarlet Vizitor was aboard my barge when it was struck. Az you know, the Vicate, my cuzzin, izz dead. Zat leavez you."

  “By Your command, Sire.”

  The VR motioned to an old monk, "Marza will aid you." Zeer turned to see a wrinkled old Frog priest in Cardinal garb. He looked nearly as old as the Holy See. They shook hands as equals.

  Before taking his leave, Zeer leaned close to the Viceroy, "Are thee well enough for this ceremony? Would it not be better to wait a day or two?"

  The Viceroy shooed his advisors away. He also whispered, "Zzat izz exactly what zoze tad poles have been zaying to me. I must zhow the pretenderz zat I am well and fit. I can have my brozzer's ten legionz after za coronation. After zzizz weekz dizazter, we need zoze new troopz."

  He nodded his head, "As you wish, Sire."

  Marsa stepped forward and handed Zeer a long, gold tube. Zeer held it while the man took a large gold key out of the folds of his robe, unlocked the end and slipped an old role of parchment out of it. Zeer scanned the ancient writings. It was in a style of Standard that was two or three centuries old. Luckily, over the last seventeen moons, his studies for the priest hood had caused him to become familiar with this style of writing. He read it slowly so that Paris could listen in.

  Zeer looked up in time to see the Viceroy swoon. He tossed the roll to the monk and gently cradled him. Lifting him gently, he placed him back into the pond. The nurse tenders swam around him and supported him.

  As Zeer was turning to go, the Viceroy grabbed his robe with a strong grip, "Cardinal! We WILL do ziz today... get ready!" The hand relaxed as he sat back down.

  Zeer went to the Chief medico, "Potick, me son, that is one stubborn prince. are we gonna do this?"

  "In a few tickz, we muzt change hiz bandagez anyway. At zat time, we would have to air zee new skin for about thirty tickz. Zat will be a good time for zee ceremony. Zee pwoblem iz infection. Zza newzies cannot be near the Empra."

  Zeer pointed up to the surgical observation theater over his shoulder, "They can be up there, shoot any pictures they want through the plasteel windows. They can talk to the Empra without contamination. Qui pence...?"

  The medico's tiny, green face split in a smile, I did not know zzat you zpoke zee Mozzer tongue."

  "Un puit...a small amount. A lot of the Master's early works were translated into Frankace. To study the lessons of the original Church, I had to learn to read the stuff. I like the feel of it sometimes on my tongue. So... what do I tell the vultures?"

  The old doctor laughed for a moment. Then, he motioned to one of the interns standing nearby. "Jod, close those curtains around the pond. Your Graze, He will rest forty five ticks while the newsies get ready upstairs." The old doctor pointed up to the viewing platforms around the top of the burn suite for his aide.

  Zeer nodded and headed for the door. Just out the door, he whispered the plan quickly to the Vicate's aide then turned and left.

  The aide raised his arms to the newsies crowding and shoving against the strong wall of Guardians. "Okay, people...the News Conference is scheduled for 1400 arns in room 5181."

  The newsies scrambled for the lifts.

  "That's only a few ticks."

  I'll never get linked up in time."

  "Finally, some footage."

  "At least it's cool in here, last time they dragged us here I nearly melted my doo."

  In a moment, the hall was quiet. When all of them had gone, Cardinal Marza said, “Cardinal Zeer, pleez to come with me.”

  They went back into the burn unit. They passed through into another room. They ducked across a hall and
entered another empty burn unit as big as the VR’s. In this room was a small group consisting of Paris, Little Jim, Sheel, and Tristan, Trevor and Armand Praseer, and Jani. Jani was setting up her viddy cam.

  "What gives...?" he asked the group.

  No one said a thing. In a moment, another group entered quietly. Marza was holding a stiff white robe intricately threaded with scarlet and gold designs. It is the robe of the Scarlet Visitor. Following the instructions they had been given, the women began to remove his Cardinal vestments. Zeer got the hint and silently went along. Soon he stood only in the brown, basic linen undergarments that all priests wore.

  Off to the side watching, the Holy See stood silently. Once Zeer was ready, he motioned to one of his aides. This priest, an old wrinkled Earther, stepped up to Zeer with two others. The youngest was holding a silver bowl of water. The other had scarlet towels, "We must cleanse thee..." he washed Zeer's hands and feet.

  Jani wished she could film this. Trevor shared this thought. "Blasphemy..." thought Paris."

  “Sorry, it's a reflex..." thought Trevor.

  “Your sickness, ya mean?”

  Zeer's brown robes were then covered with scarlet ones. The white ones were placed as the next layer. His Scarlet cap was replaced by the white of a Father Visitor. The Holy See walked up and inspected the large man before him. Finally, he spoke in a high, squeeky voice, “Are thee Ready?”


  The others pressed around him, congratulating him. The last was the Papal Secretary. He shook Zeer's hand, "Be blezzed... do well..."


  "Zhall we begin?"

  “Aye..." Zeer lead them all in a moment of prayer. Afterward, they began to discuss the ceremony, Trevor and Jani went into the lift to get to their spot in the gallery upstairs. An aide hit a switch to open the curtains. The gallery above them was a sea of lenses. Townspeople had pressed in to fill the other available seats.

  The aide stepped to the microphone. "Settle down...settle down..." She waited. In a moment the gallery was quiet. "First, as you may have suspected, two sunrises ago, the Empra was called through the Master's Gates. He was sent on his way in a private ceremony.”

  He paused for drama, pointing to the Viceroy. “Prince Maximillion Dewint, the Viceroy of the Blue Star Quadrant, will succeed his brother whom he served well these many years.”

  Now he pointed at Zeer. The Cardinal Zeer MacTarn, will temporarly be known as Scarlet Visitor. In this office, he will administer the Rite of Ascension.”

  Last, he pointed to the old Frog off to one side. “The Holy See has come to oversee the coronation."

  The gallery erupted in a thousand questions. One by one, she answered their questions for about ten ticks.

  “I turn the floor over to the Scarlet Visitor.” She also motioned to Zeer. He walked over to one of the Priests standing by the Holy See and knelt for the Papal blessing. There was a brief prayer. Another white collar and mantle was placed over his Robes.

  The tiny Cardinal waited until calm settled in. "As our Scarlet Visitor for this quadrant has expired in the last attack by the pirates, it is the intention of the Holy See to ask Cardinal Zeer MacTarn to perform the Rite of Assension."

  “As the Master calls, so shall I answer. I will accept this office. May He strengthen me to these tasks.”

  Cheers erupted from the townspeople in the gallery. Zeer then moved over to the See and knelt before him, bowing his head. He felt the boney hands, heard the mumbled blessing, and stood to face the cheering crowd.

  Just then, the curtain was drawn back further to reveal the Viceroy in a wheel chair. He was wrapped in bandages. Zeer recognized this tactic. Slowly, the medicos unwrapped his head for the cameras and the galaxy.

  When this was completed, the aide asked the crowd, "Who can recognize this man?"

  One of the newsies steps forward. All of the cameras turned to point to him, "I know this man to be Maximillion Dewint, oldest living brother of the late Empra..."

  The Viceroy looked up at him, "Zank you, Tamrath, my old friend."

  The aide spoke again, "Who challenges this recognition?" The room was silent.

  Zeer stepped forward, "Do we know this man to be the true Ascendant?"

  Yells of "Yess!!" filled the room. The about to be Empra smiled thinking of his sister and brother soiling their nests somewhere on Home World. This was great theater, just as his grandfather had taught him.

  Zeer raised his hands, "Draw near and know that the Master's hand directs these moments..." The room fell quiet.

  The Empra was lead to a throne that had been brought from Home World. He touched the robes and crown. They were put aside for the moment as he knelt at a padded rail. Marza held the parchment. Zeer read the banns. The Empra replied in the correct places. In fifteen ticks, it was over. The robes were placed on his shoulders. He winced at a sensitive spot, but withstood the pain. The crown was taken from the carved box and placed on his head. He turned and leaning heavily on Zeer's arm and sat on his throne.

  For the first time since he had arrived, the Holy See spoke, "A new Empra rules... be long!"

  The crowd responded, "Be blessed! Live long!" The curtains upstairs closed. The ceremonies were over. The Empra stood and hobbled over to the Holy See, "Uncle..." They embraced. Zeer hugged him and congratulated him. At last, Zeer found himself next to Paris. Silently, they held each other and watched the room. The group whispered between them for quite a while. After a moment they parted. The Papal Visitors began saying their goodbyes.

  The Empra grabbed the nearest Admiral. "Tell the General Ztaff to zcramble the ten new legionz zat we have inherited. Have my ztaff here. We will vid conference firzt zing in zee morning." She strutted off to do his bidding.

  On his way out, Cardinal Marza stopped to talk to the Zeer, "Be blessed, your Graze. I am headed for zee flight deck. I cannot ztand zziz blazted heat any longer. "

  Zeer knelt and kissed his ring, "Be well, Excellency."

  For the first time, the Cardinal turned to Paris, "Abbess, be blessed."

  She knelt and kissed his ring, "I will serve the Master as well as I can." He placed his boney hands on her head and prayed silently for a moment, "I know thee will child..." and the off worlders headed out.

  The Empra turned to Zeer, "Your Graze, nice show."

  "As we both know, Sire, whom the Master chooses must serve. I will aide thee. Thee must aide me as well. We are both new to this job. Unlike you, Sire, I have not trained for this all my life."

  “You’d never know it, Fazzer.” The Empra leaned heavily on his arm, "Take me to our pond. I am in need of zleep." The Empra smiled, "I wonder if your brozzer was alzo watching."

  "Aye, and he will be soiling his clothes to see that we both live. His little plan has gotten twisted a bit. I hope he loses some sleep this night."

  This time the Empra gave a tired, little laugh, "Yez... yez... now ztop making me laugh or I will undo all my dear couzin'z work.” He slipped into the pond. The medicos immediately began hooking the Empra back up to the cloners and other tubes.

  "Yez…good show…if we win ziz war, you may have any gift you want." The medicos began bandaging his burns. They now gave him pain meds. The Empra grew drowsy and slipped off to sleep.

  "Good sleep, Sire." He prayed a moment over the pond and stepped quietly away.

  He looked at the Papal Secretary, standing silently by the door, “Please take back these garments off me before I burst into flames.” The group laughed and headed for the other burn unit. Taking off the vestments, he said, “Man…that is too many clothes for a desert planet.” Soon, their stuff was stored and Zeer was redressed in his own out fit.

  “Let’s Go!” and they headed out.

  A group of Guardians silently gathered around them as walked toward the door. Lost in thought, he didn't notice his Par Cat Guardians working their way out through the crowds, making room for him to pass unmolested. Edging out into the hall, he
saw Tristan waiting for him. She threw herself into his arms. "I am so excited for you, Father!"

  Zeer laughed, "Why me? I have my old job back and the new Empra’s got all the problems, now."

  Breaking the tension, they all had a long laugh. After a moment, Little Jim spoke, "So... big doin’s?”

  “No more parties fer me. I am so tired. Sheel, make a way, please.” With a motion of Sheel's hand, Guardians moved forward again. Gently, but firmly, they pushed their way through the crowd of newsies. Zeer ignored their shouted questions as he left the hospital building.

  At their grand father’s hunting lodge in a cave on the third moon over Emerand, a beer container bounced off of the viddy screen, "Not dead… bloody bastard...Damn His tiny green hearts... stealin' me own brother... a complete sellout...I'll make them pay fer this."

  Outside the hospital, Zeer and Paris jumped into their grounder. Paris snuggled in close for the ride home to her kits. She leaned over and kissed him warmly, "I am so proud of Preacher man."

  He held her kiss for a long moment. The grounder pulled up to their new gate. Passing through that gate into their new garage, they headed for their home. They heard their twin whirlwinds running up the tunnel to meet them. Zeer grabbed both each one in a mighty hand and flung them high onto his shoulders. The boys squealed with joy at their favorite ride. He galloped with them through the cool, stone hallway. At the church end of the hall, they found the Ta-Namu’s people and Mrs. T. All of the Askirabim bowed in unison. "We seek to honor the Master at the calling of the Sun..."

  Zeer got that tingling feeling in the back corner of his mind that signaled the return of his father. "And that ain't all, laddy buck...You’re really gonna ask for Emerand as your gift?"

  “Aye, Da’…I am. If’n I live, and he’s still the Empra…it seems little enough.”

  “So mote it be.”

  Paris piped in mentally, "Zac old fart..."

  "Fur face...well...I'll be! Ye went and got yerself knocked up agin, eh?"

  "Be fruiful and multiply says the Word...and besides...when did you start complaining about grandbabies..."

  "Not I Mrs...never will I complain about me grands... So, girls this time?"

  "I thought it was time..."

  Zeer broke in, " are you feeling?"

  "I’m better. I’m about ready to finish the journey. I couldna miss me baby son's coronation as a Prince of the blasted Frogger’s Kirk, now could I?"

  "Dad…I have told Thee. It is the Master’s Kirk. And I turned the job down. I was only the Visitor for an hour. So…how are you?"

  "I'm well enough... I talked to the Ka’s parent, the Gate Keeper. She has told me about yer visit and about yer mission from the Master. She told me about Shannie’s little trick. She asked me ta help you find Shannies spirit and return it to the fold."

  "Really...what a grand idea. But, Da’…when its time ta go… You go… With the Master behind me, I’ll handle Black Patch MacTarn." They made a small parade behind Zeer as he led them into the fortified Church. With this latest turn of events, Namu Dan had become the spiritual center of the quadrant.

  He heard in his mind, "Your Grace."


  "Our Royal Paronese Council requests the presence of your party to attend a reception at our headquarters. We have moved it into its old office building at first and D streets in the oldest part of the fort."

  "Your Highness, as long as your request is for another day than this, we accept your gracious offer."

  “Tomorrow nzed for lunch, then?”

  “Done! After my daily new cast, then.”

  Zeer turned to Little Jim. "We are staying at the Cathedral tonight. Your sister in law has built up the defenses and your wife has assigned extra security."

  The big man laughed, "My're the Cardinal. This your church. You are First Citizen. It is not ever necessary to explain yourself to me or to anyone on this planet. We are yours to command."

  "No, my is the Master’s Cathedral. I am just a simple Preacher man tryin' ta do me job...shall we go? Please dispense with all the craziness. Please call me Father, and I will call you Mage. Got it?"

  Little Jim knelt and tried to kiss his ring. “Got it, Excellency.”

  Zeer pulled his hand away. “Not Funny, Mister!” But they all laughed. Mrs T. gave a cough in the doorway.

  “Yes, Dear?”

  “Supper is served, Yer Grace.”

  He threw up his hands, “Oh, great! Now she’s a doin’ it!” They all laughed again.

  As they turned to go, he put his hands on the big man's shoulders, “And you, my giant friend, are still my best friend. I'll be needin' ya more than ever..."

  “You may count on me as ever, Father.”

  “That’s the spirit.”

  After supper, they slipped into the back of the cathedral. A new, young priest performed the Mishwatan Calls for the Spirit of the Empra and the guidance of the new leadership. Afterward, he stood at the door for the passing of the peace. When it was Zeer’s turn, the man went ashen. He dropped to a knee and kissed his ring. “Your Grace, I did not know that thee were in Kirk this Even Song. You should have led the service. I am embarrassed.”

  Zeer pulled him up on his shaky legs. “Nonsense, Father. I love to sup at the Master’s table as much as any one. You led a beautiful service. I was honored to hear thee. Be blessed!”

  “Thank You, Sir. Be blessed!”

  Paris kissed the young priest on the cheek. “You are a fine priest, Father. Thank thee fer the blessed meal at the Master’s table.”

  “Thank you kindly, Abbess. Be blessed.”

  Going out of the church and into the cool evening air, Little Jim bowed to the Visitors. “We’re headin’ home. It’s been a big day.”

  “Night, kids.”

  The next day dawned bright. Zeer led a band of seven priests all spreading their wings to catch the Fire Eagle’s flames as they sang the Morning Song. Every one agreed it was the best service ever. Stripped down to his lightest scarlet robes, he went to see the Empra.

  He knelt before the Emora’s chair, “Thee are amazing, Sire. Thee appears to be getting stronger every day.”

  “The magic of modern medizin…I do az I am told.”

  “It encourages us to see your progress.”

  “Zeven Fire Eaglez ziz Morgen Zang. Zpectacular!”

  “It is good practice for them as I prepare them to be sent out into the Quadrant to lead Kirks of their own.”

  “You may juzt turn out to be my best choize ever for that pozt.”

  “The Master equips whom is called. I but follow His lead and yours.”

  He kissed the Empra’s ring as the curtain in the news arena was opened and the Empra began his daily discourse answering their shouted questions. Zeer slipped out quietly. He went to work at Government Center. He sent an aide to go to the hospital to pick up Paris just after the nzed news conference.

  Afer that, they headed for the Paronese headquarters, deep in the old fort. There, they met Mrs. T. with the boys. Once inside, there was much kissing and admiring of growing kits. News, in the mental speech environment, was shared at a lightning pace. All new information was distributed nearly at once. Of course, only the mental speakers could keep up. More guests arrived.

  A huge grounder full of Askirabim poured in the door. The red bird people were squawking and flapping their wings. Praseer was gracious and loving to the Askirabim. He made sure that there were plenty of young Peronese there to help the birds off their new bus. The two tribes had become great allies in the recent moons.

  “How was your short ride, Mother?” Zeer asked.

  Ka flapped her wings. Zeer heard her in his mind,”Zeer Namu, it is fast, but, I would rather fly.”

  “But, Mother, Thee has never flown.”

  “My daughter in law, Sheel Samu took me for a flight back to Washoe Joni to get some of my things. Now that makes me wish w
e were not flightless birds.” They shared a mental laugh. “I do agree that your vehicle is an efficient way to move groups of us quickly.”

  Zeer bowed, “It is a blessing to serve Thee.”

  She touched her fore claw to his two fingers, “It is a blessing to be served by Thee.”

  Little Jim had followed Zeer at the Nzed Reorts. His portion was to give the daily stats report on the court activity. Then, Sheel and Tristan had reported on military and construction progress. Once done, they had headed for the party. They arrived just as the last red bird was being gently helped through the extra wide doors of the grounder that Zeer had designed and given to Ka Lo Prim as a gift to the new ruler of Tarra.

  In time, they went into the meeting hall to eat at long tables. As they went in, Paris told Sheel her news and an outbreak of squealing and hugging broke the orderly procession. Once all were settled, Prince Praseer stood to toast the honored guests, "We welcome the MacTarn clan, ancient Zac, born and unborn kittens, the honored Father and Mother. We are blessed to be in thy presence."

  Zeer lifted his glass, "We are honored to be here, Your Majesty."

  "The Paronese Royal Council pledges life, liberty and treasure to Thy cause.”

  “I will not forget, and I will not let the Empra forget the sacrifices of your kith and kin in this mighty struggle, ma friend.”

  Later, after a wonderful meal, old Zac merged with Praseer's Uncle, and they left together to search the pleasure domes for an old man’s pleasures. Paris stood, "Good Prince, we are honored by your home and your kindness, but we are safe enough in the new buidings at the Cathedral." Songs and laughter filled the night. Outside, all of Zeer's Guardians, Asirabi watchers, and Praseer's personal Guard ringed the building.

  Later, the non Paronese took their leave heading for their separate homes. Sheel had moved her house into the top floor of the Guardian barracks. Tristan had the entire next floor down as her offices and personal space. The Askirabim went into ther dan. Zeer and Paris took their group into the Rectory. After tucking in the kits for the night, they went to their room.

  Paris folded herself into his embrace. "I had forgotten how wonderful it is to hold thee, ma sweet..."

  "And thee..." He was so filled with emotion. It overflowed from his mind. She was overcome, too. Their communication went beyond words as their minds melted into pure emotion. The energy of their love flowed between them while their bodies slept.

  The next morning before first light, one of the Par Cat acolytes tapped softly on the portal cover. Zeer leaned up on one elbow, "Yes, Zindo?"

  “Time for Morning Song, Your Grace.”

  Zeer laughed, "Well...and a lovely morning it is. I do love to call the day...Alright, Zindo, lead the way..."

  The boy trotted ahead with the lantern. As they saw the light, a murmur went through the crowd, "He's comin'..." The Guardians made a path as they went up a set of steps to the top of the wall. Most of the crowds parted, making way. Even the pushy news hawks stayed back and filmed quietly.

  Once at the top of the stairs, Zeer pulled his hood forward and felt the calm engulf him. With no conscious thought, he spread his arms to greet the first curve of the first sun. As the second sun set the morning sky ablaze, he began the Songs of the Morning. Throughout the valley, voices joined the beloved old songs and prayers. All who were present knew that the Master was blessing their town. The viddy crews broadcast the true blessing throughout the Empire.

  Zeer felt the voices rather than heard them. As the voices died away, he stirred. An acolyte helped him into his robe. He had a relaxed smile on his face when he came down the stairs to meet the newsies.

  They pressed around him, pushing and shoving. Zeer pointed to a Vargan. Her eye stalks protruding exitedly from her lavender fur all focused on him. A series of squeaks and grunts came out in swirls of steam from the holes in her face. A translator on her chest made her question clear, ""

  A smile filled Zeer's face. "No daughter, I have only been asked to lead the flocks in this quadrant of the church. The Master still leads the Kirk, I just lead the prayers..."

  The crowd laughed. Another newsie piped in, "How long?"

  "How long I lead depends on how well we frustrate my brother's plans for this mine and these people. The Empra and I will do our best to secure this area and thwart the Pirates."

  An Arbellian jumped up, "Your...your brother?"

  "Yes...we may as well clear the air...I am Zeer MacTarn of the Clan MacTarn, the Royal House of the Emerald Planets.”

  "Dang...this is something!" He turned to his camera, "Are you getting this?" His cam jockey nodded his three heads.

  "I was branded a revolutionary criminal at age ten. My grandfather was deposed and we went into hiding for decades... A while back, I received full pardon from the Empra."

  The newsies clamored, all asking questions at once. Zeer raised his hands and they calmed. He pointed to Trevor, who asked, "Where have you hidden all these years?"

  "I lived a life on the run. Before my conversion to the Way, I was a jewel thief and a wanted revolutionary terrorist. The Master has touched my heart. As I have proven myself to be valuable to the crown, I have been pardoned of all crimes. Most notably, I was pardoned for saving some miners a while back and the Empra's life last week..."

  "The Empra knows who you are?"

  "He does now...I confessed all and was forgiven...the Empra is wise and just..."

  "What are your plans?”

  "We are negotiating a settlement of the disagreements between my grandfather and the Empra's grandfather. Once this settlement can be enforced, Emerish people scattered throughout the galaxy will soon be allowed to resettle the Emerald planets."

  "How soon?"

  "Well…we are still at war with many bands of rogue pirates. My brother’s group is only one of them…My best answer is soon...if we dream is to sup at the Master’s table in me home church, Saint Paddy’s...I have not sung there since I was ten."

  " said IF we live..."

  "I repeat…we are in a life and desth struggle. "Black Patch”, MacTarn, leads a band of Pirates bent on war against the crown. He plans to bring down the Imperium by taking over this mine and taking all of our lives with it. They are no longer satisfied with black market activities. Now, he wants it all."

  In his hospital room, the attention of all was on the viddy screens. The Empra was amused by the service, but now, he waved the nurses away to listen to the news conference.

  "How's our end of the war going?"

  "Up and down...there have been several raids with considerable losses on both sides. We have regrouped here to await the needs of the you have seen, he has nearly recovered from the sabotage of his Royal barge." The Empra smiled...

  "So...your brother is winning?"

  Zeer laughed with more confidence than he felt.

  The Empra murmured, "Oooh...he is good..."

  "No! We will draw our defensive lines here...he had too much advantage in Purgatory Canyon. But...he made one mistake..."

  "What was that, your Grace?"

  "He left our precious Empra alive. He gave us time to regroup. What he wants is here. He must come here to get it. The Master waits with us. We must show patience. The mine is working every day. We expect full production in a week. We can wait forever."

  The Empra nudged his aide, "Zee Mazter'z hand izz on zat boy. I'm glad he'z on our zide. I would not have my crown without him." They both cackled.

  Outside, Sheel's Guardians pushed through the crowds to take Paris away. A few ticks later, Little Jim leaned in and whispered in his ear. Zeer raised his hands, "That's all for now...I am hungry. I must eat and see to my duties. Thank You...Be blessed!" Ignoring the questions, he turned and plunged through the crowd, heading out of sight. The Guardians closed the hall way behind him.

  The news hawks headed for their consoles to file stories. The townspeople opened their
shops. The miners headed for the mine. Life went on in a normal pace.

  The Empra had offered all of P-6 miners and merchants enough money to close the canyons until after the Pirates were killed. Since they had lived on Tarra for generations, most took their bonuses to Namu dan and bought houses, farms, or stores. If they lived, they hoped to be able to retire in princely style in this new place.

  Back at their hunting hide out on a moon above Emerand, his brother shook his head at the screen. One of the other Pirate captains, Tango Zedrin, a tall, red headed Emerish female said, "He's right about one thing, Patchie..."

  "Ohhh...what's that?"

  "We let that Frogger bastard escape and now that he's the Empra. The little piece of pond scum'll have ten more legions there in a week."

  "You forgot one other point..."

  She took a needle knife out of her shoe and picked her teeth, "Oh, really?"

  "Me blasted traitorous brother’s convinced that bloodey Frogger to defend rather than attack. No matter what he says, that tells me he knows about the Verdollium. Also, I’ll bet me stumpy legs that he knows how to get it." Nods of agreement showed around the table.

  Tango continued, “Them rocks aint no to him on that hell hole of a planet.”

  “He knows we want it..." More nods of agreement showed.

  “Hell, everyone wants it.”

  "He sits down there with a hunnert thousand troops thinking I’ll jest saunter into his little trap.

  “He’s in the jaws of his own trap now.”

  “Aye, Lassie… I am embarrassed that me own brudder thinks I'm that stupid."

  She smiled grimly, "So? What do we do now?"

  An evil smile cracked his scarred face, "We need a change of strategy."

  She knew he was right but didn't want to appear to agree too soon, "Really?"

  He ignored her sarcasm, "I say...we let them mine their blasted Verdollium..."

  Now, the Spider Queen leaned foreward, showing her ample cleavage. Her smile getting wider, she hissed, "Yesss..?"

  "We simply attack the shipments in space. We must do what we do best. We won’t stand a chance down in that blasted valley."

  One by one, the captains stood. "Aye, Space is my favorite battle ground. So says I..."

  One after the other, the pirate captains rose, "So says I..."

  The last to stand was Tango Zedrin, "Aye...Shannie...we'll do it your way. It's clear that we canna attack those bastards when they're dug in."

  They went over to the scanner. On the screen were clearly shown the Guardian ships around the planet.

  "Is this what I think it is?"

  "'s the Guardian Net," he laughed, "...meant to keep us out of there." The pirates laughed.

  They remembered how, with Shannon’s careful planning, they had loaded their troops and slipped their ships out through the cordon around the planet. Once in space, they headed for the moons off the Emerish Plant, their secret base for the last forty cycles.