Read Preacher Man Page 52

  Chapter 28; The Deadly Silence at Abbey Namu Dan

  The days passed in Purgatory Valley. Every morning for a full moon, the patrols went out and came back with no contact and nothing to report. The tension mounted in the packed fort. The Askirabs scoured each and every hole in Purgatory Canyon. Little Jim, Tristan, and Sheel threw their energy into a major expansion of the blast walls. They designed new blast walls that included the Cathedral, the Father Visitor's new head quarters, and the new War Palais for the Empra.

  Just as this was completed, the Empra was well enough to move in to the Palais. The Council gathered to escort him. The new Empra chose to walk to show his vigor. The nzed news crews lined the path. Overhead, heavily armed skips and flitters protected their path. They made a parade to entertain the viddy screens all over the empire.

  When he came out of the hospital to join the group, the Empra shaded his eyes as he looked up at Zeer. On their daily visits together, the two new rulers, one political and one religious, had built up a strong friendship. They had passed many hours discussing and arguing over the best way to proceed into their uncertain future. "Ahhh, Fazzer, come to walk us home."

  Zeer bowed with a smile, "Aye, Sire..."

  "It eez a fine day for a walk, eez eet not?"

  "Aye, Sire...a fine day...thee are looking well..."

  "I do feel grand. Nothing like whole new zkin to make a man feel brand new." They laughed together. "And your Good Wife, where eez she?"

  "What man knows the ways of any female." They laughed again.

  "Zat iz true," they walked a way in silence. They waved to the crowds cheering them as they passed. "Zzo... What do we hear from the patrols?"

  "We are gradually working through the canyons. We have been going slowly to be safe. We have neither found nor heard a thing in more than a moon. It's verra frustrating..."

  An Askirabi male appeared on the corner up ahead of the parade. He moved his hand in a known signal. They connected mentally, "Zeer-Namu, we have completed our scan. Ka Namu says to tell that the pirates must be gone..."

  "Thankee, my son..."

  "It is a blessing to serve thee..."

  "It is a blessing to be served by thee..." Zeer looked at him, but he was gone. "I'll never get used ta that," he chuckled to himself.

  " latest report is that the surveyors are done searching. Nothing was found. Therefore, we are certain that the pirates have left the planet. This continent is the only habitable land on this planet. We know that they are gone from the canyons. The search expands out but the Natives on this planet say the deserts that surround us are so bad no one could live out there."

  "Zo...zzey have escaped?"

  "We think so, Sire..."

  They stopped talking as they reached the private gate to the Royal section of the fort. There was some confusion all around them. A crowd comprised of news hawks and others were held back by the Guardians. Only the Council and the Empra's closest people were allowed to continue into the newest portion of thew fort. The Empra looked up at Zeer, "Have you been inside?"

  "No, Sire...Tristan, Sheel, and the Good Wife have kept all men out until today."

  "Shall we go zee what they have made for uzz then..."

  Zeer bowed grandly, "Apres' vous..." The Empra nodded, smiled and lead his group through the blast proof gates.

  Tristan met them inside their private gate. She bowed low, "Your Majesty...Your Grace... welcome to your new homes."

  The nearest building to the gate was Zeer’s. “Your Grace, this is Namu Dan Abbey. I hope it brings thee joy.”

  “Thank you Sister.” Zeer didn’t like moving so soon, but, with all trappings of his new rank moving here, his staff had grown and the old Rectory was too small. He knew that Tristan had already made a passageway to the Cathedral from the new house. It was also connected to a four-story office building that housed administrative friars and holy sisters. Next to that was a dorm for them to live in.

  She then, showed them through the Empra's "War Palais" as the newsies were calling it. It was built in the shell of the old Rectory. Tristan had lowerd the floor. The ground water seeping in had created a cool and damp swamp, just the way the Empra liked it. She had imported plants from his Home World. They were flourishing in the wet dark interior.The Empra was stunned, “Madame Builder, you have out done yourzelf.”

  On upper floors, she had rebuilt a Command Central space with all the latest gizmos. After a tour, the Empra turned and faced the group, "We will meet back here in thirty ticks." He turned to Tristan, "Zzank you for zee Palais. I am drying out in zzis heat, zo, I muzt zwim now." The Guardians closed around him, and they disappeared into the lower regions of his palais.

  Zeer watched as the Empra's group disappeared. Mrs. T. appeared at his elbow, "Your Grace..."

  "Yes, Mrs. T?"

  "When the blast walls were certified, me and the kits came over this morning with the Ta-Namu. We have been moving personal stuff all morning. It is nearly done. Tristan designed and built a new Namu Dan under your new house. Ka-Namu has moved her nest in here for the duration at the invite of Paris."

  "That girl's always thinkin'."

  "And speaking of the Abess, where might she be?"

  "She awaits thee...I have prepared some cool ones and a wee knosh on the new veranda."

  He wrapped the old woman in a bear hug and lifted her off the floor, "Again, Madame, thee are a treasure..."

  She blushed, "Oh, you..."

  He turned to the others and spoke aloud, "Friends, I welcome thee to my new home. Namu Dan Abbey…it’s a good name. My Good Wife, the Abess awaits with something to drink."

  They followed him to the shaded veranda for drinks. He kissed Paris and touched fingers with Ka-Namu. Zeer brought them up to speed on the report from the last survey near Piwot-Namu.

  When he was done, Tristan spoke, "I was saving this for later, it is. I just got the new defenses that I showed you in place."

  Sheel added, "With the Empra's new troops, our trained local fighters, and your clever traps, we control most of the valley."

  Jim spoke quietly, "Okay...the people should be brought back and start rebuilding their lives."

  Just then, the Empra emerged from his palais. He hurried to a seat under the shade. A sprinkler began spraying a mist over the Frog, and he was happy.

  Zeer rose and lifted his glass, "Welcome to my our home, Sire."

  The Empra looked around at the shaded hanging plants and the misted coolness, "It eez a lovely spot..."

  Zeer went over to the dark corner in which Ka-Namu was folded inside her wings. He helped her up as she was quite pregnant again. They went into the Empra’s shaded corner, "Sire, I wish to introduce the Ka-lo-Prim. As the leader of her people, her title is Ta-Namu, the Mother of Mothers on this planet. Her people have been essential to the search for my brother. Our Mage has been an adopted member of her nest since childhood. He can translate for us."

  The Empra took control, "Zank you, but No, Fazzer...we can't stay out here for long. Perhaps we can speak later after sundown."

  Little Jim translated the Empra's words into the squeeks and grunts of Askirabi. Ta-Namu replied and he translated for the rest. "I await thy pleasure, Sire..." and she waddled off to her nap.

  The Empra turned to Zeer, "Plans..."

  The Mage spoke first, "Sire, we have a small problem. We are so cramped here. Morale is deteriorating.

  The Empra waved his hand in frustration, "Yezz, yezz, Mage, your point?"

  He continued, "Now that two of the new walled sections are done and your new homes are completed, we would like to move the perimeter back out to the edge of the valley just in time for harvest. Many of the farms are still being worked carefully. We could use the food. It would be a shame to waste it. The mine is nearly restored to 100%.”

  “And the Verdollium?”

  “Not a whiff, Sire. We have looked everywhere in the collapsed areas of the mine. We have found no sign. Whe
re ever it is died with Talia Ssarriss.”

  "All right...keep me posted..." abruptly, the Empra rose. The all stood and bowed as he and his people went back into the palais.

  They went out of the new gate to a reviewing stand to talk to the mob of newsies that waited for the daily new report. Dressed in the robes of his office, the focus was on Little Jim. "Our new defenses are complete. The new barracks are up. The soldiers are housed. My Sister-in-Law informs me that she can have the rest of the walls done tonight. We will begin returning the noncombatants back to town from their hiding places. That is all for now. Father, will thee pray for our harvest?”

  What he didn’t tell them was that eight of the new Legions were returning to their old posts. But, with his gift, Shannon knew that the level of babble on the ships had dropped to almost none. He was more determined than ever to make a major strike. Zeer’s trap was sprung.

  Zeer stepped to the mike, “Let the Master keep us in His hand. Let us ask him to bless our first harvest. Let the valley say, O main!”

  The people said, “O main!”

  The news hawks broke into loudly shouted questions. Little Jim ignored them as he climbed into his ground car with Sheel. The rest of the Council got into others, and they drove off. Guardians closed around Zeer and Paris as they ducked back through the gate.

  Inside, she melted into his arms, "Thee..."

  "And thee..."

  "So, ma sweet... care ta show me the new digs?"

  "Aye, Preacher man...come into me parlor..." She showed him through the cool halls and well appointed rooms.

  "Where did thee get this furniture?"

  "Your new staff brought it...”

  "My new staff?"

  " came from the old Visitary. The New permanent Scarlet Visitor wishes to keep his Palais where it is on the Empra’s Home World. With you staying here, they, he and his wife, sent this stuff to you as a gift." She stroked the shiny wood of an old chair, "Some of this stuff is hundreds of cycles old..."

  They turned a corner and Zeer found himself in a huge office with rows and rows of friars writing on old desks with comp screens. She swept her hand in front of them, "Our staff, your Grace..."

  "Whew...what a mob!"

  "Aye...they are that. As the Cardinal for the whole quadrant, thee has billions o’ souls in thy hands now."

  Zeer walked among them, stopping at some of the desks to chat with the brothers from all parts of the Empire. He marveled at the work they were doing. Some were translating old documents. Others were recording births and deaths or keeping accounts. He shook his head then passed on to their private rooms.

  Mrs. T. waited there. She was just finishing washing the kitten’s faces after lunch. Down a circular stairway, was the sleeping area. The kits ran to tackle and then, pile onto him. He grabbed them up and they fell into a pile of pillows left Askirabi style in a corner of the boy’s room instead of furniture. Papa... papa... papa!" was all he heard.

  Paris fell next to them. He hugged her, "So...we've gone native, now, have we?"

  She purred contentedly in his arms. She mumbled sleepily, "Well, me darlin' this place is so much bigger, and we've not enough furniture ta fill it. The boys have become used to living like this. Ka-Namu sent us these when she came in last night."

  He snuggled down, "Quite comfy, actually..." He began to tickle the kits. Soon they were squealing and growling and purring and generally rolling all over each other. After a time, the four of them nestled together and took a nap.

  At sundown, the air around the veranda quickly cooled. The heat from the flag stone floor kept things from getting too cold. A lovely dinner was set for them. Jim and Sheel returned. Soon, they were eating and laughing. Ka-Namu arrived and sat in her corner seat. Zeer went to her mentally, "Mother, your nest is sufficient?"

  "Our Namu Dan Dan is excellently made, Zeer-Namu..."

  "My Namu-Dan...I thought it was yours?"

  "You are a silly boy...each Ta-Namu must have a Namu Dan of their own to return to. MY Namu Dan will always be at the place you call Washoe Joni. You will never be able to pronounce our name for our Dan Dan."

  "But, I am only the Ta-Namu because you gave me a victory that was truly yours."

  “We were together, we shared the victory.”

  Without any of his hangers on, a tiny green shape appeared at the edge of the veranda, "Iz ziz a private party?"

  Zeer and Paris leaped up and welcomed the Empra into the veranda that had been expanded in a great arc to be shared by both residences. They showed him to one of the sprinkler chair pads next to Ta-Namu.

  Paris brought him a drink, "Welcome to our home, Sire."

  "Zank you, child. It iz lovely here izn't it?" Smiling to themselves, every one sat quietly to watch the last light fade over the blast walls.

  Jim stood and moved to the Askirab. He fitted her with a translator. She spoke to the Empra, "Can you understand me, Sire?"

  The little green face cracked with a smile,"Yezz... yezz...I can..."

  Little Jim smiled, "I had my brother bring this out from P-6. He got it from a Purgatory miner...many of them never bother to learn Askirabi. They just buy these..."

  "Ziz iz grand!" In a tick, the Empra and Ta-Namu were chatting like old friends. Far into the evening, the entire party discussed the hiding of the children, the search of Purgatory canyon, and future plans. They shared the frustration with not finding the Verdollium.

  After a pleasant evening of eating and talking, they went to their own beds. Zeer and Paris checked the kittens. The old woman rocked and knitted by two sleeping bundles. "G'Nite, Mrs. T..." They kissed her and went into their own room. Exhausted, they fell together and slept.

  The next day, Zeer called Tristan. “Tris, ya need ta know that tomorrow at Nzed, the Empra is gonna elevate your sister to the rank of Brigadier General D’ Legionairres.

  “Holy Leopards…another general in the family.”

  “Aye, Lass. And, she is being knighted. It will be yer job ta git her there at Nzed hours. No later.”

  “You bet, Father. If’n I have ta hawg tie her ta do it.”

  “Countin’ on ya, Little Sister.”

  “I got a plan, Padre.” Actually, she got Paris to tell her.

  Acting innocent, Paris went into Sheel’s office. “Hey, girl…Have ya seen ma hubby?”

  “Naw, I been stuck in here doin’ troop reports.”

  “So, I hear from the grapevine that Tristan’s getting the Legion d’Honour for her defense plan.”

  Sheel jumped up, “Really?”

  Paris grabbed the larger woman, “Hesh a hesh, child. She’ll hear ya. It’s a secret don’t ya know?”

  Sheel covered her mouth, “Ooops! It’s okay, though. She’s gone off ta inspect some crash sites.”

  “Okay. Good! See ya…Hey! You gotta figure out a way ta get her there. And…Mum;s the word!”

  “Yes, Ma’am, Not a word…I’ll get her there if’n I hafta hawg tie her. ”

  “And Sister… the secret orders said…Full dress. Sword and Hauberk…”

  “Well…won’t that be fun in this blasted heat!”


  “Not me, Abbess…Solidas a rock.”

  They laughed and Paris went to find her husband. Paris connected with Zeer and replayed it. They laughed, “That’s exactly what Tristan said,” he told her. “Won’t they both be surprised come Wodensday. Thankee, lass.”

  Folowing what had become the custom in this circle of friends, she bowed to her husband, “It is a blessing to serve Thee.”

  With a smile, Paris returned the bow, “It is a blessing to be served by Thee.”

  The next day, at the time for live portion of the Nzed News, there was a bigger crowd on the dais than usual. The rumor mill had done its job. The news that the Empra might be presenting this update had padded the numbers. Today, it seemed like every one was there to see His Royal presence.

  As usual, Little Jim and Zeer were on
the dais. Today, their wives and a few Paronese officials had been asked to join them. The Empra was late. Zeer was reading his usual reports when the newsies began buzzing in front of him. The crowd was all around in front of the dais mixed among the newsies. The crowd parted and began to applaud their popular Empra as his flags appeared. Jim quit reading as he looked up to see the Empra’s grounder pulling up at the edge of the dais.

  The Empra jumped out. After the rehab from his injuries, he was no longer fat. He looked fit and trim in his new uniform. Zeer and Little Jim bowed. He returned their bows and smiled.

  He strutted to the mike. Ignoring the shouted questions and the crowd’s cheers, he held up his hands. While all eyes were on him, two large cats slipped out of a grounder and settled at the back of the gathering crowd. When they were quiet, he began. “Good day. Today iz a great day for zze Imperium.”

  Sheel beamed at her sister. Tristan beamed right back. “Az you know, we zuffered an unprovoked attack from piratez and ozzer criminalz in our zector. Ziz raid of fourteen war wagonz lead by an Orion pirate leader known az Tibal Zaft.”


  “Az you know, mozt of hiz ships were deztroyed by a defenze plan created and carried out by the local Guardian forcez under the command of Lt. Colonel Magregor.”


  “Would Colonel Magregor step forward.” Her friends pushed the woman out toward the mike. Unknown to even Tristan, the two mysterious cats had worked their way to the back of the group on the dais.


  He shook her hand. “Colonel, for your work in zaving the town and protecting the valley of Namu Dan, I am elevating you to the rank of Brigadier General. Would your commanding offizerz wizh to inztall the ztarz on zziz candidate?”

  “We would, Sire!” he two visitors replied simultaneously.

  Sheel looked around, “Wha?”

  Her parents stepped forward from behind the crowd. Her dad removed the oak leaf clusters from her collar, and her mother pinned the single star in its place. They stepped back and saluted. Sheel just stood there with her mouth open.

  “Close your mouth, General!” said her mom, smiling.

  She snapped to and returned their salute. “Yes, Ma’am, uhhh, Mom, uhhh, right!” The crowd cheered lustily for their new general.

  The two parents turned to the Empra, “Thank you, Sire. This is a life long dream for both of us.”

  “I did nuzzin… Your daughter did the work. I juzt filled out zum paperz.” He turned to one of his people. He was holding a purple pillow with a sword on it. The Empra drew the sword, pointing it at her heart. “General Sheel Magregor, do zzee pledge?”

  “If I may, Sire!”

  “You may.”

  All three Generals knelt before their Empra and repeated the Knights of the Legion Oath:

  “Only for the good of the Imperium…” They waited as the the sound echoed off the blast walls.

  “…Always with the Master’s strength…” (echo…)

  They stood and drew their swords. They aimed their swords at the sky,

  “We pledge our lives…” (echo…)

  “… our fortunes…” (echo…)

  “…and our sacred honor!” (echo…)

  So mote it be!” (echo…)

  The crowd said, “O main!” (echo…)

  The three Generals resumed kneeling. The Empra touched each one on the shoulder with the sword. He handed the sword and an ornate scabbard to Sheel. Zeer reached in and took hers. Everyone applauded. Tristan hugged her sister.

  When the crowd settled down, he looked over at the DeNoor family, “Triztan DeNoor, come forward!”

  Tristan stood there stunned. She almost had to be pushed toward the center of the stage. “Go on,” said Zeer.

  The Empra turned to her. “Mazter Builder Tristan DeNoor, your hand was everywhere in zziz great project. You built a beautiful Cathedral for me zo zat we could all worzhip in comfort.”


  “In a very zhort time you have built hundreds of buildingz plus an Abbey for za Cardinal and a palaiz for me. You built an entire town from a raggedy fort and a dezert plain.”

  (more cheers)

  “For zeze and hundredz of ozzer great projectz, I award the Legion D’Honour. Would za Mozzer wizh to plaze za ribbon.”

  “I would, Sire.” She took the blue ribbon and the dull gray metal cross and placed it over her daughter’s head. She held her in a hug that would have crushed a lesser woman. “I am so proud, Tris…”

  Tears poured down her face, “Mom? Really?”

  The older woman fought back her own tears, “Really. You have proven yourself to be the best. That’s all I ever asked for. That’s what you gave. You bring honor to our family name.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Her Dad grabbed her and tried to crush her again. “Yer the best, baby girl,” he whispered in her ear.

  He had not called her that since she was a kitten, “Oh, Daddy…” She held on tight.

  “And, finally, for all of his heroicz za ozzer night, I present to Zeer MacTarn, zza Fighting Vicate, a fully charged zolid gold hand blazter and an extra battery pack.” All of the people on the dais laughed until they cried. Zeer held the weapon high. The crowd cheered for all of the winners that day.

  “May Thee always be ready to defend my crown.” The people howled. With that, the Empra made his goodbyes, shaking hands with all of the Magi and their guests. “I must get out of zziz heat.”

  “Aye, Sire. We are late for lunch as well. Please drop by the Fellowship rooms in the Rectory at your pleasure. We have planned a small reception for the two heroes. We will save a mist chair for ya. S’il vous plait?”

  Pleased at the use of his mother tongue, the Empra bowed grandly. “Avec plaisure, mon ami’.” He strutted to his grounder and sped off to a cooler room and his newly arrived wives. The whole crowd bowed as one for their leader.

  Zeer turned back to the crowd exchanging hugs. “C’mon…c’mon…we got drinks and grub at the house. Mrs. T. will have our fur if’n we hold her up too much.” The cats of all types laughed at his reference usually stated by only cat races. They packed tightly into their two grounders and headed home.

  Mrs. T. congratulated the two sisters and steered them to the cool Fellowship Hall where a scrumptuous lunch was laid out. The Empra stopped by for a short drink and more congratulations and then hurried back to his new wives swimming in their pond.

  Later that evening, they all went to hear Zeer call the Even Song service. Sheel and Tristan had not been to church with their parents since they had entered the service. When the banns for the newly departed were said, they couldn’t help missing Tantee. They had been forbidden by their mother to say that name, so they just looked at each other and nodded grimly.

  After the service, with much crying and hugging, the parents said, “We love you kids, but we gotta get back ta Space Port.”

  “You guys just got here, “cried Sheel.

  “Whatta ya think, you got the only pirate problems, baby girl?”

  “No, Dad. I jest miss ya’ll so.”

  He looked away for a tick. He punched her in the shoulder. “Keep yer batteries charged and yer butt down, General. It’s a live ammo day!”

  She wiped away a tear, but managed a laugh at her dad’s old joke. “You do the same, General.”

  They both hugged their parents one more time. Her mom looked over their family and friends. “Good day fer the clan all the way around, sez I.”

  Devin nodded, “And so sez I, Ma. Always good ta see you girls. Take Care!”

  The old woman raised her hand in salute, “Bye, babies…damned proud of bot’ o’ yas.”

  The girls stiffened to return the salute. The war wagon that had brought them in that morning closed its portal and started its lifters. With a whoosh and a cloud of yellow dust, the ship headed straight up taking them back to their posting.

  “It feels like we’re always sayin’ goodbye ta tho
se two.”

  “I aint never liked it, neither.”Arm in arm, they went back to their party.