Read Prey Page 7

  Chapter Six

  What was his decision?

  The axis-path to the maxim-path that might insure the necessary capture and evidence, by which one could prove and actuate the crime. ...The 'success' and significance, to what could be an effective-end to a crime... The streets, were in the usual-decay; worn and decrepit. Aging, like most cities; the workings of urban inner-dimension, had a reserve 'laxness', in which the under-class survived and thrived but mostly, accepted and misunderstood... But the 'seriousness' of violence was always, prohibited and inhibited.

  In most cases and profiles, the professional and the average-thug leaves nothing to be desired... So as Prey accumulated in the many guises and chances... The inner-'images' and ideal-implications, were checked and erased... A 'proper'-detective knew most of the once-overs, from toll to test. Crime tended not to pay, but desperate-assailants took their chances. One's experience, went-up against another's expertise; with only one being the 'vanquished'...

  Prey typically, rarely lost a case, being a trial-attache. She knew what to do, and why. ...The bottle-strewn side-walks, streets and alleys marked the starting-point where decorum, devising and devotion-waned. In the mid-North-side was where hudlums fashioned a tough, rough and tumble, life. Graffiti, wornness and delapidation went-on in needful neglect, even the toughest Cop didn't stay there long... There was two of them but the rules of safety were to be carried-out, to the letter. If a Cop didn't make it to the station over an hour's time a score of officers were sent-in to case the area. But Prey, knew exactly, what she was looking-for. In their preparation and apprising, they would proceed and resolve the elements of cause and compelling; and either call-in a crime-detail, or the 'refocus' of a delineation. This, was where 'crime-work' got interesting... Each of the victims were both accepting and hospitably, 'autocratic'... ..The 'inside' of the case may depend on an exogeneous and assiduous-'plot'... Either carefully exposed, or assiduously, assimilated. The process and 'polgrom', was an instilling or instigation; over the next few vital-hours.

  In what was a 'grimness' and gravitation Prey was dividing and subdividing, in nondesperation and symposium. An origination and assertion-'simulated' or associative; as the streets came and faded, a polynomial-predominant-transversion was to be annulled, and analyzed... The transferring transverse-vendication was in both Prey's and the criminal's thinking logic. As they traveled and applied their-'differences', they came near to the end of their 'journey'... As sure as the two shops were 'easy-pickins', so were their eventual-destination.

  ...The 'waste', nonconformity and dereliction made for a sense of dispair, and irraticism. The toll, had caused both urgency and irrepute, in finding both funds and misfortune... A response to what was an APB, were two-identifiers... As her-partner spotted a white-car fitting the I.D. sitting in an old building-site, which the owner long-since left-to ghettoing. Register and retrieval, had spoken for itself. The edification and atrophication, of what was the law and all its preeminents... Prey realized two-assailants were only conspiring to take what couldn't be 'aspired-to'... As they had entered the broken-glass, worn-doorway leading to a dark hall, beyond a drugged and wasted black-man lay and his associate was out-back ignorant to what was occurring.

  After checking for arms and handcuffing, they were booked and sent back to the Pen to pay-out the rest of their-incarceration... Strong-arming was one of the 'cheapest' crimes/thrill-rides out-there. ...Prey realized they hit twice, and they took money without bloodshed. There was little thought or creativity; and getting-away had been a prime-order... It only took the avocation to follow a stipulation and standpoint, to out-wit crime and criminal. It was two pm, three cases still-lay for objectifying and observation... The patrol would be carried-out and portrayed, in conferring; computated to be deployed and exactingly, extricated by an extrinsic-'mold'.

  Policing-extenses, sometimes meant redefining an original-directive. It was at times, done through subjugate and surmising. ...At times, one had to reaccess and reevaluate division and dogma, like a regency and condoning. The corporal and code, didn't capture-remittances and representations. In this register and remittance, the instilling and admonish, officers cut and broke their teeth over. The differing-requiems, which would be served in-court. Her-day would end with a evidential-scheme, a major-case and a on-the-loose domestic/penal-code-violator, extrapolated and picked-up by the L.A. County Sheriff.

  As Prey put-in the end of the day's duties, their was a ruckus out in the pool... 'Okay, Prey. I'll see what that's all about.'. The entire room was stirred, turns-out there was a hostage incident over on Fourth St. A disgruntled-employee holding several fellow-workers for being terminated. He was a former-soldier of the Afghan-war. He was a heavy-conflict insurgent, probably, suffering from PTSD... ...One-thing was, he had a high-powered automatic weapon; a .30 caliber machine-gun able to pierce walls... Prey knew weaponry, she knew this was very serious. A high-powered rifle; war-stock, was no 'toy'. The SWAT team would be in place, as the news came in, the details included the place of occupation a chemical-depot. With all the possible explosive-material it was a 'powder-keg', waiting to go off.

  The hostages were three women and four men... The Captain walked in as everyone went back to work. He had a serious scawl on his face, he was serious. He spoke very soberly, 'Prey, I want you on this case'... He sent her to the Let. Commander of the assault team-engineered and understood; everyone on the team were all hand-picked and devoted to their-cause... Inspired and intentional, you were chosen by 'ability'. ...She arrived at the stand-off point, 75-yards from the assailant's position. They established a phone-line but he was acting irrationally. This, would be no simple 'disarming'. Prey had seen PTSD, in her duties; from mass-murder to military-revenge, if he was someone as altered; he could do horrendous-things. The Commander was getting profiles of the situation...

  Pattie Serionon was lead-Commander, he was very busy. It took ten-minutes for Prey to reach the spot, going through police detours and reaching the command-site. Prey's abilities were especially good at outwitting the criminal-mind. As she arrived she had already began a casing and analyzing, what were her options and opportunities... It was a mind-game and sport, if you were going to win this battle you would need to understand and be opportunistic. The perception and power-of the mind, would need to 'outmaneuver' in your best meticulation.

  Night was falling 'fast', the sun was falling on the Pacific ocean. ...In an incident by what was still an unfinished-crime. What would be an eventual-absolvence of what was becoming an outstanding-occurrence. The potential and prospect-of a situation and circumstance... As Prey arrived to a cordoned-off scene. Interests and allusions meant the contention of legal-authority would be nothing less, than difficult. The illusion and illustration were what made hard-work, 'romantic'. The especial-sensation was often what an officer knew was dealt-with, as a discipline... The Commander was getting situated with his team.

  ...By inspiration and intent, the objective and opportunity was to develop. But that didn't mean things wouldn't be 'difficult'. The honor and 'dividing-line', of what would be affected or elaborated. The suspect was taken very-serious.

  -...He was a former high-level insurgent-soldier. Married two-years, had been at home three-years... Now, fired a day; with the fulfilling of his-profile, the team realized what they had to accomplish wouldn't be 'easy'. Everyone began to take into account the differing-contentions. It was getting dark. The hostage-taker was still in-charge. The lead had established a line with one-Jason Brett... He was in no mood to play-games. One wrong turn and some one would be dead. At this point Prey was inspired. It was on the way there that she was entertaining, creatively.

  The skills, in apprehension was always at the frontal-science of her-mind, she was culminating and cultivating-all she could; before entering the site of wariness and danger. When she entered the scene, all the factors and fundamentals of what
could occur became apparent. As she sat, watching and listening to the on-phone conversation, the planning, and mapping details. She was attending to and attaining the better-prospects of the events. She had to invest in policy and pretension, if most, if not everyone was to come out 'alive'. What tended to affect most policemen was fragile and frugal-reverences of what might happen, in an ill-certain outcome.

  But she established and understood, the symposium and sufficiency of what was a barrier or brace, to which events would lead; or, was to follow. The 'colors' of a crime, are often blurred by fears and aggression. She'd been excising the many rudiments of thoughts and actions. So far no one was hurt. The assailant would be tiring or coming to a head. There were issues understood and misunderstood, she experienced it many times. The cause and effect of act and emotion, in the court-room setting; where a perpetrator is sent to prison by judge and jury, for only an incident-alone... As well the law-enforcer part of it sometimes goes unheeded, or inadmissible... The situation, this individual was in, would probably be held in mitigative absentia, for its severity. Their main-concern was indivisable; which was the 'lives' of all involved...

  The Commander would try not to trivialize or serialize, what was a fragile-situation. The lead began informing and giving all the parameters to what was going-on. He was specific and to the point, he didn't mince words, he wanted him collared or 'culled'. LAPD-SWAT team were known for their fatalism, but fortitude. Most law-enforcers knew the team killed rather swiftly, it turned-out assailant's desperate-mentality almost surely, meant a repose of a lethal-purportment. ...With no Inspector oversight, the sooner the better to bag a bad-guy... When she was advised to enter the scene her Captain wanted her there by her-Inspector, '...We don't want newspaper bylines discussing the PD's undue-reactiveness...', said the Commander.

  In fact, she was to act as a 'safeguard' of the police-legal overseer... Now, she only had to step-in in-person,her position was to recall the lead and become direct-laisson... It was a step up for Prey, but she realized she was under orders, and was needed that way. She knew, activity and objectivity were to carefully, be alluded to. The head team-leader was sorting through the treatments and tasks at hand. He was polished, until the holder ran its course... By 9 pm, the suspect was tiring, when the lead decided to use percussion-bombs. 'No, not now, he's a former insurgent, that may excite him.' 'If anything, try to connect with him, we want him to realize what he's got to lose...'. 'If we fully get him to know what's at state he should soften-up'. The lead, knew not to argue because he knew Prey's reputation. 'Okay, men stand-down until we get the go-ahead.'. -Prey went to work...

  She drew-together all the evidence, incidentals and his-psyche; the 'rich'-information that had been conceived and gathered from the moments and evidential-memorandum of Policing-professional policy... An enforcer, was to uphold the letter of the law, but the apparent anxiety which goes along with ability and skill, some times comes with unexpected and serious-'loopholes'... One's duty and fascination conscribed and ascribed, to instance and understanding. For which hope and heart devised and developed in self-interest, and intent. And one's ultimate-assertion may be a decision of life and death.

  One had to use a higher-'will', that might protect the rights and humanity, beyond attitude or experience... And denoting to fact, instance and actuality. A proponent, component and 'edge' was to always be had by an officiating-officer. Prey had went-over all of the corroborating- information then she effectively, began to 'tie' the loose-ends. A soldier, an intense-weapon and seven varying-hostages, had been held in-place till night-fall. She eluded all the points and counterpoints into a refined-'nexus'. Important to it all was the proportions and properties of how definitively, to proceed. And then, she piece-together, the adaptness in the next action. A expundate actuality, which might provide a suitable-significance...

  The suspect, before he became an assailant, killer or committed-suicide was once an honorable-man. Now, his-life had changed and so did his former-reality... The average person has times when they just want to give-up. When life seems unbearable, and no one seems to help. So many perpetrators commit heinous crimes only to realize their life had ended or was snuffed-out. Prey had devoted some time in studying of stand-offs. Many were mere-misunderstandings. Now what was a 'fuse', had to be made to understand. With SWAT, a cordoned-off police-standoff and seven-innocent but scared people, were now between her-suspect and her. So she didn't need to complicate the matter. They didn't need anyone getting rash. She had to bring-down an 'Osyris' from his-thrown. Sometimes professional help was best kept reticent. Prey ordered a pull-back and a phone call using her as the mediator. After the introduction she apologized for the overbearing show of force. She tried her best to keep him talking. He said he was hungry and that his former coworkers were now quiet and frightened of him.

  His-spirit seemed strong, as he made banter. She had to remain calm and objective, time seemed fleeting, there had to be a quiet-orchestration of the two. The moon was rising over the ocean and the swallows were flying in the abundant night-sky. Jason sat in a forward room with his-held victims, they could see him through a window and a glass-aperture. Prey wasn't wasting time, a good-officer had to take all advantages. She wanted all of them alive, but he was still a suspect. If he didn't endure, he had to be taken-out. A perception or principle had to be kept realizable and attainable. It was very important that it remain obtainable.

  He was six feet tall, about 210 pounds was carrying a twenty-five pound heavy-arsonal-weapon for th last six-hours, made four phone calls, in that time; all to the police. He understood authority and expertise, he was a welder by trade, a journeyman who'd just found a good job, but now that was over. Prey tried to inquire about as much info as possible; she had to scale this situation as much as she could. Inspiration was in itself a talent as skill in policing. She wouldn't let it go on much longer...

  'And now, the things you once worried about were factors which were unfair...'. Prey humored him, trying to keep his support and confidence, she had the entrant-force team get ready. All the observing agent were given the point by point analysis. The inspector wanted her for to show and prove herself. As Prey kept dropping conciliation he dropped his guard. A flash-bomb knocked him back and twelve heavily armed agents tackled him before firing a shot. The media, EMT and fire-department all rushed-in and the team cleared the area for danger and evidence.

  The Captain showed-up, and congratulated her. 'The Inspector wants you and I, in his office by six-thirty am.'. '...go home and rest'... The active-teams Sergeants wanted an all-nighter, but future-associate, head-detectives knew it would be better to rest their-eyes. The night went swift, she knew to awake at four-am. Being a very-strenuous-athlete, she had showered, dressed and eaten by ten till five. She wanted to get some fresh air before work, so she drove the beach-road at sunrise. As she rode in on Malholland Drive she received friendly appreciative calls from coworkers and colleagues... ...8:45 am, the court of 'District-6' criminal court of greater Los Angeles; was on the first-dockets of felony-assignings. This is where 'highball'-violators, learning their-fate. In the spirit-of accusation, indictment and law, the prosecutor and defense comprehended or reprimanded cases, and future judges, decided protocol. 'Det. Little-horse, please approach the bench...' From crime to charges, were weighed-upon, in actual-data and enforcement-representation. Her-skills, talent, experience and expertise-guided and pronounced legal-cases... Her fluency in all-things legal made for a crucial commanding, conferring and implication. In her getting to this point, she contended with the educational and auspicious contingency. Following the 'path' of compiling legality, came at a greater innate-compolation, of personal, consistency and comprehensive-protocol. The substantial-'elements' and elaborations ran within and through the 'precipices', and principles of her becoming what she was today. As she stood before the court, in her was the ways of her wise and
understanding uncle. The competence and carefulness of drive and devotion, and in her very-appealing eyes, was the scope of committing; which enriched those around her, which she had provided a good...

  And with this collective-duty and deposition unveiled and acted in the institute, and instilling, posed and employed. The path of a 'native' was to act with diligence and endure difficulty for the betterment of self and society. In the expression of empower and survival. Establishing in astute-accomplishment the 'desire' to complete duty and transmission... What was truly, redemption and comprising; and the literal-consigning of justice, judicial-assimile and jurisprudence. Which came down the path of work and warranting...

  ...In what was inspiration and intention, recognized and are rectifying-ramifications. Her perspective and pontificating, would prove 'worthy' and reverentially, worthwhile. Prey, reached this point with distinction and integrity. She could remember times of danger and suspense that the 'grand' and granted-achievement; all distinguished, legal-portrayers, became a transition... The especial-atonement and logic,that are supposed and surpassed; the reason the 'badge' becomes 'gold'. The rough and ready-references that becomes 'reality'...

  ...As every scheme and scenario, proved accountable and exceeding by what is a legal-framework. As one becomes espoused and exposed to 'elegy', and established institution... Which the attainment and accuracy in an orientational-activation; that the world converges and abdicates in alloying, and actuates the many-treatises and transactions... ...That 'wars', wariness and warrant, came to compel and compete-in the dedication and duties of criminal-to 'crime-fighter'. With the threat of harm and injury comes the all too relevant-experience and expectation...

  One knows, as the 'knights' of Justice, takes their-chances. ...But the digression of talent and toll, were feasible and a functional-apprisings. It was a very serious-occupation and career. If you didn't deal with-it on a personal-basis, chances are you lost your-life, or be fired... The implementation or affirmation was to be tacit and remain in-control in an essence and perogatory-intent. ...And the stages of policing-life, one honors his-role and adamantly, accepts purpose and judgement in-citation... And with hope, the depictions and parallel-jaunts...

  In '08, the streets were a nightmare, the loyal-order of officers were in the forefront of illegality and criminality, on the edge of a cultural-malaise. Unemployment, despondent-officiation; which was in a culture-shock. ...The L.A.-sensation was becoming a sad-depression, carefully and confirmingly, caused others not to believe in the culture. The police-culture, became unitized to bring comfort to the average citizen, a genera of protection, promise and pride to which everyone, played-together.

  It was a respective and correspondence, carefully congealed-incurring and of essency, that with the engagement of law and gallantry, held-out... Prey Ophelia Little-horse was an up-and-coming legal-attache, she'd spent a lot of time learning and mentoring under the courts; seeing how to survive and expound-on the 'cords' of learned legal-technical and eventual-enforcer-services... She figured all the terms of legality were the antiquities of major-case-load proffering...

  The many influences that make up an excelling judicial-servant; meant you learned and could possibly be efficient. Prey knew what she had to do, and how to do it. Her duty and dignified-diligence went a long way to bestow on solemn and assertive-civility and self-significance. As many had taught her, it gave her the wisdom to embolden and embody. The court, was a better-place as any other to survive and thrive. There was acknowledgement and 'inspiration', that was in an inward-sanctity and significance. Unified and essentially 'universal', she composed in a sure-accounting.

  ...Her-personality and perserverence; extolled and endowed. In what was the deeds and dedication, obliged and objectified; in the enamored incentive... Investigative-work came second, because in the justice system the bona fides was oriented in the design of apprehension, booking and prosecution. Which was subdivided, by differing-assigning, segments...

  ...Learning the 'requirements', regency and worthy-cause; in the intent and interest of carrying-out the law. This intentional-objectivity is a reality, ratification and warding; by which improve, with time and cause. Prey had learned the interstitial-elements and espousing-composings. And now she was ready, willing and reliable. ...Inspection and institution now gave her a travailing of system and sophisticated-commanding.

  A now, technical and traversing, she gave her instilling proving-competence. She arrived at work on that Wednesday to a quiet-morning. It was 5:30 am, in late-August... It was 'vacation-week'. ...Her superior awaited her. ...Playing a part of a rescue, she realized, it would be an expediency of accord. It was in the news, in the papers, and on radio. She was instructed to be there early, to meet with her supervisor, the Commander, and the Commissioner... She was making a name for herself. The day would be full of 'pomp' and circumstance, which she knew to tolerate. When she returned back home, she had a number of voice-mails on her phone from her-partner to her uncle, to her mom and dad.

  She was to be awarded the 'Medal of Uncommon-Valor; and the fast-track to assistant-head detective to be reassigned to the Northwest District, where violence was less. Prey was looking to a position in east-L.A., where her father once worked. She didn't grow-up there, but she remembered how the people residing there who lived alongside, were devoted and dignified.

  ...Their hopes against violence, meant a lot, to her... That would be a number of years off so she thought. The intention and distinction; to arrive, would be eventual. ...Times to come and times to dream-of... Prey was on the beach enjoying the warm-sun, after a hiatus, well-deserved. As she and a few friends attended the hot-summer's movies, as local-patrons. The Fall would began with her L.A. Ironman-marathon, and then the return of the locals to schools, businesses and urban byways.

  They rode the Buick around town, enjoying the city's sites and engaging in exciting and enjoyable events. California was one of America's best-vacation sites. That night, she went to the movie-theater with the girls. As they walked up to the pay-booth three men in their twenties walked in behind them, they were about six-foot between 160 to 185 pounds.

  ...They came to their-seats and readied to see the show, the three-men sat behind them. As the lights went down, the Royal blue floor lamps lit up. One man reached and grabbed one of the women's purses. Prey had spotted the man out of the corner of her eye, and grasped the man's hand and threw the man to the floor. The other two ran from the theater. Prey arrested the man and called the police. It seemed crime didn't rest, her friends were used to L.A. violence and went back to enjoy the movie. Prey arrived home for a long night's sleep. Tomorrow, would be another day. The full-Fall's season would arrive, that was when everyone returned from summer-vacation...

  ...By September 15th, the full-capacity would be back and attending to business, it was 'semi-sweet'. There would be exacted and exciliarating times to be a worker in a large West-Coast city... Examining and coming to redesign their efforts; performing, expending and reassigning all manner of things... There'd be renewed times to define things. The community, merchants and industry would carry-on.

  ...There would be vital-enterprises to which there would be crime, violence and legal-concerns. Of which people would be understood and assisted. Prey had already understood this 'simple' but outstanding-reverence. She had attended to all the 'factors'; from clothing to weaponry, to new-codes now, being atoned... She was beyond 'symbolic' and substantial... It was a serious-job, and to make a career of it was a decision and deliberation incipient, and for her, 'ideal'.

  It was all, beyond the ordinary, she'd seen movies of being a Cop in California and the many demands of times and tolls... The native-logic and accounting; that adorned and adopted to the skills and scopes; that was of an 'impetus' and empower. The inherent and assimilated-of the fact and frugalness of place and effectivity... The metropolitan-arena required the commitment and competen
ce for which Prey enacted with 'full'-detail. Whether tedious, or action-packed, things had to be entailed; and she came to relegate and expound-on their terms...

  As the once warm hot-sun, became a bit duller and the ocean fell less regular, the activities went back to a conferred reality. ..In the instilling and institute to times less, inadvertent. But the city went on, especial and adherent. It was the reality and character of the town. New-incidents and events, would take-on new relevances and reassimulations. The avenue and 'avant-garde', would issue-forth and reach a resolution and understanding.

  Prey would go, in being prepared for duty and decree, she'd examine and reexamine the call and recall, of legal-precept and interpretation and reaffectuated-testament and times... The case, crime and element, would resiliate and resolve in a framework and the future, to a cause and consideration...

  There would be a focal-point, ability and implication, erected and eased-into by terms, times and places. For which decision, impact and regimented-ideology; would prove exact and inciting...

  The streets would be extrinsic, with order and price. The devotion of life and limb would occur and public life would go-on. The policy and laws, for which community and recourse that many came to accept and understand. ...The law was the protection and perspective-by which cause and conferring, which had proved the needed-delegation to which human 'safety' and diligence went-on. The many personals and proprieties, carried-on in the denoted-interests.

  The effective-condoning and versatility, for which things went on, which was in the obliged-intricacy of things. The many propriety and principles of what was the social-custom. In the many individual-enlistments of a legal-system of what policemen atone and was a basic-aggregate. The disseminated-impute, by the designs of cause and character; an acknowledged-will and worthiness, perfected and profound. To meet the image and be in a persistent inspiration achieved, attained and utilized. What was the necessary-integration proven and persevered.