Read Prey Page 8

  Chapter Seven

  An arbitration of facts

  The managed-implication to which commitment and conference, had to be a given consolidation and command-incorporation. Prey was a vivid-expert at focus and fulfilling, of what was of terms-accurate and accountable; the full-consummation of courage and price had been with a commited-craft and workmanship... The life-long stamina and standard, evoking and essential. The aspects and circumstance by which the gendarmes of genuine germaine-followed and espouse the judicial, legal and criminal-carrying of statutes, and what commission and concertion. Prey alluded and aligned in the highest-stipulations affirmed and follow-through in consistent, allied alignment... In its proponent she had understood all, most of her life. ...What was a kind, discerning and destined-virtue from childhood; tolled, transfixing and conferred-youth. And completing self-dedication honor and truly, intentioned adulthood. Her job would carry-on and be a valuable attest to the division and hopes; held and decreed in a very-congent auspicion.

  As the Fall, came into full-fruition, full-schedules were activated, and most of the city would began bussling with activity... 9:45 am, Prey sat at her-desk conversing with her-partner attending to morning Det. duties of which Prey was constigated with higher-eshelon work, exacting and especial to her imminent role up the ladder of assigning... Her partner and what would be the assigning-officers would be grantful, and implicit to be chosen. The honorary civil-installment was in the necessary-run of the precinct... There would be an order and discipline to being on the 'beat' and in a practice and employed expertise, five cases, three misdemeanors and two official preventions; would have been carried-out and enlisted to the precinct and courts. It was an average active day. The lines of shadow fell onto the tall-windows of the precinct, as they applied dictation to the day's final report. The warm ending day's sunshine would lend a last seasonal reprise. The seashores once busy life was all gone. Only beach-combers and sailors trolled the waters. Prey would try to be there before darkness. Tomorrow, she'd be on enforcement detail, assisting in court and legal-enlistees, propagated and aspised for call and role...

  Till now she'd enjoy her-hometown and set-out for life at the beach, then with the final Fall's red-sunset the day would be over... There were few disadvantages to living in Los Angeles, typically everyone was layed-back, a land of warm days and adventurous nights, the regular-commotion and consigning for which community and composition many pray to have, it was a place of expression and utter-contrition. Where in most times most things were accepted. The transpirings and evocations were truly vivid and understood. An admirative repose was confiliate and conciliatory. The Luna moon would rise on Friday just in-time to see from the beach. And the start of assignment work that Saturday night.

  All-detectives were to be involved in recommended duty compendiums, she'd be right up-front taking the reprimanded provisions and protocols. With the edge of essentiality, the rudimentary-residing and representational, were established and recommended. ...By Sunday the judiciary-paperwork will be oriented and reordered. Prey was indubitable about all that was her-tasks, from the arresting-call to the origin of a crime; it was fortent and utterly virtual. The detective mind had to work with an acute 'commonality' that made things 'plural' and posturing to procuring time...

  The presences, factors and issues which for any circumstance that had come and would become involved in determination, duty and danger. For which intricates, instances, and inveritability for times, seasons and substantial-vocal... Prey would be adorned with impetus and empowering, impact that would conceive and connotate in versatility and virtue. The implementation, over the conscription and evident availing picked, perceived and imposed... It was on the afternoon of the work processing that something unusual occurred, an enforcer had to be on his or her toes. As the precinct teams were preparing to leave a bulletin came over the radio...

  ...'Alert, alert...APB out for potential rape and robbery by six-assailants, in early to mid-twenties. Known to be armed and dangerous, on the loose; last seen in Ocean-front area... Proceed with caution...'. Multi-crime suspects were serious. No one wanted to be hurt but wild perpetrators tended to have nothing to lose. For the police, it was a moral thing, with the assailants there was no discretion.

  That is why detectives took-up the reigns from here. The daily cop didn't have the experience or objective-expertise... Prey, two of her-associates and the alerted CO were dispatched. The entire local-area were put on active awareness. The public was made aware but criminals, known to be dangerous had little to be concern... Between aspiring and desperation, meant they were to be taken seriously by all.

  Establishing a blanket-effect in apprehending assailant or assailants was not to be taken lightly. All attending officers were to keep in radio contact every 20-minutes. The entire processing detectives were to adjourn and join-in. Then a whole-new implication occurred, the six-men were cornered in a gun-shop, and several captives were being held hostage. Business, had just gotten very serious. No Cop aspired to this situation, but it was there intrepid-responsibility. The bulletproof vest came-on, as the on-call team put a perimeter around the standoff. This was a circumstance a detective cut his teeth on. The many variables and veritables, Dets. understood and learn to be espoused.

  The instance and assurance was in the intent and interest of the Police, and those protecting the public. ...In this entitlement were the apprehension of violent. And now, there was a legitimacy to arrest, those suited in criminal means. The lights were out at Eugene's International Gun Emporium. It was quiet, and the authorities were calling the phone at the shop. It was sure, capture or killing might be an outcome, so no one was certain. The policemen carried-out the detail of what was a crime scene. Sharpshooters were falling in-place. Hopefully, the intent to catch the criminal-suspects and their captives alive was of a prime importance.

  The influences, which are brought to an officer in the pressing and intimidability, have to advance and endeavor to be suited to harm, hardship and harboring which must be accepted and overcome in legal terms. So the inter-networking of force, fortitude and facility are aimed to make a consistent utilized affront...

  Prey, sat within the perimeter with the team interpreting and accounting for the collaboration of team and assimilation of target and base, looking at the interminable and duly-actual... The detectives were acting as main figureheads, they were in-charge of the scene before officer and public. This in fact, was 'textbook' circumstance, every higher-level legalists, were meditating with the many conceptions, understood and inordinated. ...Prey and her team new this was no time to be hasty. Everyone in it, awaited her-move. She went up front to get the latest. After the terms, the future aftermath, had to be considered.

  Two hours later, there was little movement, so no one was ready to assume anything; and be responding, to nearly any action. Prey made the decision, and first, informed her-superior, this would be an individual-intense reply-call... She'd activate the shooters and go in with her-partner. Each were armed with leg-holster weapons, only Prey had a Snubnose .357 in her back placement. Both her and her partner knew the threat, but one of the best enforcers was taking the reigns. Possibly, after being seen as an impostor, could lower their weapons as a suspicion. This idea of an ideal-could comprimand any guard, she'd knew it as a prime-officer..

  Dressed in the semi-casual attire, she could be seen as a unculpable easy-precaution for the suspects. No sign of life was noticed until the two-looked in the barred-window. Eugene had protection for his weapons but little for urgent response. A flurry of gunfire lit-up the night. Weapon-fire of all-kinds pummelled the glass-front lattice-work. They quickly, moved to the rear of the business. Prey had visited the shop once, it was almost a lower-LA institution, with anywhere from celebs to single-mothers finding items of use. And now a small-team of suspects could revel in this-attitude and attainment.

  This was the ghost, Pre
y's mind danced with, a nimble and facetiveness that was explored and expose; the many sides of the incident... Along the actual and intensive curve, the many learned and educative nimblenesses that might end a crime and ascertain a crime-occurence. They were on the back-wall, she knew exactly what and where everything was, everything was playing a part in the capture and arrest of six violent men. It couldn't have appeared more haunting. But if all the variables were right, a half-dozen men would be apprehended.

  They made gunfire, a serious committing, if she was to overpower them a heads-up confrontation might be the only way. Prey had to pick her-stand, and she was now-certain of how to do it. Four shots rang-out, then six more, then silence. They were reloading, it was obvious they had no-idea of the proper-use of a firearm. Obviously, all of them weren't firing at once... This was no time for excuses, all-suspects could mean a possible 'barrel of monkeys'. Prey wasn't going to let it go-on any further. She told all-snipers to shoot to kill. The quickest way to smoke-out a varmint was to do something unexpected and unusual.

  Eugene was to smart, he left the rear blocking of the delivery door-open... Swiftly Prey ordered the SWAT team's armored vehicle, in six quick seconds the entire building was blanketed with tear-gas. Prey entered the building as the smoke dissipated. Three of the men, lay on the ground the other three had been stuck trying to escape the owner was under a counter breathing in a towel. 'What took you so long, I thought I'd need a 'tank''...

  Everyone imagined what had happened out-of-the-blue, Prey was transparent. Heavy-assailants as they were known, had a serious sense of subsequence. Adorning criminals with more than their due, should not be held-up. At times fears and frustration can come to be imbalance, but dedication and definition should be underscored and understood. There was no need to be impassive, things were adamant and resolved.

  Six men and a victim were all accounted for, the prison was informed and after booking they were escorted in the transfer-vehicle. After seven hours paperwork, indicted the six-suspects on a total of 34 counts. The media was emotional about things, but after a week, it would be forgotten. Prey was absolved and used her intuitiveness, adjourned with the case. It wasn't her interest to empower criminals or crime... Her forte was to follow-up and foster the pieces and portrayals, that's all.

  The power of the perpetrator should be resolved, this was Prey's gravitas. In the inspection was vying and virtual. Now the worthiness and reliance on suspending a crime was attended to and attained. By ten passed eleven, her Commander were one of the last to leave from day-shift. They loved their work. And the job was done.

  Prey, could hear Seagulls heading to the docks that early morning, she fell into a placid sleep. That night the winds blew of early-October conditions. The espousal and inspiration were subsequently, acknowledge-able. In what was an instituent and instilling, in the full constitution, fortuned and fathomex. The purpose and placid ability was a very popular place and propriety. The beach-hungry youths would head down to the shore for late season surfing and night clambake. It was romantic, and as Prey cruised for a few, and at least call her favorite-Buds across town or over the Sierra Nevadas. She didn't want to be there she wanted to be collecting evidence on twenty-five differing cases. But she explained she had eighteen...

  Being inspired was no-problem for Prey, the world was her classroom and everyone was her teacher. And no matter how complicated she understood and accepted its many fates and flaws. And in this imperfect-diamond, there were true-exquisiteness which no one could buy. Institution and inspiration were the values and valor of insinuate-minds. In the days of the age-old Native-American, traveling endowed and understood from the ancient lore and drive to live by empowerment and discipline of the determinants of Father Earth and Mother Sky, and everywhere and every being forms a joining and harmony, one understands the proper instillment in the host of beings, meet their reward... The endurers, of the fulfilling of honor, hopes and dreams which are undertaken and carried-on.

  Prey's renewal was in the priority, presence, potential and intention which are baded and opportune, the manifest and manifestation of a common-force and fortune. By which are ordered and ordinal, in the original authority it earned her empathic impetus; professed and the compose of fortune and fortitude...

  One understood the Flemish side to being an institute worker. Being one to advert and resolve crimes and be resolute in that process goes a long way to properizes in the carrying-out of duty... Though Prey was never delusional, it leaned mostly the other way. With all her complying and commitment she went acted as a juggernaut to evince and be defined by the forcefulness of intent and engagement.

  So it was 'virtue' and venerability in vehement--atoning prospect and precept over time and terms... It was no longer the tenets of image or emotion, there bid further and formitivity. She carried the ghost of the great-spirit, a grand joining of individual and grasp decided by the love, devotion and devout of potential and entity; which could not be impaired but determined. Crime was often a battle of good and evil, transposed on all sort of people and entity; Prey had been taught never to question origin of a spirit, but defend those needing protection, a certainty for which all souls aspire. She knew the enaction and imposing of things in substance and human-symposium.

  Her active intention was the virtual and vying-insight impactual and imperative. ...Unlike her uncle, had been a spiritual gift, guider and path-maker. The instiller and empowered to the world, wonder and workings of sense and survival. The exacting expounder of rites and rituals to endow and enrich the drive and deliberation of the heart and soul. A depicter of a rightful scheme and scope, and he understood the weight of what was needed. As a matured, entity of tribe, trust and conviction-truth.

  With this faith and fidelity of fortitude and affirmative, as the confidence, commandment and committing, Prey carried the very acumen and accolode chosen and beheld. In her education, the vast accounting and acuity was in the division and devising. The unit of development and dedication, was fully-adjoined by her spanning-devotion. Prey as a learner, saw the gravity of goals and graduation. Her native learning and portraying, bestowal annotated a major-commuting of the literal guidance and complementary, for which 'split' the digest and implementation was of the concise energies.

  There was universal employ and directive derived and essential. Having the possibility and power incentive and emblematic. And her liberal-distinction was the utility to follow and engrasp, as a objective comprising. Her mission was defacto and excellently, engendered. In a encompassing and structured to eventually, enterprise the work, deriving and declaration-obtained and affiliated.

  ...At Syracuse, the workload and ramification were attained and adducted in the broad-studies chanced and chosen. She arrived with the destiny of duty, from the lifelong craft of what was passed-down in duty and development over many generations. And now the encounter was double-cinched by reverence and viability.

  With a commitment, the vocality and inertia for which commandment and dedicated compose derived one's conferring. The understanding and adaptive intriguing by which contingency converged in the plot and plan of her-life and enlistment..l The prevailing and prelude, proved and pronounced itself; the justification to procure idyll and interest, on the grounds of non-Native devising and the imposing commuting, impactual. In these many rules, skills and plots the encompassing of the many manner of things... Once attained and skillful the worthy duplicity proved to allow her the definitive aptitude and agility at mental, psychological and inspirational within talent and intelligence.

  The confinement and conferred, allowed and drew-greater agile-thinking and perception used and utilized on the apical schematics... Being shown the sharpness and effectiveness of the academic arena. Like very few of her clan or people. Beginning in youth, her mind was allowed to soak-up and engage the worldly discipline and agnostic, able to pertain and promote in intuit interstitial, upper-guidance.

  The instigation for which her-accomodate and accumulated concision, proved and prevailed... She increased and compounded in the arcing components shared, transfixed and enacted... From knowledge of great and powerful-creatures, to the vancings and vitalies of mental accuracy and composings, they fell into place. The elantra and Electra, fully-potent and pragmatic. This, enamored and put into orientation by terms and contemplation instilled and originated.

  Now, pressed-on five years, she was a legal-integer all-told and exponent, devoted and espoused to achieve and express the work and revered reliance, and rectification ideal and infatic with the common-human lore of people, studies and dedications. October led into November, the 'late-bloomers' of California sunshine were heading home. It was the calm and collective side to the LA lifestyle. In LA local papers took to delineate on the calm and placid side to West-coast life. ...Sunflowers sat at her desk, an admirer sent them explained her associate, with a smile. It had a card, reading: 'Hey, Prey. Love you, meet me on our favorite spot Sunday. I know, Saturday's murder. Me, too.'. It was Jason. Adored and devoted they essentially fell into place. Jason was moving up fast in work. He had told her she and he should marry before he was a mogul nd she was Captain. Then, they went on their way, as sure as the wheel of time allowed them to be together just enough, so they came together in time. It was 'jost' and judgment, avowed and devoted the scheme would only last so long. Each was searching for a certain echelon, but love was seeming accentuating but not 'just yet'...

  She got off from work about 6:45 pm, that night. ...For her it was status-quo, the institution and instance were alluding and done for the day. The superstition for a cop, was to run for the hills after clocking out; because you never knew when you'd be called in. But it was a little different with Prey, she had the legal-abscensia to be there by excellence and exception. It was devotee work if you were lucky enough to get. ..The insistence and exemption, the work was worthy and fascinatingly, gratifying. She was a 'pin-worker' exacted on the terms of trident and resolve, being set aside in time and trust. She went home and dressed just in-time for their rendezvous. The mid-Fall sun gave way to an exemplary moon. Insistent and venued, had that everything seemed that way it anyway. They drank hot-cider sitting at a bonfire at Leguna Beach. The dowdled affections were made and proved gratifying, it was a time to relax, unwind and engage. It inspired both to renew and relate. The cool-breezes blew and the ocean flowed with lunar-ease. Afterward, they relaxed at Prey's apartment which was fifteen minutes away.

  He headed home at two am, having to close-out a site meeting at eight am. Though, they corresponded well, they accepted that they needed their space. Over their coelesce, things always seem to fall into place. It was both enduring and ingenious, how they played so undivided due to their reality in life and livelihood. It was indeed romantic and harmonious, Prey knew when others were good to her and the relatives of one's expectations and emotions... When one's true feelings and fortitude sat as an imposing understanding. It was as if the world resounded in spirit when this happened, she knew of the spiritual reliance and relevance of subject and substance. Oriented around space and time, if you knew of it you realized its sacred-powers.

  In this case, it was between her and one whom she shared immense intimate-bonds borne of diligence and deep-resilience. It was like her and her other relations were stoked in solemnity and comfortable-assertive-enlightenment. Many she knew could see in them both a reciprocal. Though, they were aligned in many things, a further 'evolution' was asserted and accepted rightfully, by both. It was a mutual understanding. By eight pm, the next night she was checking in at the police gymnasium to work-out, going to the firing-range and relax with fellow-officers, it was a good-time to interact...

  It went up the line that Prey was getting actively, pursued by several higher-ups, in a disseminate decorum on idea and justification; by the system which most officers knew of and understood. If you knew you were so empowered, you let it run its course with respect and diligence. But everyone knew it was nice to know.

  It tugged at her life-strings, in her genuine love which had endured and grew. Prey had matured with admirance and devoted-dimensions but like everything else true-love made its way into her-existence derived and instilled of the echelons of skills and determination. Though, she allowed a wide-berth it came with the engender of true male-companionship. Her mother knew it was an ideal-relationship early on. With the wisdom of family and long-friendships it blossomed with her resolute ingenuity. And as she grew the angle of love and appreciation-fused and furthered. Embellished and empowered things fulfilled and fleurished.

  The case was laying upon her-desk Monday morning. While crimes of opportunity by youth and immature chance-takers, this case as she unwound the Manila envelope all of a sudden it wasn't so 'simple'. It was an entitlement of sorts, the Let. Cmdr over in Yutaca county wanted an excellent criminalogist used to both the courts and dedicated-enforcement. Her Captain knew that meant 'A-number-one', Prey O. Little-horse Let. Det. CJ. And that her-work would be something to see. First there was commuted credit to what would be several CSI reports, court arraigned indictments and the last eight-detective's sign-offs, all unsuccessful but still material...

  This was one of her most serious cases, she knew it would be a challenge. As she read through the dossier and confirmed and understood its stipulations, she had a feeling of foreboding... The week was just beginning, but now she realized a knew a new-foe was set up, against her... Bo Jon once spoke of the possibility of coming up against your worse case. That the indications of what had passed could not account for. He explained that some laws didn't pay-heed... That the law of purpose wouldn't suit the law of 'ideal', once served and was suitable. The name: Prey, was given to mean, 'Wondrous Bird of Prey'. So she would be braver, courageous and never fear. But now, she had to concede to wise advice... She knew her bravery would now be challenged. After reading the precepts of her record she began pondering with a deeper reverence. The endowances of a true legal professional alluding to and alloting, she couldn't repress or addendum on any terms but be informed and insituate to terms and tenuous. Now, her mind was wrapping around this case. Reading every word, from the many mission-statements, original engenders to the evidential-appointments each given vivid atonement and actuations...

  There were a total of sixteen delineators from circuit court to witnesses to appointed lawyers, investigators to reporters it was all there for her-deduction and derivation. She realized this case would take time and require of her due-diligence... And as she began the corroboration of the case things would begin to fall into place. The energy which was well-suited to the newest Little-horse law-enforcer. And after about an hour she was doin some astute impugning.

  The power of judgment and adjudication starts with the exacting order and discernment. The keen and widdled-purposeful eye of a true detector extends a long way to bringing criminal to justice by the actual of violation. the energy and intensity as nothing to do with the calm and objective mind of a definitive-recoverer... And the fashion and facetiveness in fortune and finitized over which detector and evidence come to recovery. There was no need to be emotional or contrite many events are in the civility of subjected-symposium.

  What are the seeds of sustenance and sustainment, affective and officiated; of the power and perceptions of productive-purpose. In the distinctive caveat of conferrence of mode, mission and modality. Now, Prey was concentrating and facilitating the many proxies and preambles of crime and accord. Leading to the layout of the constituency of the unsolved crime. Each crime was a world apart and different each time. In college, legal authority went so far and then the contemplations of detective and wrong-doer had to match 'wits'. Once the priorities and preliminaries were acknowledged and understood things could be commensed.

  There were details and diminutive to begin idealizing the fabric of the crime. Intent and integratio
n were now certain and abregated into the case. One day in May of 2012, a woman walked along a road to Hollywood. She was from Boston, MA hiking to meet a friend at Hollywood Hills, she married a wealthy businessman out of college and asked her friend to come down for a week. Both were well-educated, but the friend was kind of blue. Only thing is, five days after arriving by road she turned up dead in a shallow grave on the outskirts of the city. The suspect of the crime were three bikers who,d been known to ride the back-country and drug-trafficking. But that was seven years ago, and the crime could not be proven. Upon arrest they resisted and one was shot in the leg. Two officers were wounded with a sharp-knife. After parole for assault, the three seemed to change their-ways. Two moved to Encino and one was in a rehabilitation center for permanent disability.

  The deceased was mutilated, raped and bled to death before being buried in a make shift grave. The crime scene was gruesome, the only thing connecting them was skin under the nails of the victim. Even the friend was considered a suspect, she'd bought drugs from the suspects but nothing could be proven. After that bodies showed up almost weekly. It became almost an epidemic. Even with the inspired detective-work, the LA area became an almost seedbed. There was a backwater deluge of LA murders. It lent well to the malaise of California region. So this case was a regional addendum of unsolvable cases.

  So in fact, this one of the milestone figurehead of what had befallen the area. So many detectives became intimate with the crime without justice prevailing. There were many who shed blood, sweat and tear over this case. Some eighteen years later it was now on the table of one excellent investigator. Her mind was working with meticulousness, actuating and extrapolating the valences of cause and corollations...