Read Prey Page 5

Chapter Three

  The door to the clubhouse swung open silently. One of the ceiling fans squeaked with every rotation, stirring up the air. During the day, the place was a far cry from the rowdy bar it morphed into at night. Most of his brothers were either working or sleeping. El knew he wasn’t the first one in since he didn’t have to unlock the door.

  He sauntered along the bar to the half-swing door and pushed through to get behind the counter. “Who’s here?” El called out.

  “You mean the beloved son is actually here for a meeting.” Gunter’s voice drifted out from the back.

  “I’m always here, work permitting.” He bent and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge. When he rose, Gunter was leaning on a wall next to the bar.

  “Was she worth it?” Gunter cocked his head.

  “Yeah, I can’t get away from her scent. Of course I still can’t figure out how she—her name is Nae by the way—thinks I’m an escaped felon from Reno.” El twisted the top off and took a healthy swig of the cool liquid.

  “I figured, when I got a whiff of you. You know what that means? Why didn’t you ask her all the pertinent questions last night?”

  “Yes, I know what it means.” El grumbled. “I was otherwise occupied…several times.” He continued, as he ambled from behind the bar and into the hall, which led to the windowless room he called his office.

  Gunter followed. “You do realize something is off about the whole situation? I mean, somebody literally sent your mate, practically wrapped with a bow.”

  “Yes, I do. But, half the fun will be finding out exactly what’s wrong.”

  “She’s a human.”

  “You’re a hyena, but I don’t hold that against you.” El stomped to his desk and dropped into the seat behind it.

  “Boy I will… You don’t like humans” Gunter started, and then snapped his mouth shut.

  “Well, the Goddess didn’t give me much of a fucking choice now did she?”

  “Cut her loose, El; she has no clue of our world. You’re asking for trouble.” Gunter’s face was solemn, with the corners of his mouth turned down and deep furrows in his forehead.

  El leaned forward. “No, how can you ask a beast to cut off the other half of his soul? My lion demands she be taken. For whatever reason, she’s here, and I have no intention of letting her go.”

  “Son, you’re gonna put her in danger. We don’t have easy lives out here.”

  “Easier than it was in Africa. She stays. If you don’t like it, challenge my position.” El growled.

  “El, don’t make me hurt you.”

  The front door in the main room banged. The boisterous voices of his sentries floated to the back area.

  El cocked a brow. “Don’t stop now old man, we haven’t had a good fight in years.”

  “I kicked your ass then too youngster.” Gunter turned to the side to allow some of his men through the doorway.

  “Did someone say something about a fight?” Aristotle, the clan’s resident hacker, strolled past Gunter and plopped down on the short couch along the far wall.

  “Someone needs to beat some sense into our Pride Chief’s hard head.” Gunter grumbled.

  Ursala breezed by. “That’s a fight I would pay to see since I missed the last one.” She flipped a lone chair around, straddled it then wrinkled her nose. “El, did you pick up the wrong shower gel again? You smell sorta sweet.”

  Trace was the last to enter, skulking past Gunter as he pulled the door shut. He raised a brow in El’s direction.

  El ignored the comment, glaring at each member of his team, before nodding. “Last night a human walked into our territory and claimed I’m wanted in Reno. I need to find out what the hell is going on.”

  “I heard about that. Shame I wasn’t here. I always miss the good shit. Someone told me Zima was spitting mad.” Ursala giggled. “I want to shake that female’s hand.”

  Aristotle sighed. “I’ll get on it. What’s her full name?”

  El leaned over his desk. “Nae McCain. Trace when I’m not with her. I want you to be her shadow. She was sent on a wild goose chase for a reason, and I want to know why.”

  Trace gave a sharp nod and slid back into the cushions of the sofa he shared with Aristotle.

  “What do you need from me, El?” Ursala tipped the chair forward. “Wait, hold up one minute. Why is this human suddenly so important to you?

  El scowled her way. “She’s a possible Pride mate. Mine actually, so I expect Nae to be given the same respect you show me.” He waited for his statement to sink in before continuing. “I got nothing at the moment, La, all our operations are going smoothly, and I haven’t gotten any new contracts. It looks like you’ll get some much deserved down time.”

  “Pfffssttt. I’d rather slit someone’s throat. Come on El, throw me a bone, something!” The legs of her chair hit the floor with a thud. “Oh shit! You found your mate!”

  El placed his palms flat on the wood surface. “I did. Enjoy the freedom while you can La. You never know when shit is going to hit the fan, and we’ll need your aerial expertise.”

  “Yeah, don’t you need to molt or something, birdy?” Aristotle teased, before adding, “That’s great El, but – umm - you hate humans.”

  “Keep joking Ari. Don’t be surprised when you find shit in your hair.” Ursala interrupted.

  “Correction Ari. Now I only despise some of the species.” El wiped a palm down his face.

  Gunter sighed. “Goddess only knows what I was thinking when I took you beasts in.”

  Trace abruptly rose and stalked to the door. With his hand on the knob, he turned back to glance at El. El leaned back in his chair and flicked his fingers. Trace opened the door and exited the room.

  Ursala shuddered. “Ugh, that communication thing you two got going on is creepy.”

  “La, I swear you bumped your head when you fell out of the nest. I understood Trace as clear as day. He was asking to leave.” El stared at the door Trace exited.

  “He doesn’t speak! For as long as I’ve known him, which is forever, he has never said a word.” She looked toward Gunter.

  Gunter shrugged. “What do you want me to say? I understood Trace completely.”

  “Oh-my-freaking-Goddess!” Ursala stood and placed her fists on her hips.

  “El, please give La something to do, kill, or maim. I’m not sure our pride can handle her neurotic ass.” Aristotle clapped his palms together.

  El rubbed his temple. “Sit down La. I swear you two are like five year olds. I’m like Gunter now, wondering why the hell I put up with your antics.”

  Aristotle grinned wide. “That’s easy. Gunter…”

  His words were cut off by a distinctly high pitched, nasal sound. “Oh good, I found you.” Zima shoved the door wider and glided into the office.

  Aristotle eyes widened at the intrusion. “Shit just hit the fan!” He burst out laughing.

  Gunter straightened, strode toward Aristotle, and yanked the man up. He gazed over at Ursala and cocked a brow. She swung her head between Zima and El.

  Ursala pleaded. “But … but … please let me stay! I never get to witness the good stuff!”

  Gunter pushed Aristotle forward. “March La. Goddess, I should’ve never prayed for patience, ‘cause every time I did I got saddled with one of you.” He shoved Aristotle and Ursala past a beaming Zima. She did a little finger wave as they left, and Gunter yanked the door shut behind him.

  El watched as Zima flitted across the room, touching the framed pictures on the wall. She skimmed her hand over his club vest lying over the arm of the sofa. Zima sauntered over to El, planted a thin hip on the edge of his desk, and bent forward so her cleavage filled the deep v of her blouse. Ignoring her, he steepled his fingers and waited for her to speak. After a few minutes, she turned away with a huff, flounced across the room, and plopped down on the couch. El pressed his lips together and stared.

  Zima pouted. “Well say something, baby.”

  “Who t
he fuck are you to interrupt my meeting?” She jerked at his guttural demand.

  “Sweetheart, I had to see you. After last night, I wanted to make sure everything was okay.” Her voice wobbled with uncertainty.

  The growl started low in his throat. El leaned forward in his seat. “At what point in our hook-ups did I ever give you the impression I was your baby? Nor am I your mate. I’m not sure what world you live in, but you got it twisted. Not once did I indicate we were a couple. And, we never will be.”

  Zima’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she stared over at him. “We were so good together. Why would you want to throw that away?”

  “You were a temporary distraction. You are not my woman. Your council is unwarranted and unwanted. Stick to what you know. You’re the pride’s accountant. I allow you to handle our finances, and to date you have done an excellent job, don’t fuck up now.”

  “This about that human.” Disgust dripped from her words. “I can smell her on you.”

  El was out of seat and across the room in seconds. He gripped Zima by the throat and heaved her off the sofa. His teeth grew, making it hard to speak. “Actually, it’s about you overstepping your bounds. What I do in my personal life is none of your damn business. You’d best remember that. Furthermore, you will respect Nae, because if I get an inkling you’re not, I will skin your ass alive. Tell me now if that’s not something you can handle. If not, I’ll have you escorted to the town’s boundaries and wish you a safe trip.”

  Zima clawed at his hand, her nails digging into his skin as she fought to breathe. Her lips took on a slight blue tint.

  He released her and stepped back to lean on his desk. “You’re actually lucky you caught me in a good mood.

  She crumpled into the cushions and rubbed her throat. “You’ll regret dismissing me.”

  El’s claws erupted from the pads of his fingertips and dug into the surface of his desk. His voice dropped to a harsh rumble. “Is that a threat Zima? Because I could end your life. Right. Fucking. Now. Take my advice, close you damn mouth before you say something we will both regret, and walk out the door before you lose what little respect I have left for you.”

  Zima rose and smoothed out the invisible wrinkles in her mini skirt. With a flip of her hair, she strolled to the door.

  “One thing, Zima. Why did you attack Nae anyway? You didn’t know what her intentions were.”

  She pulled the door open and crossed the threshold before turning to face El. “You’re the damn genius, lover. Figure it out.” Zima slammed the door behind her. The walls surrounding the barrier shuddered, and a few pictures slid down the walls, crashing to the floor.

  El pulled the cell from his pocket and stabbed the screen. The line picked up on the third ring. “Gunter, tell me again, who did you send to find me last night?” he waited or an answer and grunted in response. “Send La to my office. I think I have a job for her after all.”