Read Prey Page 6


  Nae cuddled up with a pillow. The soothing smell of lavender had her pressing her face into the downy softness. She lifted her head and glanced around. The bed clothes didn’t smell like her covers, and the sparse room lacked color. It was a far cry from the vibrant and cluttered bedroom in her home. Her current surroundings consisted of black, white, or gray; white walls, black furniture, and grey sheets. Her night spent with the bail jumper crashed through her mind in vivid detail. The things he could do with his tongue were probably illegal in several states.

  Images of what they did rolled through her mind like a movie, and she flipped over on her back. Starting at her breasts, she skimmed a palm down her body beneath the bed linen. Slowly, she opened her legs and eased a hand between her thighs. Using her other hand, she caught a taut nipple between her thumb and index finger and pinched. Her clit pulsed, and she dipped her digits between the moist lips of her labia. She thrust a finger into her passage. Bliss rushed through her as she closed her eyes. She flexed her pelvis and angled her wrist to press down on her clitoris with the heel of her hand.

  Low wails bounced off the walls, and she snapped her eyes open, checking to see if someone had snuck into the room with her. Nae giggled when she realized the cries were coming from her. Her lids drifted shut. She moved another digit in her passage and bent her legs, keeping her feet flat on the bed. Driving her hips up with every lunge of her hand, she tugged on her turgid tips of her heavy orbs. She pressed down on the small bundle of nerves, and starbursts of gold and silver flashed before her eyes. Her orgasm ebbed through her in waves, leaving her limbs uncoordinated. A Hallelujah chorus rang in her ears.

  She pulled her elbows beneath her and waited. The choir started singing again, and she searched for her clothes. It wasn’t a figment of her imagination, only her cousin, Shay, calling since she hadn’t checked in. She spotted her jeans thrown over a chair.

  Nae swung her legs over the mattress and stood, her limbs trembled as delicious soreness made her thigh muscles ache. She padded over to the furniture and picked up her pants to dig through the pockets. Contents fell to the carpet when she grabbed the wrong end of the jeans first. She bent over to swipe the cell up, leaving the folded papers and sat down on the edge of a chair. After sliding her finger over the phone’s screen she tapped Shay’s number. Engrossed in her surroundings, she never heard the line connect.

  “Where the hell are you?” Shay’s voice held a twinge of anxiety.

  Nae took in more of the space. The room resembled one of those pictures of a spa she saw in a magazine. “A hotel room.”

  “You’re a bad liar.”

  “You called all the motels in the area didn’t you?”

  “I did. Now where the fuck are you, or do I need to catch a flight up there?”

  Nae sighed. “Now, no need to get your panties in a twist. I’ve found El, and it’s just a matter of time before I have the opportunity to take him down.”

  “Who the hell is El? For the love of heaven what have you gotten yourself into? You should be heading back by now!” Shay’s voice escalated with every word.

  “You know what Shay, you stress way too much. I got this.” Nae hopped on one foot as she pulled her jeans on. “Let me get situated, and I’ll call you back.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Shay screeched.

  Nae ended the call and took a deep breath. She needed to find the bathroom, finish getting dressed, and track down her warrant. Just what the hell had she been thinking? Granted, El was sexy in a bad ass kinda way. She scrubbed her hands up and down her face. This hunt just went from bad to worse. She snatched the rest of her clothing and marched to the only door in the room, forgetting about the items she’d left scattered across the floor.