Read Princess Electra Book 2 Out of Barburee Page 20

  "Have you taken steps as yet to garner some knowledge of the science of medicine?"

  "I was raised by a sorceress who taught me much about the uses of herbs," Electra said.

  Rabar was so surprised, he almost dropped his apple. "Surely you jest." He struggled to regain his composure.

  "No, I do not. It is common knowledge. I have only recently returned to discover my place as a member of the royal family."

  Rabar tilted his head and seemed to reevaluate Electra. His face took on a stern expression and he cleared his throat.

  "What herb would you use to bring down a fever?" he demanded.

  "Willow bark," Electra answered without hesitation.

  "For inflammation due to joint swelling?"

  "The root of the Black Cohosh." Electra enjoyed this little quiz and hoped he would ask her a more difficult question.

  "For the fatal cough?"

  Electra could have given the standard remedies, Hyssop or Coltsfoot but decided to name her own favorite. "Sage."

  "For the bad blood?"


  Rabar paused to consider her answers, then seemed to arrive at a decision.

  "And you can recognize these herbs on sight?"

  "I spend most of my time gathering them in the forest."

  Rabar placed his apple on the blanket and looked into Electra's eyes.

  "Your talent would be wasted in a school like Egina. Work with me as my apprentice and I will teach you all I have learned there, as well as what I have learned in my own practice and research."

  Electra searched his eyes and saw only integrity there.

  "Your offer is most generous and unexpected. I will consider it." Now it was Electra's turn to look at Rabar with new respect. "But please, tell me of your own work with medicinal herbs."

  "Ah. I have been seeking a cure for the tumors."


  "Yes, the growths that grow and seed themselves, sapping the body's nourishment."

  "I know what tumors are." Electra remembered the people with tumors who had sought out spells from Serafina to relieve their suffering. There was little Serafina could do for them other than give them herbs to relieve their pain. "There is little we can do in these cases."

  "But I was having some success with the infusion of two plants. I would not know what you might call them here." His eyes lit up. "I could show them to you. They are on the ship."

  "Yes, you must show me. A cure for tumors! Incredible!"

  Rabar called out to a group of sailors who leapt up and ran to ready a small boat.

  Electra stepped into the shaky row boat and sat down on a plank across the stern. Two oarsmen sat in the middle and Rabar sat in the bow. Within a few minutes they were climbing the rope ladder up the ship that held the physician's surviving plants.

  Electra followed Rabar along the deck to a set of stairs near the ship's bow. He led her to a cabin mid ship and pushed aside the curtain at the entry. Inside, a row of boxes placed to receive light from a porthole held the withered plants.

  Electra smiled as she inspected the first box full of little blue wilted flowers.

  "Chicory!" I could find all the chicory you would ever need five minutes from the lake. Serafina used chicory in her love potions." Electra blushed slightly. "I've never heard of its being used to cure tumors."

  "This chicory is a secondary ingredient. Here is the main ingredient." Rabar looked hopefully at Electra as she studied the second box. Only a few green tendrils poked up through the soil of the box.

  "These are bulbs, they will not mature into flower for several months," Rabar said.

  "Most unusual," Electra murmured. "Bulbs that flower in the autumn?"

  "Yes. They sleep during our warm, dry summers in Taz. Then the blue flower comes. And the bright red stamen that is my main ingredient. It is called the saffron crocus." He pushed the soil aside to reveal the top of the bulb.

  "I am so sorry. I will search for it, but this bulb is new to me. Certainly it is not common here in Fernland and may be entirely absent."

  "I believe it is rare throughout the world, outside Taz, that is." Rabar looked forlornly at his box of saffron bulbs.

  "We should bring the box ashore where it will receive more light from the sun."

  "Yes, soon." Rabar shook off his melancholy. "I must first return you to shore. Your family will wonder what has become of you."

  "My mother does tend toward worry." She hoped Delphinia had seen her boarding the small boat. Otherwise she had likely sent out a search party already.

  On the way back to shore, Electra made her decision. Becoming Rabar's apprentice would solve many problems. In addition, she suspected the man was a brilliant physician, as well as a researcher. When they stepped off the boat, Electra turned to Rabar.

  "I would like very much to be your apprentice. I hope your offer was not mere courtesy."

  "Certainly not. I am honored. Will you arrange this with King Geoffrey or should I seek his permission?"

  "I think it best that I arrange it. I will send you word of his decision." She hoped her father would favor the opportunity to plant one more spy within the group from Taz.

  "Excellent. I am encouraged by your acceptance." He bowed and left to find the Caliph.

  Electra returned to her family's spot on the grass.

  "What did the physician think of your ambition to attend medical school?" Queen Delphinia asked as soon as Electra sat down.

  "He believed I would not be welcomed at Egina."

  "I hope you are not too disappointed, My Dear."

  Electra could not help but notice the look of satisfaction on her mother's face. "No, I am glad of the information."

  "Now we are to have a port, it should prove easier to gain information of the world outside Fernland," Delphinia said. "We may even have teachers of medicine visiting our shores."

  "It seems the world outside has already been deposited on our shores," Electra said. "I believe it may not be necessary to journey to Egina."

  Queen Delphinia smiled and clapped her hands.

  King Geoffrey looked at Electra suspiciously. "Oh? Did Rabar have another suggestion?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "Physician Rabar offered me an apprenticeship with him and I have accepted," Electra said with finality.

  Chapter 57

  The Castle at Fernland

  As Electra approached the door to the family dining room, she had her arguments ready. Her parents' reaction to her new apprenticeship had been subdued. She supposed they wanted to speak to one another before deciding on a united front.

  Electra knew Delphinia would prefer her staying at King's Lake to leaving Fernland altogether to study at a medical college. She was more in doubt about her father's views. Usually he acceded to Delphinia's wishes when it came to dealing with Electra.

  She touched the door knob and was surprised to hear angry voices. She eased the door open a crack and peeked in. Her brother was speaking. His face was twisted into a mask of reproach.

  "Why not?" he asked. "Why do you insist on calling Bataar our enemy. He is really the only friend Fernland has."

  Delphinia dabbed at her eyes with her handkerchief. "Avor, you must not speak to your father that way."

  "Then how should I speak to him? Should I just say, 'I am going to Taz to learn to shoot arrows from horseback? Bataar has invited me and I have accepted?' That is the way Electra speaks to both of you and you both just accept it."

  "We are speaking of you, not Electra," King Geoffrey warned. He paused to control his anger. When he continued it was with a much softer voice. "Let me share with you a portion of Muller's report on Barburee. When a kingdom surrenders to the Great Khan, the people of that kingdom are allowed to live. Only the leaders of that kingdom are killed and replaced with members of the Great Khan's family or staff. If the kingdom does not surrender, all the inhabitants are killed. What do
you suppose would happen if I made a decision the Great Khan did not care for? What would happen to me? To your mother? To you?" King Geoffrey looked into Avor's eyes. "You will be king one day. Your choice of allies will affect all of Fernland. Never forget that."

  Avor looked away from his father, smoothing the parchment message he had received from Bataar early that morning. "Bataar is not interested in Fernland as an ally or a conquest any longer." He pointed to his message. "This is a gesture of friendship. It would be an insult if I do not accept." Avor scowled at his breakfast plate.

  A serving girl carrying a pot of tea walked toward the breakfast room, looking curiously at Electra who still stood outside the door, listening. Electra smiled at the girl. "Fresh tea? Lovely." She opened the door for the girl and followed her inside.

  "Electra. Good morning." Her mother wiped away her tears.

  King Geoffrey and Avor said nothing. They looked at her sullenly.

  "Good morning to all," Electra chirped as she took her place at the table. "It seems I have chosen a good day for travel. Lovely weather."

  "My Dear, must you leave today? We have so enjoyed having you with us."

  "I am happy I delayed my return to Helsop long enough to see those tall ships make their way into Fernland's new lake port. That was a sight I will long remember."

  "Yes, it was quite an event, wasn't it." Delphinia sat up straighter and focused her attention on Electra. "Your father and I have discussed this offer from the physician, Rabar. We do have a few concerns we wish to discuss with you." Delphinia looked at Geoffrey and paused. "Geoffrey?"

  King Geoffrey looked up, still reviewing his discussion with Avor in his mind. He turned impatiently to Electra. "I surmise you have made this decision about an apprenticeship without consulting your supposed fiancé. Does this mean your engagement to Dagon is ended?"

  Electra was shocked. "No. Of course not. Dagon will be happy I will be learning medicine here in Fernland rather than going far away to a medical school."

  "He agreed to that, did he?" Geoffrey asked.

  Electra sensed her father was trying to provoke her. She didn't answer. She thanked the serving girl who set a plate down in front of her.

  King Geoffrey seemed to have lost interest in his discussion with Electra. He stabbed a chunk of meat with his fork.

  Delphinia leaned toward Electra and spoke quietly. "Sometimes a journeyman will take on an apprentice just to relegate those menial tasks he does not wish to perform himself. I would not like to see anyone take advantage of your generosity."

  Electra nodded as she ate.

  Delphinia continued. "It would not be seemly for you to live on a ship with all those men. We think our own physician, Rothman would be a better choice. With him, you could live here in the castle."

  Electra was ready for this argument. "But Rabar brings the research of the medical school, Egina, here to Fernland. His knowledge is current. And best of all, he is working on a cure for tumors. This would be a great advancement were he to succeed."

  Avor slammed his fork on the table. "You see? She puts forth a weak argument and does as she wishes. With me it is only 'no, no and no."

  King Geoffrey scowled at his son. "At least she attempts to comport herself as an adult."

  "Oh, I see. As long as one speaks civilly, one may do as one wishes. It's fine for her to marry a traitor and be friends with a witch, because she comports herself well. I, on the other hand, choose to befriend a man who tried to kill both the traitor and the witch—a witch who tried to kill me twice—and my resentment is unseemly."

  "Serafina tried to kill you?" Delphinia asked. The color had drained from her face.

  Avor sat lower in his chair, fearing he had said too much. He shrugged and kept silent.

  "Avor, I asked you a question."

  "Ask Electra if you don't believe me."

  Delphinia turned to Electra. "Is this true?"

  Electra didn't know what to say. She knew they would never forgive Serafina now. Kidnapping their daughter was bad enough, but trying to kill their son?

  "I do not know," Electra said at last. "I came upon Avor as he was under attach by crocodiles. I was able to disperse them by slapping the water with my hand. They knew from experience food would be waiting for them close to the cabin when they felt the vibrations from my hand. Serafina used them as guards. It was...unusual for them to gather for such an attack. It might have been the presence of the horses. I can not be sure. Soon after this we saw smoke rising from the cabin and thought Serafina had been consumed in the flames."

  "Avor said she tried twice to kill him. What do you know about the other attempt?" King Geoffrey asked Electra.

  "Again, it is possible. I do not know for sure. There was a forest fire. Serafina had gone out. I followed her footprints into the forest. She had passed through after the fire burned out. I believe she followed Avor's path through the forest." Electra did not mention the cloth dolls she had snatched from the fireplace.

  "If Serafina was responsible for General Pommell's death, she must face judgment," King Geoffrey said in a solemn tone.

  Delphinia held her handkerchief to her eyes. "I can hardly believe what I am hearing. Both my children? What sort of monster is my sister?"

  "Perhaps I am mistaken," Avor said, wishing now he had held his tongue.

  King Geoffrey stood up. "I do not believe you are mistaken." He looked at his son. "This, however, does not change my mind about Taz. You will report as ordered to Haddad at King's Lake in a week's time." He turned to Electra. "As for your apprenticeship with Rabar, I will leave that for you, your mother and Dagon to sort out. Do not feel yourself required to report to me on any rumors you may overhear from the men of Taz." He left the room.

  Electra looked down at her plate. Her father might as well have said he no longer trusted her to gather intelligence. She glanced at her mother.

  "Your father is upset. We are all upset. But we are a family. It will pass."

  Avor stood. The resentment was still there in his expression, now overshadowed by guilt. "I suppose I have caused enough trouble for one day."

  "Avor, you have done nothing wrong," his mother said. Avor was already hurrying out of the room.

  Electra cast about for some reason to explain her delay in telling the details of Serafina's treachery, but found none. She spoke almost to herself. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I knew sooner."

  "No matter, My Dear. When will we be seeing you next?"

  It seemed Delphinia was no longer sorry to see Electra go. Electra felt a pain in her chest and bit her lip to keep back her tears.

  "I'll likely begin my work with Rabar toward the end of summer."

  "Yes, we will keep in touch until then." Delphinia's voice echoed her distraction.

  "I suppose I should be getting on my way back to Helsop, then."

  Delphinia seemed to snap out of her reverie. "I will order the royal coach for you."

  "No, please. You will have need of it yourself. No doubt you will be going soon to check on progress at the lake."

  Delphinia stood up. "I will not have you riding horseback and camping in the forest. You will have the royal carriage. No arguments."

  "You are too generous," Electra said. Now she began to cry in earnest. She quickly swept away the tears with the back of her hand.

  "Here now, no need for tears." Delphinia hugged her daughter. "This has been such a trying time for all of us. From Barburee's visit till now we have all been on edge. When you return at summer's end we will have a proper visit." Delphinia smiled at Electra and this brought fresh tears to Electra's eyes.

  "Sit down and drink your tea first, My Dear. A few more minutes delay won't matter."

  Electra sat down and dabbed at her eyes with her napkin. After a few sips of tea, she had her emotions under control.

  "Perhaps it is as we first believed," Delphinia said
, "perhaps Serafina is deranged. Did she show signs of insanity?"

  "She is, of course, different from others. She has abilities that we who lack them will never understand. But I truly believe she did what she did out of love for me. It was a possessive, illicit love, certainly, but though she fears very little, I felt she feared losing me."

  "Geoffrey will issue an order for her capture."

  "I know."

  "If you love her, warn her to stay in Henge."

  Electra looked at her mother and saw the sadness in her eyes. She squeezed her mother's hand.

  "I will be back at summer's end. As you say, we will have a proper visit then."

  Chapter 58

  Village of Helsop

  Electra and Dagon finished their meal and pushed their plates aside. Electra picked up her sewing basket while Dagon reached for his sword and whetstone. It had become their habit to have an evening meal brought to the clinic from the soldiers' mess tent. They ate together and talked over the day's events. It was a time they both looked forward to during their busy days.

  Voices drifted into the chart room from the clinic.

  "How fares your patient, Alger?" Dagon asked.

  "The end is near for him. I'm happy his family is here. There is little I can do now, save give him a little poppy for the pain."

  "He has had a long life, at least in Helsop terms. Many in his generation starved during our lean years."

  "Helsop has not had an easy time of it."

  Dagon laughed. "Our recent wave of prosperity is unrivaled in Helsop's history."

  Electra chose a square of silk and began to stitch it onto a row of brightly colored squares. "Any progress on the castle?"

  "Very little. Your mother seems to have lost interest in renovating your cottage. As a result I have lost my major source of revenue."

  Electra smiled. "She has decided to build me a cottage at Lake Port instead. She does not want me living aboard ship."

  Dagon was quiet for a moment. Talk of her upcoming remove to Fernland always upset him. He looked down the edge of his sword, tested the blade with his thumb and slid the whetstone along its edge.

  "I would have to agree with your mother on that point," he murmured.

  "I will be coming back, you know." Electra sought out Dagon's eyes.

  "I know. But it is small consolation till then."