Read Princess Electra Book 2 Out of Barburee Page 21

  "Isa thinks I should start my own medical school here in Helsop, once I've completed my apprenticeship," Electra said as she sewed.

  Dagon stopped work and looked at Electra eagerly. "And what do you think of her suggestion?"

  "I find it an intriguing idea. It seems there are few medical schools available to women." She picked up another square of silk. "What do you think of the idea?"

  "I can think of only one thing that would make me happier."

  Electra knew what that one thing was. Dagon was impatient to go ahead with their marriage. Electra did not want to veer off onto that subject.

  "Then you are in favor of such a school?"

  "I will begin work on your school building without delay."

  Electra had never seen Dagon so happy.

  "Perhaps we should see first what sort of student I will be."

  "Nonsense. You are ready now. I doubt there is anything this Rabar could teach you."

  "I will return after my first month to report on my progress. We might discuss the feasibility of such a school at that time."

  "I see no reason to delay."

  Electra laughed. "I appreciate your enthusiasm but I see a multitude of reasons for delay. We already have two uncompleted constructions here in Helsop. Although..." She paused, her needle in the air.

  "What?" Dagon demanded.

  "I suppose my cottage renovation could be turned into a school. I certainly have no need of such mammoth living quarters."

  "Your wish is my command."

  "Just promise me you will wait until my first visit home. I may find I am ill suited to medicine after all."

  Dagon just raised his eyebrows. He did not point out the fact that she already worked every day as a healer.

  "Your baby gifts seem close to completion," he said instead.

  Electra held up her quilt. "One is finished and this one nearly so." The quilt was a patchwork of reds, blues and purples. The sheen of the silk glowed in the candlelight.

  "You are so sure there will be two?"

  "Serafina is never wrong about these things. I believe her time is very near."

  Again, Dagon seemed uncomfortable, shifting in his seat.

  "Perhaps I should go with you when the time comes. I would like to find out more about these exploding arrows."

  "Likely, the secret is closely guarded. Now Fernland has a port I had thought to go from Henge to Fernland by ship."

  Dagon set his sword aside and took out the knife he had taken from his would-be assassin. He ran his finger along its curved blade.

  "I am too well known in Henge to be successful as a spy." He looked up from his work, thinking. "I will send Deimos to Henge instead. He will ferret out the secret of the arrows."

  "Advances in warfare go contrary to the interests of healers." Electra tied a knot in her thread and picked up a purple square.

  Dagon knocked his whetstone on the table to remove the tiny pieces of metal that clung to it. "Perhaps I will visit you in Fernland. Now that we have your school to anchor you, I believe our alliance with Fernland will hold."

  Electra looked up, surprised. "Was there ever any doubt?"

  Dagon's expression turned serious. "We are speaking of Helsop here. There is always doubt."

  Electra returned her attention to her quilt. "Then I'm glad to have lifted your spirits."

  Dagon set down his knife and put his hand over hers. "You have no idea how much. I speak on Helsop's behalf. On my own behalf, I will only say—do not be surprised should I turn up soon in Fernland."

  The next day, Electra received the long awaited message from Henge.


  Your sisters have arrived. All are well. We await your visit.


  Electra hummed to herself as she packed. She put her dried herbs, roots, teas, salves and mixtures in one bag, along with a catalogue of where she had found her various plants. In a second bag she placed her newly completed baby quilts, a change of clothes and shoes, some soaps and brushes and a tablet for taking notes.

  She noticed the little box containing the two crystal doves that Odval had given her. For two sisters, she thought. She dropped the little box into her bag.

  Dagon knocked at her open door before entering.

  "You have news from Henge?"

  Electra knew the guards would have told Dagon as soon as the message arrived.

  "All is well. Two little girls."

  "So she guessed correctly."

  "I doubt it was a guess," Electra said, as she buttoned the flap on her bag.

  "How does she know these things?" Dagon asked, shaking his head.

  "It is a gift, I suppose. I stopped questioning it long ago."

  "You are already packed?"

  "I finished the second quilt last night. I'm taking a collection of herbs and remedies to show Rabar, but I have left a good supply, along with instructions on their use, in the clinic."

  Dagon hovered near the door, ill at ease. "I wish I could think of a reason to keep you here, but I can not."

  "You have promised to visit me in Lake Port."

  Dagon smiled. "You sound as though you look forward to my visit."

  "I do." Electra picked up a bag and handed it to Dagon.

  Dagon took the bag and stooped to pick up the other bag as well. "I suppose that will have to be enough." He looked at Electra for a moment, as though memorizing her features, then stepped aside to allow her space to walk through the door.

  "Tandor will accompany you to Henge, then on to Lake Port."

  "I will be glad of his company," Electra said. "When may I expect your first visit?"

  "Perhaps a fortnight. I'll give you time to settle in. I may bring a few tradesmen along. I wish to test whether or not our treaty with Fernland extends to shipping goods out of Lake Port."

  "I see no reason why it should not."

  Tandor stood outside the cottage, a little way off, holding the reins of two horses.

  "Tandor has food for your trip and a little money should you need it." Dagon hesitated, then decided he had nothing more to say. He hugged Electra and kissed the top of her head. "I will miss you."

  "I will see you soon in Lake Port."

  Electra mounted her horse while Dagon secured her bags to Tandor's saddle.

  They waved their goodbyes and Electra was on her way to Henge.

  Chapter 59

  Henge City

  Electra and Tandor arrived at Prince Blackwell's castle in Henge City mid-afternoon. A warm breeze blew in from the ocean, giving the castle grounds a sleepy calm. The gatekeeper had been expecting them. He spoke first to Electra.

  "I'm to take you directly to Serafina's quarters"

  Then he turned to Tandor.

  "Would you prefer to wait in the barracks or the kitchen?"

  Tandor smiled. "The kitchen sounds promising."

  The gatekeeper called for a stableman to take the horses, and a page to lead them into the castle.

  The page led Electra through stone corridors, slick with moisture. He stopped in a patch of sun drawn from a slit high up on the wall and pointed to a door.

  "The nursery."

  The page knocked on the door, announced Electra, and stepped back quickly.

  Serafina opened the door and a huge black cat's head wedged itself into the crack of the door. The panther snarled and gave a warning growl. The page retreated a few more steps.

  Serafina put her hand on the panther's shoulder.

  "Calm, Ebony, Electra is ours."

  The panther sniffed Electra's hand and turned away from the door.

  Electra hugged Serafina cautiously, keeping one eye on the panther.

  Serafina followed Electra's gaze to the panther. "She has become very protective since the twins arrived.

  "She is magnificent." Electra remembered the gouged flesh on Bataar's back.

  "Come, see your sisters." Serafina moved
to view the babies in their cribs.

  Electra looked at the identical twins. "How perfect they are. They favor you I think. Are you able to tell them apart?"

  "They are identical physically, but easily differentiated by temperament."

  "Their temperaments are manifest so soon?"

  "From the first day. Shalin is the older by a few minutes. She is a dark pond, quiet and deep. Esme is a mountain stream, active, curious, engaging."

  Electra picked up Shalin. The panther growled low is its throat.

  Serafina stroked its neck. "Calm, Ebony."

  Ebony lay down near the empty crib.

  Shalin stared at Electra with large dark eyes. The eyes seemed to study her face, evaluating? memorizing?

  "I am your sister, Shalin. My name is Electra."

  Shalin blinked once, then her eyes shifted to Serafina.

  Serafina took Shalin, rocking her in her arms while Electra picked up Esme. Esme grabbed Electra's finger and held on tightly. She kicked her blanket open with her feet.

  "Esme, you are a delight."

  Esme answered with a sound that may have been a cry, but seemed more like a demand.

  "They've both been fed. They will sleep now. Come, sit with me. We have so much to talk over."

  They moved to a corner of the nursery by a window that looked out on a stream running through a grove of trees.

  "This is a lovely room, bright and airy."

  Serafina joined her at the window. "Prince Blackwell has an eye for design."

  Electra watched as the panther sniffed each baby, then circled and lay down between the cribs. "You seem happy here."

  Serafina returned a graceful nod. "And you? Are you declared dead and on your way to study medicine?"

  Electra laughed. "As it happens I have been shunned as a bride. Bataar received a message from the Great Khan, commanding him to break off the engagement, as well as the alliance with Fernland. Bataar was ordered to join his father posthaste at the siege of Taz, where he is now put in command. I believe they are no longer interested in acquiring Henge.

  "Was it something I said?" asked Serafina, feigning an innocent expression.

  Electra laughed loud enough to wake Esme. "Sorry," she whispered, controlling her giggles. "Bataar actually asked my forgiveness for being unable to rid the world of you."

  "I suppose he would feel that way," Serafina said. "I do credit him for not giving up easily."

  A knock on the door was followed by the wary voice of a servant. "I have brought tea."

  Ebony was up and waiting at the door when Serafina opened it.

  "Stay," Serafina said as she took the tea tray from the skittish servant. The serving girl hurried back through the doorway.

  "They will become accustomed to Ebony in time," Serafina said, placing the tray on a table set between two chairs. They both sat down.

  Electra somehow doubted that, but said nothing.

  "What are your plans for studying medicine now your death is undone?" Serafina asked as she poured tea for them both.

  "There is more news from Fernland. By a series of coincidences, the people of the vanquished Taz have now settled around King's Lake. One of the refugees is a physician called Rabar. He has offered to take me as his apprentice. He attended Egina, and seems very well educated."

  Serafina stopped with her cup half way to her lips. "King Geoffrey allowed such a settlement?"

  "I do not believe he is entirely in favor of it, but they promised to make River's End into an estuary to carry large ships into King's Lake, making it into a port for Fernland. They also promised to build him a royal barge and a theatre. One of the Caliph's sons is skilled in harbor development."

  "I'm still surprised he agreed to it."

  "Delphinia was quite keen on the barge."

  Serafina smiled slightly. "Have you accepted Rabar's offer of apprenticeship?"

  "I have. In fact, I am ready to go there directly from here. I believe my knowledge of herbs convinced him to make the offer."

  "Not to belittle your expertise with herbs, but he would have apprenticed the village idiot to win King Geoffrey's favor."

  "Very likely. His father seems to be the group's leader. He is called the Caliph. The Caliph has charmed his way into Queen Delphinia's heart. Rabar is cut from a different cloth. He is focused on his work. He seeks a cure for tumors from an herb foreign to me."

  Serafina took a sip of tea and spooned jam on to a piece of toast.

  "You will study in Fernland?"

  "I will stay at King's lake with Rabar. Geoffrey and Delphinia are not entirely pleased with the plan, but have arranged for a cottage to house me."

  "I am sure they would be opposed to any plan not of their own making." Serafina ate her piece of toast before continuing. "It seems a good first step for you. It will likely clarify your interests."

  Electra looked at her tea and decided the time had come to warn Serafina. "I told Delphinia and Geoffrey that you are still alive and married to Prince Blackwell. I did not tell them of the twins."

  "I'm surprised you had to tell them something they should have known. Their gathering of intelligence has grown shoddy."

  "There is more, I fear." Electra sought out Serafina's eyes. "Avor had an argument with King Geoffrey. As tempers flared, he accused you of setting the forest fire in Chase Bound to try to kill him. King Geoffrey will likely try to capture you and hold you responsible for General Pommell's death."

  Serafina sipped her tea, unfazed. "What was the argument about?"

  Electra was puzzled. "The argument?" She paused to recollect her words. "You mean the argument between Geoffrey and Avor?"

  Serafina nodded and Electra continued. "Avor has become enthralled with Bataar's fighting skills. He wants to learn the Barburee method of shooting arrows from horseback. Evidently Bataar wrote to Avor, inviting him to come to Taz for lessons. King Geoffrey refused to allow it. Avor contends that Bataar is a friend to Fernland, proven by the fact that he attempted to kill both you and Dagon."

  "Interesting," Serafina said.

  Electra was dumbfounded by Serafina's lack of concern over King Geoffrey's desire to capture her. That same lack of concern, however, cleansed Electra of the guilt she had been feeling for her part in her father's judgment. She took a sip of tea and reached for a biscuit.

  "I have presents for the twins." Electra pulled her bag closer and opened the flap. She took out the two quilts and the little box with the crystal doves.

  "These are two crystal doves that Bataar's first wife brought for me before the Great Khan's message dashed Bataar's plans for acquiring a second wife."

  "Bataar has a wife?"

  "Yes, a very sweet girl who gave me this, hoping we would become as sisters. Bataar asked me to keep it. I thought I might give it to Shalin and Esme."

  Serafina took the little box and quickly set it down. She opened it with a napkin and took a brief look before replacing the lid and putting it on a high shelf. She placed the napkin beside it on the shelf.

  "Did you handle the doves?"

  "No. I tried to return it to Odval when we learned the contents of the Great Khan's message but Bataar insisted that I keep it. I believe he was embarrassed at having to retract his offer of marriage. Is something wrong with the doves?"

  Serafina stood up and washed her hands in a basin. "They have been poisoned."

  Electra's tea cup shook in her hand. Her eyes grew wide with shock. "Would I have died, had I touched them?"

  "Quite likely, over time." Serafina dried her hands and sat down.

  "Why would she do that? She had not even met me."

  Serafina shrugged. "I suppose she was not in favor of Bataar's taking a second wife."

  "I did not see it. Even Delphinia said she thought Odval a good actress."

  Serafina smiled. "You often fail to see the evil in people. I have always considered it one of your best trai

  Electra's eyes took on a far away glaze. "I might have poisoned Shalin and Esme. Or you." Tears formed at the corners of her eyes.

  Serafina waved her index finger back and forth. "Do not allow such a sordid thought to take root in your mind. It will serve no purpose. Rest assured, I will put the poison to good use."

  Electra chose not to enlarge on that topic of conversation. "I just wish I had better instincts."

  "You will grow to become a good judge of character. It takes only time and experience." Serafina reached for the quilts. "These are lovely. You made them yourself?"

  "I did. Now that I have seen the twins, I see the colors suit them." Electra glanced at the sleeping infants. "Do you think they will have your gifts?"

  Serafina pursed her lips, considering. "I sense some stirrings in them. I will know soon."

  "I hope to visit them often. Now that Fernland will have a port, I will be able to come by ship to Henge."

  "Yes, a port. A port will likely mean a new balancing of the scales of power." Serafina seemed to be considering the ramifications of such a port, then came back to an awareness of her guest. "I will secure passage for you to Henge. When must you leave?"

  "I will leave tomorrow. I have a guard, Tandor, to accompany me."

  "I will see to it." She took Electra's hand. "But now I see I have kept you too long from a needed rest. You must be tired after your long journey on horseback. Come, I will show you your room for the night. If you like the room I will keep it available for you whenever you visit."

  Electra knew she would sleep well that night in her beautiful room with a balcony overlooking the city. She had worried over telling Serafina that King Geoffrey would be attempting to capture her. Serafina had seemed unaffected by the news. She certainly had not assigned any blame to Electra. So much needless worry. She had worried over leaving Dagon to begin her apprenticeship. The hope of a medical school in Helsop had so elated Dagon that he now seemed to look forward to her advanced study. And she had worried that her mother and father would find reasons to keep her from accepting her apprenticeship. Now they were building her a cottage by the lake. She began to wonder if worry were not just a waste of time, as Serafina contended. She snuggled down into her soft cover and slept a blissful sleep.


  The next morning Electra waved goodbye to Serafina and to Henge from the deck of a ship bound to Fernland's new port, and her new life as an apprentice.