Read Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music Page 50

  Chapter 50

  King's Lake

  The wedding guests at King's Lake began to make their way down to the stage or off to the stalls to line up for food and drinks.

  Electra and Dagon headed toward the stage to congratulate Bear and Peaches. Electra saw Angelica and Shandor standing together near the entrance to the props room. She was surprised and apprehensive about seeing them together.

  Electra put her hand on Dagon's shoulder as she spoke to him. "I need to say hello to those people. I'll just be a minute."

  Angelica smiled when she saw Electra coming toward her.

  "Electra! Any news yet of Muller?"

  Electra shook her head. "Nothing yet. I'm so sorry." She glanced at Shandor, then turned back to Angelica. "You and your father are reconciled then?"

  Angelica nodded. "Yes, and I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused around our problems."

  Electra shrugged. "You will tell Muller the truth then?"

  Angelica nodded. "Yes, I plan to tell him as soon as he returns." A tear brimmed at her eye and she whisked it away. "He will come back. He must."

  "Of course he will." Electra turned to Shandor. "I enjoyed your music as always."

  Shandor bowed politely. "I am an official member of the acting troupe now."

  Electra noticed that his eyes were no longer shot through with red veins and his complexion was better. She gave a short gasp. "You have quit drinking," she said before she could stop herself.

  Shandor smiled. "Not by choice, but as I've been forced to, I am trying now to refrain."

  Electra smiled back. As she hugged Angelica she whispered in her ear. "You should try to take him elsewhere. The free wine is too tempting for one such as him."

  Angelica nodded and hugged Electra back.

  Dagon was introducing himself to Bear when Electra returned. He told Bear how he had come to meet Peaches as he and Electra were attempting to enter Fernland's castle, past the watchful eyes of Henge soldiers nearly a year ago.

  "Peaches, Angie, Trixie and I were all disguised as Harem dancers," Electra added. "Do you remember that day, Peaches?"

  Peaches laughed. "I'm not likely ta fergit a day like that, am I?" She turned to Dagon. "We was excited ta meet the long lost princess, but we was more excited ta meet the outlaw Dagon."

  Dagon saw the crowd of people waiting to congratulate the newlyweds. "We'd best give the rest of these good folk a chance to congratulate you. Thank you for inviting us today, and thank you again, Peaches, for your performance at our engagement party."

  Bear called out to them as they walked away. "Help yerself ta some eats. Take lost 'is mind an' invited ever Tom, Tim an' Mary, so he's got the whole market down 'ere ta feed 'em."

  As they walked away, Dagon saw mobs of people lined up at the stalls for food, drinks and desserts.

  "How is Take going to pay for all this?" Dagon asked Electra.

  "I was wondering the same thing myself. Are you hungry?"

  Dagon hesitated before replying. "Actually, I am. I've been spoiled staying so long at the castle. My stomach has come to expect food three times a day."

  "Mother has brought a huge picnic lunch. We could avoid a line if you don't mind eating with my family."

  "I'm quite used to eating with your family now. They have shown no interest in killing me for many days now."

  Electra smiled. "I actually think my father is growing fond of you."

  Dagon frowned. "I remain skeptical on that front."

  As they climbed the hill to find the royal family, Dagon put his hand up to shield his eyes from the sun.

  "There's a sight you do not often see," he stated.

  Electra followed his gaze to a curve in the road leading back to Fernland's castle. A caravan of three camels with four men walking alongside was headed for King's Lake.

  "Do you suppose one of those men is Tandor?" Electra asked, the hope shining in her eyes.

  "Let us go to find out." Dagon grabbed Electra's hand and they took off running for the road.

  Tandor saw Dagon and Electra running up the road toward him and he pulled the reins of his balking camel forward, running to meet them.

  When they met, Dagon clasped Tandor at the shoulders, laughing, then shook his hand.

  "I was worried what I would tell your father when you failed to return with the ship."

  "This is Helsop's camel and Helsop's... ah, fertilizer," Tandor said, pointing at the camel standing beside him.

  Dagon's jaw fell open as he looked at the bulging bags strapped between the camel's two humps. "The white powder?" he whispered.

  "That very thing," Tandor said.

  Electra hugged Tandor and he blushed a deep red. "I have been so worried," she admitted, releasing the young man.

  The other three men--Muller, Hilgard and Dong Hao, caught up to Tandor and stopped in the middle of the road. Dagon waved to Hilgard and Muller, then glanced briefly at Dong Hao.

  Many of the guests at the wedding were coming up the road now. Most had never seen these strange beasts of the desert before. Angelica broke free from the crowd when she recognized Muller. She ran to him with tears of happiness blurring her eyes.

  Muller hugged his wife and wiped her eyes with his handkerchief.

  "But I was never in danger," he lied. "You should not have worried."

  "I have someone I want you to meet," Angelica said, taking her husband's hand and pulling him forward to where Shandor stood, waiting.

  Muller recognized Shandor as the sullen gypsy they had been trying to arrest. He looked about as though he might call for the help of soldiers.

  "This is my father," Angelica said quickly. "There has been a misunderstanding and it is mostly my fault."

  Muller put his arm around Angelica's shoulders. "I am sure you are not to blame." He eyed Shandor suspiciously while Angelica began her explanation.

  Tandor led Electra and Dagon to where Hilgard and Dong Hao stood, taking in the scene at King's Lake. He introduced Dong Hao and gave a brief explanation of how they had met the young man.

  Hilgard gestured toward the huge crowd gathered at the lake.

  "We went to the castle first but there was no one there. We finally found a few palace guards who had drawn the short straws and been left behind to guard the castle while everyone else left for this wedding celebration. We decided we had walked half way across the world, what were a few more miles? So whose wedding has drawn everyone to the lake?"

  "Peaches and Bear's wedding. Members of the acting troupe," Electra said.

  "Bear is getting married?" Hilgard sounded incredulous.

  Dong Hao spoke up as he took in the crowds. "Amazing! In China, actors not have such, ah, high regard."

  Electra laughed. "Fernland is unique in many ways."

  Dong Hao looked to Hilgard to explain the word 'unique'.

  "Later," Hilgard said.

  Muller started the short caravan moving toward the lake to make his report to King Geoffrey. He kept an eye on Shandor and his arm around Angelica's waist as he pulled his camel forward.

  Electra smiled at Dong Hao and waved him forward as well. "Come, I will introduce you to my father, the King of Fernland. He will be very glad to see all of you back safe."