Read Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music Page 51

  Chapter 51

  Castle at Henge

  After a visit with Dagon in Helsop, Electra was on her way back to King's Lake to complete her apprenticeship with Physician Rabar. She elected these days to return by ship whenever possible, both for ease of travel and for the opportunity to visit Serafina and the twins in the port city of Henge.

  Electra sat on the floor of the nursery holding Shalin in her lap.

  "I have a present for you, Little One." Electra held up one of the cloth dolls she had purchased at the market in Venito.

  Shalin studied the doll for a moment before she reached for it.

  She smiled as she held the doll by its head with one hand and felt its dress with the other hand.

  Electra turned to speak to Serafina who sat in a chair by the window. "I think she likes it."

  "I hope you brought two," Serafina said, looking at Esme.

  Esme was pushing up from the floor with her arms, not quite ready to crawl at six months of age. She was also looking intently at her sister's doll. Shalin held on tight as the doll began to lean in Esme's direction.

  "What is happening here?" Electra stared in amazement as Shalin strained to keep her doll from flying into Esme's hands.

  "They've learned a new trick." Serafina pursed her lips. "And they practice it at inopportune times."

  Electra quickly pulled the second doll from her pocket and placed Esme on her lap beside Shalin. She handed the doll to Esme, who grabbed it and hugged it to her chest. Shalin loosened her hold on her own doll and continued her study of the doll's clothing.

  Electra kissed the top of Esme's head. "But this new power the twins possess is amazing. I did not know such an ability was possible."

  Serafina stood up and took Shalin from Electra. "It is a rare gift, but not without precedent. They also have the ability to plant ideas in the minds of persons or animals, so be on guard. You may find yourself compelled to buy more toys for your sisters."

  Electra laughed. "It is too late. I already feel so inclined."

  Serafina placed Shalin in her crib and picked up Esme. "They can nap with their new dolls while we chat."

  Electra joined Serafina in a chair by the window.

  "You have recently spent time in Helsop?" Serafina asked.

  "Yes. It was a good visit. I tried a new herbal blend on some of my patients with arthritis. It seems to be good for relieving pain. The cold from the glacier takes its toll on the older ones."

  Electra hesitated before continuing. "Dagon has taken it in mind to build a school where I might teach herbal remedies to young women."

  "Is this something you wish to do?" Serafina stood up and pulled a cord that caused a bell to ring somewhere beneath them.

  "I see a need for such a school. The few medical schools available now are not partial to women."

  Serafina waited. Electra had not answered her question.

  Electra frowned. "I suppose my wanting to teach would depend on the sort of students I would be teaching. If they were interested as I am in herbal remedies...."

  "You might arrange interviews," Serafina suggested.

  "Yes of course." Electra looked out the window. "The school Dagon is building is quite large – with its own kitchen and living quarters." She paused, then spoke cautiously. "He has hinted that we might want to set the date for our wedding once the school is completed and I begin to accept students."

  Serafina laughed. "Now we come to the crux of it."

  Electra smiled an embarrassed smile. "I care about Dagon. I have told him so. When we are apart I always look forward to seeing him again. I admit he feels like home to me."

  A servant knocked on the door. "You rang your Highness?"

  "Bring tea please," Serafina called out without opening the door. Serafina looked at Electra and said nothing.

  Electra wrung her hands together. "It is only that I fear the loss of my independence." She looked into Serafina's eyes and saw amusement there.

  "And you see marriage as a loss of independence?"

  I do, yes. Already Dagon would like to be in charge of my life. He sees every decision I make as a possible danger to myself and to Helsop's future. Were we to marry he would see curtailing my freedom as his right."

  Serafina shrugged. "I believe Prince Blackwell is very much the same. Men take their role as protector quite seriously."

  "But you are still able to do exactly as you want," Electra argued.

  "Yes." Serafina smiled an enigmatic smile. "One can not control one who does not wish to be controlled."

  "But the law favors the husband."

  Serafina raised her eyebrows and shrugged.

  Electra laughed. "I suppose that would not concern you. You have always been a law unto yourself."

  A knock sounded at the door. "Your tea, Your Highness," a familiar voice called out.

  When Serafina opened the door to take the tray, Electra caught a glimpse of Esmeralda.

  "Wasn't that the Traveler girl, Esmeralda?" Electra asked as Serafina set the tray down.

  "Yes, she and Juanita are working here at the castle now, though not, perhaps, for much longer."

  "They are leaving?"

  "I suspect they may have helped Shandor escape."

  "Shandor was a prisoner here? I saw him not long ago. He has quit drinking and reconciled with Angelica."

  Serafina took a sip of tea. "He quit drinking because he was locked in our dungeon."

  "What did he do?" Electra asked.

  Serafina looked directly into Electra's eyes. "He threatened you."

  Electra was shocked. "He did speak roughly to me at the Traveler Camp, but..., I had no idea." She felt uneasy being the cause of someone's incarceration. She would have asked more about what kind of threat he had made, but did not want to appear to be questioning Serafina's treatment of Shandor.

  "So you believe Esmeralda and Juanita aided in his escape?"

  "It is possible, perhaps even likely. Prince Blackwell allowed him out of the dungeon to entertain us with his fiddle. He escaped when Ebony came bounding down the stairs during a dinner with guests. I thought Esme might have put the idea into Ebony's mind. The door may have accidently been left open or Ebony may have discovered how to work the latch with her teeth. But after more consideration and more familiarity with Esme's abilities, I am inclined to believe Shandor had help from his friends."

  "I see." Electra in fact saw quite a lot. She began to realize what kinds of mischief the twins were capable of, what a terrible fate Shandor had been rescued from, and how much trouble Juanita and Esmeralda might be in. She wondered if she should warn them.

  "And how goes your apprenticeship?" Serafina changed the subject abruptly.

  "I have learned so much. Rabar is a good teacher. His family has joined him now, so I do not see so much of him as before."

  "The families are now ensconced at King's Lake?" Serafina showed her surprise.

  "Over a hundred women and children came back with us from Taz. And more are smuggled in without King Geoffrey's knowledge almost daily."

  "I am surprised he allows it."

  "They are keeping their part of the bargain. Their mill works nonstop to turn out the boards needed for building the barge. They have even begun work on framing the hull."

  "The barge was Delphinia's idea?"

  "The idea was put there by the Caliph, but yes, she is very keen on the idea of it."

  Serafina smiled. "And your voyage to Taz? Did you enjoy it?"

  "It was an adventure. We were attacked by pirates and had to leave three men behind. My shadow, Tandor was one. Luckily they were able to make it back coming overland on camels."

  "How were they left behind?" Serafina seemed intrigued by the situation.

  "They were searching for the white powder for the exploding arrows when the pirates attacked. Electra wondered if that were another secret she would be considered a traitor for revea
ling. "I likely have revealed something traitorous in telling the story."

  Serafina shrugged. "You know we in Henge have already discovered the secret of the exploding arrows. Secret weapons never stay secret for long."

  "I'm sure you are right there. Kings and generals always vie for the most lethal weapons." A little shiver went through Electra at the thought of the new weapon's power. She drained her tea cup and stood up.

  "I should pack and start down to the harbor. My ship sails with the tide."

  Serafina stood up as well. "I will dress the twins and we will walk with you. The fresh air will do them good."

  Chapter 52

  Port of Henge

  Electra carried Shalin and Serafina carried Esme as they walked to the pier. Tandor walked along behind with their luggage. It was a beautiful fall day, the leaves turned to shades of red and gold.

  "There is my ship, Pride of Three Seas," Electra said, pointing. They stopped beside the gang plank. Tandor went up the plank with their luggage.

  Electra held Shalin up in front of her and looked deep into her green eyes. "I will miss you little sister." She hugged Shalin tightly before exchanging her for Esme. "And I will surely miss you, Esme. You are a wonder." She kissed the little girl's cheek.

  Serafina set Shalin down on the wharf while she reached into her bag. She brought out a box tied with a gold ribbon.

  "For your seventeenth birthday."

  Electra blushed. She had turned seventeen three months before in Fernland. Delphinia had contrived a celebration that more than made up for the sixteen birthdays she had missed.

  "You shouldn't have." Electra smiled as she took the present. She set Esme down on the deck beside her sister and untied the ribbon. Inside the wooden box was a beautiful set of runes. Each letter and symbol was artfully carved on a small rectangular block of hardwood.

  "I will treasure them always." As she hugged Serafina she thought of her sixteenth birthday present. Her crystal ball sat unused and forgotten in her cottage in Helsop.

  Serafina hugged Electra and smiled. "Perhaps they will help you with your decision."

  "Last call," shouted the sailor as he began to lift the gangplank.

  Electra quickly gave Serafina a last kiss and ran up the gangplank. At the ship's rail she hugged her present to her chest, smiling. They both knew what decision Serafina was referring to. Would she set a date for her wedding at the completion of the medical school? She would read the runes and consider their advice, but she believed she had already made her decision. Why not set a date? She could still change her mind any time before the date, could she not? She waved to her Henge family as her ship set sail.

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