Read Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine Page 14

  Chapter 13


  Electra stared at the man lying motionless on a cot in the medical clinic. His wet clothing had already been removed and blankets piled on top of him.

  "We must try to warm his body before his heart stops," she ordered. "Isa, put water on to boil."

  "Dagon, help me to lift him. We must have heat below him as well as above. Juanita and Esmeralda—find a hat and two pairs of socks. Warm them by the fire and bring them quickly."

  As Dagon lifted the unconscious man, Electra stuffed blankets beneath him. Then she lay down beside the man and wrapped her arms around him. "Dagon, lay on the other side. He needs body heat to warm his inner organs."

  "Laleh, have Isa show you where the medicines are kept. Bring willow bark and lobelia."

  "Magsa, make tea with chamomile. Take Odval to help you."

  With no one left to order about, Electra warmed her patient's head with her hands as she warmed his chest with her body.

  "Who is he?" she asked Dagon who was half on and half off the narrow cot.

  "We do not know. He seemed delirious when two of my men found him. He was clinging to an overturned boat in shallow water. His boat must have capsized in waves close to shore. A man wouldn't last long in Cold Lake. The men who pulled the boat from the water said they thought they heard him say my name before he lost consciousness, so they sent a runner to find me. But I do not recognize him. I do not believe we have met before."

  "Are there settlements on Cold lake?" Electra asked.

  "Not that I know of. We have never been able to explore Cold Lake. My ancestors came across Cold Lake in boats but those boats were quickly dismantled and the wood used to build houses. My father said his father came from another land beyond the lake, but he did not know much more. I never met my grandfather, though I was named for him."

  Electra pressed her body close to her shivering patient. "This man must have been in desperate straits to have tried crossing Cold Lake."

  "Do you think he will recover?" Dagon asked.

  "I do not know. He is old, but he seems to have a will to live. He may recover."

  Juanita and Esmeralda returned with a warm cloth for a turban, and several pairs of warmed socks. After the man was fitted with these, Isa brought in strips of leather soaked in hot water to place on the man's chest and stomach. Electra and Dagon gave up their places on the cot and substituted thick blankets on either side of the man.

  A few minutes later Electra was thrilled to see the old man's eyelids flutter open. He looked around and tried to speak. She gave him a spoonful of the Echinacea and a few sips of chamomile tea before he lapsed back into a deep sleep.

  Laleh, Juanita, Esmeralda and Isa sat on cots around the clinic watching the patient, hoping he would wake up long enough to explain the mystery of his appearance in Helsop.

  Electra considered how best to turn this unfortunate situation into a learning experience for her students. She gestured to her students to gain their attention.

  "We should have someone with this man at all times. Juanita and Esmeralda, perhaps you could take the first shift. Keep watch and if he regains consciousness, one of you come and find me. The other can stay here and give him as much warm tea as he is able to swallow. Do not force too much on him. In a few hours Laleh and Isa will take your place while you sleep. If anyone has questions, one will stay and the other will come to ask me." She looked around. "What happened to Odval and Magsa?"

  Isa shrugged. "They must have gone back to the school after they delivered the tea."

  "I will find them, but I am reluctant to give them a turn at watching the patient. I never know how well they understand my instructions." She pressed her hand to her patient's chest before leaving. He did seem a little warmer. "Keep changing the leather strips as they lose their heat."

  As Electra headed for the school she saw Dagon walking toward her. He waved a rolled scroll with a red wax seal in his hand. The red seal meant a message from Fernland.

  Dagon handed her the message. "This just arrived from Fernland. It is for you."

  Electra took the scroll, broke the seal with her fingernail and unrolled the paper.

  She read through the long message silently before handing it to Dagon.

  "I've been expecting this," she said.

  Dagon read the message aloud.

  My Darling Electra,

  We heard with dismay from Avor the news that you and Dagon have set a date for your wedding, although a date to coincide with the completion of your castle in Helsop is lacking in specificity. Your father and I are of course very happy, though we would have been happier had you told us in person. Be that as it may, we must go on to the planning phase.

  A royal wedding is an event of far-reaching significance, as I am sure you must realize. Neighboring heads of state must be invited and the invitations must be sent early enough to allow said heads of state time to adjust their busy schedules accordingly. You and Dagon must come to Fernland as soon as possible so as to set these wheels in motion.

  As it happens, we will have emissaries from some of our neighbors in attendance for the buzkashi exhibition that will take place here in five days' time. Avor said that he invited Dagon to attend already so I hope you are both on your way to Fernland as I write. If not, you really must delay whatever business keeps you there and come at once. I cannot emphasize too much how important these wedding plans are to Fernland, and of course how important they are to your father and me.

  I will not breathe easy until you both arrive here safely.

  In Fondest Hopes,

  Your mother, Delphinia

  Electra frowned. "I suppose we were naive to expect a simple ceremony here in Helsop."

  "I suppose we were. Are you able to take a few days away from your school?" Dagon asked.

  "I've only just begun to teach, but this note leaves me little choice. I am more worried over leaving my new patient."

  Dagon nodded. "Let us see if he survives the night. If so, perhaps he will regain strength in your students' care. I think Isa at least can be counted on to nurse him back to health."

  Electra took a moment to consider her choices and finally nodded. "All right. We will leave in the morning. I will give instructions and put Isa in charge." She took a deep breath. "I do not look forward to this planning session with my parents."

  "Nor do I," Dagon agreed. "But if it results in a wedding, I will do it gladly." He smiled and raised his eyebrows in an expression that finally made Electra smile as well.