Read Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine Page 15

  Chapter 14


  Dagon and Electra arrived in Fernland mid morning after a three day trip from Helsop. Rain slowed their progress the second day, turning the road to mud. They arrived tired and sodden.

  "I'm going to bathe and change clothes before lunch," Electra said.

  Dagon slid off his mud-caked saddle. "If I have access to water, I will as well. I never know what sort of lodging to expect when I arrive in Fernland. It seems to depend on how our relationship is viewed at the time."

  Electra smiled. "Perhaps I should not be so sure of my welcome either. I believe my parents are annoyed with me for announcing our wedding date by way of a message from Avor."

  "Good luck to us both then. I will see you at lunch."

  Electra headed for her room in the castle and Dagon followed a porter to whatever room had been assigned to him.

  Electra was relieved to find the hall empty and her bedroom door unlocked. Soldiers manning the forest towers would have signaled their progress along King's Highway, so Electra was certain her parents had been informed of their arrival. She quickly threw off her muddy riding clothes and washed her face and arms. She had just donned a new dress when her mother knocked at the door and called out to her.

  "Electra, are you here?"

  "I am." She opened the door and gave her mother a hug.

  Delphinia stepped away and looked at her. "You are already changed. I could order hot water for a proper bath."

  "No need. I arrived quite bedraggled but the basin of water was sufficient."

  Delphinia continued to stare at her daughter. "I can scarcely believe my daughter is already grown and ready to wed. So many years have been stolen from us."

  Electra nodded. "Then we shall both live to a very old age to make up for it."

  Delphinia tried to smile, but her eyes welled with tears. "Yes. That is exactly what we must do." The Queen moved farther into the room and looked around it. "Will you want to keep this room for the two of you once you are wed? We could find a larger room."

  Electra blushed as she considered her mother's question. "I'm sure this room will suffice."

  Delphinia pressed her hand to Electra's blushing cheek. "Look, now I've embarrassed you. Forgive me."

  Electra shook her head. "Of course you have not. It is just that I never considered how certain things will change once I am wed."

  "It is true. Everything changes once a woman marries. And even more so as children come along. But such changes are to be welcomed. I hope your wedding will be a joyous occasion for all. We will make sure it is."

  Electra squeezed her mother's hand. "I am fortunate to have your expertise with such events. I am afraid that left to my own devices my wedding would be a very simple affair."

  Delphinia gave a knowing look. "And that would be more to your liking, I am sure." Her mother's lips moved up at the corners.

  "Perhaps," Electra admitted. "But I am aware that my royal status comes with obligations. I put myself in your hands."

  "Come along then," Delphinia said, taking Electra's hand. "We will discuss the preparations after lunch. We have the Caliph and Bataar as guests today."

  Electra stopped short. "The two of them together? Isn't that dangerous?"

  They both knew the Caliph and his people had escaped Taz in ships moments before the Great Khan captured their city. Had they not been warned that the Barburee soldiers had discovered a tunnel under their city, the Taz people would have been murdered in their sleep.

  Delphinia shook her head. "Bataar has no reason to suspect they are former inhabitants of Taz. The Caliph always speaks English when he is with us. For some reason Bataar has been anxious to speak with the Caliph from the time he arrived with his buzkashi team. He says he wants to meet the man in charge of the boat builders."

  They entered the family dining hall and found Dagon, Bataar, Avor, the Caliph and King Geoffrey already seated around the table.

  "You should have begun without us," Queen Delphinia said. "So good of you all to join us." She smiled at her guests.

  Plates of food were quickly brought in and a few minutes passed before conversation replaced the sounds of eating utensils.

  Avor glanced at Electra. "We have our first match tomorrow. Will you and Dagon be there?"

  Electra hesitated. She looked at Dagon to gauge his reaction. She thought she caught a small shrug of his shoulders.

  Delphinia answered for her. "Of course they will be there. We will all be going." She turned to Electra. "You certainly plan to be here more than one day, I hope?"

  "You are all going?" Electra asked.

  "All of Fernland will be there," Avor answered. "We have a practice field down by the Lake. Many of the uh,...barge builders are on the team."

  Electra nearly choked on her water, knowing her brother had almost said 'many of the Taz workers' by mistake. She glanced at Bataar but he seemed preoccupied with other thoughts.

  Bataar caught the eye of the Caliph. "You have men build ships?"

  The Caliph kept his voice steady. "Yes, my men are master ship builders. We are employed to build a barge for King Geoffrey."

  "Then where you go after?" Bataar persisted.

  "Then we will perhaps take another commission," the Caliph said.

  "You come Taz—build ships for Great Khan?"

  Even the Caliph was speechless for a moment at this unlikely turn of events. He cleared his throat.

  "That might be a possibility. We have another possible commission from a group of tea traders in China."

  Bataar sneered. "Great Khan pay more. Give houses in Taz for workers." Bataar pointed a finger at the Caliph. "You come Taz. See. Maybe you like work there better."

  "You are most kind." The Caliph's voice croaked a little as he tried to suppress whatever emotion he was feeling. "I will speak to my men about your offer."

  Bataar went back to his eating. "Good."

  King Geoffrey's mouth was hanging open. He realized this and quickly snapped it shut. "It might be some time before the barge is finished," he said.

  King Geoffrey seemed to be bothered by Bataar's offer of a commission to build ships in Taz. Although he had complained bitterly about having to take in the refugees from Taz and pushed them to find a new homeland as soon as possible, now that two different countries were vying for their services, he seemed to be having second thoughts on the matter. "The Caliph and I have not yet established a definite time table," he added.

  Queen Delphinia looked at her husband with interest. "Perhaps we might require more than the barge?"

  King Geoffrey rested his head on his knuckles as he considered. He surveyed the members of his family but seemed to find no help there. He looked down at his plate. No help there either. Then he glanced at Dagon. "I suppose Helsop might be interested in placing an order as well, what with your people being traders and all."

  Dagon looked as though he might laugh, but was able to quickly substitute a serious expression. "Certainly a ship would be a most welcome addition in expanding our trade."

  Electra wondered if her father and her fiancé had both lost their minds. Helsop had no money to commission a ship and no connecting waterway on which to sail it.

  "Yes. We should perhaps discuss that possibility. But for now we must leave the women to discuss wedding plans." King Geoffrey looked at his daughter. "I know your mother has a number of questions for you."

  King Geoffrey stood up and the other men stood as well. As Dagon made ready to follow them out of the dining room, Queen Delphinia called him back.

  "Dagon, I need you to stay as well. Just for a few moments."

  Dagon bowed reluctantly and took his seat while the other men escaped through the door.

  Queen Delphinia shook her head. "I'm afraid we must choose a firm date for the wedding. When would you estimate that your castle will be completed?"

tipped his head back and looked at the ceiling. "If all goes as planned, four months?"

  Delphinia rested her chin on her fingertips. "Four months," she mused. "That is not much time, but it could possibly be done."

  "We could make it a little longer," Electra suggested.

  Dagon looked alarmed.

  "Or not," Electra quickly added.

  "Four months would make it summer. Summer is good for traveling," Delphinia continued. "I want to accede to your wishes as much as I am able. I had thought the wedding should take place here in the castle. Does that meet with your approval? With a reception in the afternoon, perhaps out of doors to allow more Fernlanders to attend?"

  Dagon looked at Electra. Electra shrugged.

  "Whatever Electra wants is fine with me," he said.

  Delphinia nodded. "In that case I suppose we might carry on, just the two of us, if you have other things to attend to."

  Dagon breathed a sigh of relief and made for the door.

  Electra breathed a different sort of sigh—one of resignation—and settled down for a long discussion.