Read Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine Page 4

  Chapter 4


  The next morning Electra joined her family for breakfast. She still felt tired after a few hours sleep but she wanted to get an early start on her journey back to Helsop. She hoped to nap in the royal carriage. Electra walked into the family dining room dressed in her traveling clothes. Her mother was quick to speak.

  "Electra! You still had not returned to the castle when we settled in for the night. I wanted to send Physician Rothman to take over for you but your father would not allow it." Queen Delphinia glanced at King Geoffrey with a peeved expression.

  Electra showed her surprise and approval for her father's decision. "And he was quite correct in dissuading you. I would never leave a patient in the middle of labor. As it turned out, I had a midwife to assist me." Electra did not mention that the midwife had slept through the birth. "It was an easy birth and Muller has a fine son now."

  Delphinia clapped her hands together and held them against her chest. "Wonderful news." She looked at Electra's traveling outfit and her expression changed. "But you are not planning to leave so soon, surely. You have not had time for a proper night's sleep."

  Electra pointed to the window as she sat down to eat a bowl of mush. "I believe a storm is gathering. I hope to reach Helsop before the roads turn to mud. I will be able to nap in the carriage." Electra blushed. "Forgive me. I should not assume that I will be allowed the use of the carriage. You may have need of it yourselves."

  Delphinia frowned. "Of course you will take the carriage. I have a few items to add to your load before you leave, but I wish you would stay a few days. With this birth you attended we have hardly spent any time together."

  "Helsop is not so far. You must come to see my new school."

  Avor looked up from his breakfast plate. "Perhaps you would like to return to see the buzkashi match," Avor said.

  Avor had been so quiet Electra was startled when he spoke. She could not stop herself from teasing him a bit.

  "I'm glad you are planning ahead to insure the presence of a physician."

  Avor scowled at her. "That is not why I am inviting you."

  "I know," Electra replied with a grin. "I'm only joking."

  Delphinia looked at Avor with a suspicious expression. "Why would you need to have a physician present?"

  Avor thrust his chin in his mother's direction as he glared at Electra with an expression that said clearly—now see what you have done?

  Electra tried to undo the harm. "I was only joking. It is only an exhibition match. I'm sure it will be perfectly safe." She quickly changed the subject. "I need to pay a visit to Angelica before I leave." She finished what was left of her breakfast.

  Delphinia sighed and lowered her fork. "If you are determined to leave today I should gather up the few things I had planned to send along with you and have them packed into the carriage."

  Electra took a deep breath before knocking on Angelica's cottage door. She did not relish another confrontation with Shandor and smiled in relief when Muller opened the door.

  "Electra! Please come in. Angelica is awake."

  Electra followed Muller into the bedroom. Angelica lay with her baby beside her, watching him sleep. She waved Electra closer.

  "In truth, have you ever seen a more beautiful baby?"

  Electra looked at the infant. He had dark curly hair, high cheekbones and long dark eyelashes. "He is indeed a comely fellow," she agreed. "How are you feeling?"

  Muller cleared his throat and stated, "I'll leave the two of you alone, but I'll be just outside if you need me." He pulled the door closed behind him.

  Angelica kept her eyes on her baby as she answered Electra. "I ache all over, but it is not so bad. He has already nursed a little. He seems to know what to do."

  Electra checked her patient over, then checked the baby as well. She found nothing to cause concern and sat down on a stool beside the bed.

  "I will be leaving for Helsop today but I've sent word to Sadie to check on you and the baby. She regrets drinking with Shandor and I believe she is sincere."

  Angelica nodded. "I'm sure my father talked her into it." Angelica looked away from her baby long enough to glance in Electra's direction. "I feel sorry for the time he spent in Serafina's dungeon but, in truth, being locked away was the only thing that kept him from drinking. I know he hates himself for it but he can not seem to stop. I remember now how I felt when Serafina offered me a chance to get away from him back in Chase Bound."

  Electra listened more closely. "I never heard the whole story of what happened back then. What role did Serafina play?"

  Angelica leaned back, remembering, as she stared up at the thatched ceiling. "Serafina knew Muller was close to finding you. He came to our Traveler camp asking if we knew of anyone who could make a love charm." Angelica laughed. "Can you imagine asking a group of gypsy Travelers that question? Of course we said any one of us could make him a love charm. But then he asked for Serafina by name. The only thing that stopped the men from telling him where you and Serafina lived was knowing that Serafina would pay them more for their silence. As soon as Muller left our camp we sent word to Serafina that someone had come by asking for her in a suspicious manner. She must have made her plan to outwit Muller as soon as she got the message from our camp. That night it was me she came to see. She kept to the shadows so no one else would see her."

  Angelica looked intently at Electra before continuing. "She asked me if I was still bent on running away. The two of us watched my father from the dark of my wagon. He played his fiddle and stopped every few minutes to drink from his flask. I told her yes. I told her I believed he would do whatever it took to keep himself supplied with wine—even using me if it came to that." Angelica looked down to admire her son as he blew a bubble in his sleep.

  "The next morning Serafina came for me before dawn. She brought a cloak exactly like the one you usually wore. I put it on and we walked through the village heading south towards Lands End. She made sure the innkeeper saw us from a distance. We carried luggage so it looked as though we were heading out on a journey. Muller must have been staying at the inn. And Serafina must have known the innkeeper would tell him we had left the village heading south. At the time I knew only that Serafina was helping me to run away. She even bought me passage on a ship. My own cabin. She told me not to open my cabin door for anyone until the ship had been at sea a full day. When I did finally open my cabin door, there stood Muller, dressed up as a cabin steward with a tea tray and compliments from the Captain."

  Electra was astounded by the planning that had gone into Serafina's charade. "So Muller believed that he had found me?"

  Angelica laughed. "He almost convinced me that I was you. He kept insisting that I did not know I was a princess but I most certainly was. My real parents had grieved for sixteen years over the loss of me." Angelica's eyes grew moist. "He looked at me and saw only a princess. What girl would not fall in love with him?" She smiled as she turned to Electra. "Serafina gave me a powerful love charm. I kept it in my pocket but it seemed to be working its magic from there."

  Electra shook her head. "Muller is still very much in love with you. A love charm would have worn off long ago."

  Angelica sensed that Electra was reassessing Serafina's role in all that had happened. "I'm sure Serafina only did what she did because she loved you and could not bear to lose you. You were her only child."

  Electra considered for a moment whether or not to tell Angelica about Serafina's new daughters. Serafina's twins would likely not stay a secret for much longer and she knew Angelica would be one of only a few that would be happy for Serafina. She made her decision and leaned in closer to whisper in Angelica's ear. "Actually, since her marriage to Blackwell of Henge, Serafina has given birth to twin daughters."

  Angelica propped herself up on one elbow, the better to see Electra's face. "Truly? Amazing! I would
have thought her past her child bearing years. And twins? I am overwhelmed." She fell back onto her bed.

  "My own family does not know of it yet," Electra cautioned, "but I do not imagine the twins will remain unheralded much longer. You think Muller does not know as yet? He is a spy, after all."

  Angelica shook her head. "He would have told me. But trust me, I will not be the one to set the secret free. I owe my new life to Serafina." She ran her hand over her baby's black curls. "My new happy life."

  Electra smiled at the baby who was struggling to open his eyes. "I told your father not to come back here as long as he is drinking. The acting troupe will no doubt take him in if he tires of the stables. They value him for his musical ability. But it is your decision whether to allow him back here—yours and Muller's."

  Angelica frowned. "I have my son to consider now. My father will have to find another place to stay."

  Electra was relieved to hear this, but said nothing more. She gave the baby a kiss and Angelica a hug before leaving the cottage.

  It was time to leave for Helsop.