Read Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine Page 5

  Chapter 5


  Electra yawned and tried to stretch as the royal carriage slowed to climb the rise that joined Fernland's valley floor to Helsop's plateau. She could hardly move inside the carriage, stacked high with gifts from her mother, Queen Delphinia. She guessed that most of the gifts would be clothes and trinkets she would have little use for in Helsop, but some would be foodstuffs and useful supplies. Because she had journeyed in such cramped conditions, she arrived very tired after the three day trip.

  From the little Electra could glimpse through the bundles in the carriage, most of Helsop's winter snow had melted. The storm she forecast had hit the day before and puddles littered the sides of the road. Little patches of early spring growth dotted the steep sides of the plateau. She could not see the glacier yet. It would come into view when they reached the border guard station at the rim of the plateau.

  The royal carriage slowed even more and Electra wondered if they might not make the rim with all the added luggage. With a last great effort the horses pulled to the top and the carriage stopped.

  "Welcome home," a familiar voice rang out.

  Electra moved some bundles aside to see the smiling face of her fiancé, Dagon. His brown hair was windblown, framing a strong face with an open expression and incisive blue eyes.

  "You saw the carriage coming?" she asked unnecessarily.

  "We've been watching your progress for several days. Do you want to climb out for a proper welcome?"

  Electra laughed as she blushed. "I'm afraid everything would fall out with me if I tried. I'll stay inside until we reach the school. I can hardly wait to see it."

  Dagon waved to the carriage driver and the carriage took off at a faster clip. They reached the village in a few minutes and stopped in front of the completed school of medicine. Dagon opened the carriage door and several bundles fell out at his feet, clearing the way for Electra to step down.

  Dagon picked her up before her foot hit the ground, hugging her and swinging her free of the bundles on the ground.

  "It is so good to have you home," he said.

  Electra laid her head on his shoulder. "It is so good to be home."

  Dagon lifted his arm and moved it in a slow arc, encompassing the front of the school in one long gesture. "Your school—completed and ready for occupancy."

  Electra clasped her hands together. "It is wonderful. I must see every nook and cranny."

  They walked through Electra's old cottage which had been transformed into an entryway for the school of medicine. The entry opened on to a great room with one side made entirely of rock which enclosed a huge fireplace. Shelves and a work space completed the kitchen area. On the other side of the room was a large dining table with benches and stools on either side. A window behind the table looked out at Helsop's glacier.

  "Magnificent! I will find excuses to spend time in this room. How ever did you manage to build this rock wall?"

  "One rock at a time," Dagon said with a smile. "Now, on to the sleeping areas."

  Five sleeping rooms, each with a small rock fireplace, led off from the great room. Electra praised each in turn and noticed that the few things she had left behind in Helsop when she left for her medical apprenticeship had been moved to the small sleeping room nearest the great room.

  The tour ended with a room set aside for storage. It had shelves on three sides and a table along the fourth wall. It would be a good place to dry and store herbs as well as medical equipment.

  Electra shook her head as she looked at Dagon. "It is so much more than I expected. I want to thank everyone who worked on it. I promise I will put it to good use. In fact, I may have a student soon. Haddad's daughter, Laleh may be my first student if she is able to convince her father."

  Dagon's blue eyes crinkled in a smile. "She would have to be your second student. My sister Isa is most insistent that she be your first."

  Electra's hand flew to her cheek. "Truly? Isa will be a wonderful student. I must go and speak to her."

  "If you wish we can go now."

  Electra took Dagon's hand. "Yes, but first we have some personal business to discuss."

  Dagon's smile vanished. His body tensed and he nodded without speaking. They both knew that Electra held all the power in their relationship. If Electra decided to end their engagement the treaty with King Geoffrey would likely be rescinded and Helsop would again be at the mercy of both Fernland and Henge. She had agreed to the engagement for Helsop's sake but had never agreed to more than that.

  Electra squeezed his hand more tightly. "We did agree to set a date for our wedding on the completion of the school." She smiled up at his frozen expression.

  Dagon's eyes softened with hope. "And you are ready to do so?"

  "I am ready."

  Dagon seemed stunned for a moment. "Truly?" he asked cautiously.


  Dagon swept Electra into his arms and pressed his lips against hers. Electra caught her breath and her feet found the floor again.

  "I take it you are so inclined as well." Electra took a deep breath and put her hand on Dagon's chest.

  "I am inclined to set a date for this evening if not sooner." Dagon put his hands on her shoulders. "Would that suit you?"

  "I believe there may be some planning and invitations involved. I had thought perhaps on or around my eighteenth birthday in early fall?"

  "Why not make it your eighteenth birthday or the completion of the castle—whichever comes sooner."

  Electra nodded. "All right. Whichever comes sooner."

  Dagon's expression turned thoughtful. "You could not have made me happier, Electra. A part of me wonders if you do this for the sake of Helsop or because you want to be my wife, but I fear to ask because I might not really wish to know."

  "Rest easy. Helsop is my home now—with or without you. But I am marrying you because I want to be your wife."

  Dagon wrapped his arms around Electra and they stood hugging one another tightly for some time.

  "Take me to see your castle," Electra said finally, "and then we will tell Isa."

  "That she will be your first student?"

  "That we have set a wedding date."