Read Project ELE Page 12

CHAPTER 7 (Forty-two days inside.)

  The steady rhythm of beeps pulls me out of a drug-induced sleep. I see the light behind my eyelids before I open them. My eyes cringe as I slowly squint more and more. The stark white walls make me feel cold and I shiver. My head feels thick and heavy.

  "Honey." My dad is at my side in an instant pushing my unruly curls out of my face.

  I try to process everything through my brain as I notice the sterile medical equipment and the monitors. I look down at my right arm where there is an IV sticking out my hand. I try to move but it hurts.

  "Don't push it. Just rest honey, you're safe." My dad says. I turn towards his voice and find him in a yellow hospital outfit complete with a clear face mask. I try blinking my eyes a few times to clear the cobwebs.

  My left arm is throbbing and I look down to find a bright white cast covering the lower half of it. It's held up in a navy blue sling. My left leg is elevated in another sling above the bed. It looks like half my body is broken. Everything starts flooding back.

  "Where am I?" I say in a dry throaty voice that cracks half way through. My dad grabs a cup with a straw from a metal tray table next to me. He puts it up to my lips and I greedily take in the thirst quenching water. It feels luxurious as it slides down my sandpaper dry throat. I look up at my dad waiting for an explanation.

  "You're in the hospital honey. Don't you remember what happened?" He asks me worriedly.

  I do and my heart starts to beat as I wonder what kind of trouble we are in. Did they find out where we were? I opt to play dumb so I shake my head.

  "Your friends said that you were trying to climb some cement steps behind the pool area and slipped. Had a pretty nasty fall. It’s a wonder you didn’t break more bones.”

  Yes, lucky indeed, I think to myself. It’s not like I like the fact that my friends told my dad a bold face lie but what other choice did they have? It still doesn’t explain why my dad is dressed the way he is. How would I be contagious if I just broke some bones?

  “What time is it?” I ask, my head pounds with each word I spit out.

  My dad furrows his brow then a look of understanding passes over him. “Time, you ask?”

  I nod my head.

  “Well…” He glances at his watch. “It’s five till six.”

  “In the morning?” I ask.

  My dad nods his head in confirmation. In that moment I begin to notice, behind his mask, the purple bags that have formed under his eyes as well as his ‘way beyond five o’clock shadow’ growing on his face.

  “Wow, I didn’t realize I’d been out for that many hours.” I say. It doesn’t seem like any time has passed really.

  “Hours?” my dad questions. “Honey, you’ve been out for days…four to be exact.”

  “Four days!” My voice cracks at the attempt of yelling. My dad simply nods his head. I lay my head back on the pillow trying to let this sink in and groan from the pain that radiates through my skull. I reach my hand back to rub the spot that hurts the worse and feel a goose egg sized knot there. Yikes, I really must have slammed it into the ground. It's a wonder I don't have amnesia or something worse.

  "Do you feel okay, would you like me to get the nurse?" He hovers over me for a second until I wave him off.

  "Well I feel like I got hit by a semi truck, but I don't need the nurse. I was just surprised that four days went by without my knowing it."

  "Yes, I was so scared Willow. The doctors assured me that you would be okay, but still." His face grows serious. "You have to be more careful. I couldn't handle it if I lost you too." His eyes start to tear up and mine begin mimicking his.

  “So dad, why are you wearing all that getup? It’s not like breaking bones is contagious or anything.” My dad lets out a small laugh, apparently relieved that I changed the subject.

  “Well, with all the scrapes you got when you fell, you contracted something called MRSA.”

  I give him a confused look. "What's MRSA?"

  "MRSA is a type of staph infection you can get from having multiple abrasions." He doesn’t wait for me to respond before he goes on. “They did a routine test when you went in for surgery for your arm. You broke it in two places. The test came back positive for MRSA, that’s why you’re hooked up to an IV right now. For the antibiotics, and also the pain medicine. Because they caught it early, they are hoping they can kill the MRSA in a few weeks or so. Now your bones are going to take a bit longer to heal.” I just stare at my dad trying to let it all sink in, multiple broken bones and MRSA. He must realize how I'm feeling because his face lightens up and he changes the subject. “So, now that you’re up, there’s been something I’ve wanted to ask you.”

  I wipe at my eyes with my one good hand and look at him.

  “Who’s Alec?”

  The mention of his name makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. “Alec?” I question, my voice cracking, even though I know darn well who he’s talking about.

  “Mmmhmm,” my dad says. I look at him with a semi-confused expression so he continues. “The reason I ask is that he seems to be mighty concerned about your wellbeing. And when I say mighty concerned, I mean almost territorial. He’s been up here visiting during all his free time.”

  I know I’m blushing, I can feel it. “Alec’s just a friend dad. A friend from work,” I stutter. Woot, ten points to Willow for a quick comeback answer! I don’t know why, but it feels weird talking to my dad about Alec. Even more bizarre to hear his name come from my dad's lips. We've never really had 'the talk' or any conversation related to boys. I mean when you're holed up inside a house with your family for the first part of your high school career, there really isn't a need.

  “So, he’s just a friend…from work,” my dad questions again.

  “Dad,” I say trying to feign annoyance.

  He raises his hands in an act of innocence and sits back down.

  As if on cue someone raps softly against the door. I half expect to find the nurse coming in to give me meds or something but my mouth drops open at the sight of Alec, at six in the morning. Now I see what my dad is talking about when he extenuated the word all before, as in all his free time.

  My heart starts fluttering when he looks my direction. Swoon! Is it just my imagination, but does Alec look exceptionally hot this morning, even through the ridiculous mask? He has some stubble growing on his chin, which makes him look a little older than seventeen. He's wearing dark green scrubs that make his emerald eyes stand out. He looks happy to see me but worried at the same time.

  “Alec,” I begin, not sure what to say.

  Instead of saying anything to me he acknowledges my father first. “Hello Mr. Mosby. It’s good to see you again.”

  My dad cracks a smile, “Indeed.” An awkward pause follows as my dad looks to Alec, back to me and back at Alec again. “Oh, right. I’m going to get a cup of coffee. Can I get either of you anything?” My dad asks rubbing his hands on his pants.

  Alec and I shake our heads.

  “Okay then,” my dad says getting up from his chair. He steps into the hallway and turns back towards me. “I’ll be out here if you need anything,” he says leaving the door slightly ajar. He peeks his head back in a second later, “Anything at all.”

  “Thanks dad,” I say waving goodbye to him. The door never meets the hinge, I’m guessing my dad meant for it not to. Awkward.

  Alec crosses the room towards me and puts his hands in his pockets. “So,” he says while balancing back on his heels. “I’m glad to see you up, I mean not up, awake is what I meant,” he stammers.

  His response cracks me up. I’ve never seen him so flustered, it's kind of endearing. “Hey,” I say reaching for his arm. “It’s all good. Look, I’m fine. Just a little banged up is all. And, I have you to thank.” I drop my eyes, and my hand realizing how intimate my voice just sounded. My cheeks turn an unnatural shade of red. I'm not sure at what point things got awkward between us, but the tension is so thi
ck you could cut it with a knife.

  “I would say you are a lot more than a little banged up." He scans my many casts and slings then adds, "I was really freaked out!" His eyes show more worry then they lighten up and he stares down at my lips. "I’m just glad you’re okay, that’s all.”

  We stare at each other for several seconds somehow speaking unnecessary words with our eyes. My heart begins fluttering as Alec leans in like he wants to kiss my cheek. Could he be aiming at my lips? I've never kissed a boy and my heart goes wild with the thought. The only thing separating us is a foot of air and that stupid mask.

  My dad peaks his head in the door at the same instant and Alec launches himself away from the bed.

  “Oh, hey dad,” I say with an unnaturally high pitched voice. I don’t even have time to process what just happened.

  “Alec, Willow,” my dad says curtly before sitting back down in his appointed seat with his newly filled cup of coffee. “Oh, don’t mind me you two, just pretend I’m not here.”

  Oh. My. Gosh. If I could crawl in a hole right now I so would. My cheeks are filled with an intense heat.

  “So,” Alec interjects looking all too calm. “Don’t worry about work; looks like you’ll be needing to take it easy for a while. But hey, if you feel like you’re up for doing something but can’t be a runner yet, I could really use some help in the office. You know, filing papers and that sort of thing.” Alec swallows hard and I can tell he’s trying to keep his cool.

  My dad takes a loud slurp of his coffee and turns the page of a magazine. “Oh wow, look at that. There’s a quiz here on how to keep a boyfriend. Yep, I’m gonna have to take that one.”

  I try and stifle a laugh. I think this is my dad’s way of saying visiting hours are over.

  As if on cue, Alec looks at his wrist, where a watch would go if he had one. “Would you look at that, I’ve got to get to work,” he says. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around Willow.” He asks it in a more question type of statement.

  “Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks for stopping by; it means a lot. Tell Connor and Claire I’m doing fine, okay?”

  “Will do,” he says.

  “Have a good day Mr. Mosby.” Alec turns on his heel and walks out the door.