Read Project ELE Page 13

  Chapter 8 (Sixty-three days inside)

  Alec, Connor and Claire visit me often during the next three weeks. The doctors said I have to stay in the hospital until the last of my surgeries are completed. The MRSA was gone by the two week mark. They've already done two minor surgeries on my arm since I broke it in several different places. They have a final surgery scheduled later this week to finish their repair work.

  My leg is healing up. It turns out it was just a major sprain, no broken bones. They've done a few CT scans of my head and said that there's no damage there. The doctor made a joke about me having a very nice brain and I laughed accordingly even though it kind of creeped me out. I really don't like hospitals or all of these scans, tests and surgeries. They make me feel too vulnerable and weak.

  The plus side of my stay is that every day before work and after work Alec comes to see me. It drives my dad insane but makes me smile. Connor and Claire come several times a week too, always together. Connor always brings a deck of cards to entertain. One time, when I had all three of them here, we had a ridiculous competition to see who could eat the most pudding cups in under a minute. Connor won by two. The nurse came in a few seconds later and got to see the aftermath. Needless to say I am now limited to two visitors at a time and my pudding privileges have been revoked.

  My dad was given a small reprieve from work when I first injured myself, but he had to go back after the first week. So most days it’s just me, the television which only plays old re-runs, the remote control, and a nice stack of schoolwork. I am so sick of soap opera reruns that I could scream.

  When the day finally comes for my release I nearly hop out of the bed. “Now, don’t you be jostling your arm around like that, you hear? Or you’ll be back here faster than a drunken girl in stilettoes.” I let out a nasally laugh. My nurse has got to be one of the funniest ladies I’ve ever met. She gives me bottle of pain pills and my discharge orders. The orders state that I need to stay off my leg as much as possible and that I can't return to normal work duties for another three weeks.

  I get home about ten minutes later after hobbling most of the way. It only takes twenty more minutes for me to realize that I can’t stay in here for another three weeks. I’ll go insane.

  Alec made sure to remind me on every visit that his offer still stood to help him in the office when I got out. I pull out my tablet and do a quick one finger text to my dad telling him that I’m going in to work. He doesn't like the idea and makes sure to voice his opinion in all caps.

  I send him a return message stating that I love him then throw my tablet back into my satchel bag and strap it around my waist. I’m so grateful that Claire brought my tablet to me the following day after I broke my arm. That was one less thing I had to explain to my dad…why my tablet would have been found on the underside of a maid cart.

  It takes me fifteen minutes to make the trip to headquarters. Usually I can make it in less than five, but I have to stop several times to rest and catch my breath. Since when did I turn into such an old lady? Alec jumps up from his desk and runs over to me to hold the door open so I can limp through it.

  "Hey there super trooper!" Alec grins and his green eyes light up.

  "Hey." I say a bit out of breath. I try to blow the hair out from my eyes and catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection of a picture frame. I look like a hot mess! The hair in front of my face is slightly drenched in sweat and my curls are sticking out this way and that. Alec reaches his hand up to push my hair out of my face but he drops it quickly when he looks around the office. Some people have glanced up to stare at us from their desks.

  Alec clears his throat, "Okay, you can help me in the back with some filing." He points to a door across the room. I gage the distance and while it's only a few yards away it might as well be miles. I can't believe how low my energy level is.

  Alec walks ahead, punches a code into the door lock and opens it. I move slowly and painfully. When I push past him into the room-which holds a small desk, two chairs and seven metal filing cabinets- I plop down into the first chair I see. I lean back trying to catch my breath like I just ran a marathon.

  Alec chuckles as he steps inside and lets the door shut behind him. "Maybe we should get you a wheelchair."

  I give him a don't test me look which just makes his grin grow larger. I roll my eyes and scratch at my left arm. "This cast is so itchy, I can't wait to get it off next week!" I whine.

  "I know they are horrible. I've broken many bones before." His grin turns into a sweeter smile. He walks over to the desk and grabs a black permanent marker from the drawer. He sits next to me. "May I?"

  I look at him confused and nod slightly. My breath catches again, not because of exertion but because Alec is touching me. He gently pulls the sling strap over my head and slides it off my arm. He places it on the floor and then moves my arm to rest it across his legs. I raise my eyebrow when he uncaps the marker and smiles up at me. Good cow, it feels like he's undressing me!

  "This plain white cast is just too drab. It doesn't fit you at all." He starts drawing something on it then adds, "Hey, no peaking."

  I turn and look straight ahead at nothing. I wonder if he can hear my heart beating fast. I use my right hand to try and straighten out some of my unruly curls. Alec stops drawing for a minute and pushes some of my hair behind my ear for me. I look at him and realize just how close we are. My breath hitches and my eyes wander down towards his lips. I've never kissed anyone before and I wonder in that instant what it would be like. He traces my lips too with his eyes but then looks away just as quickly. My cheeks heat up and I turn back to stare at the blank wall while he continues doodling on my cast.

  My stomach does its fluttering thing and I try to will the butterflies to stop flapping their wings while I contemplate how things got so awkward between Alec and me. We've always had a bit of tension between us; but lately, every time we see each other, the air is charged with electricity. I find myself torn between wanting to go back to the way things were when we could joke around as friends, and wanting desperately to explore that electricity even if there's a risk of shock involved.

  "Done!" Alec breaks the silence. He puts his hand in mine and lifts my arm up so I can see the cast.

  I look first at the way our fingers are intertwined perfectly together and then force myself to break my gaze away to look at his artwork. "Wow!" I say as I stare at my newly transformed cast. "I didn't know you could draw like this!" I look up at his eyes and he looks pleased that I like it so much. I look back down to study the details of his drawing. He's sketched an entire mountain scape onto my cast with a Sharpie. It's complete with a setting sun, small pine trees and a glistening lake. "Wow." I say again. The details are so clear and vivid even though it's all in black and white.

  He blushes this time and says, "I'm glad you like it." He looks down at our hands but doesn't pull his away yet. "Are you still in pain?"

  I look up into his eyes, which have grown serious. I shrug. "Nah, they got me on the feel good medicine so I barely feel the pain."

  "Why did you try to climb that? Why didn't you just wait for me?"

  I can tell by the way he looks that he's been contemplating this question for a while. I have questioned myself as well. "I thought you might have gotten lost or worse. I thought something might have happened to you."

  "I was fine, it just took me a while to find a ladder, that was all." He looks away for a moment. "I have never been more scared in my life than I was when I saw you lying there like that. Like a broken doll. So perfect, yet so broken." He takes a deep breath as if conjuring the scene up into his memory.

  I pull his chin back up to see my eyes. "Look, I'm fine now."

  His green eyes harden slightly. "If I'd have just been there."

  "Hey it's not your fault!" I demand. "I made the choice and nobody could have foreseen that accident." I continue to stare at him for a few more seconds until his eyes soften up a bit. "And see, I'm almost
as good as new." I flash him my pearly whites. "Maybe better, even."

  His eyes pause and linger on my lips. The awkwardness is starting again. My hand feels feverish in his. My blood is coursing through my veins and I swear I can hear my heartbeat as I gage the ever so slight distance between our lips.

  The electricity is so thick in the air that my nerves tingle and goose bumps rise on my arms. I look into his eyes and see that they have a bit of a dazed look. He starts leaning closer to me and I stay perfectly still, not sure what to do. A second later his lips touch mine ever so gently.

  I gasp a slight breath in surprise. I've never been kissed before! I don't know what to do. He takes my intake of air as an unwelcoming sign and pulls away quickly.

  He pulls his hand from mine and says, "I'm sorry Willow." He stands up and paces the room. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He pushes his hand through his dark hair making it look all messy and incredibly hot.

  I stare at him with wide doe eyes. My mouth is gaping open as I try to find words to say. What do I say? Sorry, I got nervous? Let's try that again? Can I get a do-over? Instead I close my mouth and stare down at my hands for a moment. I look at the drawing on my cast and that's when I decide to muster the energy and the courage to stand up and go to him. I don't know what I'm doing and I probably look ridiculous limping towards Alec, but I'm determined.

  He looks up at me surprised and a little embarrassed. When I speak now my voice comes out in a throaty whisper. "Please, try it again."

  He stares at me long and hard as if trying to decipher a difficult puzzle. I inch my lips closer to him and that's all it takes for him to close the gap. His lips are on mine in that instant and fireworks are exploding in my brain. He kisses me hard with our mouths closed and a dizzy sensation overtakes me. My knees nearly go weak but he puts his hand on my lower back pulling me closer into him.

  The sound of someone pressing the code into the door jars us from our stupor and in a flash Alec lets me go and I nearly sink to my knees. It's crazy how intense the feeling of separation is, I swear I can still feel his lips on mine when the door opens.

  "So this is where you will file the papers." Alec opens a filing cabinet a few feet from me. I nod clumsily and avoid turning to look at the door.

  "Hello father." Alec says to someone behind me. I don't dare turn around to meet Mr. Blake's gaze for fear that he will be able to see a big ol' glowing sign across my forehead that states: I'VE BEEN MAKING OUT WITH YOUR SON.

  My cheeks are still flush, my lips swollen and my blood is still pumping warm and hot in my veins when I hear his dad behind me.

  "Hello Alec. What is going on in here?" There is a stone like hardness in his voice with zero tenderness that you would hear in a usual father-son conversation.

  Alec looks at me and then behind me. He clears his throat before saying, "Since this young lady is injured and has a doctors note for light duty, I figured that I would put her to work taking care of some of these files."

  An uncomfortable silence passes and I wonder what type of stare down Mr. Blake is giving Alec. "That's fine, but I need you both to vacate this room for a few moments."

  "No problem." Alec says. He picks up his tablet from his pouch then punches in some numbers. "Willow you may take your fifteen minute break at this time." For good measure he adds, "Don't be late."

  My eyes widen in surprise and I give Alec a funny smile then say, "Yes sir." I wipe all expressions from my face as I turn around and see Mr. Blake standing there inspecting me like I'm some type of lab rat. He looks thinner than he did on the first day I met him, but he still has that air of superiority and intimidation about him. "Good to see you again Mr. Blake." I say nodding my head before I limp out of the room. He doesn't acknowledge me in the least.

  I nearly run into someone when I get out into the office. I look up to see a man in a white lab coat who looks mildly annoyed as he walks past me. He looks strangely familiar. He's at least a full foot taller than me with greying hair and a goatee. I place him a few seconds later as Dr. Hastings, the man from the assembly announcement; the one who is in charge of this whole facility. I wonder what he's doing here. Much like Mr. Blake he doesn't acknowledge me as I limp past.

  I walk out into the hall and take a drink from the water fountain. I bend down and splash some of the cool water on my face to clear the fuzziness that is still present from my earlier make out session. I touch my lips when I stand back up. My first kiss and wow was it a kiss! I wonder if they’re always this intense?

  When I turn around I see Alec in the empty hall behind me. His face is grinning and he puts his hands in his pockets. "Hey."

  The blush makes its way to my cheeks again when I meet his green eyes. "Hey." I say back while trying to wipe all of the spare water off my face. "By the way, you didn't tell me you had acting skills."

  He takes a fake bow and says, "Yep, I've gotten used to putting on a performance for the old man." His face takes on a serious expression.

  "What do you think Dr. Hastings was doing with your dad?" I move away from the water fountain to stand by Alec again.

  He shrugs his shoulders. "Hmm, I don't know. I mean I know that my father is on the F.E.M.A. board. I figure they are grabbing a file or something. There are a few cabinets with some heavy-duty locks on them. There must be some top-secret stuff in those."

  "Hmmm." I bite my lower lip while contemplating what might be in those cabinets. I look up to see Alec staring at me. His eyes have that same glossy look that they had right before he kissed me. My stomach flutters and I secretly hope he will do it again, even if his dad's in the next room. I see his desire pass through in his expression but he shakes it off. Why must Alec be so sensible? Surely he could lose his job or get in trouble for making out with one of his employees, but I think he should just throw caution to the wind!

  I guess my disappointment must show because Alec chuckles. "You are really beautiful Willow." He says sincerely.

  "Yes she is!" Claire says in a chirpy voice and comes up from behind Alec. "I'm so glad you're feeling better Willow!" She seems mighty bubbly today.

  Honestly I'm amazed at how different this Claire is to the timid fragile girl that used to hide behind her hair. Connor comes up behind her and pokes her in the ribs and she giggles. I wonder if Connor might have a lot to do with that fact.

  Connor smiles at me. He has a few packages in his left hand so I'm guessing he's in the middle of his shift. "Yep, it's good to see you up and moving around. Is the boss making you work on the same day you got out of the hospital?" He shares some type of weird handshake high five, combo thing with Alec.

  "Nope, I stared at the white walls of my room for all of ten minutes before I decided I had to evacuate. I've felt like a caged animal over the past several weeks being stuck in a room day in and day out. A girl has to have some fun you know." I blush when I think about how much fun I just had kissing Alec, blushing even more when I realize how badly I want to do it again.

  "Speaking of caged animals, when are we gonna go on another adventure?" Connor asks.

  "I don't think that's a good idea, especially after the debacle that happened last time." Alec lifts my left arm up gently as if the cast doesn't stick out like a sore thumb already.

  "Hey, a few broken bones isn't going to stop this girl!" I say yanking my arm back. "Ouch!" My pain meds must be wearing off because my arm is killing me.

  "You okay?" Alec asks worried.

  I nod my head and cradle my arm to my body. "Yeah, I think I need to take my medicine. Anyhow, what I was trying to say is that as soon as this cast is off I'm ready! We have got to go back and check out what is down there."

  "Yay!" Claire says excitedly. "Wow, that drawing on your cast looks pretty rockin’!" She moves closer to examine it.

  "Alec drew it." I say proudly, looking up at Alec who seems like he may need more convincing about our side adventures. I figure he won't be so worried when I'm all healed and back to no

  "Dude, that's cool!" Connor looks at it. "You should keep that after they cut it off you."

  "Yeah, maybe I'll frame it and put it above my bed." I say jokingly and everyone laughs including Alec. I'm grateful that he's lightening up a bit in regards to my injuries.

  The door to the office opens and Mr. Blake and Dr. Hastings step out.

  "So, after you are done with that run, you will need to stop back by the office. I have a few extra assignments for the two of you." Alec addresses Connor and Claire who both take the hint, nod their heads and walk away quickly.

  "I'm checking back in from my break sir." I say to Alec. He gives me a look that says he didn't know I could act as well.

  "Are you done in the filing room sir?" Alec asks his dad.

  "Yes. Get back to work." That's all Mr. Blake says before walking away along with Dr. Hastings who is holding a file in his hand. I stare at it for a few seconds curiously. My eye catches the word immunization but that's all.

  When they are out of hearing range Alec says, "Mr. Blake can be a bit of a jerk wad sometimes."

  I smile up at him sympathetically trying to make him feel a little less let down by the non-existent father/son emotions. "Yep."

  He grins in return and we both head back inside to work.