Read Project Earth I: Origin Page 15

  I laugh and tell him, “That’s what mother said too.”

  “How was she?”

  “Fine. She was very worried about you, but fine. We will go to the ship in a little while and you will be able to talk to her.” He sighs deeply. I continue, “She is such a great lady, and from the moment I saw her again she brought back so many memories.”

  “I know son. I have been with her for over 500 years. She is such a wonderful lady,” he sighs again and a few of tears make their way down his cheeks.

  I put my arm around him and say, “I can feel how much affinity you guys have for each other, such a tight bound.”

  “That’s right son.”

  “Like the fresh air father?”

  “I do. Much better oxygen here.”

  “And this is not the best. I will take you to the mountains sometime where there’s a lot of nature. I want to, eventually, get a property where the air is pure and fresh all year long—perhaps by the mountains. People can come from the Base at any time and enjoy their stay. We could even set up a small Base or station for traveling to nearby planets—I could run it.”

  “That’s a brilliant idea.”

  “There are many things that we need to fix on this planet, father, but there is a lot of good here, too. I want to make sure people also recognize that.”

  He moves away from the window and steps close to me. “Very important what you say. I don’t know all the details of ‘Project Earth’, but little as I know, you guys are doing an excellent job of making people aware of things and what not.”

  “Thanks for the acknowledgement. Our main purpose is to make people aware of the way things are, and have then see the way things should be.”

  “Excellent. Not everyone will decide to change though—keep that in mind.”

  “Yes, I won’t be disappointed. We will give everybody the chance though. It is up to them to decide, and normally those who decide not to change are the ones who need the most change.” We chuckle, “They won’t break my heart if they don’t decide to become better beings.”

  “That’s right. But others will make them change in the long run, son. Others will enforce ethics and moral codes on them. It might take another lifetime or two. Things haven’t gotten this bad overnight, so we can’t expect them to change overnight either. But things will change for sure.”

  “You are so wise father.”

  “You are also very wise, and so willing to help others. I am very proud of you.” He looks deeply into my eyes so as to give me strength and hope. “I have no doubt you will make a change in this world. I have no doubt you will transmit a lot of those realizations to your people. You have the power and the courage to do it. I have seen you do bigger things in the past.”

  “You have?”

  “Not only once! And I can tell you are even more determined to do it now than ever before. Your reasons are even stronger now.”

  “Right! And I am not alone either. I have the best team I have ever had. We will make it happen.”

  We see Jon and Leo taking a walk outside. They have become accustomed to getting up early to take a walk.

  “Don’t they get in trouble if seen by other humans, son?”

  “Those two? No, they can perceive a human a mile away. They would hide if they felt somebody coming. But not many people come around here. That’s one of the beauties of having a good amount of land and living away from the city.”

  My father sticks his head out the window and waves at them. “How far do they go?” he asks.

  “Around the whole property, and sometimes they go missing for a while, but mainly around those trees and across the river back there.” I point to a little forest. “I even found them swimming in the lake a few times.”

  “Maybe I should join them.”

  “You should. There are many things I want to show you and have you experience, including riding the motorcycle. I think you will enjoy it. Come, let’s go out.” We walk out of the house and head towards the boys.

  “What’s a motorcycle?” he asks.

  “I will let Jon and Leo tell you about it,” I mention as they approach. My father waves for them to join us.

  “Jon, Leo, what’s that motorcycle ride Lee is talking about?”

  “Best way to let you know about it is to have you ride one,” says Leo. “Hey Lee. Do you think…?”

  “Sure, sure, have him do it. How is your body feeling father? Still sore?”

  “Most of it healed already. Why do you ask? Am I going to wreck my body again?”

  “No you won’t. Come with us.”

  Chapter 38


  We walk over to the garage, get the bikes out and go for a ride. The guys show him the basics of riding, and off he goes. They join him and show him some tricks. They make me laugh.

  They ride for about twenty minutes and then I have to stop them, as I perceive someone approaching us—one of my distant neighbors. Even though he lives half a mile away, he came to see who the riders were. He thought it was a race and wanted to watch. Gina meets him at the front door and tells him that it’s just me and some friends having fun, and that we were done for the day. He leaves a bit disappointed.

  My dad loved the ride and he was still in one piece at the end of it. He needed no explanation about motorcycles after the experience. He also looked even more alive after the ride.

  Gina and Sarah had been cooking, and they came out to tell us it’s time to have some brunch.

  My father is introduced to Sarah for the very first time, “Look father. This is Sarah, she was sleeping when you arrived, but here she is.”

  He is a bit uncertain about what to say, but then he speaks in his own language, “What do we have here? I did not know humans could be so cute when little.” We all laugh at his comment. I translate for Gina. He goes on, “She is also full of energy. Can I hold her?” He stretches his arms out and takes her from Gina. The little one reaches for him.

  “You are welcome to be her grandfather.”

  He is checking out her face, her little arms and legs, and she reaches for his face and renders him speechless.

  “But of course! I would love to be her grandfather. It will be my pleasure.” We could not get her off his arms for a while, and she enjoys being with him all throughout the brunch.

  Then we get busy with Project Earth. Aka-1 is also going to help speed things up. We can tell her what to do, and in a blink of an eye it’s done! She gathers data, pictures, and even makes movies.

  We are going to be able to launch our campaign faster than we had expected. Perhaps, we can develop every subject in a day or two. Then we will translate it all into the various languages.

  We have actually set a new goal: We now want to start broadcasting in five days. But we need to get the transmitters from the Base, as soon as we can. Maybe Chief or somebody else could come by and drop them off. I have to talk to them about it.

  I get inside Aka-1 to establish communication with the Base. “Aka-1, please connect me with Chief.” She starts beeping, and soon, Chief appears on the screen.

  “How is everything going Lee?”

  “Fantastic! We are making very fast progress. We are unstoppable!”

  He laughs and says, “That’s what I would expect to hear from you. You guys are quite a team.”

  “Yes, and Aka-1 is going to help speed things up even more.”

  “Very well, get her busy. You need those transmitters, don’t you?”

  “Yes Sir! Would like to start transmitting in five days, but we need to get the devices and install them on the various satellites first.”

  “You know we make things possible. Just got to figure out how.”

  “Understood! Still on vacation Chief?”

  “I had to end my vacation, and go back on post due to a lack of personnel, but I saved the remaining days to go back there some time.”

  “Got it!”

  “Transmitters are ready. Let me see ho
w we can work it out. I don’t have more ships available right now, and even Maggy was sent out on a ten day mission. New ships won’t be available until next week.”

  “I have a solution for that Chief. I will come and pick them up tomorrow. By the way, do you mind if I bring—”

  “That’s fine with me Lee. You can bring them along with you.”

  “Thanks. You are the man!”

  I call my father and have him talk to my mother. They are also able to see each other on the screen. So much love they have for each other.

  I go back inside the house and find Gina, Sarah, and the boys still sitting around the kitchen table. I tell them, “Gina, Sarah, time to go back to the Base. Tomorrow morning. Got to pick up the transmitters.” Gina’s face grows sad right away, and there is silence for a moment.

  She sighs deeply and then says, “Leaving us again! I saw that coming.”

  “Nope! You and Sarah are coming with me.” Gina now looks confused. “It would be only for about ten or twelve hours…we could stay longer if you want.”

  “I don’t know whether to be excited or nervous,” she says.

  “The first option is better. Look at Sarah! She is not worried. She understands what’s going on though.”

  “Sarah is not doing anything,” Gina points out.

  “Exactly!” I voice.

  “I’m sure you girls will enjoy the trip,” says Jon.

  Leo also puts his two cents in, “Sarah can play with some little ones, and might learn some tricks too.” He smiles.

  “We’ll leave before sunrise, say 5 am. I think we can spend all day there, and will be back after sunset, about 8:30 pm.”

  I direct my attention to the boys, “Do you promise to be good boys while we are gone?”

  Leo takes a step forward and says, “Can’t promise anything, not after seeing all the stuff you do.” We laugh.

  Jon comments, “There might not be any coffee left when you come back.” His comment brings on more laughter.

  My father comes back from the ship and walks into the kitchen. I tell him about going back to the Base the next day. “Father, do you want to come with us?”

  “Yes, I’d love to stay here longer, but haven’t been home with my family for a long time.”

  “That’s what I thought. I am sure they are very anxious to see you too. But please schedule yourself to come back soon, and bring mother with you. I am sure she will enjoy it.” He nods and smiles.

  We are busy the rest of the day and complete the subject of communication. It’s done! We are so excited.

  We pack some needed essentials for the trip and go to sleep.

  Chapter 39

  Another Journey

  We get up with just enough time to make coffee and grab some food. Since we had already packed the night before, it did not take long for us to board Aka-1. We all have seats, including Sarah. I custom made one for her by using her stroller seat. She actually has the most comfortable seat of all—seat belt and everything. My father chuckles when he sees me placing her in her seat. He also looks a bit puzzled, so I ask him, “Do kids at the Base get to fly when they are this little? I don’t remember.”

  “No way! You were one of the first to fly when you were little, and you were already about three earth years old.”

  I nod and smile. But I make no comment as I know he is a bit worried about Sarah flying with us.

  “I know it will be alright. I just want them at the Base, getting to see what I saw, meeting my other family and friends.”

  “It looks like everybody is ready,” I comment. “Aka-1, please get ready for take-off. Establish coordinates to Base.”

  “Coordinates established, Captain, ready for departure.”

  I push the button on the remote and open the roof. We look through the left window and see Jon and Leo standing there. We wave, and they wave back with a smile.

  “Those two,” I mumble. “Let’s go Aka-1.”

  We start our ascend.

  “Wow! This is…fun,” Gina says. “It is so fast!”

  A few minutes later, Aka-1 announces, “Preparing to leave Earth’s atmosphere.” She speeds up some more.

  “Thanks Aka-1.” I turn to Gina and say, “I will show you fast, babe. Aka-1, increase speed to hypersonic—Mach 8.”

  “What’s Mach 8?” Gina asks.

  “There is a whole mathematical equation in which you divide the speed of an object by the speed of sound and the result is a Mach number. Mach 1 is the equivalent of 760 mph on Earth, multiply that by eight and you get… what? 6080 mph!”

  Her eyes grow as big as saucers. I go on further to clarify, “It is very different out in space. There is no gravity and there is no air—like a vacuum. Objects can move through space much faster. These ships go many times faster than Mach 8.”

  “I can feel it moving,” she says holding on tightly to her seat as Aka-1 gently speeds up. My father is just sitting there watching. Sarah is next to me, smiling and giggling.

  A few minutes later I say, “Look Gina, recognize that satellite right there?”

  “The moon!” she shouts.

  I get inspired by looking at the moon and turn into a poet in no time, “The same one we were looking at when I proposed to you at the beach, the one who has witnessed many heartbreaks, the one who makes the ocean tides rise, the same one that…”

  She can’t take my silly inspiration and interrupts me, “Okay, okay, okay. Now you’ve turned into a poet.”

  “I was just starting to get inspired. Look at it while you can. It will be gone soon, other planets and stars will show up though.”

  Now she is happy and doesn’t pay attention to how fast we are going. “Is it true that the moon makes the ocean tides rise Lee?”

  “Yep! The moon is only one quarter the size of earth, has only one sixteenth of our gravity. But it has enough pull to affect the oceans and other things on Earth, mainly liquids.”

  “Interesting. Do all planets have gravity?”

  “Yes, all planets and stars. The amount of gravity depends on the amount of mass each one has.” I point to a small gauge located in the front of the cockpit and tell her, “That gauge tells us the amount of gravity of a star or planet any time we get close to it.”

  “That’s so cool,” she says, reaching for my shoulder. “You are a real Captain Lee!” She smiles.

  Aka-1 gives us a report, “Ten hours, thirty minutes is our ETA to Base, Captain.”

  “Thanks Aka-1. Proceed to a speed that is safe for you and will get us there faster.”

  “Adjusting speed… (She beeps) We’ll arrive to Base in two hours thirty-five minutes.”

  “Is this the time warp effect you like son?” My father inquires with a smile.

  “You got it!”

  The ship adjusts her speed and it suddenly seems to disappear into the deep space.

  My father goes on, “Speed has always been one of your favorite things. By the way, I want you to show me some of those martial arts moves that you know. I was amazed by the way you moved when fighting those guys on Mars…maybe next time I—”

  “Any time father, just come back any time. I also think it is a good idea to train a few people at the Base to do martial arts. Not only it is a good sport, it is very useful—you saw it.”

  “I sure did son. How did that art come about?”

  “Evidence shows that martial arts have roots in prehistoric times on Earth, but the earliest evidence of systematic training in specific martial arts traditions was in both Asia and Europe during ancient history before the Middle Ages. The foundation of modern Asian martial arts, as I practice them, is likely a blend of early Chinese and Indian martial arts.

  Techniques were developed by warriors, who did not have guns or weapons to fight so they taught themselves to use their bodies to defend and to fight back.

  Many moves came from watching animals like snakes, tigers, monkeys, birds, you name it. They copied their moves and behavior; ver
y impressive. They were able to turn their bodies into a weapon.

  A large portion of martial arts has to do with self-control. So, we are not just a fighting beast, ready to attack everything or everybody on sight. We learn when to use the art and to use it well.”

  “It is impressive. The more I hear about it, the more I want to learn it. I am sure everybody at home would be interested in it,” he says.

  Gina joins the conversation, “We can talk to Chief and maybe you can train them on one of your visits Lee.” I suddenly become very puzzled as I have been talking to my father in Kumy—our space language, but now Gina seems to understand it.

  “That’s a great idea, but how come you now understand Kumy?”

  “I have been watching you both and I…I can perceive what you are talking about,” she says it with a smile, proud of her new ability.

  I had been talking to her about the ability to perceive other’s thoughts and ideas, now she is getting it. I am very happy for her. She will understand things better at the Base too.

  “Hope you enjoyed the short trip to Earth father.”

  “Every minute, and I already know where my next vacation is going to be.” He chuckles.

  “I meant to ask, father—” he did not let me finish asking and starts to tell me.

  “Yes, you were married and had two boys. They are fully grown and independent by now, of course, and both work at a remote Base in space.” He makes a short pause, looks at me and then says, “You know, they always tried to learn from you and dreamed of becoming good warriors—like you.”

  “Hope they only learned the best from me.” We chuckle.

  “You were always a great guy. I mean, you were up on the top of the Organizational Board, and that says a lot. I spent a lot of time with your kids after you went missing. I became their father for long time until Mara remarried. I mean, there was no sign of you, so she remarried.”

  “That’s fine. I am glad she remarried, and thanks for taking care of my kids father. I am sure they enjoyed being with you.”

  “They enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, too. Mara now has two other children—girls this time. They are still young, but they work as Mara’s helpers at the Engineering Department. They build ships. They actually help Chief design them, very smart girls.” He smiles.

  “It seems like I became the ‘black sheep’ of the family.” We smile.