Read Project Earth I: Origin Page 16

  “Nonsense kid. It’s all in the past.”

  I look at Gina and ask, “Do you need any translation?”

  “No, I think I got everything,” she says with a smile on her face.

  “Right on girl! I am sure Sarah understands, too.”

  I turn around to see Sarah with her eyes almost closed. “My cutie, she wants to take a nap. Go ahead little one, I will hold you. I hope cops don’t stop us and give me a ticket for carrying her on my lap while ‘driving’.”

  I unbuckle her seat and put her on my lap. My father and Gina smile at my silly comment.

  We keep talking the rest of the way there, sharing many ideas and thoughts, talking about ‘Project Earth’ and many other future projects.

  Aka-1 gently interrupts our conversation to give us a report, “Approaching Base, ETA: Five minutes.”

  “Thanks Aka-1. Please inform Chief about our arrival.”

  Chapter 40

  A Special Day

  We land and there is Chief, waiting for us. We greet him, but he is not alone. He’s got a bunch of people with him—they all bow. It is a tradition to bow when we have important visitors at the Base, and of course they want to welcome my family and my father who was missing for a long time.

  My mother is there with some friends. I wave to her. My father runs and sweeps her up in his arms the moment he spots her. They embrace and kiss for a long time. He picks her up and carries her over to us. They look like newlyweds. She is very happy to meet my family. I introduce them to her, and anyone else present, all are fascinated with Sarah. They say she is so cute and full of energy, and she seems very comfortable being there too.

  Gina is fascinated with their environment. “It is so different,” she says, “People are working, but they seem to be enjoying it. They don’t look stressed, and are not running around like headless chickens. Now, this is the ideal scene,” she adds while waving to some guys that pass by.

  We walk into one of the offices of the Engineering Building, and I immediately feel the presence of somebody very dear to me—Mara, once my wife. “Hi Mara, I am so glad to see you again!” We hug.

  “Hello lost one. Good to see you too.”

  “My father told me a little bit about you, the family, and how well you are all doing. I was really glad to hear about you.” We are still looking at each other, and holding hands. But it is a different type of affinity this time. Full agreement that things have changed for both of us, but the affinity, the tight bond that kept us together for a long time, is still there.

  After a moment of silence and thought, she responds, “Chief also told me a little bit about you, and the big project you are working to accomplish on planet Earth. He considers all of you quite a team. This must be Gina and Sarah. What adorable girls you have, Markus.” Then she wonders, “Is it okay to call you Markus?”

  “Markus, Lee. Either one is okay.”

  “I suppose they don’t understand Kumy, do they?” Mara asks.

  “I know they do. Gina can’t speak it yet, but she understands. I know Sarah understands it too.”

  “Well, thank you for coming and for bringing them along Markus.”

  “My pleasure. By the way, Mara, I want to apologize for—”

  “It’s okay Markus, no hard feelings. Time has gone by. You have a new life and so do I. Do you remember the phrase: ‘Things happen for a reason’? That’s something we learned from you! Along with the phrase: ‘We are the product of our past’ and my favorite one: ‘Who we are and what we do now is what makes our future’—those were your phrases.”

  I chuckle, “Those were my phrases. I remember now.”

  “Those and many more, you were such a smart being—you still are, don’t get me wrong.”

  “Well, I went through a long period of amnesia, let’s put it that way.” She smiles. “Thanks for bringing those memories back to me Mara.”

  “No worries,” she approaches Gina and Sarah. Sarah extends her hand and gently touches Mara’s face. “She is so adorable.” Both Gina and Sarah smile.

  “She recognizes a great being when she sees one,” I say to her. “Well, we better get going. Please say hello to the boys, the girls, and to your husband from us Mara.”

  “Sure! Feel free to come by anytime—all of you. This only makes us a bigger family.”

  We all give her a hug and walk out of her office.

  “How nice and welcoming she is,” Gina says.

  We continue the tour around the Base, there is so much to see. We then go to the training room. “I can picture myself training a bunch of guys on martial arts in this room,” I say to Gina.

  “Yeah, I can see you doing that.”

  We head towards Chief’s office. I keep running in to friends who stop us and want to know about us. It is really cool to see how interested people are here. They are interested in others, and they show so much care and so much consideration for others. We also see many interesting places that Gina and Sarah want to check out.

  “Everything is big and spacious Lee. I now understand why you like big spaces so much—a big garage, a big property, lot of space to move. I wish you kept your areas as neat as these spaces around here. Just look at the organization and order they maintain!” she voices while pointing at one of the garages.

  “Nonsense!” I say, “Come on! We’ve got to find Chief’s office.” I take Sarah in my arms and start to walk faster. “Uuh! Someone needs a diapey change.”

  We finally get to Chief’s office, a very nice and spacious office, with a big desk in the middle. There’s also a coffee table in the corner with some couches in front of it.

  “Let’s sit around that table over there guys,” says Chief as we walk in. “And yes, Lee, you can pull out your coffee container. I will have some if you don’t mind,” he pulls out two cups. Gina smiles, as she suspects that I’m responsible for Chief’s interest in coffee.

  “Sarah and I need to use the restroom Chief.”

  “Over there, the blue door.” He directs them to a door with a vibrant blue coating.

  “We’ll be right back,” says Gina as she grabs the diaper bag, and leaves with Sarah.

  A couple of guys walk into the office with a cart full of nicely packed “toys”.

  Chief dismisses them and pulls the cart closer to me while saying, “Here are the transmitters—seventy-five total. There are four main receivers, too. Aka-1 can help you find the best location for them.”

  “How does it work again?”

  “Place the four receivers in strategic towers, normally located on mountains, and install the transmitters on the various satellites orbiting Earth. Aka-1 will transmit to those four receivers, they will pick up her signal and will forward it to the transmitters located on the satellites. Aka-1 could transmit directly to the satellite transmitters, but there is a liability of others tracking down where the broadcast is coming from—your home.

  These are very sophisticated devices,” he adds. “They automatically locate multiple channels and frequencies. They also charge themselves with sunlight, so don’t worry about them losing power.”

  I nod and say, “Nice work! We owe you another one.”

  “The Engineering Department did it—Mara and her crew. They worked hard on these. It took them almost a week to make them.”

  “Wow. I did not know she was working on this project. She did not mention it. Please tell her we really appreciate her help.”

  “No problem Lee. I will let them know.”

  Gina and Sarah come back from the restroom. I show them the devices.

  “They look really interesting,” says Gina.

  “Yep! Chief already briefed me about installing them. Can’t wait to get this going.”

  Chief steps forward and says, “Well, it looks like you guys are ready and anxious to get back home.”

  “Yes Chief. You got my thought. We’d rather go home now. Don’t want to hit bad traffic on our way back.”

was a very bad joke Lee,” says Gina.

  “Well, ‘may the force be with you’!” says Chief.

  We give him one last hug, place Sarah on top of the cart full of “toys” and roll it out of Chief’s office, heading towards the landing path where Aka-1 is waiting for us. My father and mother are there too, waiting to give us one last hug before we go home. I tell my mother she has to come visit us soon. After an emotional embrace with both we get inside the ship.

  “Take us home Aka-1. Same route, same speed.”

  “Setting coordinates for Earth…on our way, Captain.”

  Chapter 41

  A Frightening Encounter

  Sarah gets breastfed and goes to sleep soon after we take off. Gina and I talk about the Base for nearly two hours of our trip. We are both amazed by the way things are done there, the way people feel, the way they care about others, and many other things. It is definitely another world.

  “I feel like I am dreaming Lee.” Three seconds later she says, “Ouch! ...why did you pinch me?”

  “To make you aware of the fact that you are not dreaming.”

  “Very funny…here!” She takes my arm and pinches me back.

  Two hours later, Aka-1 interrupts us and gives a report, “There seems to be some activity near Mars, Captain. Should we change our route?”

  “What kind of activity Aka-1?”

  “Unable to give a complete report, Captain. I detect ships—fighting ships.”

  “How far from here Aka-1?”

  “Ten minutes, but they are also moving in different directions.”

  “Okay, change course. Avoid the area of activity. Let me know when you get more details, types of ships, weapons—anything.”

  “I am worried,” says Gina

  “Try to relax; stress doesn’t help under these circumstances—under any circumstances. Aka-1 is also well equipped.”

  She is less worried. Nevertheless, she’s still concerned.

  “Got any more details Aka-1?”

  “They have changed course and are heading in our direction, Captain.”

  “I don’t like this,” says Gina, reaching for my shoulder.

  “I have more data, Captain. A ship from the Borasee’s Base is attacking Aka-20—one of our ships.”

  “Aka-1, can you establish communication with Aka-20?”

  “Communication established.”

  “This is Captain Darius, on board Aka-1, please report.”

  “This is Captain Toshiaky. Two other crew members are with me on board Aka-20, Captain. We are under attack. Our shielding system is still working, but we no longer have weapons with which to fight. We are just trying to escape,” he says with a stressful voice.

  “What are we going to do Lee?” Gina asks, concerned that we are going to be engaged in a fight.

  “Understood, Captain Toshiaky. Let me see what we can do here.”

  “Aka-1, activate shielding system.”

  “Done Captain.”

  “Communication established with Borasee ship Captain,” says Aka-1.

  “This is Captain Darius—Markus Darius, requesting Borasee ship to cease attack on Aka-20. Do you copy?”

  “Loud and clear Markus! This is Major Barak on board Arson. What a surprise, Markus. I thought I got rid of you forever, near some…blue planet.”

  “He is such a vicious chap—has always been,” I tell Gina.

  Gina shakes her head and grows more concerned.

  Sarah wakes up at the sound of loud, strange voices.

  “Things are not always the way they appear to be, Major Barak.”

  “That’s right. That was one of your favorite phrases. Do you remember my phrase: ‘Fight to the end’?”

  “I remember that, but for you, there is no end, not until you fight and defeat the monster in you!”

  He laughs aloud and says, “I see you have also become a philosopher, must be some influence from that blue planet.” He keeps laughing.

  “Aka-1, give me a report of the status of our enemy ship, weapons, fuel and energy in general.”

  “The ship’s fuel and energy levels are low, shield mode active and weapons are ready to fire. We are now their target, Captain.”

  “But of course we are Aka-1.”

  “What is your plan Lee?” Gina asks, still concerned, but aware that I am coming up with a plan.

  “Major Barak, take your ship back home. We won’t attack you from behind, like you once did to me…”

  “That was just a strategy Markus. I had to do it. What if I strike from the front and blow away your ship, would that make you feel better?”

  “They have fired, Captain. We are under attack.”

  “Activate manual controls Aka-1.”

  We begin a Star-Wars-like combat. I avoid their attack by making Aka-1 drop in a spiral movement. Gina makes sure Sarah is well strapped in. Sarah is excited and seems to think she is on a ride.

  “Aka-1, give me visual of Arson’s weapon system and let me know next time she fires.

  “Visual on screen, Captain. She is ready to fire again…fired!”

  Knowing the enemy ship has to deactivate their ship’s shielding system for a split second, just enough to fire, I take advantage of that precise instant, get them into range and fire Aka-1’s laser beam at them, disabling their weapons and their shielding system, completely.

  “They are done! Gina, you can relax now.” She is still shaking.

  “Thank God,” she says.

  “Aka-1, please override Arson’s navigation system and send them back to her Base.”

  “Done! Captain. Arson’s energy and fuel levels are just enough to make it back home.”

  “Perfecto! They need not go anywhere else anyway.”

  “Are you forgiving him Lee?” Gina inquires.

  “Yes. And I hope he learns, for there won’t be another chance for him.” I get on the radio and talk to the enemy ship, “Could have killed you Major Barak, but then you would not have lived to learn the lesson. I won’t give you a second chance though.”

  “You are quite a man, Captain,” says Gina, showing respect by calling me “Captain”.

  I guess I am earning the title once again.

  There was no reply from Major Barak. He was not only defeated, but had been forgiven, forgiven by the one he once stabbed in the back, by the one who had plenty of reasons to blow him up in space. Defeated and forgiven; his morale is now down on the ground, if he has any morale left.

  “Aka-1, connect me with Aka-20.”

  “Communication established, Captain.”

  “Captain Toshiaky, come in?”

  “Hi Markus. You are full of surprises. Thanks, once again. Not the first time you saved my ass,” he says, making me recall the times we use to go out in space, fought together, made friends together, etc. “Are you back at the Base Markus?”

  “No my friend. I made a living on Earth, that tiny planet ahead of us.”

  “Oh yes, the blue one, I see it. Have heard a lot of nice things about it too.”

  “Well, yeah. Lots of good stuff there, but we are currently working on fixing some…not so good stuff.”

  “I am sure, whatever you are working on, you will make it happen Markus,” he says with confidence.

  “Thanks Toshiaky. Chief and my father have been there recently. Jon and Leo are staying with me and my family, two lovely girls. Do you see them on your screen?”

  “Yes I do, Sir.” He waves.

  “You should come down there some time, we’ll be glad to spend some time with you.”

  He nods. “Will love to do that.”

  “Aka-1. Please report Aka-20’s energy and fuel levels.”

  “Very low, Captain.”

  “Can they make it to Base with the energy and fuel they have?”


  We see Toshiaky’s face on the screen; he is not happy.

  “Is there a way we can provide them with—”

  Aka-1 int
errupts me and says, “Both Aka-20 and I are capable of engaging to share fuel and energy, Captain.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  “How cool is that!” Gina comments.

  “These girls are full of surprises. Just like the girls on Earth,” I comment. Gina shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

  I direct my attention to the ship and ask, “Aka-1, report to me your energy and fuel levels please.”

  “Fully charged, Captain. I have been absorbing solar energy. Batteries fully charged and the water tank is still almost full.”

  “God! These things are so efficient,” I say while turning around and looking at the girls.

  I get back in communication with my friends, “Captain Satoshi, our ships are going to engage so Aka-1 can provide Aka-20 with some fuel and energy; enough for you to go back home.”

  “Excellent Markus!” they cheer, and we see them do a happy dance on the screen.

  “Aka-1, synchronize and engage with Aka-20, provide her with enough fuel and energy to go back to the Base.”

  “Synchronized…engaging. Attempting to charge Aka-20’s battery system…failed. Charging system error Captain. Aka-20’s batteries can’t be charged.”

  “I guess your batteries are not working, Captain Toshiaky,” I voice.

  “Our gauge indicates they are depleted, but there is no other error,” he says. “They must have been affected by the attack. I know a laser went through our shielding system and into the fuselage. We thought we were done!”

  “I understand Toshiaky. What is the state of your hydrogen and plasma engines?”

  “Plasma engines are not doing so well, but the hydrogen one seems fine, just low on water.”

  “Aka-1, please download all the content of your water tank into Aka-20’s water tank.”

  “Downloading, Captain.”

  “All of it?” Gina asks.

  “Yes babe. You’ve got to remember we still have the plasma engine. That thing gets energy from even the smallest particles in its vicinity. Our batteries are fully charged, and we are getting closer to the sun too. Not only that, but we are very close to our home—I did my math.” I say it with a grim on my face.

  “They are in bad shape and need all the help they can get. They are lucky to be alive. The water we are giving them is enough to get them home.”

  She sighs.

  “Download complete, Captain.”

  Captain Toshiaky comes up again, “There must be an error Markus. Aka-20 registers a full tank of water.”