Read Project Earth I: Origin Page 17

  “It’s not an error, my friend. It should be full. We don’t need any water to get home, but you do. Think that’s enough?”

  He shakes his head in surprise and says, “Should be enough to go home and come back.”

  “Excellent Toshiaky. We’ve got to get going now. Please let me know how it goes on your way home. We will leave your communication frequency open, ready to hear from you.” Our ships get detached and they get on their way.

  “Thanks again Markus.” They bow and wave goodbye.

  Chapter 42

  Home at Last

  “Aka-1, set route to Earth, once again please.”

  “Home, Captain?”

  “Yes Aka-1, home!”

  “That was scary and interesting,” Gina comments.

  I turn around to look at the girls and say, “Sorry, got to put order everywhere we go girls. It’s in my blood now. I wish you and Sarah did not have to experience that kind of stuff, but…it is one of those things you don’t plan. It just happens and you just got to deal with it—can’t become the effect of it. Can’t let others become the effect of it either. And that’s one of the main things wrong with mankind; we become the effect of others, more than things or situations.” And with a raised voice, “And that pisses me off.”

  “I understand Lee. Now I understand things better, too. It’s funny, I know you wanted Sarah and me to see and understand how things are at the Base, and out here, but…” she pauses, looking for words, “I don’t know, I guess, It’s another world, and yet it works in a similar way—there is right and wrong, good and evil. That’s the best way to describe it.”

  “It is the same, but things just happen so fast here in space Gina. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye.”

  “Yes,” she says. “Fast, wild, unexpected!”

  About half an hour later, Aka-1 makes an announcement, “We have entered the Earth’s atmosphere, Captain.”

  “Nice Aka-1. Please inform me when we are ten miles away from home.”

  Three minutes later…

  “Ten miles away from home, Captain. Engines idle…silent mode active…external lights off.”

  “Thanks Aka-1. Approach home,” I reach inside my pocket and pull out the remote to open the garage.

  “We are above the house, Captain.” I push the “open” button and the garage roof opens up. Aka-1 goes in and lands.

  “Report arrival to Base, Captain?”

  “Yes please. And…good job Aka-1, you got me and my girls back home, safe and sound. You are a great ship!”

  “You are welcome, Captain.”

  We walk out of Aka-1 and there they are…

  “What have you two been up to?” I ask.

  They approach us and give each one a hug.

  “I think we missed you boys!” I tell them.

  “I bet you did Lee,” says Leo with a big smile on his face.

  Jon looks at the girls and asks, “Was it fun or what?”

  Gina doesn’t quite know what to say. “I have experienced more things in the past twenty-four hours than in my previous ten life times, at least. Let’s go inside and we will give you boys a briefing,” she says and leads the way towards the house.

  The boys turn their heads; both smile and give me the thumbs up. They can perceive she has experienced changes, and they are ready to hear about them.

  We sit at the table and Leo says, “Jon and I prepared some stuff for you—it’s a soup. We got a recipe from the internet, hope you like it.”

  He pulls out some bowls and Jon gets the soup from the stove. “We also made some coffee, anybody interested?” They look at me.

  “You guys are on it! We always wanted to have a maid, but we could not afford one…now we have two.”

  “Lee, don’t be rude,” says Gina, elbowing me.

  “How was the trip for Sarah?” Leo asks as he takes her from Gina’s arms.

  “She can probably tell you, but I think she had the most fun out of all of us. No stress, just living in the moment,” Gina comments

  “Yep! That’s what she says,” Leo counters.

  We eat while telling the boys about our trip. They also brief us about some things that they improved on Project Earth.

  We plan to begin installing twenty-five of the transmitters the following night, and twenty-five each night thereafter, which will complete the install of all seventy-five.

  Then on the fourth day we will proceed with the installation of the four receivers. And once they are installed, we will have access to the satellites and be able to override and change channels, and frequencies.

  Chapter 43

  The Broadcast

  The following day we get up, have brunch and review Jon’s and Leo’s refinements to Project Earth. We find everything satisfactory and are ready to start broadcasting.

  Grant also calls me and tells me that my third book is already out, and the first one is still selling like crazy. He is even translating it into Spanish, German, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese and Portuguese. The guy is on fire!

  I also receive a $10,000 check in the mail for sales from my first book. It’s interesting. I don’t even worry about money anymore. It stopped being one of my main concerns in life.

  At 9 pm, Jon and I get on board Aka-1 and set out to install transmitters. Aka-1 had already established the best route and mapped out the whole trip to install the first twenty-five. We just have to navigate to each coordinate.

  In full stealth mode, we set out into the dark sky. Our target today is “The Americas”, as we call it; the region of the planet that encompasses South, Central and North America.

  We soon find out that it is not difficult to install the devices, as we exercise our abilities to move in space and only leave the ship for a minute to place each one on the satellites. Five hours later we are done!

  We venture out the next night and install the next twenty-five transmitters, this time above Europe and Africa.

  The following night comes and we set out to place the transmitters on the satellites above Asia, Australia/Oceania and the last one down in Antarctica.

  The fourth day is dedicated to installing the receivers: one on the Rocky Mountains in the United States, the second by the Amazon River in Brazil, the third in the Swiss Alps in Switzerland, and the fourth near Alice Springs, Australia.

  We spend another day programming and establishing communication with all the transmitters and receivers. Aka-1 synchronizes tests to verify they are in working order.

  And we are ready to transmit…

  Day 1: Early in the morning, we start to broadcast. A brief introduction about the project we are launching, its purpose, its benefits, and such:

  “We are launching this campaign in an effort to improve the decaying conditions of mankind and our planet. We have isolated the areas that are currently causing the most trouble on this planet and compiled information to address each in the form of subjects. Each week we will cover one of these subjects. Once a subject is completed, we will move onto the next. Once every subject is completed, we will start over and run through all of them again, and again, and again. This will go on as long as needed. We are going to be heard every day, twice a day, in every language. And yes, we are being heard worldwide, so we are all on the same page!

  From now on, the world will change and it is in each one of us to decide whether this is going to be a slow or a fast change. It may take weeks, months, or even years, but the world will change. We will be here to make sure we achieve our goals. It is important that you know what these goals are:

  1.A very high level of communication among the people of Earth.

  2.Peace on Earth. No wars or revolution within or against other countries.

  3.Ethics and moral codes followed and applied by the book.

  4.Religious freedom fully exercised.

  5.Humankind progressing as a whole. No racism.

  6.Mankind becoming aware of their full potential and abilities.
  7.Children properly educated, respected and listened to.

  8.No drugs.

  9.No crime.

  10.Technology is to be used for the sole purpose of enhancing mankind’s condition in this world, and beyond.

  We have lost our values. Criminality, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, war, and corruption have reached the highest peak in the history of mankind. Most of it is due to a lack of proper education and a lack of awareness.

  Of course you must be wondering who we are. The answer is: ‘We are your friends’. It doesn’t matter where we come from. We will let you know in due time.

  We cannot really request your permission to stop and reverse the conditions of this planet, just as those who have caused a lot of damage to mankind have not asked us for our permission to do so.

  There are still a lot of good things surrounding us. Most importantly, we still have ourselves, and we have the chance to make a change.

  We must become aware of the bad things, so we can all do something about them. And of course it is much easier if we do so as a team. We all bear some responsibility in whatever goes on around us—good or bad. We can’t negate that, for if we do, we will feel the effects of the backlash. Turning our backs doesn’t do us, or our fellow man, any good.

  One of our campaign subjects will be ‘the subject of children’. We know that if we educate and treat children appropriately, we will find ourselves, in the future, watching them build a new civilization. If we do otherwise, we will witness the world turn towards bigger chaos. The main reason children are educated and treated wrongly, is because we have been educated and treated wrongly, too.

  And it is the same with drugs, crime, alcohol, prostitution, and many other subjects. We will be taking up each one in this campaign.

  What is needed and wanted from you throughout this campaign, is to listen carefully, to look around yourself, and see if any particular piece of information applies to you or someone near you. You will then decide if change is needed.

  We will be coming up with new subjects as we progress with this campaign. It is our intention to continue to research many more areas in life that need to be addressed. We will research and do our best to provide the correct information. Thank you for listening.”

  While transmitting at different times, we tune into various channels and frequencies to make sure the first message is getting everywhere. Sure enough, it is. The whole planet is hearing about it, everywhere, in all languages and through all TV, radio stations and even the internet. It is a complete hit! It becomes the word of the day. We are thrilled!

  Chapter 44

  A Changing World

  Six months have passed…

  We have been keeping statistics for every country and the major cities of the world. Yes! We have been busy, and Project Earth has become extremely successful.

  The United Nations have sent us a report showing their overall statistics; a 20% decrease in the crime rate, a 25% decrease of the use of street drugs, and an 18% decrease in the use of prescription drugs.

  No civil wars or revolutions have been registered within countries. Potential outbreaks of wars between nations of the world have been avoided due to our interference. The statistics show we have produced a desirable effect in the society, but it also means we have a lot more work to do.

  We have found additional ways to get our message out to the world. Our team has anonymously established communication with influential groups that are far-reaching and have aims to create positive effects in the society.

  Hundreds of school districts are willing to work with us. That in itself is one of our biggest achievements. It means that by getting involved with the school system, we can build a much better future by providing schools with quality study subjects that will make the students more capable in life. Our goal: To make more capable and self-confident students. And what we mean by a better, long term future is: a better world.

  The Police Department is also willing to work with us. Not only to help establish a new anti-drug and anti-crime campaigns, but to also develop new rehabilitation programs to fix those who did wrong.

  On the downside, many efforts have also been made to find us and stop our campaigns. Some people were able to find and destroy a few of our transmitters. Others pulled satellites out of operation and installed newer models, with the intention of stopping us from transmitting. But nothing stopped us. We got more transmitters from the Base and installed them on the new satellites, with even better coverage.

  Also, two of the four main transmitters were located, removed from the main towers, and destroyed. So we installed ten more in various locations around the world, and I am sure some have been detected. However, they have not been touched, as they know that we would simply place many more. Our tireless persistence and vigorous approach have been understood.

  There have been countless articles, good and bad, in the news, as well as on the internet, and the media throughout the world about us. A recent post, from a psychiatrist, published after the discovery of one of our transmitters, read as follows:

  “Conspiracy from outer space—aliens from Mars are taking over Earth! Don’t pay attention to what they say! You are being brainwashed!”

  The following day a response by a civilian read:

  “Boy, if that is brainwashing, we all need our brains washed!”

  People know who to trust. They also know that many have tried to “help” them, but were deceiving them instead. It is hard for us to trust others, when we have been betrayed too many times by those who are supposed to help in the name of ‘Mental Health’ or ‘Spiritual Healing’. They are very delicate subjects that require a lot of good knowledge, but most importantly, a good and honest heart.

  For our own security, we sold our property in California to our dear friend Grant. It was best to relocate, so we bought a 500 acre lot near the ‘Poas Volcano’, down in Costa Rica.

  This place is already considered an “extraterrestrial site” by locals, with reports of spaceship sightings throughout the years. So our activities would be just another one of those stories if detected in any way.

  We also chose Costa Rica for other reasons: it is one of the most peaceful countries in the whole world; it doesn’t even have an Army. The land is what I always dreamed of: tropical climate, lots of vegetation, and nice big river. It is a paradise in the middle of nowhere. Our spaceships can’t be seen easily. They come in and depart from a valley located in the middle of the property. We also created another huge underground garage—the biggest one imaginable. It is capable of housing five ships at any given time.

  We installed an amazing surveillance system, which alerts us of any incoming ships, airplanes, jets, or any flying object within a thousand mile radius.

  We are more than prepared. Aka-1 is always on watch. We also have Maggy. She is back with us, and believe you me, these girls are always ready for action.

  Jon and Leo are still with us. They go back to Base from time to time, but I got permission to keep them both here, and to back us up with the various projects and calls for help we receive.

  The truth of the matter is that we have established an extension of the Base, here on Earth. Jon, Leo, Gina, and Sarah, the two ships, and I make the team. We monitor all activities around Earth, Mars, the Moon, and other satellites and planets near us. All while Project Earth is still actively trying to reach the goals we originally established.

  Gina is at home most of the time. And she does an amazing job of keeping the statistics and administration of all on-going and future projects. She is the most stable team member for all administrative matters. And she does so while also taking great care of little Sarah who is as daring as her father. I sometimes take her with me on some safe missions. As soon as I tell her I am taking her with me on a mission, her eyes brighten up and a smile tells me what she wants to say, “Once again! The space, the stars, that’s where I belong!”

  Her thoughts are very st
rong, too. She can’t hide them, not from her father. She is the best example of life itself—simple, energetic, happy, and just being…herself.

  Our main purpose is to establish peace on Earth, the universe and wherever we go, but we must also be prepared, and be ready to put an end to those whose purpose is to create chaos and make trouble.

  I have been giving a second chance to the troublemakers we encounter. And some take the chance and go into a rehab program at the Base. As a result they normally become peacemakers, like us. Those that don’t take the second chance…well, they are removed from the scene by force, to put it mildly.

  You see…I believe that if something doesn’t aid our survival, and if it actually causes harm, well, we should get rid of it. Most of us are trying to survive the best way we can, and help others as much as we can as well. But there are a few working on the opposite side and even though they are just a handful of chaps, they have managed to amass great power and positions through which they can affect all of us. That’s our weeding out project, on Earth, or wherever we go. And we will go on!

  We are the new ambassadors of peace and order on Earth and in this sector of the galaxy.

  Which side are YOU on?

  Preview of the Sequel to Project Earth

  Project Earth II:

  The Protectors

  “….Meteors are not hard to avoid,” I think to myself. “We can go around it or just change speed and let it go by.”

  Aka-1 reports a minute later, “I have more data, Captain. It is a meteor, travelling at about 30 miles per second. It is about fifty times my size.”

  “Is it in our path Aka-1?”

  “Positive, Captain.”

  “Please reduce your speed to half and head downward, avoiding any collision.”

  “Speed reduced, Captain…changing our path.”

  Aka-1 slows down and processes change in the coordinates. She soon gives another report, “The meteor has also changed its speed and coordinates, Captain.”

  “That’s strange, a meteor with a mind of its own,” I mutter, looking at Sarah.