Read Project Tickle Page 5

Dr. Menos is in an empty room with metal walls and floor. On the walls around him thousands of small, hidden pockets accommodate holographic projectors that emit a soft white light. A female voice interrupts the silence and signs the end of his wait.

  "Commencing secure contact. Loading meeting point. Following conversation will not be recorded or filed. Connection with node seven hundred and sixty four is secure. Ready."

  The holographic projectors begin to work with a gentle hum. Line by line with incredible speed a big office is projected in the empty room. Furniture follows the latest trends of contemporary design and the middle of the room hosts a large conference table. A corner window offers a stunning view of an orient metropolis from up high, while the sun illuminates the office with a warm afternoon light.

  A relatively short man at around his sixties stands next to what appears to be his personal desk in the foreground. He spends a few seconds looking at doctor Menos without speaking at all. He has short snow-white hair and a tiny Gray moustache. A small nose is right at the center of his round face and he has a pair of calm blue eyes. He also has a deep voice.

  "Dr. Menos..."

  "Chairman, sir. You wanted too see me."

  Dr Menos slightly tilts his head forward and looks down.

  "Talk is cheap. I consider you to be a man of action. Do you really think you can handle this minor issue?"

  "I know I can."

  CFG chairman begins a slow, small step stroll around his office. He crosses his hands on his chest.

  "Only the leaders of our three units have access to the terminal. The head of the suppression unit, the head of the distribution control and you. Your mission is to address small groups or units that cause us trouble. Blackmailers, rebellious groups, journalists and aspiring detectives that constantly try to find information about our activities or harm us in any way. This is your job and we expect results. The power you got on your hands, the power CFG gave you, probably has no match on the web and you can't capture a single good for nothing rebel?"

  "Chairman, with all due respect; you told me once that it's wise and prudent to recognize one's worth, never to underestimate the power of our opponents. We both know Icarus is more than a mere agitator."

  "And you're supposed to be the right person to arrest him! You're not in this position by luck, you have the required experience. I am, sadly, beginning to have doubts about your courage and determination? Prove me wrong, do what you should."

  "I do think this time round his moves have a specific purpose. I want to know what he's after, understand?"

  Chairman raises his hand and almost looses his temper. His eyes are now two small burning fires.

  "You know what you always see when you spent time observing your opponents moves? You see them completing their plan right in front of your eyes. He came in contact with Gray and you were there, but couldn't stop him! Gray! You know what that means? Trouble. We know from the little info we have at our disposal, that Icarus has an Oloclerotic Device connection. If you can't stop him or arrest him, destroy him. Find all the info you can about the girl too. If Icarus, as you say, has a plan we'll be seeing him somewhere very soon. Be ready for action at any time."

  "Yes sir."

  "We are still in business because we're ruthless for both our opponents and allies. Chocolate isn't candy any more and childish faults will not be tolerated. Disconnect."

  The office and CFG chairman quickly disappear, leaving Dr Menos alone in the cold metal room.

  Chapter 6: Search Engine