Read Project Tickle Page 6

Icarus, Electra and Phoenix are next to something that resembles a provincial motorway in an arid deserted place. The virtual sun burns from above their heads and they're surrounded by sparse wild vegetation and rocky hills.

  Electra takes a quick look around.

  "We forgot to thank it? It helped us didn't it?"

  "I have to admit that it could tell us more about our issue, but it was generally pretty talkative. Strange guy? thing?"


  Electra smiles and puts her hand on her lips. She is pretty sure her actual self is also smiling, as she feels the tiny tickle on her face.

  "Will I ever see your real face Icarus?"

  "You will. Once this whole thing is over? I'd love to actually meet you. It would be nice."


  A couple of seconds pass by as none of them seems to find something fitting to say. Icarus decides to end this awkward silence by taking them back to the job in hand.

  "It would be unfair to assume that Gray didn't help us. At least we now know what to do. We'll begin with the search. If we ever get to the absolute access terminal at CFG headquarters we have to be well prepared. I feel Gray did not leave us here for no reason. Logically, this road leads to an oasis."

  "An oasis?"

  "In the world web there are thousands of web addresses that although owned by someone, they're not actually used to host something. The owner has the option to use a simple prefabricated virtual world like this one. You can also include one or more search engines as well as a number of advertisements. Ads make a small profit depending on the number of visitors and sponsored hits. Such websites are generally empty, so the place one can find the search engines and advertisements is called an oasis. You usually enter such worlds by mistake."

  "You're talking about domain parking?"

  "Exactly. You also don't have to log-in to access such web worlds. Nice thought by Gray to be honest."

  Icarus looks up at Phoenix who's gently flying above them.

  "Glad to have you back!"

  The metal sphere performs a couple of quick loops on the clear blue sky.

  "Reborn from my ashes!"

  "A true Phoenix."

  "Glad it was me Icarus. I'd really hate to see something like that happening to you?"

  Electra raises her eyes.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I presumed it was pretty easy to notice. Icarus speed and reflexes are a result of his O.D. connection. With it there is minimal thought to action delay and he can also receive a wealth of web world data unavailable to those with a 'normal' connection."

  Electra looks upset.

  "I can't believe it. You mean you've done a whole surgery for this? In? in your spine?"

  "The surgery on my spine was a given. The O.D. connection was a bonus. Even in a basic web worlds like this one, I can feel it all. I feel the heat from the asphalt and I can hear our voices bouncing on the rocky hills. I can smell the few wild flowers around us and to be honest I can also feel a light breeze hitting my body."

  "But? You can feel pain too. Right?"

  Phoenix moves down to Electra's line of sight.

  "It can sadly be worst than that?"

  "He could die?"

  "A fierce, violent internet death could cause a heart attack or a stroke in the real user's body when he's using an O.D. connection."

  Electra freezes for a while and then turns to Icarus with a mad look on her face. On the blue web world sky, gray clouds appear.

  "Didn't know that! Why Icarus? You're a fool!"

  "We never got the chance to talk about it and I would love you two to stop talking as if I'm not here. I do not intent to pass on in the near future and I definitely don't want to find death connected to the damn web!"

  Icarus feels a strong cold burst of air on his back. Weather is getting worse and he decides to try and calm everyone down.

  "I find it to be very sweet that you worry about me, Electra. I have quite a few aces up my sleeve and you to look after me. I didn't want you to know about the possibility of me getting hurt cause when you're upset you're also? a bit dangerous. And we don't need any more danger right now. Calm down please, I promise I'll be very careful."

  Electra looks at him with misty eyes. She seems to be struggling not to cry, it's easy to understand that by the sound of her voice and expression.

  "You make me laugh and then bring tears to my eyes. You do realize that this isn't good for my condition. You better take good care of yourself mister, or you'll be dealing with me and my shadows!"

  "Deal, try to relax now. We shouldn't waste our time; let's get over with it as soon as possible. We need a ride to go to the nearest oasis. I think I got exactly what we need. Phoenix load the? file? Ride dash... Me. From the? yeah the models folder?"

  A wide smile appears on Electra's face. Icarus turns to her and lifts his shoulders while a cartoon face with blushed cheeks is painted on his robot head. Web world's weather slowly turns back to the default sunshine. Electra decides to comment on the motorcycle file name..

  "Be careful with the file upload Phoenix. We wouldn't want to find ourselves with a busty blonde, buxom girl in the middle of nowhere! Not now at least..."

  "Get on with it Phoenix. And you? saucy lady, be patient!"

  A striking bike is build piece by piece in a couple of seconds' right next to them. Electra examines the bike design for a while.

  "Not bad Icarus! I see you're also skilled building mechanic design models. Guess you've won another modeling contest with this one?"

  Icarus wears a drop shaped helmet and gives another one to Electra. He waves his hand in the air inviting her to ride with him.

  "To be honest this bike is from my personal collection. I think it's the fist time I show it to someone."

  "Trying to impress me Icarus? I think I like it."

  Icarus turns to her and blinks a set of huge eyes on his face.

  "I'm doing my best. Truth is that it took me three weeks to build, and I've only taken it for a ride once."

  Icarus sits on the bike, bends over and almost hugs the front wheel. His hands are hidden on the sides of the wheel and hold two sturdy handles with some of the bike functions mapped on buttons close to his thumbs and indexes. There is no traditional handle bar on Icarus bike; the rider uses his body to steer and control it. It definitely looks like it's built for high speeds and open roads. As Icarus hugs his bike his mechanic body almost becomes a part of it. The rear swing arm is pretty long and ends up on a big wide wheel. As he fires up the engine a loud whistling noise comes straight from the electric engine mixed with a metallic rattle coming from the gears and transmission. The motorbike's acceleration forces the front wheel to gently leave the asphalt for a few seconds. The helmets they wear offer them both protection and the ability to comfortably talk via some sort of voice intercom.

  "You know Electra, I'm afraid even our little search will be a hard task."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Remember talking to Gray about the continuity issue?"

  "I remember mentioning that we'll need both continuous and uninterrupted access."

  "I'm worried about the continuity, especially when we have to deal with search engines."

  "Can't believe it! Tracing through search engines. Of course. You're marked, that's also why you can't upload your file. How much time do we have Icarus; Ten minutes? Five?"

  "Sadly I can't stay hooked to a search engine without being traced for more than... thirty seconds."

  "Thirty seconds? God? Icarus. We couldn't even find an astrology web page in such a short time. Not that I would like to know today's horoscope predictions."

  "Don't worry I'll tell you. What's your sign?"


  "New, big roads open for you today. You'll strike up an acquaintance with an interesting, charismatic individual and live an exiting adventure. How does that sound?"

  "Pretty optimistic. Let's hope it'll also come true."

bike gently pierces the air as it moves on the desert road and shines under the strong sunlight. Electra spots some random visitor and realizes they're not alone in this vast web world. She can't stop thinking about the restricted time limit for their search. She tries to figure out a way round this but fails to do so.

  "Thirty seconds? What could we do about it?"

  "I'm afraid thirty seconds is all we've got. I've been also trying to find a way that could buy us some more time but?"

  "Can't Phoenix help us with that?"

  "Phoenix is a loyal companion and a powerful tool. It can upload modification software on any web world. Even when we're dealing with secure simulations, Phoenix can upload small files that can radically change the virtual environment. Remember what it did to Dr Menos before? It could for example upload a simple particle generator here and cause rain; not that it would do any good right now?"

  "But it can't do a web search."

  "Sadly it can't. I also presume we're all at the same fate and can be traced in the same time frame by the search engines from around the web. Although our personal data are safe, our exact position in the internet can be found and sent to CFG in seconds. I've been compiling an advanced secure search engine for the last few weeks but it'll take a lot of work before even considered to be functional. We will try to break our search into thirty second segments on different engines. We could also organize our key words and work-flow to get to the desired results on time. I think we're getting closer to the nearest oasis; we see more and more visitors as we move on."

  "Man of the year? Icarus do you remember any?"

  "We're talking about man of the year by the famous magazine, right?"

  "Guess so. It's actually the first that comes to mind."

  "Could be it. I do remember a few of the recent ones. If I'm not mistaken, the one we're searching for isn't amongst them. Gray also mentioned that he was man of the year in the past. Usually the title goes to politicians and rarely to scientists or groups of people. I do feel that we're looking for a special guy or something?"

  "We should find them all then. Is the publication web page address the obvious one?"

  "Probably, I do think it will be hard to find it if we go straight to the front page. There will be news, ads and lots of confusing links. Seems like the safest way, but I guess it'll also be time consuming. We'd better search for a link that will take us straight to the list."

  "So? What do you think about: Time-Magazine-Man-Of- The-Year-List for search keywords?"

  "Sounds good for a start. Phoenix I want you to store the links our search will provide in their specific order. We will try to switch engines before spending thirty seconds on a single connection. Here we are?"

  On the side of the road, not far from it one can find the search engines of this oasis. A small crowd surrounds the big machines, mostly random web world visitors and modern street vendors. Well dressed salesmen approach visitors holding leaflets and portable computer tablets. Some of them carry small devices designed to connect the visitor to the advertised web page, where he can get a taste or tryout of the offered products and services. One can find almost everything here; from new revolutionary devices and gadgets to sex pills and realistic game simulations. Even virtual porn websites are promoted by half naked delightful girls.

  Icarus is well aware that amongst the busy crowd there are also a number of fraud sellers. They usually approach their victims with 'great job opportunity' or 'a one time offer on a hundred per cent free unique and expensive gift'. Once they get the desired info they either work into breaking into the victim's bank accounts, or sell the personal information for a fee.

  Electra walks in the crowd looking around with her eyes wide open. Seems like she's never been in such place before; Icarus on the other hand looks like he's in familiar surroundings. Although the search engines use the same shape and more or less technology they differ in color. Blue, red, orange and green machines each one paint to match the provider's distinctive color. They are big curvy, drop shaped constructions. The wide part hosts the user interaction devices. There are three big touch screens and an optional metal keyboard. Navigation is controlled by voice command while body moves can be recorded and used for handling the graphical interface. For the advanced and daring web users there is also the direct connection of the user and the machine; only available to those with a O.D. connection.

  The top, thin side of the machines; is the place the navigation data comes and leaves from. At the tip of the drop, the mechanisms end up on thin long threads that seem to float and dance in the air. The search engines themselves are also covered with printed or moving ads and logos. The size of these ads is proportional to the amount of money spend for their placement. Even in this visual mess of people walking around and colorful logos covering almost everything, the search engines preserve their shape simplicity and imposing presence.

  Icarus, Electra and Phoenix cautiously approach the closest free engine. The computer asks if they want to carry out a private search and Icarus gives a positive reply. In an instant they're surrounded by thin arms holding curved glass panels coming from the sides of the machine. After creating a small private space the glass panels become dark and muddy in order to protect them from any prying eyes. Electra sighs.

  "I feel like we going to search for porn or something?"

  "To be honest I always go for a private search when using these machines. There is nothing funny or unusual about the search we're going to carry out in a second, still it would be better to remain unnoticed."

  Icarus looks at the middle, main screen where a start button is waiting to be pushed.

  "Phoenix, get ready for the countdown. Keep an eye on the search results too. Start. Search. Input keywords: time, magazine, man, of, the, year, list. Go."

  Phoenix begins counting down from thirty to zero.

  Electra quickly reads the first links that use the search terms in their text or contents. There are as always, two or three unrelated advertising links at the top that she almost ignores. Twenty five seconds remaining. Electra discovers an address that belongs to the magazine that interests them. She is forced to read a part of the accompanying text and she realizes that although the website is right, the list contains some successful entrepreneurs of the last year. Ten seconds left.

  Electra speeds over the next two links belonging to a well known online auction site. Apparently, old and new issues of the magazine are to be sold to interested individuals and collectors. Electra checks the next link, which also belongs to the famous magazine. She starts to read the link's description but her time is running out. She has less than five seconds. Icarus hastily clicks the button that stops the navigation and orders to disconnect from the current engine. Electra looks flustered.

  The glass panel holding arms make a quick return to the side of the machine, revealing the oasis around them. Electra blinks her eyes a couple of times to get used to the strong sunlight.

  "The last link, if I'm not mistaken, was actually from the magazine's website but in must led to some other list. Could have been Schindler's list; I'm not sure?" Phoenix moves closer.

  "I have the link description stored in memory, Electra. Sadly, it's not the list we're looking for."

  Icarus moves to the next different colored search engine and waves at them to follow.

  "We'd better use a new machine to continue. Changing providers means our data are taken to different servers making us harder to trace. Let's hope it works... Its' my turn now; right?"

  "Be my guest! It was pretty stressful to be honest?"

  Icarus, Electra and Phoenix approach the machine and follow the same procedure using the same keywords for their web search. Icarus bypasses the links they've already checked and sees a link about some freeware software used to organize music play lists on one's personal computer. Next one refers to a feature film titled 'The man of the Year' released in two thousand and six. Right below he finds a link that doesn't belong to the famous magazine but
seems to take visitors to a man of the year list. He decides to click the address and visit the web-page; the list they're searching for, is right there. They only got ten seconds till being traced, though. Icarus begins from the top of the list, reading and mumbling.

  "No? no. Politician? Two thousand and eleven? No?"

  They only got a few seconds left. Electra gently taps Icarus back.

  "Let's go?" She whispers.

  "Two thousand and eight? No."

  Icarus suddenly freezes.

  "Damn! No! You?"

  Icarus almost breaks the touch screen with his fist when hitting the disconnect button. He quickly turns around and walks away from the search engine. Electra follows him with a buffled, worried look on her face. Truth is that for the last few seconds she had sealed her eyes and could only hear Phoenix counting down. She was also pretty sure she heard it reach its count to zero.

  "So Icarus? Got it?"

  "We freaking found our answer! Damn! A beautiful trap question by our dear good friend, Gray. A riddle for fools like ourselves!"

  Sky became slightly darker and web world time moved hastily a couple of hours forward.

  "To the bike! Now!"

  Phoenix gets close to Icarus and Electra while their getting ready to ride the virtual motorbike.

  "Rapid changes in a simulation definitely isn't good news. You do realize our last search reached a total of thirty two seconds."

  A distant lightning showers everything in an instant blinding light. Wind grows stronger and begins to blow off the fine sand from the ground.

  "I know, Phoenix? Damn! Let's go!"

  From the same direction the lightning struck a huge robot appears. Icarus starts the bike and takes a look at the invader. Its size is indeed impressive but it definitely doesn't look like the programmed machines they encountered earlier. It seems pretty agile and able to move fast. Icarus thinks he's seen this before but can't remember where and when. He knows it carries light weaponry and takes orders from a human operator. Entering a relatively safe web world with such ease and weaponry can only mean that the man behind the wheel, is his dexterous persecutor and enemy. And he must be pretty pissed too. The robot moves towards them, running like a huge headless metallic chicken. Phoenix interrupts his thoughts.

  "It's project Talos Icarus. We've seen it at an early stage when we hacked the CFG website a while ago. There is a three men crew in the machine's torso of two handling officers and a navigator. Guess Doctor Menos is back. I've been trying to set an exit since the end of our last search but failed to do so. It seems like disconnecting is at the moment, forbidden. No one can leave this place now."

  "Let's run! Phoenix switch bike configuration for off road racing. Morph target one! Two wheel drive please. Electra hold on tight!"

  A number of bumps and spikes appear or the tire's surface. Bikes spring become longer and softer and even the saddles they sit on seem to be just a bit more comfortable. At the peak of the motorbike's transform, its color changes from the metal black and red paint to a matte desert camouflage.

  Icarus feels Electra holding tight to his robotic body. He pushes the gas button and takes the motorbike off the road; away from the enemy. The oasis they leave behind turns into a virtual hell. Visitors and vendors run around in panic, screaming and swelling. Even those who initially kept their calm seem to run for their lives in distress after finding out that they simply can't disconnect from the web world.

  Icarus thinks that people with O.D. connection like him might even experience a violent internet death under project Talos feet. Things were getting pretty serious; he realized CFG wanted him dead.

  His thoughts are interrupted by the noise of a few one-wheeled bike riders that showed up along with the huge robot. These motorbikes only have one big wheel and the driver sits in the center of it. This design has been around for more than a decade now but it has just found its way into a fully usable mass production model. One of these bikes approaches them from the right; they can clearly hear the rider's voice through some short of loudspeaker.

  "Stop the vehicle now!"

  Icarus once designed a bike like that and he clearly remembers that stability isn't what these bikes are famous for. He releases the throttle and moves his hip to the left making the motorbike's tail follow his move. He then hits the gas making the back of the bike violently move to the right. As a result the tire throws pebbles and small rocks from the ground with great momentum. Few of the stones traveling with bullet speed hit the rider and motorbike closer to them. The poor man looses the bike's control and finds himself kissing the dust while his ride flips like a huge coin before braking in small pieces.

  Project Talos follows them with a steady trot; the rest of the CFG riders hear Dr. Menos furious yelling in their helmets.

  "What the hell are you doing? We're dealing with dangerous web terrorists here! Destroy them."

  Riders grab metal telescopic rods from the sides of their bikes and try to reach and press their targets. Electra tries to tighten her grip, puts her cheek on Icarus back and closes her eyes. Icarus decides to try something else.

  "Phoenix! Upload 3D model building application. Add geometry; cube. Triple object's size. I'll let you set the cube's origin."

  "Software uploaded. Commencing speed and trajectory calculations. Take some distance from them. Do it now."

  Icarus nervously tilts both handles in and pulls them back. A second whistling sound starts; a second bike motor fires up. The extra torque and thrust they receive is so brutal, Electra nearly misses her grip and founds herself mid air for a second. With her fingertips she grapples some components on Icarus back and pulls herself safely in.

  "Thanks for the warning! If we make it through this, I promise I'll kick your metal butt for good!"

  "Sounds lovely Electra! It was a bit of a stir for us but our followers will face a harder lot. Phoenix! Now!"

  Electra turns with difficulty her head back and sees the riders chasing them facing the biggest and probably last surprise of their lives. A large gray block appears suddenly in front of them without leaving any room or time for reaction. Three of the drivers with their machines crush on the three-dimensional obstacle with incredible speed. Only one rider escapes Icarus death trap due to a quick response and lots of luck; he was left behind and had more space for his maneuver.

  Icarus realizes there is one rider left and is forced to lift his body from the odd driving position, to look back. Project Talos charges forward diminishing the distance between them and the last rider comes from the side with his metal rod rolled up, ready to hit them. Icarus understands that taking a good hit is enough to make him lose control of the bike with disastrous results.

  Icarus takes another careful look back and hits the breaks. The motorbike rapidly looses speed while their pursuers still move forth. The rider who was about to strike, is left with his hand and weapon up while his head is trying to follow his target. Icarus bike passes right between Talos feet and Electra skips a heartbeat as she watches the robot's feet hitting the ground just a few meters away from them.

  It takes a couple of seconds for their pursuers to react. The rider decides to hit the breaks too, but his course takes him straight to the left leg of the huge robot. Poor man is instantly crushed by the heavy metal foot, killed by his own companions. Project Talos is now Icarus only concern. Now that they're right behind it, he makes a right turn heading to a part of the web world studded with tall rocky formations. For the first time the robot's strong hands come to play as it uses them to make a quick turn and follow the speeding motorbike.

  From the sides of the robot's body six high caliber machine guns make their appearance. Project Talos opens fire. Icarus returns to his driving position and tries to focus both on the road ahead and on the marching enemy. He enters the rocky part and tries to either avoid the virtual formations or use them for cover. He knows he's fortunate because the guns are fixed on the robot's body and it can only hit them when it's right behind th
eir tail. Icarus can hear Talos heavy feet as it comes closer. He thought that the rocks would slow the robot down, but discovers it smashes the rocks with its hands or avoids them with ease. He realizes the machine guns have stop firing for a couple of seconds. Right before thinking about it or trying to look behind to see what's going on, he feels a violent shake on his motorbike.

  A scream from Electra echoes in his helmet followed by her distress call to Icarus.

  "Icarus. Help me!"

  Project Talos has grabbed Electra with its left hand. He gets up and tries to catch and bring her back but it's too late. The huge robot slows down as it puts Electra on a plastic cage in its back. Icarus moves away with his hand stretched and eyes fixed on project Talos.

  "Shit! Damn. Phoenix; do me a favor and upload the Dividezero file from the virus partition."

  "You do remember that this program destroys big code segments by turning them impossible to compile, right? Are you sure?"

  "Come on! I didn't ask for file description or anything! Project Talos is reducing its speed as we speak but even now I can't reach and hurt it. In a few seconds they will allow exits from this web world and get the hell out of here! They got Electra."

  Icarus hits the break and makes a quick u turn with his motorbike. He faces the robot far ahead and pushes the gas button. The electric motor whistle sounds like a scream now.

  "I want you to keep an eye on them logging out and give me the virus. Now!"

  From the crowded command center in the belly of project Talos a navigation officer turns to Dr Menos.

  "The motorbike is coming straight at us."

  "I can see that. Let him come?"

  Doctor Menos clenches his teeth and orders to move forward with increasing speed.

  "The target also begins a small file upload. File type can't be identified at the moment."

  "He's up to something? He definitely is. Allow disconnecting from the web world and prepare a quick exit for us. Wait for my order."

  Icarus is speeding up moving towards project Talos. A crazy thought comes to mind.

  "Phoenix, I know we're protected? But is the bike safe?"

  "I'll copy the full file to a secure folder and upload it on a trusted file-sharing website. I also have to report that logging out is now possible; and it can only mean?"

  "They're leaving?" Icarus is furious.

  "Virus is up and running? Anytime now?"

  Icarus looking completely calm rises up and stands on the saddle of his bike. His ears catch a strange yet familiar sound. It's like a short bang playing in reverse. Time runs slower as the virus occupies the system and destroys it piece by piece. The sky above them dissolves in an instant while the dunes lose the rocks and vegetation on them. Their color turns gray and they hastily deflate like they're made out or rubber. The mountains in the background lose their color too and break like thin glass.

  Project Talos loses some of its parts. They turn transparent and then disappear. The same fate finds Icarus motorbike. It slowly breaks into its polygons and fades like a puzzle toy, hit by the strong wind. Icarus bends his knees and takes advantage of his speed and strong feet, to a daring leap right into project Talos. Inside the robot, hit by the devastating power of the virus, Icarus sees Electra and understands he's close. He watches the three operators in the control room. The word now is spelled by Dr. Menos in slow motion.

  Electra is close. Icarus spreads out his arms to grab her. A sweet melancholic smile is painted on her face. Right before reaching and touching her, Electra slowly vanishes into a white blinding light.


  Time reverts to its normal speed and Icarus passes through the robot and carries along some of its parts that were still standing in place. He lands several meters away, bending his mechanic knees to absorb his fall. Project Talos bits and parts, violently hit the floor, break into small pieces and disappear. Icarus finds himself alone in a flat gray world with a monotonous gray sky above his head. He is furious.

  "Gray! I HATE Gray!"

  "My favorite color?"

  Icarus turns to the source of the tempting, deep female voice. He is struck dumb by what he sees. A beautiful brown haired woman, with attractive curves and big green eyes approaches him. She wars a tight Gray dress that reveals her bust, back and long legs. She is barefoot with a soft alabaster skin. On her back a big pair of wings, a white and a black one, slowly spread out.

  "All men are created equal! Ha! Probably the biggest lie of your world. I'm not talking about social or race discrimination, about poor and rich. People are initially separated by the way they look. You know, even an infant can recognize the proportions of a perfect face and be more responsive to its owner. Beautiful people are well treated and it's easier for them to find job or sexual companion."

  "Thanks for the info, Gray? Your riddle? Your riddle was cheap and? and foolish."

  "You mean that it was easy? I find it hard to follow you right now. If it was, why didn't you give me a straight, quick answer?"

  "Your question was a trap!"

  "Listen, Icarus? You knew the answer but you had to go through all this to find it. People enjoy risking their lives just to find the answers they already know. Not my fault. I did it for fun. Do you think I'm full of sweet talk, rainbows and pink unicorns? In the past, I used to kill people, people with O.D. connection like you, for fun."

  "Damn! I? lost Electra?"

  "When you know where something or someone is, it's wrong to consider them to be lost. We both know where Electra is, at this very moment."

  "She had nothing to do with?"

  "Nonsense! She brought you to me. We are having this conversation, right now, as a result of her choices and actions."

  "I shouldn't? Crap?"

  "I'm not here to hear you whining, Icarus. You know, I never stop to eat or sleep. The information I get, the data I receive is my food and rest. I already know lots of things about you. You know why you should feel lucky now? You have a motive, a mission, a clear and visible goal. You were lost for a long time, deep in digital depression, with no one to blame and no one to hunt for revenge. The invisible enemy is the one you'll never chase; the one you can never hurt. That's what they want you to believe; no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try you can't touch the puppeteers. Are you here on a Holy chocolate war? No, you're here because you now know what you want. Your enemy is visible and your target is clear. You'll find both Electra and the terminal you need at the CFG virtual headquarters. If you feel I've been unfair to you then I'll do my best to set things right."

  Gray pauses for a while.

  "You do know that virtual worlds, simulate natural laws; like gravity."

  "So that human visitors may feel as if they're at the real world. Anything else would cause confusion and disorientation, if not panic. What are you trying to say?"

  "Give me a kiss Icarus?"

  "Are you kidding me?? You? Can't do. You are?"

  "You mean? you mean I'm a man? Funny! First impressions can be misleading? Do I look like a man Icarus? I'm Gray; I'm neither a male nor a femme."

  Gray slowly moves towards Icarus.

  "One thing is certain? You're some crazy? thing."

  "Don't you like me?"

  It moves even closer with a simpering voice and a set of blinking big green eyes.

  "I know you have an O.D. connection. You're going to feel? everything."

  Gray makes a swift forward move and glues its lips on Icarus face. The kiss is warm and sweet. He feels a tickle at his spine and chest, and feels his heartbeats rising up. Gray's wings gently surround them during the long kiss. Seconds later, Icarus pulls himself away, slightly confused and dizzy. He takes a deep breath.


  Gray offers him a sweet, foxy smile. It really looks adorable.

  "What can I say?? Heroes turn me on. We were talking about web worlds making use of natural laws. Although you seem to take advantage of it with your raw power, you can still be stronger, bett
er. You're having itchy hands; right?"

  "How do you know?"

  Icarus already struggles to ignore the tickle in his hands but also wonders how it is possible to feel something like it on his coded, avatar body.

  "I call it liquid fire after a legendary ancient weapon, but I do have to confess that the only 'liquid' about it is my kiss? I've just sent you a small program that modifies your virtual body. Take a look at your hands."

  Icarus takes his surprised eyes off Gray and looks at his hands. He sees and feels no difference. Gray on the other hand, stares with a kid's smile and eyes full of excitement.

  "Put your index and middle finger together."

  Icarus does what Gray orders him to; when his two fingers touch each other they instantly transform to a gun barrel. He tries it a couple of times and the result paints a happy face on his robotic head. He then raises his hand and tries to get a feel of how it would be like to fire with this new weapon.

  "Wow! That's possibly a kid's dream come true! The hand-gun."

  "And since we're in virtual worlds, we can bend the rules as we wish. We got? infinite ammo, up to a thousand rounds per minute, and just cause I'm a video game lover, alternative fire."

  "You mean?"

  "Explosive shots, flame thrower, pulse shots? The perfect weapon. Your imagination is your only limit. Well not? exactly? your imagination?"

  Gray has an almost apologetic expression. It instantly looks down and moves its left foot back and forth, like a girl who's done something naughty.

  "It only takes voice orders? Fire description voice orders to be specific?"

  Gray lifts it's head, blinks its big green eyes and smiles.

  "Jesus! I should have imagined that! Gray you bloody? Up one minute and down the next! You got lots of issues for an artificial intelligence, you know that? Voice orders using fire description? You mean like, ratatatataaaa? ratatataaa?"

  "And click, bang! And Pfssssh or whoosh or something when you want to use explosive shots? You said it yourself; it's every kid's dream come true! Enjoy it. It fits you well?"

  Gray explodes like a balloon leaving a bunch of slowly falling, shiny pink confetti behind.

  "I'll be watching you Icarus? I find your little adventure very amusing by so far!"

  "Crazy? thing!"

  Icarus raises his right hand and joins the two fingers as he did before. He produces a pretty funny sound something like pfrrrr but the result is impressive. A strong, quick burst comes out of his hand. He laughs.

  "Seems like this silly piece of code actually works?"

  Icarus turns to his digital companion and assistant.

  "Phoenix; have you followed Electra's exit?"

  "I do not have an exact location, but we can start from the CFG web world entrance. I think we'll find our way once we get there."

  "Electra and the terminal should be both there. One thing is certain; Dr. Menos will definitely prepare a warm welcome for us."

  "You know? We'll need all the help we can get? Every weapon at our disposal. It's crucial for a job well done?"

  Icarus looks at Phoenix with a funny expression on his face. His eyes are almost sealed and lips curled.

  "Ha! I knew that! I was expecting you to propose this sooner or later. Seems like you got a good excuse this time around though; truth is that we'll need it."

  "Well I wasn't trying to? Come on Icarus; it'll be fun!"

  "So? Disconnect!"


  "I want to have some chocolate. If we have to go after Speedy we should take a break first."

  Chapter 7: Work and Play