Read Promise Me Forever Page 24

  His other hand was lying by my leg. I drew in a soft breath when his thumb lifted and stroked my knee. “Always so stubborn,” he whispered, his eyes drifting closed.

  A sob escaped me. To see him so…broken…broke me.

  He forced his eyes open and licked his cut lip. “Take Tate and go, Cat. Now.”

  I shook my head, unable to see past my tears. “No. I’m not leaving you.”

  His thumb made another slow pass over my knee. “You have no choice, sweetheart. Go.”

  New tears bubbled up in my eyes and ran over my lashes. My chin quivered while my heart broke.

  I leaned closer and squeezed his hand harder. “We always have a choice, cowboy, and I’m choosing you.”

  Slow clapping came from behind me. My blood went cold. Cash didn’t move but his eyes went hard.

  “What a touching scene. Exactly what I wanted to see,” someone said behind me.

  The hair raised on my arms at the sound of Frankie’s voice. I let go of Cash’s hand and glanced over my shoulder. Through strands of hair hanging in my eyes, I saw the leader standing inside the room. On either side of him was Paul and Reed, fanned out in front of the doorway. Behind them were four other men. We were outnumbered and surrounded. I felt rooted to the spot.

  “Exactly what you wanted to see?” I spit at Frankie, avoiding looking at Paul. “You’re sick, you know that? You’re not a leader. You’re a dictator. A murderer. A Hitler all over again and you deserve to die.”

  Frankie smiled and strolled into the room. “I’m sure you believe that, honey, but I’m not a Hitler. I’m just ridding the United States of men like him.”

  “And who’s going to rid the world of people like you?” I hissed.

  Frankie shrugged. “Not you or your friends.”

  I curved my shoulders inward, becoming as small as possible as he circled around Cash and me. I had seen what he was capable of. I still had the bruises on my neck to show it. I was terrified of him. My body was shaking. My hands were clammy.

  He studied us a minute then stopped to check out what was in the backpack. “Adam has y’all set up pretty good. Liquor. A blanket. You can pay him back for that later, girl.”

  Cash tensed. Tate cursed under his breath. Any minute one of them was going to lose it and attack. I couldn’t let that happen.

  I averted my gaze from Cash and looked up at Frankie.

  “We had a deal. I turn myself over and they go free. So let them go free.” I raised my hands in surrender. “Take me now.”

  Cash struggled to push to his elbow. “What are you doing, Cat?”

  I ignored him and kept my gaze on Frankie.

  He chuckled. “Oh, I plan to take you, girl, but first we’re going to have a little fun.” He glanced at the big man at the door. “Reed.”

  I heard heavy footsteps a second before someone grabbed me under the arms and started dragging me back. I shrieked and kicked.

  Tate pulled his knife and started forward, but Adam grabbed the knife and wrapped an arm around Tate’s neck. “Calm down, kid.”

  “No! No!” He had the knife against Tate’s jugular!

  I dug my heels into the floor and tried to get free as Reed dragged me toward the door. The other men rushed into the room, two of them grabbing David and slamming him back against the wall when he would’ve helped me.

  Paul grinned, watching me struggle. “Little bird is a fighter, isn’t she, Reed?”

  The big man grunted. I kicked and twisted. “Let me go!” I screamed.

  Reed slapped a hand over my mouth and pulled me a few more feet on my bottom.

  Cash struggled to sit up. “Let her go,” he rasped, holding an arm across his ribs and breathing hard.

  Frankie smiled and crouched down beside him. “She’s pretty, isn’t she?”

  “Mmmm!” I screamed behind Reed’s palm, trying to yank away. When that didn’t work, I clawed at his hand over my mouth.

  He grunted and let go of my arm.

  I had my chance! I was free. I jerked my mouth away from his hand and scrambled away on all fours.

  But he caught me.

  “NOOOO!” I screamed.

  He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me back. My eyes watered. His grip in my hair pulled painfully. I howled and reached up, trying to peel his fingers away, tears rolling down my cheeks.

  “You’re a dead man.” Cash held his side and stared at Reed behind me.

  Frankie chuckled. “Paul, have a little fun with her.” He leaned close to Cash. “Watch this.”

  Paul strolled toward me, a lusty grin on his face. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “Mmm, mmm, mmm, I’m going to enjoy this.”

  I thrashed about like a wild animal. “No! No! Don’t touch me!”

  He giggled like a school kid and reached out to touch me. I bared my teeth at him and kicked out. He danced away, laughing. “Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me.” Mocking me in a high-pitched voice.

  I let out a shriek and kicked again. He pranced away then lunged at me, hooting with laughter.

  He was doing it on purpose, tormenting me. Each time he got closer. I grew desperate, kicking out without aiming. My frustrated shrieks turning into hysterical tears.

  “Okay,” Cash ground out. “Enough! Leave her alone!”

  But Paul wasn’t giving up. He dodged my hands and feet with cat-like ability and went for my thighs. I fought harder, frantic, but Reed grabbed my wrists and restrained me.

  I screeched and cried as Paul’s hand slid along the edge of my dress.

  “Get your hands off her.”

  Cash crawled to his knees and tried to get to his feet. The beating he took made moving almost impossible. His breathing was ragged, forced. He winced and held his side as he swayed on one knee. I became frantic. He was weakened. They would kill him. I had to do something.

  Paul was distracted, watching his hand as he ran it up my thigh. He licked his lips again as he moved his fingers higher. I waited a heartbeat and mustered all the nerve I had. Now! I kicked him as hard as I could in the shin.

  He howled and stumbled back. I twisted my wrists to wrench them away from Reed. He grasped my hair tighter, pulling the strands. Making me cry out.

  “Fucker.” Cash started to push to his feet.

  Frankie grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back.

  “Look at her,” he said near Cash’s ear. “All that dark hair and pretty skin. Do you love her?”

  I went crazy, hanging from Reed’s hand like a puppet. I have to get away! I need to get Tate and run! They’re going to kill Cash!

  I kicked and hit. Cash said my name, low and smooth from across the room. “Catarina.”

  I stilled, my heart racing a mile a minute. His voice was laced with iron and steel, a quiet command for me to follow. It could make me do anything he wanted and demanded. Right now, he wanted me to stop fighting. When I did, Reed relaxed his hold in my hair but didn’t let go.

  “Do you love her?” Frankie asked, jerking Cash’s head back by his hair.

  Cash didn’t wince or show one hint of being in pain. He just stared at me and answered, “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

  Frankie frowned. “My son loved someone too.”

  He shoved Cash away with disgust and rose to his full height. My face went white when he pulled a gun from his waistband and started pacing in front of us, wound tight as a rubber band.

  His men stayed quiet, waiting for instructions. Adam kept Tate out of the fight and David watched from where he was being held against the wall.

  Cash was staring at me. He loves me. Oh god. I wanted to hear it again but not like this. Not forced or coerced.

  Frankie dropped back down beside him and grabbed a fistful of his hair again. He yanked Cash’s head back and sneered.

  “I think what we’ve been doing has been child’s play. I want you to suffer, boy, just like my son did. So here’s what we’re going to do. My son had just married a girl. Pretty little thing. He loved her.
I swear he would die for her, the fool. But he won’t ever get to see his wife’s face again. He won’t ever get to hold her or crawl between her legs. You’re going to feel that loss, boy. You’re going to marry the woman you love then tomorrow I’m going to put a noose around your neck. You will have to stare at your wife’s face, knowing you will never see her again. Just like my son did while he lay dying.”

  I went slack, all the fight gone. Cash’s blood-filled eyes became dark with fury. Violence hummed in him, just waiting for an outlet. His eyes flicked over to someone beside me, the muscles in his discolored jaw clenching.

  “Stay away from her,” he warned with a predatory look in his eyes.

  Paul edged closer and reached out, touching my hair. “She’ll make a pretty bride but an even prettier widow.”

  My skin crawled. I jerked away from him. A deep, furious sound came from Cash across the room.

  “One day, I’ll catch you alone. And when I do, I’m going to kill you.”

  Paul fingered a strand of my hair between his fingers and smirked at Cash. “You gonna kill me from the grave? You’ll be dead.”

  Cash’s lips lifted in a deadly grin. “Maybe, but not before you.”

  Paul frowned. His face went white. His fingers paused on my hair.

  Frankie stood up and waved Paul away with his gun. “Hands off. You’ll get your turn.”

  Paul’s smirk returned. He let go of my hair and backed away, winking at Cash. “My turn.”

  Frankie sighed and turned to where David was being held. “Bring him here.”

  One of the men shoved David toward the center of the room. His knee gave out but he caught himself and stumbled to a stop in front of Frankie.

  “Preacher David, marry these two young people,” Frankie said, waving his gun at Cash and me.

  I trembled, seeing the gun carelessly swung around. Cash didn’t move or flinch. His gaze stayed on me. His body was stone cold still.

  “Well, I…I don’t normally marry folks against their will. That isn’t how marriage works,” David stammered, looking at Frankie and wringing his hands.

  Frankie popped his neck, taking his time and growing angry. I swallowed hard, worried about David. Worried what the leader would do.

  He let out a gruff chuckle and scratched his chin with the gun. When he looked at David, his patience was gone.

  “I don’t really give a damn how marriage works, Preacher,” he said, aiming the gun at David. “In the eyes of God, they will be married tonight and tomorrow, this boy will meet his maker while I welcome his wife to my fold. Family got to take care of family, you understand. So do it or else.”

  When David didn’t say anything, Frankie grinned and spread his arms wide, taking in Adam, Tate, and his men. “Come on, Preacher! We are all here to be witnesses to this joyous occasion. Do it.” He pointed the gun at David again, his smile disappearing.

  David gulped and looked from me to Cash. Frankie sighed and cocked his gun.

  “I don’t have all day, Preacher.”

  “Okay, okay.” David wiped the sweat from his head. He cleared his throat and looked around. “I…I don’t have my Bible.” He patted his jacket pockets and frowned.

  Frankie rolled his eyes. “You’ve done this a million times, Preacher. You married my son and Gloria without a Bible just a few weeks ago. Get on with it.” He waved his gun at us. “Now.”

  David coughed and folded his hands in front of his chest. “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony. Um, what’s your legal name, Cat?” He looked at me, his forehead wrinkled with fear.

  No. I shook my head. No. This isn’t real.

  Reed pulled my hair. Frankie sighed and pointed his gun at me. “Legal name?”

  “Catarina Phillips,” Cash answered in a voice deathly calm.

  “Thank you.” Frankie lowered his gun. “Continue preacher.”

  David wiped his brow again. “Okay. So we’re here to celebrate the love of Catarina Phillips and Cash Marshall?” He looked at Cash in question. Cash gave a small nod and David continued.

  “Do you, Cash Marshall, take Catarina Phillips to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, honor her, cherish her, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, till death do you part?”

  Oh god.

  A muscle ticked in Cash’s jaw. Frankie sighed and raised his gun, pointing it at Cash’s head.

  “Answer the question, boy.”

  Cash’s eyes flicked to Reed, still holding me hostage. “Not until the bastard lets her go.”

  Frankie nodded at Reed. The big man let go of my hair but put his massive hand on my shoulder, stopping me from scrambling away.

  “Your answer,” Frankie demanded, peering down his gun barrel at Cash.

  Cash’s gaze returned to mine, full of fury and heat. “I do.”

  “Your turn, honey.” Frankie swung the gun to point at me again.

  “Wait! You can’t force people to get married!” Tate shouted from the corner, struggling to get away from Adam. “This is crazy! I object! Isn’t that part of the ceremony? Who objects to this wedding? I do!”

  “Not in this ceremony,” Adam grumbled, jerking Tate back. “Cool it, kid.”

  Frankie narrowed his eyes at Tate with impatience. “Kill the kid if she doesn’t agree.” He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “Should we continue?”

  Trembling all over, I nodded, feeling sick. “I do.”

  “Let the preacher ask you first. Gotta do this right.”

  David shifted to his other foot. “Hmm. Do you, Catarina Phillips, take Cash Marshall to be your husband. Do you promise to love him, honor him, comfort him, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, till death do you part?”

  I nodded. “I do.” I sneered at Frankie. “There. You happy?”

  He smiled. “Not. Yet.”

  David coughed and looked at Cash then me. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  “And?” Frankie asked, a smile on his face.

  David flushed. “You may kiss the bride.”

  Frankie motioned to Cash with his gun. “Go get your bride.”

  Cash glared up at him. Frankie gestured with his gun to get up. Cash’s steely eyes never left Frankie as he climbed slowly to his feet. A sob left me as he wobbled, bloody and beaten, his arm wrapped around his side.

  “He gonna do it, boys?” Frankie chortled, watching Cash take slow, painful steps toward me. “He gonna get his girl?”

  “Fuck you,” Cash said. “I’ll always get her.”

  He limped toward me, holding his ribs. Reed yanked me up, wrapping an arm around my middle. The room was silent. I had eyes only for Cash. He was wounded and hurt, but he was coming for me.

  Stopping a foot away, he looked Reed dead in the eyes. “Let go of my wife.”

  The big man removed his hand from my hair. I took an unsteady step toward Cash. He didn’t touch me. Didn’t move. He just stood there and watched me, one eye swollen and the other bloody.

  “You okay,” he asked when I stopped in front of him.

  I nodded. “You?”

  He gave a small nod.

  “Get on with it. Seal the deal,” Frankie boomed out in his gruff voice. “Kiss the bride.”

  Cash scowled but leaned down, keeping an arm around his ribs. “I’m sorry, Cat,” he muttered before kissing me, light and quick on the lips.

  Frankie let out a groan. “That’s not a proper kiss, boy. Give her a good one like you mean it. Might be your last chance.”

  Cash got that look on his face. Dark, angry, dangerous. My heart pounded against my ribs as he took a step closer. We had an audience. My brother. A preacher. A whole lot of bad men. But suddenly it was just us. Him and me.

  He let go of his side and cupped my face in his hands. “This is for us, Cat, not them.”

  His lips touched mine, gentle at first. It was soft and sweet, making my throat swell. Then he deepened the kis
s. I became lost in the feel of his rough hands holding my face and his mouth on mine. There was something intimate about our not-so-intimate kiss. I could drown in it forever but we didn’t have forever. We just had today.

  When slow clapping interrupted, Cash’s lips slid from mine and his hands left my face.

  “Very good. Very good. Congratulations,” Frankie said, clapping slowly as he walked toward us. “Now you will suffer like my son did.”

  Cash pushed me behind his back, putting himself between me and Frankie. “You got what you wanted. Now, let them go.” He jerked his chin at the door, standing at his full height and towering over the leader.

  Frankie cocked his head. “Nah, I don’t think so.” He strolled past us to the door. “Let’s go, boys.”

  The men that had held David sprung forward and grabbed his arm. They pushed him toward the door, unmindful of his older age. Adam nudged Tate to follow, glancing at me with pity.

  Tate turned to look over his shoulder at me, struggling against Adam. “Sis? Sis? What’s going on? What’s happening?”

  I rushed around Cash to go to my brother, but Frankie held up a hand, stopping me. “No, darling. You stay.”

  Adam gave me a look as he led Tate out the door. One that told me to calm down, he’d watch over Tate.

  The men piled out of the room, one by one. Soon there was only Frankie, Cash, and me.

  Frankie stood in front of the door, arms crossed over his chest and feet spread with authority. He smiled at Cash. “You got one night with her. Enjoy it. Revel in it. Soak it all in because tomorrow you hang.”

  Chapter Thirty–Three


  “Oh Jesus,” I whispered staring at the closed door. They were really going to kill him. It wasn’t just a bad dream.

  I squeezed my eyes closed. When Luke died, I felt empty. Incapable of feeling anything. With the threat of losing Cash, I felt everything. Pain, anguish, heartbreak, and anger. I wanted to wail and scream. He was bruised and I was breaking. I couldn’t take it any longer.


  I squeezed my eyes tighter at the sound of his voice. I couldn’t take it, the thought of losing him.

  My grief turned into anger. They couldn’t do this! They couldn’t!