Read Promise (the curse) Page 4

  Stephanie Craft who sit on his right look at him then Ryder and then down her head as she heard those word before when she met Kevin Craft first time.

  Laura who sits next to her mother, feels so happy to dine with Ryder and her family, she never thought her father would agree to invite Ryder to dinner. But what she did not know is that, Kevin Craft invites him to his home to disgrace him.

  “So… Ryder what’s your surname? And what’s your father job… if he’s on job” Kevin craft asked, eating his meal. Kevin Craft who was wearing black pants and white shirt under black lining waist coat, on his wrist a new addition Rolex watch perfectly gel hairs and finely trim French beard and glasses makes him rightful holder of billon dollar property.

  Ryder looks at him, he gets angry as he told his name again “Ryder Jenkins…” then down his head and says in low tune “my father… he’s dead. He died in the accident”.

  “Oh my… I’m so sorry for your loss Ryder… and you’re mother?” Stephanie Craft said Ryder smile at her, Ryder feels that she didn’t belong from higher class.

  “Thank you… Mrs. Craft it was long ago… I was too young. And my mother is alive” Ryder said. He looks at Laura as she’s smiling at him, it gives him more confident. Kevin Craft was looking all of this but remain quite. When the dine over he calls Ryder in his study

  They were setting on couch, which was so comfort and it looks very expensive too. Ryder was nervous, his hands were sweating “so what are you saying about your studies… in which university?” Kevin Craft asked as he light his cigar then look at Ryder with sharp eyes “Seattle University, I am doing business management major” Ryder said calmly.

  “Why are you here Ryder?” Kevin Craft said after taking a moment of silence he look Ryder from top to bottom. It was his office also, it was covered with glass door and it was huge room.

  At one corner of the room there are shelves in which thousands of books were placed, the whole room was so bright with so many lights. The floor was covered with fine rug. It was so smooth, the room has two door one open in main hall and one open in front of Kevin Craft room. Both doors were made of decorated glass.

  Ryder takes a deep breath then gathers his all strength to say “Mr. Craft I… I love your daughter… and I want to marry her” Ryder stops as he sees Kevin Craft face expression change but then he continues “I know sir… I am not in the position to ask this… but I just… I just can’t live without her sir… please sir I will prove…” Ryder was talking without realizing that Kevin Craft was looking at him with wide open eyes… he mumble in his mouth “no… that can’t be happening… I won’t let it”.

  Suddenly Kevin craft stand and shout on Ryder “how dare you!!... What make you think that I ever allow her to marry you… who are you anyway? If I want marry my daughter to you then I can marry her to any person from street too, what is the big difference between you and him. She is my daughter and do you know what that means… Mr. Jenkins” he moves to the door to tell him to leave.

  Ryder feels like his world is going to lost, “I love her so much sir… I know the difference very well but I can’t live without her… even having a thought of leaving her kills me… please sir give me a chance to proof myself… please I will make myself eligible to marry her, I promise I will take care of her more than you do… I will make her my world just say yes… please” Ryder said his voice get heavy.

  He didn’t realize that Laura and her mother were standing on 2nd door listening to Ryder. Laura’s eyes fills with tears, she was looking at Ryder without blinking her eyes. Kevin Craft wants to say yes… but he saw the reflection of Laura in his door, for a moment he feel so helpless but then he made a strong decision, he can’t let Laura be attach with someone, he turn to look Stephanie Craft.

  She understand Kevin Craft’s look like she knows what coming to Laura and they can’t involve anyone else, she move close to Laura.

  Then he look at Ryder in hatred then shout “you can never make yourself eligible for her even if you sold your soul to devil, now get out of my house” he grab his hand and push toward the gate. Laura yell “no… daddy please” Stephanie Craft hold her so strong. She was yelling and crying so loud, when Kevin Craft pushes him to get out and Ryder controlling himself because he didn't want to raise his hand on him.

  “Get out now… and if you ever show your face again, I will put you in jail and then your future will be ruined you understand me” “daddy please give him a chance please daddy” Laura shouted. “Stop it Laura… he didn’t love and he can never love you. He just wants you for himself why don’t you understand… stop crying, you will thank me later” Kevin Craft said.

  After listening to this Ryder feels so embarrassment, he wants to stop for Laura but he can’t take more insult. His self-esteem hurt so much he look at Laura last time then Mr. Craft who turn his face. Ryder left, leaving Laura crying and screaming his name “Ryder”.


  “Ryder… Ryder” Laura push Ryder as she notice he was thinking something. Ryder gets attention and look at her then says “I’m so sorry… I just, well let me help you with your assignment” Ryder tries to hide the hatred expression for her father. “You can’t… its biology” Laura said with smile”.

  “Uh… I never like biology… but I do know what heart does” Ryder said a joke to make her laugh. “Why did you take this subject anyway…?” Ryder said looking at the book. Laura look at him then on her notes, she have a sudden thought and she asked “hey Ryder… did you miss your dad… you never take me to his grave” she asked in her innocence without realizing that it would give Ryder so much pain.

  She continues to write her assignment, Ryder face expression changes. He take deep breath then said “my father is not dead” Laura shocked, she look at him as he continue “he left my mom when I born… my mom was young and she had me, she love him so much. She can’t bear the pain it was killing her inside. Then Ben came in her life, she was coming back to her life. My grandma was looking after me she was happy to see my mom and Ben”

  “Ben purpose her and she said yes when my Uncle took me in his family. She moves to other town, I mostly live with my grandma then aunt Jenny came and she love me like her own son. When grandma died I live with my Uncle and then Mark born but aunt never let me feel that I am not her son, they love me more than Mark” Ryder get emotional “they never leave me alone… Uncle Move houses for me so I don’t have to live in hostel… he love me so much”.

  Laura feels so pity for Ryder “so why did you tell my daddy that he is dead” she asked. “My father left when he knows that my mother is pregnant with me… your father already don’t like me if I told him that he will never see my face again” Ryder said. Laura down her head, she was agreeing with Ryder.

  “Why did he left you… did you ask that to your mother?” Laura asked. “I did… first she cries then she said he want to clean his name. He wants to fulfill a promise that he made to his father and he can’t afford us” Ryder said in low tune.

  Laura put her hand on his shoulder then asks “did he ever come back?”

  “Yeah… once, when I was five but Uncle stops him on door. I saw him that day, when he look up in my window grandma told me, that he is my dad but grandma didn’t like him and she shut the window… after that I never saw him or heard about him again” Ryder stop.

  “What is his name?” Laura asks

  “I don’t know… grandma never told me and Uncle don’t like to talk about him… and asking mom about him, just make her sad” Ryder said then for moment he says

  “But when he came to meet me… I heard Uncle yells on him as he tried to come in STOP NICK… that’s how I know that his name is Nick… that’s it” Ryder said helplessly.

  Laura holds his hand then said “I am so sorry Ryder”.

  Ryder smiles at her and takes her face in his hand then said “its fine… I don’t care about him anymore... as long as you
are with me” they both smile and Ryder help her in her assignment.



  “Hey… Laura good morning” Elton said, they were standing at the school entrance. “Good morning Elton” Laura said and tried to move but Elton asks her again “so… you liked our school” Laura look at him then said “yes… I do” “and the student… I mean your classmate” Elton said smiling, Elton has a flirtatious nature.

  “Yes… I do make new friends” Laura said and tries to move but he again block her way and asks “well… what are you doing in the evening… I can show you the town if you want” Laura get nervous no one has ever talk to her like this “thank you… but I have plans” Laura said and move quickly. Elton smile as he can feel that he make her nervous.

  Charlotte who was standing in the school ground see all of this, she love Elton and she can feel his inclination toward Laura, she was angry with her.

  “Laura did you complete the assignment… man I can’t complete it, will you help please or Mr. Carter will kill me this time” Cheryl shout as Laura enter in the class but when she feels that Laura is frightened she ask “hey you okay… what happen? You look like you seen a ghost or something?” “Yes… I am okay… just in little hurry, I thought the class is started” Laura lied. She wants to hide her encounter with Elton form everyone.

  Laura notice Elton was staring her whole period, she decide to spend her rest of day in library as she was sure that Elton will not bother her there.

  As the class over, she waited for Elton to leave the class as she was pretending to talk to Cheryl but her mind was still on Elton. When he left, she tries to move but Charlotte block her way and asked “why are you talking to Elton… Laura?” Laura was astonished by her sudden reaction then she tried to say something but Charlotte yells “don’t you dare to lie to me Laura… I see you both talking at the hall, was he asking you out?”

  Charlotte get emotional, she grabs her so strongly. Cheryl who was so surprised by everything, handled the whole situation by saying “Charlotte, Elton was asking her to complete his assignment” Charlotte leave Laura and turn toward Cheryl then asked “how do you know that”.

  “She told me that and also Elton asked me too that is it okay…if he asks her help him? Right Laura” Cheryl said putting her arm around Laura.

  “Is it true Laura” Charlotte asks, looking at her with sharp eyes. Laura looks at Cheryl then nod in yes. Laura was so sensitive; she never talks roughly with someone. She can’t say anything to someone if other person is shouting on her; she was so fragile and simple.

  Charlotte realizes her mistake and says “I’m sorry Laura; I just… just get so sensitive when it comes to Elton. I know you are not that kind of girl… but you know we girls… we can’t think anything when it comes to love right”. Charlotte left the class.

  Cheryl and Laura were sitting in class, Laura looking at the floor and Cheryl was looking at her which Laura notice so she gather her all strength then says “I don’t know what happen, he stop me then start saying thing… I tried to move but he was blocking my way… I never look him like that, he was asking…” Laura stops.

  “I know Laura… El like you since the first day he saw you, he stare you in the class all the time” Cheryl said, then she take a moment to say “do you like him too?”

  Laura looks her with wide open eyes then suddenly said “no… I don’t, I never looked him like that… why do you say that?”

  “I’m sorry Laura… it’s just that El is so handsome, he’s hard to ignore you know. Charlotte and Elton used to be very popular couple of our school, they look so good together. You know she’s is head cheer leader and El is a captain of football team then El breakup with her because she’s getting so possessive about him Since then she’s been fighting with every girl she see with Elton and now no girl in our school can date with Elton. Elton don’t like her but he didn’t realize that Charlotte love him so much, it’s so hard for Charlotte… hope you understand, she not that bad” Cheryl said as they were walking toward the cafeteria and she’s telling about Charlotte and Elton.

  “I didn’t know Charlotte love Elton” Laura said sitting in the cafeteria. “Yeah… El told her in public that he don’t love her so she she’s not talking to him in public, but she still love him so much” Cheryl said eating her lunch.

  “He is a bad person… I feel that when I first met him, that’s the reason I never liked him” she take a moment then says “do you think if we love someone, that person don’t care about us like we do”

  “no girl… its El… he can’t love anyone and Charlotte is so stupid to fall for him, even knowing that he can never love her like she do to him” Cheryl said with her mouth full with sandwich.

  Laura think about her and Ryder, she wants to tell that to Cheryl but she didn’t tell anything as she think that “maybe Cheryl take him in wrong image.




  Laura was standing in her bedroom, she take her cell phone from her jeans pocket and take a deep breath. She dial a number and said “hey Connor, its Laura… how are you?”

  “Laura… Laura is that really you? Where are you? How are you? Are you okay? When did you leave the house… who’s that guy you leave with… did he kidnap you?” Connor shout as he heard Laura voice, he was so worried about her, since she left the house. He heard his father and Uncle that she left the house for some guy.

  “Hold yourself Connor, I am fine and safe. And he’s not a guy he’s my boyfriend” Laura said. “What… who is he… and you Are telling me all of this now” Connor shout again.

  “His name is Ryder… and please stop shocking on everything I say” Laura said. “Fine tells me everything in details… where is you and who is this Ryder” Connor said.

  “No… first promise that you won’t tell that to daddy” Laura asked. “Fine… I promise I won’t say anything to Uncle… now tell me” Connor said. Then Laura tell him everything from the day she met to Ryder till the day he insisted to meet her father.

  “I told him so many times that daddy will never agree with him… nut he keep forcing me to talk to him, and I never thought that daddy invite him to dinner to insult him Connor… you never thought what daddy says to him… I can never think that. And when daddy did that I don’t have any choice left but to leave the house. I can’t live without him Connor” Laura said. There was a moment of silence.

  “Does Ryder love you as much as you love him?” Connor asked. He was so concerned about her because Laura was his only sister. He gets so worried about her when his father told him that police can’t trace her and every evidence they gather is useless for the search.

  “Of course he love me so much Connor… I can’t describe that to you, he rented a new house for me. He is doing double jobs but he won’t say a thing to me… he never complain about anything, he gets very tried in night but he never said that… just smile to me every time I ask him about his health…” Laura said so many things about Ryder in her excitement.

  Connor can feel happiness in Laura’s voice “I know that you will call me soon… dad told me that if you call me I tell him” Laura get shocked then get normal when Connor said “relaxed Laura I won’t tell anyone about your call… not even Uncle Kevin”

  Laura smile then take a deep breath to says “how is mum and daddy” Connor take a moment then said “they will be fine… right now they are not going out of the house… not talking to anyone, it’s like they cut off with world socially… but you don’t need to be worry, they will be fine when they know you are so happy with Ryder”

  Laura down her head, like she was agreed with Connor. “Is there something you want to tell me Laura” Connor asked as he feels that Laura tries to say something to him.

  “Yes Connor… but I don’t, well” Laura sits on the c
ouch then continue “Connor do you think Ryder will love me no matter what happens… even I have something or something happened to me”

  Connor was surprised by her question, but then he realize why she asked that “Laura if you say, that he never blames you for his pain and trouble and Smile every time you ask… so yes he does love you, no matter what happens to you. He cares about you Laura, he will never leave you and why anything would happen to you… you are smart and beautiful” Connor said.

  “But Grey said that, there is something wrong with me and…” Laura interrupted by Connor as he says “please Laura for heaven’s sake… you listen to Grey, he never care about his own work, how can he tells anything about you Laura… nothing happens to you okay”.

  Laura gets relax as she believes in Connor is right “okay Connor and thanks. You always help me when I get in trouble” Laura said smiling. “Well that’s what big brothers do… aren’t they?” Connor said.


  “Hey Laura wait up” Elton calls Laura from her back as she was entraining in the school but she ignore, pretend like she didn’t hear him. “I call you like 3 times, why didn’t you hear me… is everything okay?” Elton asks standing in front of her.

  “Yes… everything is fine, it’s just that I am in hurry” Laura said in rude tune and tried to move but Elton blocks her way. All the student were going to their classes, so there was crowd in the school hall way but on one was noticing them.

  “Why are you so rude with me Laura… did I something wrong?” Elton asked. He gets worried as Laura was not looking at him.

  “I don’t know what are you saying… why are you keep asking me that. I am getting late for the class please move” Laura said. “Fine… but we study in the class and I think we have time” Elton said and moves away from her, she quickly leaves for the class.

  Laura was getting so scared with Elton behavior, she can’t concentrate on her lectures during class, and she gets distract by Elton who was keeps staring her.