Read Promise (the curse) Page 5

  Elton was getting angry as Laura ignoring him too much, he never get that kind of reaction before from any girl. After the class he knows that Laura will go to the library to avoid him so he decides to go library to talk to her.

  In the library there was so few student, Laura was taking her book out of the racks, suddenly Elton enter in it. They were in the same row alone. Laura was so surprised to see him there.

  “Why are you avoiding me Laura?” Elton asked. He was wearing blue cardigan, over white T-shirt and blue jeans with sneakers. He was wearing beg on his back, his hands were in his pocket.

  “I am not avoiding you… I am busy in my studies, why can’t you see this” Laura said in low voice. “Why can’t you see this change in me Laura” Elton said a little louder, as he gets emotional. He moves toward her, Laura gets nervous. She can’t decide whether she pushes and pass away or call someone.

  Elton can feel she’s getting nervous so he move close to her “I don’t see anything… please move Elton, I don’t want anyone to see us here” Laura said nervously, she tried to pass him, but he put his hand on side shelf to block her way.

  “I don’t care if anyone sees us Laura I like you and I… I tried to say this for a long time but you weren’t listening to me” he moves to hold her hand.

  Laura eyes were wide open, she has cold feet. She never expect someone can do this to her. The school she study before, no one ever dare to talk to her as everyone knows her family and now a guy was holding her hand in a place where she was alone.

  Her heart beating so fast, she gets the cold feet. She wasn’t hearing anything Elton says but when he moves to kiss her, she push him and runs. She gets so frightened that she leaves the school and runs home.

  She closes her house door and locks it, then sits on the couch. She sweep her hand over her face and realizes that she’s sweating like she is standing under the sun.

  She calls Ryder thrice times nut he was not picking up her calls. It was ten fifteen on the clock she was still sitting on the couch, she hasn’t been move a bit. She calls Ryder thirty times.

  She heard the door unlocks and Ryder enters, she get off the couch her eyes were red because of continuously crying and stand in front of Ryder, who was putting his bag down.

  “Where were you Ryder…? I’ve call you like hundred times” Laura shout. “I’m sorry Laura I was…” Ryder stop as he sees her, then hold her and asked “what… what happened Laura… are you okay, why are you crying” Laura hugs him and start crying, Ryder gets tense.

  “I am… not going… to school now… ok!” Laura said crying. “Why… something happen in school Laura… I’ve hold you before that you have to go school” Ryder said try to calm her down.

  “No… please Ryder I don’t wants to go there… please” Laura insisted. “I can’t do anything Laura… if you don’t tell me the problem” Ryder said. Laura wants to tell him everything about Elton, she wants to tell him about what happened today but when she sees the tiredness on Ryder’s face she control herself.

  “Tell me Laura… did someone say something to you?” Ryder asked again as he sweeps her tears. “No… It’s just that I miss you so much and you don’t call me in school”.

  Ryder smile at her then says “really… I miss you too but that not a valid reason to quits school… don’t you think” Laura nod in yes. Ryder was so tried but he still has his charming smile on his face.

  “Now… if you give me a big smile I will tell you good news” Ryder said, Laura looks at him and smile. “That’s nice… well the good news is I have a special gift for your birthday so you have to super excited about your birthday” Ryder said.

  He hugs her “ok” Laura said as she has a feeling that after her birthday everything will be fine. She promised that after she’ll turn 18 she will tell Elton who is she.



  “Laura… where were you girl, why did you run away yesterday?” Cheryl asked as Laura enters in the class room. “Nowhere… I got something to do, so what’s the matter, why are you asking me like that” Laura said when she feels Cheryl was confused.

  “Nothing… It’s just that Simon told everyone that he saw you and Elton in library… together, Charlotte is very angry right now. You’re best that you avoid her today… okay” Cheryl said.

  Laura think for a moment then said “no… I need to talk to her right now… where is she” Laura asked impatiently. “What… are you crazy Laura” Cheryl shouts.

  “Please Cheryl tell me now” Laura insisted. “Uh… why do I have a feeling that you’re going to say that… she’s in gym, but don’t blame me if she says anything ok” Cheryl said grabbing her bags as they walk toward the gym.

  They enter in the gym, where Charlotte was stretching herself, as she saw them coming she shout on Laura “I told you Walter to stay away from him but you didn’t listen” she looks right in Laura eyes, she was so upset.

  “I was stay away from him Charlotte, it’s not what you are thinking” Laura tried to explain. “Stop telling lies Laura… I know he propose you and I will never forgive you, I really thought you were my friend” Charlotte said loudly, Laura feels that she has done something terrible.

  She gets emotional when she heard Charlotte “I can’t love him Charlotte, because I already love someone… I have a boyfriend and I live with him” Laura said but then she realizes she shouldn’t need to say that.

  “You live with your boyfriend” one of the cheer leader said. “And your parents…” other one asked. “Why didn’t you tell me before? Who is he… is he handsome” Cheryl asked, as she hold her hand.

  They surround her, asking everything about her love story. “Yeah… tell us, who is he?” Charlotte asked anxiously. Laura feels her importance between them.

  “So guys do it… wow” Cheryl said on the way to their home. “Did how many times I need to tell you that” Laura shouted. She was happy , for the first time she feel everybody know her and like her company as she make so many new friend today.

  “So what’s your birthday plans… you think he will give you surprise” Cheryl asked excitedly ” Laura smile at her then said “Of course… he told me that he will give me a big surprise… tomorrow will be my best night.

  “Tomorrow she’ll be 18… God I can’t do anything to safe my child”

  Kevin Craft said. He goes round and round in his office as he was stress. “What happens is already written we can’t do anything to change it” Stephanie Craft said as she put his coffee mug on his table.

  “How can you say that so easily” Kevin Craft said looking at her. “You know better how… I did see that so many times, the future she is holding and there is nothing you can do to change her destiny” Stephanie Craft said without looking at him which makes him angrier.

  She move to leave but he grab her from her shoulder, which was surprise for her and pull close to him then said “what kind of mother are you woman… you don’t care about your own daughter”. She gets angry when she heard him, she said “mother… when you let me be her mother. I was just her protector… care taker! I was just here to see if she’s fine or not. Since the day she born, not for a moment you let me be her mother Mr. Craft”.

  He leaves her, looking at the floor like he knows that she’s saying truth. She moves to leave the room but then turn and says “if you want me to be her mother then I can tell you she’s very happy with that boy and nothing more” she looks him for a moment then leave.

  Kevin Craft who were so fill with rage that he through his computer on the floor.


  She was so excited for today, she decorated the whole house.

  Today was a weekend so she didn’t go to school but all her new friend text her to wish her even Connor call her to wish. She knew that Ryder will surprise her today.

  He gone on his job but he promises that h
e will come early today. It was 9’o clock, she was all dressed up. She set the table; there was cake and her favorite Italian dish in dinner. She was wearing Chanel’s black dress with silver lining on it and black heels.

  Her hairs tie on her back, her hairs strand falls on left side of her forehead. She was wearing sliver earring, she look herself in mirror when she heard the opening of door she look so beautiful.

  Ryder enter in house and stand still as he looks around the house then he look at Laura who was standing at the corner, he stare her for a moment, then realizes he has something to give her.

  They were sitting on the couch, the cake was light up with candle placed on the table in front of them. Ryder takes off his jacket then said “Laura… I have something for you” then he takes out the box from his pocket and open it. It was a silver curl shaped ring; Laura was not surprised as some part of her knows that Ryder was going to purpose her tonight.

  There was a silence between them. The whole house was in dark just the light of candle was enough for them to see in each other eyes He hold her hand, then said “Laura Margaret Craft will you honor me to spend your whole life with me

  To be with me in my fall… in my victory

  In my every happiness and my every misery

  Because I want you till my last breathe…

  You are my treasure… and my precious memory

  Will you marry me?” Laura smile, her heart beating so fast, she can’t say anything as Ryder looks at her. She takes a deep breath then says “yes… I do”.

  He gives her the ring which looks more beautiful in her hand. Ryder take her hand then said “I know it’s not much but I …” he stop as Laura kissed her, she knows that Ryder won’t say no tonight.

  But Ryder pushes her away slowly and says “there is something else Laura” he sits straight then continues

  “I know you expect so many things tonight and I want… Laura you remember your father told you that I want you just to have you… but it’s not true”.

  “I know Ryder… that you love me… please I told before don’t think like that” Laura said try to comfort him.

  “No… Laura you don’t understand this is not right I don’t want all of this… trust me. I want it officially, I hate myself each day that why I did that… I am not like this I never have any guilt… any regret in my life. I never break any laws in my life but I did it… when it comes to my heart… how your parents feel about me is right… I don’t want this happens to my daughter too” Laura down her head.

  “So I promise myself that, when I make eligible myself enough for you I will ask for your hand again from your father… it’s sound so stupid… I know but Laura it’s for my own prestige. I was so hurt when your father insulted me, if it didn’t kill me to let you go… I will do that. Please Laura will you be with me in my decision I won’t let you down please” Ryder said and hold her hand.

  “I will always be with you Ryder… in your every decision… I promise” Laura said putting her head on Ryder’s shoulder.

  She wake up in the morning, they were lying in bed. Her head was on Ryder’s shoulder, she saw him then kiss him on his cheek but he didn’t move as Ryder was a good sleeper.

  There was light rays of sunlight came in room passing through the curtain from a window, she sits then yawn then she look at the clock which was showing 6 30 and look at her bracelet. She wears it off last night because it broke and she can’t understand how.

  She moved to the bathroom, she was standing in front of mirror. She was wearing Ryder’s blue T-shirt and pink shorts, her hairs fall down and she was bare-foot. She open the tabs and wash her face, she was looking in the mirror. She was happy as she looks at her engagement ring.

  Her image in the mirror start to change, the background starting to get black, her clothes turn white but her head was still down. Her hairs turn red curly hairs, and then the image of the girl in the mirror raises her head.

  She has a pale face and scar on it, she have red- brown eyes which looking straight to Laura. Laura was looking at the ring and remembering the moment when Ryder propose her but then she feels someone is looking at her, she raise her head. Her eyes wide open, looking at the mirror, she get so scared that she can’t scream. Her throat gets dry, she wants to move but her body can’t feel the ground.

  She covers her face with her hands as the girl in the mirror scream.



  Ryder gets off the bed as he heard the scream, he get panicked. He calls Laura name, he was not in his conscious as he get hit his foot with corner of the bed. He moves toward the bathroom, where Laura was standing backing the mirror, covering her face with her hands.

  She was sweating because of fear, her legs were shaking. She gets scared when Ryder touch her but when she sees its Ryder she hugs him so strong. “What… what happen Laura” Ryder asked, he was wearing his white shirt and black pajamas. He feels that Laura hands are cold; her body is shaking which makes him more curious.

  He asks her again and again, but she still holds him so strong without saying anything. She tried to say something but she can’t because of fear, her voice can’t get out of her mouth.

  Ryder helps her to sits on the bed, and then gets a glass of water for her. When she gets relaxed Ryder asks again “are you okay… now tell me what happened in there?” Laura look at him then gather her strength.

  “There… there was… something i… someone… in the… mirror… she… she was … so scary” Laura shutter. Ryder look her for a moment in disbelieve then said “you mean you saw some woman in our mirror”.

  “She… she was… not woman… she was something… else” Laura said try to explain. Ryder look at the floor then at her “you know that’s why I told you to not to watch movies before bed because then you get nightmare “Ryder said putting the glass on the table.

  Laura gets angry, she standup and said “she was real… she was not a nightmare… I swear Ryder” her get fill with tears. “ok… ok fine… she’s gone now… calm down… it’s over” Ryder said try to calm her down, he put his hand on his shoulder “now… can you make me a cup of coffee for me and dressed up for school… just forget what happened ok” Ryder said as he take her face in his hands.

  Laura calm herself, she down her head as she thought “may be Ryder was right… it was just a dream” Ryder was in the bathroom, Laura was making coffee for both, she put the cups on the table then go back in the kitchen to take the bread.

  But when she turns, she was shocked her eyes were wide open. Her hands were shaking as she saw cups were floating in the air like someone is holding them but she can’t see. Her feet get freeze she can’t move from her place, cups were moving toward her. Ryder opens the bathroom door and the cups fall and crushed in front of her.

  Ryder turn and shout “Laura… what did you… careful” he came close to the kitchen then said “great… that was my favorite mug” then he looks at Laura who was standing still holding the bread plate.

  “Laura… Laura” Ryder calls her name. “Oh… did you… did you see… Ryder” Laura said suddenly like she wakes up from dream. “Yes… you broke my favorite mug… its ok” Ryder said putting his towel on chair.

  “No… she… she… they were in the air… then move… toward and fall” Laura said still holding the plate. Ryder look at her with wide open eyes then said “ok… Laura I get it, you still sleepy… you can’t get full sleep, it’s fine stay home… get some sleep” Ryder said while picking up the broken pieces of cups.

  “I am not laying Ryder… there was something” Laura insisted. “Fine… now can you pass my bag …I am getting late” Ryder said wearing his jacket. Laura feels that Ryder don’t believe her but she can feel someone is with her all the time.


  “She found her… she’s with her” Stephanie Craft shouts as she enter in dining hall where Kevin Craft
was having his dinner, he get attention when he sees that she was scared and so worried.

  “I am scared, I did everything that she couldn’t find Laura but she found her, now Laura can sees her” Stephanie Craft said. Kevin Craft stand and move toward as she starts crying “you can stop her… I know you can, mother taught you something to get Laura away from her” he asked curiously, he sweeps his hand through hairs.

  “Yes… Margaret gives me two stones, one is in her bracelet… oh my God… she takes off her bracelet… she takes off her bracelet Kevin” Stephanie Craft yells and falls on Kevin Craft’s arms. He holds her strong as she was crying. He look up and says “God… safe our daughter”

  It’s been a week; Laura was seeing that ghost again and again. In home she sees things are moving, and then fall in front of her when Ryder was near and Ryder blames her.

  He feels that Laura was changing, but he didn’t say anything to her. Sometimes Laura clothes have blood spot all over them but when she shows them to Ryder they were gone before he can sees them.

  When she opens light, they fluctuate but when Ryder’s home nothing happens. Laura told him about these incidents but every time he denied them. Laura starting to hear voice like someone is crying, when they were sleeping in bed, she feels someone staring them from corner. She look closely to see and saw two red eyes, she quickly close her eyes and move toward Ryder but she can’t sleep whole night because of fear, it been happening for three days,

  “It’s broke Ryder… why can’t it repaired?” Laura asked. The day she wear off the bracelet, which was given to her by her father it get broke and it’s stone is misplaced, Laura don’t know how all this happens.

  “Laura, I told you they say… they can’t repair it because the stone is missed and they don’t have any stone like that” Ryder said doing his assignment on his laptop.

  “Stone… why don’t they have a stone like that, I am sure if we go to the real owner they have it, these local can’t have it” Laura said putting the bracelet in the box.

  “Yeah… maybe, it was rear as you are…” Ryder said looking at her, she smile then look at the bracelet and said “my daddy give it to me… the day my grandma died… he told me to never take it off… that’s why it was made of very rear metal, because it was my grandma and my grandma was my closest person”