Read Promise (the curse) Page 6

  Ryder looks at her, she looks tried as her eyes gets dark circles. He thought that maybe her hallucination, is because she really missing her family. He takes a deep breath then get back to his work.


  She was in her class, listening to the lecture on Shakespeare’s play. She hasn’t been sleeping for four days, she was feeling tried but she can’t tell Ryder. He was busy in his exams and it makes him more worry.

  She was writing the lecture, her eyes was getting heavy and slowly everything in her surround fading, her eyes closed as her fall in sleep. She raises her head as she feels something strange and shocked as she was standing in the dungeon.

  She never saw a place like this before, she don’t know what is happening. She looks around then sees there was a cell in front of her. She move toward the cell was lighted by torches placed on the wall.

  It was a small place, she gets trouble in breathing and she was sweating as there was no passage for air. The cell was dark; she can’t see what is inside of it.

  She feels someone is sitting in the corner in white dress her head down facing the ground, she was backing the wall. “Hello… who are you… where …am I?” Laura calls her. Her throat get dry, she was so thirsty.

  Laura notices she didn’t reply, so she calls her again “excuse me… are you listening to me… I want to go home, please tell me what is this place… are you listening”.

  Her hairs falls on her face, slowly she raise her head then open her eyes. Laura was shocked to see, it was her own image as it was looking at Laura. She stands slowly on her feet which were bleeding.

  But suddenly she started to change, she get scar on her face, her face changes to pale white. Laura move backward slowly as she gets scared. But stop as she feels that the door is locked, she was trapped.

  Laura was so scared, her heart beating so fast she feel that it will break her chest. She was moving toward Laura, she came so close to her then Laura sees right in her eyes which change to black complete.

  She yells as she feels pain in her hand which was unbearable for her. Her scream was so loud that everyone gets shocked. “What happened to you Laura” teacher asked Laura wake up from her dream, she was in her class.

  “Oh… Laura sees a dream and get scared” Charlotte said and everybody in class laugh But Laura knows it was not a dream.

  After the class she go to the washroom and wash her face twice time, then feel her left hand was burning when she looks it has nails marks.

  Laura never have large nails, her mother always cut them when it grows so she never have a habit of large nails. She realize that she scream because that girl scratch her.

  She ran home but not hers; she goes straight to Ryder’s Uncle home and call Ryder there. She was as scared with that house as she feels her there. Ryder came home with Sara as she also wants to know what happened when Uncle Eddie calls Ryder.

  “What happens Laura” Ryder asked as he enters in lounge. “She was real Ryder… she came in my dream again, in school… she’s been following me Ryder… she will kill me” Laura shout holding Ryder’s hand, she was crying.

  “She… she who?” Sara asked looking at Ryder. “Nothing… it’s no one… Laura having nightmare, maybe she saw some horror movie and it stuck in her mind” Ryder said to Sara.

  Laura look at him, she was shocked that Ryder is not taking her condition seriously. “Those are not nightmare Ryder… I see her in reality, she touch me and you want to know how… look at this” Laura said and show her hand to everybody. She was looking at Ryder, he look at the hand then at her with surprise eyes and asks “and what are you showing to me”.

  Laura get confused, she said “this ma…” she stop as she sees her hand was clear there were no nails marks. “It was there Ryder… I swear… I” she stops as Ryder hold her hand, then said to Uncle Eddie “she’s weak… she’s home sick, I guess… I’m taking her home”

  “Ok” Uncle Eddie said looking at Aunt Jenny with confusing eyes. “Weak… or sick” Sara said smiling at Ryder.


  “I swear… she was real Ryder... I promise, she’s real” Laura said, she was lying on the bed. Ryder sits next to her, he hold her hand then said “its fine Laura… I believe you… I do, you are right now… take this pill. It makes you feel better ok?” Ryder gives sleeping pill to Laura.

  “But…” Laura try to say something but Ryder interrupted “please Laura don’t say anything you need it” Ryder insisted. Laura takes the pill with water than lay on the bed. Ryder sweeps his hand through her hairs as she falls in sleep.

  She wake up in late morning, but she was feeling better. When she gets off the bed she found Ryder’s letter for her. She missed the school today; her exams were near so she has to study hard.

  She washed her mouth, then move toward kitchen for breakfast. Ryder already made her breakfast. While she was eating it, she remembers her grandma’s big room, her relaxing chair, and her grandma pass most of her time on that chair.

  Laura was four year old, she was listening that her parents were fighting so she moved toward her grandma’s room. She opens the door and sees that her grandma was swinging on her chair while reading the book.

  Laura move softly inside the room, taking little steps “come near to me Laura” her grandma said without looking at her. “How do you know it was me grandma?” Laura asked.

  “I can smell your fragrance my child” her grandma said putting down the book, black hairs which have some white hairs, blue eyes and soft voice, her grandma looks so kind from her face. Her grandma name was Margaret Elsa Weinstein Craft.

  She puts her glasses on her side table then asks “do you want to hear a story Laura” Laura smile and said “yes grandma… I do. She grabs her then sit on her grandma lap.

  “Ok… once upon a time there was this girl who fell in love with a nice boy, he loves her with his heart and he can’t live without her. But her parent don’t approve the boy so they run away from the world but then one day something happened to that girl… something got her and because of it, she was living in the fear. The boy never trusts her, she gets hurt by it again and again, it wants her to do something for it but she refused. One day it got the boy, the girl never wants to hurt the boy but it was hurting the boy so much and the girl gets weak and says…” her grandma stop.

  “What happened grandma, why do you stop…?” Laura asked. But she didn’t answer to her, she shake her arms to ask her “tell me grandma… what did the girl said to it… tell me”.

  Laura’s cell phone rings and she get in her senses. She moves toward the table where her phone was placed, she was expecting Ryder but it was Elton.

  “Hello” Laura said as soon she picks up the phone. “Hey… its Elton… you didn’t came to school today” he said. Laura was surprised by his call but she didn’t show him. “Yes… I am sick, I will come tomorrow”.

  “Ok… did you complete Miss Rosie assignment” Elton asked. “Yes I did” Laura said. “Great… can you help me with it you know I’m not good in zoology” “fine… when I come to school you can ask to me” Laura said and try to cut off the call but Elton suddenly said “no… I mean I need it today actually… can I come to your house… its urgent please Laura” Laura can’t say no to him as he was insisting.

  “Ok… you can come… I will text you the address” Laura said.



  Elton was at her door step, he knocks the door and Laura opens it. “Hi… how are you… here” Elton said giving her the flowers.

  “I am fine… thanks, you don’t need to bring these” Laura said as she takes those flowers. “Oh… please Laura, you were sick and these flowers says… get well soon” Elton said move inside the house.

  “So… here you live with you’re… your boyfriend” Elton said while looking at the picture of them.
“Yes… we live here, I make you a copy of my assignment in this… it will help you” “oh thanks… can I stay for a while…” Elton asked. “No… I mean yes… you can”.

  “Can I have a cup of coffee” Elton asked. “Yes…” Laura said and move towards the kitchen. Elton smile and sit on the bed, he was not sincere in his thoughts. He was here for a purpose, he was so angry after Laura’s rejection to him. When he knows about her boyfriend from Charlotte he plans to destroy her love life.

  When he see she is busy in making coffee, he suddenly shout “oh my God… what is it” and disperse the whole bed sheet from up to down. He was keep shouting “look Laura… what is it?”

  “What is it?” Laura asked intentionally. “I don’t know but I just saw something moving over the bed” Elton lied. He doesn’t know that Laura was seeing thing, his plans was to stay with Laura till Ryder came home and see the dispersed bed.

  Laura believe him, she thought “maybe he saw her or something moving over the bed… Ryder will believe him when he told him, that he saw something moving and then Ryder will believe me that I am not sick”

  “Oh my God… it scared the shit out of me…man, I need to go bathroom… where is the bathroom” Elton said. Laura pointed him the bathroom, he takes off his jacket and through it toward the couch.

  Laura was scared and didn’t realize that Ryder was coming home soon today.

  “So now she’s going crazy… and you still love her” Sara said to Ryder as they were working in the restaurant. “What do you mean by that Sara… she’s not crazy… just stressed because she is missing her family” Ryder said attending a costumer at the counter.

  “Missing her family… then why she left them on the first place” Sara shouts. “Because of me… and please calm yourself, you’re going to get us fired… and I need this job” Ryder said softly and moves toward the kitchen.

  She blocks his way and came close to Ryder. She hold his hand and said “why are you doing this Ryder… you know I love you so much, I can’t see you suffering like this” Sara voice get heavy.

  “Sara… please I told you before… you are my best friend and YOU WILL remain my friend… please don’t force me to end this relationship between us… because it will hurt me too” Ryder said as he take back his hand and moves toward his work.

  Sara feels so embarrassment that moment, he hit her hand on the fridge, her tears fall on her cheeks but she looks at the mirror to clear her face. That moment she hates Laura so much that she can kill her.

  When she moves away from the mirror, someone else appear in the mirror. That girl with red hairs, black eyes, pale face with scars in white dress…



  Ryder took off early, he want to surprise Laura. He was planning for long time to spend some time with Laura; he thinks that it will make her feel better. He parks his car, then move toward his apartment. First, he thought to knock the door but then he take out the spare key and open the door.

  Ryder gets surprised when he sees Laura and a guy sitting on the bed, his hand in Laura’s hand. Laura gets shocked by surprise entry of Ryder as she wasn’t expecting him. Ryder enters in the room then takes off his bag looking at the Elton.

  “Ryder… this is Elton” Laura said. She didn’t know how many thought were surrounding Ryder’s mind. “Hey… nice to meet you Ryder… I was here to see Laura” Elton said. He never thought Ryder will come that soon, he was getting nervous when he sees Ryder’s expression.

  “Hey… Elton, you are Laura’s classmate… funny, she never mentions you like that” Ryder said looking at him. He notice the dispersed bed sheet, open bathroom and Elton’s jacket on the couch then looks at Laura.

  Elton thinks that his work is done here then he said “ok… Laura… sees you at school” and move to leave but Laura calls him “but Elton you…” “You leave your jacket” before Laura complete her sentence Ryder interrupted her. He doesn’t want to see Elton in his home any more.

  Laura was surprise by Ryder behavior, but she wants to tell him that Elton sees her too. She remains quite when Ryder interrupted her. Elton runs to grab his jacket then leave.

  Ryder and Laura was alone in room, there was only silent between them. Ryder was continuously looking at Laura. “He… he was here for my zoology notes Ryder… and you know he saw…” Laura interrupted by Ryder as he says “notes… aren’t it too late to go someone home… don’t you think Laura”.

  Ryder was so serious, which make Laura nervous “he saw something Ryder… he supposed to leave but he saw something, I was… making coffee for him and then…” Laura interrupted by Ryder as he shouts “coffee… you were making coffee for him seriously Laura…you said that you hate that guy because he don’t care about your friend’s feeling and now… you are making coffee for him”

  He sits on the couch as he was tried “I don’t know Laura… I am tried, I thought I could spend some time with you so I took off early… but I came home and I find him sitting on my bed… with his hand in my girlfriend hands… what I should think of that”.

  Laura gets emotional her eyes fill with tears. She never thought that Ryder would doubt on her. She was just trying to calm Elton as she believes he saw her too. She never wants to hurt Ryder, she was feeling so bad.

  She sits on her knees in front of Ryder then said “believe me Ryder… I was just calming him… he saw her too and he was so scar…”

  “Shut up Laura… saw who…. Your imaginary girl in white dress, I am so sick of all that bullshit” Ryder yell, he push her back as he stand then continue “first me, then my family and then your classmate we all going to think that you are losing your mind Laura… who is she?”

  Laura was shocked, Ryder never talk to her in that tune. She was so fragile that she can’t bear it, she stand to move toward him “you don’t believe… you… you think I am hallucinating… I told you… she stare us whole night” Laura said crying. “Stop it Laura… I don’t see anyone… for God’s sake JUST STOP… Laura I left my home, my family… I work like a machine and I didn’t expect anything from you… all I want from you is to be normal”.

  He grabs her from her shoulder, so tight and moves close to her “you just making me believe that I am living with a crazy girl… Sara… Sara was right you are depressed”. Laura was continuously crying.

  “I want you to be normal ok… but if you keep going on like this then I will be crazy too if I live you” he push her back so had that she fall on the floor then Ryder shout “I am leaving”. She yells his name but before he could hear he shut the door so hard and left for bar”.



  Sara reached her home soon, she was upset with Ryder and now she hates Laura more and more. She gets fresh and sits on her bed with her laptop.

  She was doing her assignment, her cell phone rings. She thought it would be Ryder, so she pick up the phone without looking who is calling “I know you will call me” Sara said in excitement.

  “Really how do you know” Mark said, it was Mark who call her. “Oh… it’s you, what’s the matter Mark” Sara said as she gets disappointed. She gets back to the work while listening to Mark.

  “Can you tell Ryder to call me…? I really need to ask him something” Mark said.

  “If you want to talk to Ryder… call him idiot” Sara said, as she get annoyed by Mark’s call. “I call him genius… but he’s not picking up my calls and Laura’s cell is off” Mark said.

  “So what’s that important thing you want to ask to him” Sara asked. “I want to ask him in private” Mark said. “Ok… so tell me, maybe he doesn’t want to talk to you” Sara said smiling.

  “It’s not like that… it’s something I want to confirm… well do you know Laura’s surname” Mark said. When Sara heard Laura’s name she yell “why… are you writing a book on her”.

  “No… I… I just wa
nt to confirm” Mark said in low tune. “And why on earth you care… who is she” Sara said loudly. “Ryder said that her name is Laura Crane… but I have this note book which I found in Ryder’s bedroom and it say that her name is Laura Craft… so what should I do, personally give it to her or what” Mark said.

  “Through it out of the window… or if not, give it to me… I will burn it by myself” Sara shouts. “Ok… fine I will ask Ryder by myself… geez bye” Mark said, Sara off her cell and threw it away.

  She get back her work, but suddenly she has a thought “why did Ryder lie about her name… there is something Ryder is trying to hide from us… something related to her… she is not what she is trying to show… her clothes… her styles , she is not a normal girl… I got to search her”. She Google her name as she write Laura Craft, there was so many result, on the top of list was about Craft industries… then about their history from Marvin Craft to Edwin Craft.

  Then she saw about Kevin Craft, as New York’s famous dentist. She clicks on his name and his profile came out, she read the whole article but there was no name of Laura in his family. She thought that “maybe Ryder is right about her… but her father was dentist too”.

  She again type “Craft family history” and then the list shows all the famous Craft family members. Sara was surprised to see that in every generation of Craft family they are very famous and wealthy.

  She notices something common in their name, before Marvin Craft name. So she clicks it on their ancestry tree but the site was restricted. She thought “damn it… now what”.

  It was Connor’s research on his family, but when his Uncle Kevin told to stop his research as his original got burn, he restricted the site.

  She goes back on the page to see who own the link and sees the name Connor Craft, she thought” maybe I should contact to him… maybe he could help me”. Then she click on it and it opens which was little odd for her.