Read Protected by the Alpha - Volume 1 Page 2

Chapter 1

  Amaris sipped her third cup of coffee for the morning. It was bitter and otherwise flavorless, but strong. She felt less like a zombie going through the motions as she walked the length of the conference room. The coffee was doing nothing to calm her nerves and she was only drinking it out of a need for normalcy. Everything else reminded her of the chaos she was drowning in. Amaris looked out of the window of the high rise FBI offices overlooking the busy city below. She’d been here since leaving the motel in the pre-dawn hours. Agent Johnston had been on the phone with his superiors for most of the morning. Last Amaris heard, he was going into a meeting about what steps to take next. Amaris didn’t have much faith in their actions. She was too afraid to trust anyone at this moment. No one could explain how Jinx called her or better yet, how he even got the number to where she was. It was clear that the situation was escalating and she was exhausted with the process. She just wanted to be okay again. It wasn’t until she’d been thrust into the thick of this mess that she realized how much she’d taken her safety for granted until now.

  Amaris stared down at everyone going about their daily routines. Envy threatened to strangle her as she thought of the ease with which they were going through their lives. She wanted her ordinary life back and she was starting to believe more and more that she would never have that again. Her almond milk complexion flushed pink as anger simmered beneath the surface of her skin. Amaris wanted to blame someone for this, for not protecting her. There was just no clear place to point the finger. The only person who held the power of her safety in his hand was Jinx. She was already expendable in his eyes. Amaris turned away from the window, and wrapped the blanket she’d been given on her arrival around her body. Once her adrenaline settled, she realized that the clothes she’d chosen to put on were barely presentable in mixed company. The printed tee shirt was a souvenir from a New York trip and fit her close across her plump chest, as did the tiny shorts she’d managed to pull on over her hourglass hips. She’d forgone a bra in the chaos and her full breasts pushed against her shirt causing it to strain and her bare legs were covered in goosebumps.

  Amaris was a little embarrassed at being so scantily clad in front of so many professionals, but the circumstances were greater than a minor fashion infraction. She’d had enough of a state of mind to ask for a blanket to cover herself when she’d gotten there, but was only now growing more concern for her appearance. She wasn’t in the mood for any unwanted gazes or advances and wouldn’t respond politely to the intrusion. Amaris normally didn’t mind a little harmless flirting. Most days she expected it. She was an Amazon, five feet-nine inches tall with long and toned legs from years of running. Her full breast, tiny waist, and the smooth hills of her hips often brought attention her direction. She’d been gifted high cheekbones and a heart-shaped face from her mother. Her green eyes, blonde hair, and her height came from her father. The total package was one most women would envy.

  As a young girl, her height and her big green eyes had caused many insecurities. As a young woman, she’d embraced both with pride. Amaris owned her appearance, but didn’t let it define her life. She’d learned very quickly that beauty didn’t exempt her from a life of struggle. Her parents died in a car accident when she was only sixteen. She’d managed to make a life for herself through the loss, but it hadn’t been all peaches and cream. Now as she stared down the barrel of danger, she wished more than anything that they were here to face this with her. Instead, she felt lonelier than ever. Her strength just wasn’t enough to keep her from harm’s way. She wanted to be brave, but didn’t know that there was enough of her left.

  Amaris finally took a seat in one of the stuffed chairs at the conference table. Her bones ached from the hard bed she’d been banished to in the couple of nights she spent at the hotel. She leaned her head back against the head rest. Had she not had so much coffee she’d probably finally be tired enough to sleep. The caffeine burst kept her awake, but unsettled. She shifted in her chair and exhaled her frustrations. She felt restless as she waited for those in authority to decide her fate. What would they do with her now?

  By the time the door to the conference room opened, Amaris was ready to hear any news. As long as the news provided her some new details on what to expect, she would be happy. She sat up straight in her seat as a stream of agents piled in. Amaris had never been surrounded by so many men in suits. Normally, being surrounded by these types meant bad news, Amaris hoped there wasn’t another bomb about to be drop on her already exploding life. She could feel her anxiety building and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She looked to Agent Johnston for a clue as to what was happening. His face was twisted into a scowl and he wouldn’t hold her gaze. She swallowed hard. Amaris didn’t know what to think, but if Agent Johnston wouldn’t even look at her she was prepared for the worst.

  “Ms. Scott. We’ve found ourselves needing to make some changes in our arrangement,” said a man with a gray beard and stern expression.

  Amaris didn’t know his name, she only knew him as Agent Johnston’s supervisor. Her eyes went to Agent Johnston again and this time, his eyes met hers. There was a strange look there, one Amaris didn’t recognize. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and stared at her with disgust. Amaris couldn’t understand the venom she saw in his stare. It worried her. He was her only ally in this and now something had changed. Amaris took a deep breath and put on her best brave face.

  Her eyes went back to the bearded man as he introduced himself. His name was something Cohen. Amaris was only half listening. She was far more concerned with the varying faces staring back at her. Everyone else was deathly quiet as he spoke.

  “What kinds of changes?” Amaris finally asked. Her green eyes fixed on Cohen’s face as he spoke.

  “For starters, we have a new safe house for you. It’s something more stable, and comfortable for your long stay. Then there’s the matter of your protection. It is obvious to me that we needed someone with a greater eye for detail. So you’ve been assigned a special agent. Consider him you’re on persona body guard. Agent Noah Constance, meet Ms. Amaris Scott,” Cohen’s said.

  Amaris felt her mouth drop open, but couldn’t speak. Agent Constance extended his hand and she took it. His long, thick fingers and calloused palm swamped her thin digits and smooth hand. His shake was strong…just as she remembered.

  “Agent Constance is one of our best. He will make sure anyone who gets to you has to go through him first,” said Cohen’s, “Trust me when I tell you it won’t be an easy feat.” Cohen’s patted Agent Constance on the back when he spoke. Noah freed her hand from his grip.

  “You don’t have to worry Ms. Scott. We’re going to get through this,” said Agent Constance.

  Amaris only nodded. She didn’t know if she was more taken by his dark close cut hair, deep brown eyes, and square jaw or the fact that he didn’t recognize her. Amaris flashed back to her teen years. Her then best friend Amber’s older brother, Noah. Noah Constance. Agent Noah Constance. Of course this was what he’d become. As a teenager, his reputation for being fiercely loyal and getting any job done followed him everywhere. It was one of the things that attracted her to Noah then and she doubted it had change.

  Amaris had spent many nights daydreaming about what it would be like to have Noah claim her as his own. Amber hadn’t been shy about the details that made them...different from other neighbors. Almost since the first day of their friendship she’d told Amaris that they were werewolves. Curiosity about them soon turned to attraction when Amber introduced Amaris to Noah. They’d had a brief fling before her life changed forever. Amaris remembered every detail about Noah then including the one night he’d almost kissed her.

  Amaris rubbed her hands together needing to replace the warmth she missed from his touch. Her breath came in rapid short spurts that she struggled to control. The man before her, was not the boy who’d moved away right after his senior year. Instead, he was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He was
pure masculinity and the woman in her noticed. There was no way she could deny it anyway. Noah was at least six feet four inches tall, and solidly built. He put her in the mind of her favorite quarterback with his strong, broad shoulders and otherwise muscled body. Even completely covered in his tailored black suit, Amaris could tell that there wasn’t a soft muscle in his body. She licked her lips and wished like hell she didn’t look like she’d missed a week of sleep, even if it was true.

  Cohen’s went on to explain that Amaris would be leaving with Noah immediately. There would be some additional assistance provided on a limited basis to take care of her basic needs, but for the most part she was on her own. Amaris didn’t know what needs would be covered, but she’d manage on whatever they could provide. She didn’t want to risk a trip back to her apartment or trying to go shopping for things in her current state. Jinx had eyes everywhere. If Amaris was spotted all of the precautions they were taking would be in vein.

  They would leave immediately. For the next six months, Noah would be by her side, not just outside her door as Agent Johnston had been. Noah would make sure that no one could get to her. For the first time since this whole ordeal started, Amaris felt truly untouchable. It was in part due to their history together that Amaris knew she was in good, capable hands. The last time she’d seen Noah, he’d showed up unexpectedly. Amber had a crazy ex who’d taken to stalking her. In true big brother form, Noah came home from college and beat him so badly the teen boy needed stitches. The ex never bothered Amber again. Amaris breathe a sigh of relief knowing she would now have the same unwavering devotion on her side.

  “Thank you Agent Constance. I appreciate you taking this on,” she said.

  He simply nodded. There was the slightest of smiles on his lips and Amaris wondered if it were appreciation or acknowledgement. They would have six months to find out.

  After another quick briefing of things she could and couldn’t do over the next six months, Amaris followed Noah and a team of others out the door. Agent Johnston was in the group, but he hardly said a word. She could feel the tension between them, but didn’t know what to blame it on. Amaris decided it probably had something to do with Noah taking over, but that seemed to simple an answer for what she was feeling. Agent Johnston had been her handler since the day she’d walked in to the FBI office. He was her point of contact and the only access she’d had to the outside world. From the changing of the guards, she knew that she probably wouldn’t speak to him again until trial, and it made her a little sad. As far as Amaris was concerned, every relationship had value in her life. She hated to lose anyone. It was worrisome to let go at this point when she felt so unstable, but she would do what she had to in order to get through this.

  Amaris was sure this was just how things were done in cases like this and she would just have to adjust. Her mind continued to wander as she struggled to match Noah’s steps. Noah took one step to Amaris’s two and she found herself skipping to keep up with him. It wasn’t something Amaris was used to, her height often meant she could go toe to toe with anyone. Noah was different. His stride was long and swift as he navigated the winding halls out of the building with ease. Slowly the group that started with them dispersed into offices and other desks until there was only Agent Constance and one other still tagging along.

  Amaris followed Noah to the car and he opened the door for her before rounding the front to the driver’s side. She hesitated briefly, her nerves were starting up again. It was starting to worry Amaris that Noah didn’t recognize her. Amaris hadn’t had contact with him in years, and he could be someone entirely different now. It was a fine time to start to worry, but her options were limited. It was either ride off into the sunset with him or stay here and worry. Amaris knew she couldn’t face more sleepless nights. As she contemplated, she caught sight of her small carry-on already in the car. The clothes she had with her wouldn’t come close to lasting six months. Amaris remembered Cohen’s saying there would be limited assistance for things like this, and she’d ask about it later. She slid into the passenger seat of the car and the engine roared to life.

  Amaris waved at Agent Johnston as they pulled away from the curb in Noah’s car. His brief wave back was curt and unlike the friendly exchanges she was accustomed to having with him. Amaris filed it away. She’d get to the bottom of what changed, and hoped it wouldn’t be something else she would have to worry about later. Her instincts told her there was something deeper going on with Agent Johnston, but she had little to go on right now. She would deal with it when she had more information. Amaris’ attention returned to Noah and her current dilemma of limited clothes.

  “I don’t have enough things to get through the next six months,” she said.

  “Don’t worry. It’s all been taken care of,” said Noah. He looked in her direction, his eyes drifted to the cover still wrapped around her body.

  “You’re safe now Amaris. Buckle your seat belt,” he said as they pulled up to a stop sign.

  Amaris wasn’t sure what he meant by his vague statement “It’s all been taken care of”. No one asked her sizes or what she needed to supplement the meager belongings she’d brought with her. She was almost certain no one could correctly guess, but her coffee was starting to wear off. In its place, her headache and exhaustion returned. She would ask again about the clothing once they were stationary again, but sleep was threatening to claim her now.

  Noah waited for her to do as he asked, and within seconds he turned his attention back to the road. They sped off in directions unknown and Amaris drifted to sleep.