Read Protected by the Alpha - Volume 1 Page 3

Chapter 2

  Amaris awoke to the gentle rocking of her body being carried. She felt disoriented, in the now dark of night she didn’t know where she was. She tried to wiggle free, but the hold only tightened around her. Amaris felt her fear rushing through her veins. Who was this holding her? Why couldn’t she shake herself lose? She started to hyperventilate as she struggle to free herself and figure out what was going on.

  “Calm down, Amaris. I’m just taking you up inside,” Noah said.

  His voice was tempered chocolate, hot enough to scald and coating every word. Amaris held still. She looked up into his muddy brown eyes as she caught her bearings. In the darkness of night, his dark brown eyes rimmed in gold. The strength and compassion she saw in them reminded her of the boy he once was to her. Amaris’s breath caught in her throat. She remembered the way they’d been years ago, even then she’d never seen anything so enchanting. Her racing heart settled in her chest as he nestled her closer and pushed the door behind them. Amaris starred out at the yellow moon in the night sky before the heavy wooden door slammed shut. They were only a few feet into the entrance when Noah’s voice broke the silence again.

  “Still want me to put you down?” he asked.

  No. She absolutely did not want him to put her down. Noah’s muscled arms and stone chest were a safe haven she wanted to continue to cling too, but “Yeah. I think I’m okay now,” she answered.

  Amaris was sure she’d seen a flicker of disappointment in his eyes when she’d answered, but he did as she asked. He lowered her to the floor as if she were as delicate as porcelain and he was afraid she would break. Amaris doubted there was anything Noah was really afraid of, least of all hurting her. Those thoughts were lost as a chill replaced the warmth of his massive chest and arms pressed against her. She held back a sigh of regret. Instead of dwelling on the loss of his embrace, she decided to look around her surroundings.

  The rustic look of the lodge was cozy and decidedly masculine. There were high ceilings and stairs leading up to a loft/ office space. Large, oversized furniture filled the open floor plan living room. There was a flat screen television mounted on the back wall and brick fire place with dark wood mantle. All the decorations were a combination of majestic mountains and streams along with beautiful real life captures of wolves in the wild. There was a patterned rug focal point to break up the monotony of the wooden floors. The kitchen was filled with dark cabinets, stainless steel, and heavy counters. There were two barstools with dark leather seats positioned under the bar. A medium wood table with bench and chair seating was near the large bay window. It was a significant upgrade from the motel and Amaris started to relax.

  She felt safe beneath the oversized exposed beams and sturdy heavy wood walls of the room. It was obvious whoever the owner was, they’d taken their time to make every detail about the space perfect. She appreciated the care she’d seen. Especially after the fiasco of a motel she’d just spent the last couple of weeks in. Amaris felt at least here, she could feel like she had a home for a little while.

  “I’m gonna start a fire to warm it up in here. There’s food in the fridge and clothes in the second bedroom closet if you want to eat and shower,” said Noah. He’d caught her off guard again with the smoothness in his deep voice. She wondered what it would be like to roll off his tongue so seductively. Amaris shook her head. She needed to break her thoughts of lust for him or this next six months would prove difficult for her raging body.

  “Are you telling me I stink?” Amaris asked in fake annoyance. Her eyes squinted closed and she pursed her lips together to imitate her frustration. Noah’s laughter still caught her off guard.

  It was rich and full bodied like a nicely aged cognac and just as intoxicating. Amaris would never get tired of hearing it.

  “I’m saying, you can eat and shower since you haven’t. Nothing more. Now stop trying to pick a fight that you won’t win,” he said with an award winning grin. Dimples flashed in his cheeks. He wiped his face with his large hands, but didn’t lose his smile.

  Amaris smiled back, she could probably do this for six months if he kept his sense of humor. Amaris thought of how nice it would be to lick whip cream from the deep insets that cornered his mouth. The thought had come at a vulnerable time. Its effects were immediate. Amaris’ tongue flickered from her mouth and rested in the corners of her lips before she could pull the fantasy back. When Noah’s eyes settled against her mouth and exposed tongue, Amaris’ temperature spiked several degrees warmer. She felt the blood starting to rush to the surface of her skin and the moistening at the meeting of her thighs. Amaris stared into the deep abyss of Noah’s eyes. The golden ring around his iris’ seemed to blaze and his jovial disposition, soon gave way to a darkened look of desire. His lips closed and his dimples retreated. There was a dangerous need brewing in him and Amaris could feel it even with the ten feet between them. Amaris couldn’t explain it but something said she should leave or things could get a little tricky. Without another word, she turned and headed into the insinuated direction of the bathroom. She could use that shower after all.

  Amaris pushed open both of the doors to the bedrooms to explore. Comparatively, she could have placed her tiny one bedroom apartment in either one of them and still have space to walk around. Her carry on sat on the bed of the larger of the two bedrooms. Amaris suspected that this was intentional and took it to mean the bedroom was hers for the time being. She walked into the room and was blown away by the sheer beauty of it. The oversized king bed had four-post intricately carved. Each of the posts were draped in sheer fabric that could be opened and would completely envelope the bed. Amaris rubbed her hand over the downy soft comforter and groaned at the softness. The bed would surely be more comfortable than what she’d left behind. The idea that she could sleep peacefully for the first time in several days was an answered prayer.

  There were sliding patio doors opposite the hall entry. Amaris opened the door, and a flood light popped on illuminating the area, right outside was a small wrought iron patio set with seating for two. Amaris would have to wait until morning to completely explore the land the home sat on, from her position at the door she could only say that she liked what she could see. She trusted Noah that the place was secure, but the crisp fresh air was so different from the bustling city she left. It would take some getting used too. Amaris stepped back inside, closed the door tightly behind her, and locked it soundly. With a pull of the curtain cord, the cream colored draperies fell to cover the patio doors. The heavy fabric was thick enough to block the morning sun, and anything else that may try and peek through the window. Amaris found comfort in knowing she’d only be seen when she wanted. She turned around toward her things and jumped, startled noticing Noah in the door.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. After I didn’t hear the shower start, I decided to come and check that you were okay. Is there something you need?” he asked genuinely.

  “No. I was just checking everything out I guess. This is a long way from the dingy motel room I was holed up in,” said Amaris.

  Noah chuckled again. “Good to know. There are clothes for you in the closet. I had to guess at your size, but I think I got it right. Your bathroom is completely private and locks from the inside. I suggest you use it every time you’re in there…just in case. You’ll find toiletries in the linen closet just inside the door. If anything is missing, just let me know,” Noah said.

  He walked out and pulled the door behind him. The air was sucked from the room as he left or maybe Amaris just forgot how to breathe. Amaris was glued to the spot he’d found her in, staring at the door. It was the woodsy masculine scent he’d left behind that aided in her recovery. The scent of pine and damp earth had a dizzying effect on Amaris. She thought she might faint from all the heat radiating from her, all the desire in her. She had to get a handle on her libido. Noah didn’t seem to remember her and Amaris knew so little about his life now. There was no way to even say he was feeling the same. She couldn’t aff
ord to get her hopes wrapped around a sexy guy right now. There were greater troubles at hand.

  Amaris finally turned in the direction of the bathroom. She opened the door and stepped into the most luxurious washroom she’d ever entered. To the immediate left was a fully stocked open face linen closet with soaps, bath gels, perfumes, and lotions in various scents. Amaris found a scent she liked and pulled it out. She sat it on the counter of the vanity, a large white mirror with floral carvings hung over the sink and counter. Matching plush bath runner padded the trail from the door to the Jacuzzi bath tub. Amaris turned on the water and adjusted the temperature to suit her. As she undressed, she examined the room more closely. The feminine touches were beautiful, but a bit cautiously positioned. She was sure whoever placed them had done so after the fact. This was a place a woman would enjoy being in, but hadn’t designed. Amaris amused herself by saying Noah had made the changes specifically for her. She wasn’t sure that it was true, but she liked how it sounded in her head.

  Amaris peeled out of her clothes and dropped them in the laundry bin near the tub. She poured the eucalyptus scented bubble bath beneath the running water and slipped her feet under the water as it started to sud. By the time she was completely submerged, the water came up to her chin and bubbles covered everything from view. Amaris turned off the faucet and sank deeper into the hot bath. She moaned out loud as her muscles, tired from sleepless nights, were soothed by the warm water. She decided against the jets after being unsure of whether they’d create a mess with all the bubbles, but her bath was still perfect. She was happy to do something that felt so normal. Amaris could feel the layer of hotel grim lifting from her skin. It was mentally taxing to have a comfort so basic ripped from her and now that she was enjoying it again, Amaris didn’t take it for granted.

  She began her bath. Starting with her long legs, she covered herself in the scented bath gel that matched the bath bubbles. The fresh eucalyptus scent wrapped around her as she cleaned her thighs, her belly, and her outstretched arms. She closed her eyes and let the warm water wash over her as she cleansed her chest, shoulders, and neck. The more she scrubbed, the more like herself she begun to feel. Amaris took her time lathering her full breasts. She pinched her pink nipples into stiff peaks and rubbed the ache. It had been so long since she’d made contact with her own body that her hands felt foreign against them now. With everything going on, her thoughts had been far too consumed to think naughty thoughts. Her body obviously missed the interaction. Her legs instantly parted and her clitoris started to swell with arousal. In a matter of minutes, Noah’s presence in her thoughts made her remember what it was like to be with a skilled lover and achieve perfection. She wondered what he would be like in bed. It was clear that he was professional and unlikely that they would ever do anything together. Here in the privacy of her bath, a girl could dream.

  Amaris’ hand dipped between her supple thighs until she found her sensitive bare mound. She pushed passed the smooth skin to caress her sensitive clitoris. She inhaled sharply as her fingers made contact. Amaris closed her eyes as she slowly began to rub the hardening nub. Soon her thoughts filled in the blanks, and it wasn’t her hand touching and teasing her, it was his. His long, calloused fingers rubbing and plucking at her jewel. She moaned aloud as her body awakened to the pleasure being created. Days of tension channeled into one spot. Amaris felt the slow telling signs of a release starting at her toes, it encouraged her on. She intensified her speed, and friction. Faster and harder she began to rub, passing her clit and dipping her fingers into the creamy wetness of her body. Amaris’s breath was a rapid breeze whipping between her lips. She dipped one finger, and then two inside of her body and images of Noah exploring her this way caused her toes to curl. Her cheeks were a deep shade of pink. Her nipples were stiff and ached as they stood above the water in the open air.

  Amaris stroked herself as deeply as her fingers would go, but still couldn’t reach her sweet spot. She was a woman made with desire, driven by an ancient need. A small voice in her head whispered what she knew to be true. Noah could provide what her body desperately craved. He could make her fantasy real, just not today. Amaris had to settle for a rolling tremor of an orgasm instead of the mind-numbing body shudder that she knew Noah could provide. As she opened and weeks of stress dissolved into a quiver of her body’s release, Amaris felt ten times lighter. At least for now.

  Amaris took some time for herself to recover. She sat perfectly still in the water for a few more minutes, until the dropping temperature prompted her to get out of the tub. She was happy to find that the bath towels she would be using to dry off her body were actually bath sheets and wrapped completely around her voluptuous frame. There were unopened razors that she used to shave her legs and trimmed her lady parts. It had been a little while since she’d shaved properly and it took a little longer than normal to put everything back in order. She cleared her legs and arms until they were bare, and put a nice, trim landing strip leading to her otherwise bare pussy. Once finished, lathered her entire body with a creamy body butter that complimented the scent of the bath bubbles. The high of her climax made her feel as though she was floating as she entered her temporary bedroom wearing only the bath sheet and opened the chest of drawers.

  She’d wondered if Noah thought to purchase underwear for her as well. She opened drawer after drawer until she came across one filled with lace and satin. Her hands quivered as she picked up pair after pair, all of them still held their price tags to signify their newness. Amaris was no fool, what Noah had done was go above and beyond what was required of him. It occurred to her that maybe Noah was this thorough with his other charges, but Amaris wanted to believe otherwise. She would have to find a way to thank him properly. As she dressed in a pair of yellow lace panties and a pair of pajamas bottoms with matching tank top, she was overcome with gratitude. She was simply grateful to feel safe after weeks of not knowing if she would ever feel such again. The possibility that one day all of this could be behind her felt real for the first time since this mess started. If only for tonight, she would have peace.