Read Prototypes Page 2

  Sgt. Massey carefully surveyed the battlefield. There were at least fifty enemy soldiers directly in front of the elevator entrance. They were exposed out in the open and made easy targets. Sgt. Massey's team killed several of them in the first thirty seconds. The remaining enemy soldiers hit the ground and returned fire from prone positions. Sgt. Massey increased the magnification in his HVD to see past the enemy soldiers that were directly in front of him. His worst fears were realized when he zoomed in on the long range communications array. The array had been utterly destroyed. There was nothing left of it, just small pieces scattered around its former location. Beyond the remains of the array were multiple enemy landing craft deploying more soldiers. Over a hundred soldiers were organizing and heading their way. Not good, Sgt. Massey thought. They could handle being slightly outnumbered, but this was too much.

  Sgt. Massey reactivated the laser cannons and linked them to his HVD. He looked at the enemy soldiers nearest the elevator. The three huge cannons came to life and acquired a target lock on them. “Shink!! Shink!! Shink!! Shink!!, Shink!! Shink!! Shink!! Shink!!” Came their report as they began firing down on the enemy. The cannons caused confusion and panic among the soldiers. The soldiers, being caught in the open, didn't have a chance. The cannons cut them down in matter of seconds. The battlefield was momentarily silent.

  “Cpl. Ferguson, report,” Sgt. Massey said. Cpl. Ferguson and his droids had moved off to the right as ordered. Sgt. Massey couldn't see them at the moment.

  “Cpl. Ferguson is wounded,” replied Number Three in his metallic voice. “What are your orders, Sgt. Massey?”

  “Are any of you damaged other than Cpl. Ferguson?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “Number Five is damaged, but functional,” Number Three replied.

  “Okay, help Cpl. Ferguson and fall back to the elevator now,” Sgt. Massey ordered.

  “Acknowledged,” Number Three replied.

  Before pulling back, Sgt. Massey aimed the laser cannons at the approaching enemy force. He set them for auto-fire. When the enemy soldiers got in range the cannons would fire until they overheated or were destroyed.

  “Let's go,” Sgt. Massey said to his droids as he stood up. The three of them jogged quickly back towards the elevator. Number Four was carrying Cpl. Ferguson. He gently set him down inside the elevator. Sgt. Massey carefully examined the damage to Cpl. Ferguson's armor. He could see both the entry and exit wounds in his upper chest. The laser impact had passed completely through him. His armor had sealed automatically at the point of impact and exit to protect him from vacuum. The wound looked severe. Cpl. Ferguson would need medical attention soon.

  “Are you okay, Corporal?” Sgt. Massey asked as the elevator doors closed.

  “Yeah,” he replied weakly. “I guess I forgot to duck,” he said with a slight chuckle. Then he coughed violently several times. That was a sure sign of fluid in his lungs, Sgt. Massey thought.

  “You are to take Cpl. Ferguson to medical asap, Number Four,” Sgt. Massey ordered.

  “Acknowledged,” Number Four replied.

  Sgt. Massey leaned over Cpl. Ferguson and said, “Number Four is going to take you to medical and get you fixed up Corporal. You'll be good as new in no time.”

  “Yes, Sergeant,” Cpl. Ferguson replied weakly as he lay on his back in the elevator.

  Chapter 5

  The elevator doors opened and Number Four quickly carried Cpl. Ferguson out. Sgt. Massey turned to access the elevator's security control panel. He opened the panel's door and entered his security override code. It would lock the elevator in the down position. It also activated security measures in the elevator shaft. The security measures were motion sensitive explosives. When the enemy entered the elevator shaft the explosives would slow them down. Sgt. Massey hoped it would give them time to begin evacuation procedures. He closed the access panel when he was finished and contacted Cpl. Long.

  “Cpl. Long, report,” Sgt. Massey said.

  “The hangar bay is secure at this time,” Cpl. Long replied.

  “Understood,” Sgt. Massey said. “Standby to begin evacuation procedures. I'm contacting Dr. Guitenberg now.”

  “Copy that,” Cpl. Long said.

  Sgt. Massey switched the channel in his HVD and contacted the doctor. “Dr. Guitenberg, do you copy?”

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey, I hear you,” Dr. Guitenberg replied.

  “Dr. Guitenberg, the long range communications array has been destroyed. There are a large number of enemy soldiers assaulting the main entrance and the hangar bay. I recommend we start evacuating the facility immediately,” Sgt. Massey said.

  “I am aware of the situation, Sergeant; and I concur. Give the order to evacuate and come to my office please,” Dr. Guitenberg said.

  “Come to your office? I should be monitoring the evacuation Doctor, not...” Sgt. Massey said.

  “Now! Please Sergeant, it’s very important,” Dr. Guitenberg said, interrupting him.

  Sgt. Massey held his tongue. He didn't say what he wanted to. This was a waste of time, and he knew it. Dr. Guitenberg was still in command, however, so he acquiesced.

  “I'll be there as soon as I can,” Sgt. Massey replied.

  “Thank you, Sgt. Massey,” Dr. Guitenberg said.

  Sgt. Massey walked over to the security console where PFC Pollard sat and said, “Begin evacuation procedures.”

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” PFC Pollard replied. He pressed the evacuation button on his console. Red lights flashed all along every corridor in the facility. A calm robotic voice came over the loud speaker. It urged people not to panic and proceed calmly with evacuation procedures. Sgt. Massey turned from the security console and quickly walked down the corridor. He entered the main elevator that would take him down to level one and Dr. Guitenberg's office. The elevator doors closed and he started his descent.

  “Sgt. Massey, several enemy landing craft have just deployed more soldiers. They are gathering together and moving in the direction of the hangar bay,” Cpl. Long said over his communications system as he rode the elevator down.

  “Understood Corporal, evacuation procedures have begun. Every available marine and security droid is in route to assist you,” Sgt. Massey said.

  “Thank you, Sgt. Massey, we're going to need it,” Cpl. Long replied.

  Sgt. Massey exited the elevator on level one to find the security checkpoint vacant. The marine was no doubt in route to the hanger bay. One of level one's security droids met him however and said, “Sgt. Massey, Dr. Guitenberg is waiting for you.”

  “Lead the way then,” Sgt. Massey said. The huge droid turned, and Sgt. Massey followed it down the corridor to the doctor's office. The droid placed its hand on the access panel and the door to the office slid open. The droid stepped aside and Sgt. Massey entered the office. Dr. Guitenberg was a man of advanced age. Sgt. Massey was unsure exactly how old he was but he guessed in his late sixties. He was a small man with short gray hair and pail skin. His bright blue eyes met Sgt. Massey's as he entered the office. Even though the he was old, he exuded the confidence and self assuredness of a much younger man.

  “Greetings, Sgt. Massey,” Dr. Guitenberg said cheerfully.

  Sgt. Massey thought his greeting was odd considering their current situation. “Hello, Dr. Guitenberg, we need to...” Sgt. Massey said.

  Dr. Guitenberg cut him off saying, “All in due time, Sergeant.”

  Dr. Guitenberg stood up from behind his desk, his posture bent with age. He walked slowly across the room to a small storage cabinet. He bent over slightly entering the cabinet's security code, and its door swung open. He removed a small box and carried it in both hands back to his desk. He sat down and placed the box on the desk in front of him.

  “Sgt. Massey, today is a special day. It is a day of celebration,” Dr. Guitenberg said. His hands caressing the little box in front of him, as he spoke.

  Sgt. Massey didn't know what he was talking about. Given their current situation with enemy sold
iers surrounding the facility, it was hardly a time for celebration. Had the Doctor lost his mind? Sgt. Massey thought to himself.

  “Dr. Guitenberg, the facility is surrounded by enemy soldiers. It's hardly a time for celebration,” Sgt. Massey said.

  “Oh, but it is, Sgt. Massey. I have recently completed work on my greatest creation. Two android prototypes that will change the Fleet Marine Striker Battalion forever,” Dr. Guitenberg said.

  “That's excellent, Doctor, but if we don't evacuate this facility soon we'll all be dead,” Sgt. Massey said, becoming aggravated with the Doctor.

  “Yes, yes I am aware of our dire situation. That's why I'm giving you this,” Dr. Guitenberg said. He opened the little box and removed a security access card. He handed the card to Sgt. Massey and closed the box. Sgt. Massey accepted the card and examined it carefully. The card was black with silver filaments covering its surface. He had never seen a security card like it before. Security cards were seldom used any longer. Most advanced facilities used either palm or retina scanners instead. Dr. Guitenberg was somewhat eccentric, however, so Sgt. Massey indulged him.

  “Take this card and go down the corridor to Research Lab Number Three. Insert the card into the slot and place the palm of your hand on the security panel. When you enter the lab my assistant will direct you to the prototypes. Activate them and bring them here. While you are gone, I will purge these computers of valuable information and ready myself for departure,” Dr. Guitenberg said.

  “Very well, Doctor,” Sgt. Massey said. He stood up and exited the office into the corridor.

  Chapter 6

  The security droid was waiting outside for him. “Take me to Research Lab Number Three,” Sgt. Massey said to the droid.

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” replied the droid. It turned and led him the short distance down the corridor to the lab. It stopped and stepped back giving Sgt. Massey access to the door's control panel. The panel was at chest height on the wall next to the door. He could see the card slot dimly illuminated below the hand scanner. He carefully inserted the card into the slot and felt a tingling in his fingers. He assumed the card was reading his DNA, but he couldn't be sure. Then he placed the palm of his hand on the scanner. A blue light passed under his palm and for a few seconds nothing happened. Then the door silently slid open.

  Sgt. Massey entered the lab alone. The security droid remained outside in the corridor. Lights came on at random bringing the lab to life. Dr. Guitenberg said his assistant would be here, but the lab appeared to be deserted. He walked slowly forward looking around the lab. There were several work tables covered with large and small pieces of robots. Leg, arms and heads were scattered haphazardly all around. It appeared several projects were being undertaken at once. There was absolutely no sense of organization. He couldn't readily identify anything that seemed to be functional.

  “Halt!! Who goes there?”

  Sgt. Massey heard the voice say as he intently examined the nearest work table. From around the corner of the table walked a small humanoid robot. The little robot was a gray metallic color and stood about three feet tall. It was unarmed as far Sgt. Massey could tell and was in no way threatening. The robot stepped in front of Sgt. Massey, blocking his way. It had its hands on its hips staring up at him with bright green eyes. It repeated its question with obvious annoyance, “I said who goes there?”

  “Sgt. Massey,” he said. “Who are you?”

  “Hmmm...Sgt. Massey,” the little robot said ignoring Sgt. Massey's question. It placed an index finger and thumb on its chin giving the appearance of deep thought. “Yes, I've heard about you,” the little robot said after much consideration. “You're the security chief of this facility, aren't you?”

  “Yes,” Sgt. Massey replied.

  “Then you know that this is a restricted area. You are not allowed to be here. I'll have to ask you to leave now,” the little robot said.

  “What are you?” Sgt. Massey asked, looking down at the little robot.

  “I am R-1, the overseer and caretaker of Research Lab Number Three. I am responsible for the cataloging and organization of all you see here,” R-1 said. He spread his little arms wide to encompass the entire lab.

  “This place is a mess,” Sgt. Massey said as he looked around.

  “Yes, but I know where everything is,” R-1 said as he also looked around the lab.

  Sgt. Massey didn't have time for this little robot's nonsense. He had to get the prototypes and get out of here. “Dr. Guitenberg sent me here to retrieve the prototypes. The facility is under attack and being evacuated,” Sgt. Massey said.

  “You're here to retrieve the prototypes!!” R-1 said with excitement. “Today? Now? You're taking the prototypes now?”

  “Yes, right now,” Sgt. Massey replied.

  “Yipee!!!, Yipee!!!” R-1 exclaimed as he did cartwheels across the lab floor in front of Sgt. Massey. After he finished celebrating, he returned and said in a serious tone, “This is the day I've been waiting for all of my life.” Then he stepped away to celebrate some more. “!!” He said taking a step forward, bending a knee and puffing out his chest to emphasize each word. Then he pointed over his shoulders with his thumbs toward the exit.

  “Where is Dr. Guitenberg's assistant?” Sgt. Massey asked, clearly exasperated with the little robot. “ I need to get the prototypes out of here.”

  “I am Dr. Guitenberg's assistant,” R-1 replied. “I will take you to the prototypes, follow me.” R-1 turned and walked toward the rear of the lab. Sgt. Massey followed the little robot anxiously. R-1, oblivious to Sgt. Massey's anxiety, hummed a little tune to himself and had a spring in his step. They came to a locked door in the rear of the lab. It was an ordinary door with no windows. It had a security access panel next to it on the wall.

  “The prototypes are in here, Sgt. Massey,” R-1 said. “Do you have the card?”

  “Yes, here it is,” Sgt. Massey said showing R-1 the card.

  “Good,” R-1 replied. He placed his hand on the security panel. The panel scanned his tiny palm and the door slid open. Standing in the middle of the small room were the two prototypes. They were in special alcoves similar to those used by the security droids. These alcoves were much more sophisticated in appearance, however. The alcoves stood about eight feet tall and were illuminated by dim lighting. The lights shone down on the two androids standing inside. Between the two alcoves was what appeared to be a security access panel. The panel had no visible controls, however, only a dimly lit card slot.

  “Place the card in the slot, Sgt. Massey,” R-1 said, standing beside him and looking up at the two androids.

  Sgt. Massey did as he was told. He inserted the card into the slot feeling the familiar tingle in his finger tips. For a long moment nothing happened. Then, simultaneously, both of the androids eyes snapped open. Sgt. Massey returned their gaze and examined them carefully. The androids were identical in appearance. They both appeared to be adult human males in their early twenties. They had short brown hair with blue eyes and athletic physiques. It was difficult to judge their height as he looked up at them. He guessed they were around six feet tall.

  “Step down out of there,” Sgt. Massey ordered the two androids.

  With a loud “Clump! Clump!, Clump! Clump!” both of the androids stepped down to the floor. Sgt. Massey took note of their brand new charcoal gray combat armor. It was very similar to his own, but with a slightly more sleek formfitting design. Their armor had no name or rank insignia on the chest plating. Instead they each had a black caduceus with number identifier embossed on the center of their chests. The android on his left had a small number “1” on its chest next to its caduceus. The android on the right had a number “2”. That was good Sgt. Massey thought. He would not be able to readily tell them apart otherwise. They both also had shiny new medium-bolt pistols holstered on their hips.

  “I am Sgt. Massey, this facility's security chief. We are under attack, and the facility is being evacua
ted. We must leave now,” Sgt. Massey said. He motioned toward their weapons and asked, “Can you operate those pistols?”

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” the androids replied in unison.

  “Good, lock and load and follow me,” Sgt. Massey said.

  Both androids removed their weapons from their holsters and held them at the ready. They followed Sgt. Massey and R-1 from the small room and out of the lab.

  Chapter 7

  When they entered the corridor, the security droid was gone. It had no doubt been called to defend the hanger bay. Sgt. Massey led them all quickly down the vacant corridor to Dr. Guitenberg's office. They entered the office and found the doctor with his head resting on his desk as if he was asleep.