Read Prototypes Page 3

  “Dr. Guitenberg?” Sgt. Massey said as he lightly shook the doctor's shoulder to rouse him. He didn't move or respond in any way. Number One moved around the desk to take a closer look at the doctor. He quickly grabbed his wrist and checked for a pulse. Then he leaned him back in his chair. The doctor's body was limp and fell to one side. He gently placed his hand on his throat, checking his pulse again. Then he leaned in close to see if the doctor was breathing.

  Number One looked at Sgt. Massey and said, “Dr. Guitenberg is dead.”

  “What!!” Sgt. Massey exclaimed. “I just talked to him a few minutes ago! What happened?”

  “I am not sure, Sgt. Massey. I can take him to the medical bay and examine him further if you wish,” Number One said.

  “No, we don't have time for that. We have to evacuate now,” Sgt. Massey said. He placed his hand on Dr. Guitenberg's shoulder and said, “Goodbye, Doctor, rest in peace.”

  “Rest in peace,” said R-1 and the androids, echoing Sgt. Massey's sentiment.

  Sgt. Massey turned to leave the office and noticed the little box still sitting on the desk. The lid was open so he reached inside. He removed a small hand held holo-projector. This was a very sophisticated model used for displaying tiny holographic images. He placed the projector into a small compartment in his armor for safe keeping.

  “Let's go,” Sgt. Massey said. He exited the office and led them quickly down the corridor. They stopped at the security checkpoint next to the elevator. Sgt. Massey opened the weapons locker and handed Number One and Two each a VLR.

  “You're familiar with these rifles?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” they replied.

  Sgt. Massey turned and began to close the locker when R-1 asked, “What about me? I can do some damage too!” R-1 made his index fingers and thumbs into fake pistols. He danced around them saying, “Bang!! Bang!! I got you now!! Bang!! Bang!!”

  “That's enough,” Sgt. Massey said. The VLRs were to large for him to handle. Sgt. Massey thought he could possibly manage a pistol. “Here take this,” he said as he handed R-1 a medium-bolt pistol.

  R-1's hand increased in size to fit around the pistol grip. “Aahhhh...perfect fit,” R-1 said. He took the pistol and twirled it on his finger like a cowboy from the old west. Then he put the pistol into a non-existent holster on his tiny hip. The pistol stayed there somehow. Sgt. Massey assumed R-1 had magnetized his hip to hold it in place. Sgt. Massey shook his head at the little robot. He had never seen anything like him. Dr. Guitenberg had programmed R-1 with all of these odd little quirks for some reason. Sgt. Massey assumed that the doctor had been lonely. He had programmed R-1 to be his friend, companion and entertainer. The little robot definitely had an interesting personality.

  “Let's get to the airlock. I think the majority of the personnel should be evacuated by now,” Sgt. Massey said. He placed the palm of his hand on the elevator's control panel and the doors slid open. They all followed him inside. Sgt. Massey turned around and looked at Number One as the doors closed. He asked him, “What kind of prototypes are you? You're wearing combat armor, but the fleet doesn't allow androids in combat.”

  “We are medical androids,” Number One said.

  “What kind of medical androids? Doctors?” Sgt. Massey asked curiously.

  “In a sense yes, we are combat medics,” Number Two said.

  “The fleet already has human combat medics,” Sgt. Massey replied, somewhat annoyed. “What will they need you for?”

  “Fleet Marine Striker Battalion command tasked Dr. Guitenberg and other scientists with creating us,” Number One said.

  “In the last several years combat medic mortality has reached an all time high in the war against the enemy,” Number Two said.

  “Combat medics are being killed faster than they can be replaced,” Number One said.

  “The enemy knows that if they kill or wound a unit's combat medic, the unit then becomes vulnerable,” Number Two said.

  “Unable to have their wounded attended while going on the field of battle, the unit can be worn down,” Number One said.

  “Even with the FMSB's superior technology and iron will, wounded soldiers cannot stand against a healthy enemy force that vastly out numbers them,” Number Two said.

  “We are the answer to that problem, Sgt. Massey,” Number One said.

  “You think so? Why?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “Yes, we know so. No offense, Sgt. Massey, but we are better, stronger and faster than any human medic could ever be,” Number Two said.

  “I am sorry, Sgt. Massey, but he is right,” Number One said.

  “Yes, I suppose he is. No offense taken, if you're half as good as you say you are then we've got to get you back to the fleet,” Sgt. Massey said as the elevator came to a stop.

  “Yes,” they both replied in unison.

  The doors to the elevator slid open. R-1 drew his pistol from his imaginary holster and said, “Let's do it!” The little robot led them out of the elevator towards the air lock.

  Chapter 8

  “What in the wide, wide, world of sports is going on here?” R-1 asked in his typical corny fashion as they approached the airlock. Sgt. Massey was wondering the same thing. There was a large crowd of scientists waiting outside the airlock entrance. The crowd parted to let them through as they approached. A lone security droid was guarding the entrance blocking their exit.

  “Report! What are all these people doing here?” Sgt. Massey asked the security droid angrily. “They should be boarding shuttles not standing around!”

  The security droid looked down at Sgt. Massey, replying in its metallic voice, “Cpl. Long ordered me to hold these people here until further notice.”

  “What! Why?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “I do not know, Sgt. Massey,” replied the security droid.

  Sgt. Massey turned from the security droid to contact Cpl. Long. “Cpl. Long, report!” He said with frustration.

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey?” Cpl. Long replied.

  “Why are all of these people standing around the airlock and not boarding shuttles?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “After the successful launch of the first shuttle, a small number of enemy soldiers was able to sneak into the hangar bay. I have stopped the evacuation until they can be dealt with,” Cpl. Long replied.

  “Understood,” Sgt. Massey said relaxing slightly. “We are coming into the hangar bay to lend our assistance.”

  “Copy that, they could use the help,” Cpl. Long replied.

  Sgt. Massey turned back to the lone security droid and said, “Cycle the airlock.”

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” the security droid replied. The huge droid turned and pulled the lever on the airlock door. A warning alarm sounded, and then with a loud hiss the airlock door cycled open. Sgt. Massey and the androids followed R-1 into the airlock. The airlock door cycling shut behind them. One and Two put on their helmets and stood with their rifles at the ready. R-1 stood ready with his disproportionately large pistol in hand.

  “Standby,” Sgt. Massey said. The airlock cycled open giving them access to the hangar bay. Sgt. Massey followed R-1 into the hangar bay and quickly assessed the situation. Through the haze of the hangar bay door's atmosphere retention field, he could just barely see the heavy fighting outside. Inside the hangar he saw two security droids nearby. They had their weapons trained on rows of cargo stacked near the open hangar bay doors. Sgt. Massey made his way to the nearest security droid and said, “Statis report!”

  The security droid kept its weapons trained on the cargo area as it replied. “Cpl. Long assigned us to eliminate the intruding enemy force. We have exterminated three of them so far. The rest have been confined to the cargo area. We lost one of our number defending against their most recent attempt to damage the remaining shuttles.”

  Sgt. Massey could see a lone security droid in the distance. It stood between the shuttles and the cargo area in a defensive position. The fallen security droid
lay at its feet. The elimination of this tiny invading force was taking far too long. Sgt. Massey scanned the hangar bay walls and discovered that the security system was off line. The security system consisted of a network of medium sized laser cannons. When active they could lock onto an invading force and eliminate it instantly. The laser cannons were located all along the walls and ceiling of the hangar bay. They were all currently powered down and inactive. He started to question the security droid about this. Then he noticed the smoldering remains of the security checkpoint's console.

  Sgt. Massey turned to R-1 and asked, “Are you familiar with the facility's backup security console network?”

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey, I know all there is to know about it,” R-1 replied.

  “Good, I thought so. Number One, escort R-1 and help him reactivate the security system,” Sgt. Massey ordered. He turned back to the security droid and said, “You will accompany me and Number Two. Together we will enter the cargo area and eliminate the enemy intruders.”

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” the security droid replied.

  Chapter 9

  Sgt. Massey and his companions cautiously approached the cargo area. The cargo area was just an assortment of things waiting to be dispersed into the facility. The cargo was stacked in tall rows running parallel to the hangar bay wall. There were several areas available for the intruders to hide in.

  “I detect movement thirty yards ahead,” the security droid said.

  “Let's split up,” Sgt. Massey said to the droid. “You go between the wall and the last row and approach from there. Number Two and I will approach from the center.”

  “Acknowledged,” replied the security droid. It quickly disappeared behind the high rows of cargo. Sgt. Massey could monitor its progress through his HVD. He kept himself and Number Two abreast of the security droid as they approached the intruders.

  “Twenty yards,” Number Two said. “Detecting seven hostiles.”

  “I see them,” Sgt. Massey said.

  Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!!

  Laser bolts impacted all around Number Two and Sgt. Massey. They both dropped to the ground.

  “Behind us, fifteen yards and closing!!” Sgt. Massey yelled.

  Three enemy soldiers had managed to sneak around behind them. Sgt. Massey saw them rapidly approaching. He rolled over to face them and returned fire. Phittt!! Phittt!! Phittt!! One of the enemy soldiers fell, but the other two were still coming. Phittt!! Phittt!! Phittt!! Number Two returned fire also, missing the enemy soldiers completely. His shots impacted the cargo above them. Large crates fell on top of the enemy soldiers. The crates pinned them down and halted their advance.

  “What was that?” Sgt. Massey asked as he got to his feet.

  “What was what, Sgt. Massey?” Number Two asked.

  “You missed, you hit the cargo! I thought you said you could shoot!” Sgt. Massey exclaimed.

  “I can shoot and I did not miss,” Number Two replied calmly. “My programming will not allow me to kill a human being.”

  “What! Not even in self defense?” Sgt. Massey asked in shock.

  “No, not even in self defense. I can injure an attacker, but I cannot kill him.” Number Two replied. That will make for some interesting times on the battlefield, Sgt. Massey thought.

  Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! Sgt. Massey could hear the distinctive sound of the security droid’s laser cannons firing nearby.

  “Let's go!” Sgt. Massey said. They both turned and ran toward the sound of the laser fire. They could get close to the intruders, but they could not see them. The intruders had barricaded themselves in amongst the rows of cargo. They had effectively created a tiny fortress. They had the security droid pinned down. He could return fire occasionally, but he couldn't move. The only approach Sgt. Massey and Number Two had to their position was an exposed bottleneck. They were outnumbered and outgunned. They couldn't get close to the intruders position without getting shot.

  Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!!

  Sgt. Massey had forgotten the designation of the security droid that had accompanied them into the cargo area. He glanced at his HVD. It told him the droid was from checkpoint number two, unit number four.

  “Number Four, do you copy?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” Number Four replied.

  “Are you damaged?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!!

  Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! “No I am not,” came Number Four's reply as he returned fire.

  “Listen to me very carefully,” Sgt. Massey began. “When I give you the signal you are to topple the cargo you are taking refuge behind and kill the intruders.”

  “If I do that Sgt. Massey the cargo will be damaged,” Number Four replied.

  The prototype security droids that aided the marines in facility security were not geniuses. They were efficient killers, but not free thinkers. At sometime in the past the droid had been told to safeguard and protect the cargo. Even with the facility under attack and being evacuated, it could not deviate from that previous order.

  “It's okay, Number Four. The facility is being evacuated. The cargo is no longer needed,” Sgt. Massey said.

  “Understood,” replied Number Four.

  “Standby,” Sgt. Massey ordered. He turned back to Number Two and said, “When he breaks through, that will distract the intruders momentarily. We will rush them from behind.”

  “Okay, Sgt. Massey,” Number Two replied.

  “Get ready,” Sgt. Massey said. “Now, Number Four!! Break through now!!” He yelled.

  Sgt. Massey and Number Two sprinted through the narrow passage between rows of stacked cargo. Just as they arrived at the intruder's hidden position, large crates began to fall. Phittt!! Phittt!! Phittt!!, Phittt!! Phittt!! Phittt!! Sgt. Massey and Number Two fired on the fallen and distracted enemy soldiers.

  Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! Number Four had broken through and was dropping enemy soldiers with every shot. In a matter of seconds the firefight was over.

  “Are both of you okay?” Sgt. Massey asked as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Yes Sgt. Massey,” came the reply from Number Two and Number Four.

  “Sgt. Massey, this is R-1. The hangar's security system is back on line.”

  Chapter 10

  “Are you detecting any hostiles inside the hangar?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “No, not at this time Sgt. Massey,” R-1 replied.

  “Okay, you and Number One return to the airlock and get those scientists evacuated,” Sgt. Massey ordered.

  “Ten-four good buddy,” R-1 replied happily.

  Sgt. Massey ignored R-1's silliness. He turned back to his companions and said, “Come on you two. Let's get outside and see if Cpl. Long can use some help.” Sgt. Massey led the way as the three jogged the short distance towards the open hangar bay doors. He stopped them short and turned to Number Four. He extended the tether from his armor. Number Four turned around and let Sgt. Massey attach the tether to his back.

  “Stay close to me, Number Four,” Sgt. Massey ordered.

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” Number Four replied.

  With Sgt. Massey's tether safely attached they jogged the last few yards to the open doors. Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Enemy laser fire impacted all around them as they stopped to peer out. “Take cover,” Sgt. Massey yelled. The three ran out of the hangar onto the surface of the asteroid. They joined Cpl. Long, a few marines and several security droids. They were taking refuge behind two forcefield barriers. The barriers had been hastily erected just outside the hangar bay doors.

  “Cpl. Long, status report!” Sgt. Massey yelled over Number Four's laser fire. Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!!

  “The enemy are inside the laser cannon's perimeter! They're laying down heavy fire on our position!!” Cpl. Long yelled in return.

  Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Sgt. Massey ducked as laser rounds im
pacted the forcefield just above his head. “Yes, I can see that, Corporal!! Why?” Sgt. Massey asked as he stood up to return fire. Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!!

  “Laser cannon Number Two is non-operational!!” Cpl. Long yelled.

  “What's the problem, Corporal!!” Sgt. Massey yelled.

  Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!!

  “It's tracking system is damaged!! Number Three is trying to cover both areas and keeps overheating!!” Cpl. Long yelled.

  Number Four stood up tugging on Sgt. Massey's tether. He returned fire on enemy soldiers that were getting to close. Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! He killed two enemy soldiers with deadly accuracy and knelt down again beside Sgt. Massey.

  “If we repair Number Two, will Three stop overheating?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “Yes, I've run diagnostics, and it seems fully functional otherwise,” Cpl. Long replied.