Read Prototypes Page 4

  Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Laser rounds impacted again just above Sgt. Massey's head. He ducked as Number Four stood up again to return fire. Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! Sgt. Massey waited a few seconds then stood up to join him. Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!! They each dropped an enemy soldier with their accurate fire. Sgt. Massey knelt down and peered around the edge of the forcefield at the malfunctioning cannons. He increased the magnification in his HVD. He could see two fallen security droids near cannon Number Two.

  “Cpl. Long, where are the parts necessary to fix cannon Number Two?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “They're out there in the hands of one of those droids! The crossfire is too severe! I couldn't risk sending a marine to fix it!” Cpl. Long yelled as he stood up and fired his weapon in frustration at the enemy. Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!!

  “Understood,” Sgt. Massey replied quietly. This was a tough situation, he thought to himself. The security droids could do the job, but they were big targets and way to slow. If he ordered a marine out there into the crossfire it meant certain death.

  “I will go, Sgt. Massey,” Number Two said, breaking his train of thought.

  Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Sgt. Massey ducked again. “I can't risk getting you killed, Number Two!” Sgt. Massey yelled as he stood up to return fire. Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!!

  “If the cannon is not repaired soon we will all be killed,” Number Two replied flatly.

  Sgt. Massey knelt down behind the forcefield and said, “You've got a point there.” Sgt. Massey considered their limited options and knew Number Two was the best choice. “Okay, move fast and keep your head down. Standby to move on my mark,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” Number Two replied as he readied himself.

  “Listen up!!” Sgt. Massey said over an open communications channel so everyone could hear. “My Number Two android is going out to repair the damaged laser cannon! Provide cover fire on my mark!!”

  Sgt. Massey turned to the android and asked, “Are you ready, Number Two?”

  “Yes, I am ready,” Number Two replied.

  “Cover fire now!!!” Sgt. Massey yelled.

  Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!!

  Every marine and droid provided cover fire as Number Two sprinted toward the cannon. He moved extremely fast, zigzagging back and forth dodging enemy fire with ease. It was about forty yards to the malfunctioning cannon and Number Two covered the distance in seconds. Sgt. Massey increased his HVD's magnification to watch Number Two. He was kneeling down behind the meager shelter the cannon provided. He quickly removed the new parts from the hands of the non-functioning droid.

  Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!!

  Laser shots impacted the cannon's armor and the ground all around Number Two. He turned, still kneeling and opened the cannon's repair hatch. The upper half of his body was inside the cannon now. He was undoubtedly working furiously to fix the tracking system. Sgt. Massey glanced to the left of the cannon. He saw a small force of enemy soldiers running towards Number Two. They were trying to stop him! They knew if he was successful, they were doomed. Sgt. Massey had promised to safely evacuate Dr. Guitenberg's prototypes. He couldn't allow Number Two to be damaged.

  “No!!!” Sgt. Massey yelled as he moved from behind the safety of the forcefield. He sprinted toward Number Two's position. Number Four was right behind him. Laser rounds impacted the ground all around them as they both returned fire on full auto. Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!! Phitt!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!!

  Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! Vramm!! The superior enemy force quickly zeroed in on them. Thwack!! Sgt. Massey was hit!! In the chest!! He fell to the ground ten yards shy of the laser cannon. His eyes blurred as he lay on his back. He could see Number Four kneeling over him. The huge droid shielded him with his body and returned fire furiously. Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! Sgt. Massey tried to turn over and return fire, but he couldn't feel his hands. He fumbled with his weapon to no avail. Then in his foggy state he heard the distinctive sound of the laser cannon coming back on line. Shink!! Shink!! Shink!!, Shink!! Shink!! Shink!!, Shink!! Shink!! Shink!!

  He did it!! Number Two did it!! Sgt. Massey thought to himself. He could feel strong hands on his shoulders and legs as Number Four and Number Two picked him up. They hustled him quickly back to safety. He looked up as they lay him down behind the forcefield. He saw one of the remaining shuttles launch out of the hangar bay and smiled.

  “I am injecting you with pain killers Sgt. Massey. You will feel better in a moment. Analyzing your injuries, standby,” Number Two said. He accessed Sgt. Massey's armors on board computer. “Two cracked ribs and a bruised sternum. I am injecting you with healing nanobots, standby.”

  Sgt. Massey was already feeling better. The painkillers were doing their job. “Cpl. Long, report,” he said as he lay on his back.

  “The enemy soldiers inside the cannon's perimeter have all been killed. All three cannons are functioning normally. The remaining enemy soldiers have fallen back,” Cpl. Long said.

  “Excellent,” Sgt. Massey replied. “Gather all marines and functioning droids. Fall back to the hangar bay now. We're getting out of here.”

  Chapter 11

  “Thanks, good work on the cannon,” Sgt. Massey said as Number Two helped him to his feet.

  “Thank you for risking your life to save me, Sgt. Massey,” Number Two said.

  “Don't mention it,” Sgt. Massey said.

  Sgt. Massey checked his weapon as marines and droids hurried past him into the hangar. Number Two had removed Sgt. Massey's tether to let Number Four join everyone else. Cpl. Long was following the last few stragglers into the hangar. “Good job, Number Two!” He said as he jogged past them.

  “Thank you, Cpl. Long,” Number Two replied.

  Shink!! Shink!! Shink!! Shink!!, Shink!! Shink!! Shink!! Shink!! Sgt. Massey and Number Two could hear the incessant firing of the cannons as they turned to jog towards the hangar. They had taken only a few steps away from the protection of the forcefield when Number Two's stomach exploded violently. He had been hit by an exploding sniper round from behind. The impact had severed his body completely in half. Sgt. Massey reacted instinctively and hit the ground. He looked over at the unmoving upper half of Number Two's body.

  “Number Two!! Number Two!! Are you okay?” Sgt. Massey exclaimed. There was no response. He inched closer and reached out to grab Number Two's hand. “Number Two!! Are you okay?” He repeated in desperation. Just then Number Two's fingers began to move. He slowly tightened his grip around Sgt. Massey's hand.

  “No, I am not okay,” Number Two replied finally. “I have suffered serious damage. I am running on auxiliary power.”

  “It's okay. I've got you,” Sgt. Massey said. Where Sgt. Massey lay was still somewhat protected by the forcefield. He slowly dragged Number Two's upper body toward him. CRACK!!!! Another sniper round impacted just inches from Number Two's head. Sgt. Massey jerked Number Two over on top of him. Then he gingerly rolled his body over behind the protection of the forcefield.

  “Are your hands and arms still functioning?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “Yes they are seventy percent functional,” Number Two replied. Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! Two security droids at the hangar bay doors were returning fire in the direction of the sniper.

  “Okay, climb on my back and hang on. We're going to make a run for it,” Sgt. Massey said. Sgt. Massey got into a kneeling position. Number Two slowly dragged himself toward Sgt. Massey. His torso dragging connector cables and leaking fluids as he slowly moved forward. He reached up and grabbed Sgt. Massey's side, pulling himself up slowly. Sgt. Massey set his weapon down and reached back with both hands to help him.

  “I got you,” Sgt. Massey said as Number Two reached up and wrapped his arms around his neck.

  “Are you ready?” Sgt. Massey asked.

Yes, Sgt. Massey,” Number Two replied as he tightened his grip.

  “Okay, here we go!” Sgt. Massey said. He stood up and sprinted in the direction of the open hangar doors. Shroom!! Shroom!! Shroom!!, Shroom!! Shroom!! The two security droids fired on full auto covering their retreat. Sgt. Massey and Number Two crashed to the floor inside the hangar bay. They looked up to see the last shuttle fly over their heads.

  “Any day now,” R-1 said from inside Dr. Guitenberg's private shuttle.

  Sgt. Massey got to his feet and picked up Number Two. He cradled his torso in one arm and his weapon in the other. Then he sprinted across the hangar bay and up the ramp into the waiting shuttle. The door slammed shut behind them. Sgt. Massey could feel the shuttle take off instantly and fly out of the hangar bay.

  “That's bad news,” R-1 said from the front of the ship.

  Sgt. Massey gently set Number Two and his weapon down on the floor. Then he began to remove his helmet. With a soft hissing sound it came loose from his armor. He took a slow deep breath of the stale shuttle air. He carried his helmet under his arm as he made his way toward the bridge.

  “What's bad news?” Sgt. Massey asked as he sat down in the copilot's seat next to Number One.

  “That,” Number One said pointing at the visual display. Sgt. Massey could just make it out. It looked like an enemy light battle cruiser approaching at a high rate of speed.

  “That is bad news. Have all of the shuttles made the jump to hyperspace?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “All but one,” Number One replied.

  Sgt. Massey looked to his left. He saw Number Two crawling up off the floor into the seat next to him. He gave him a nod of recognition. Then he looked back toward Number One and asked, “How long before it jumps?”

  “Thirty seconds,” Number One said.

  “Keep us between that cruiser and the shuttle,” Sgt. Massey ordered.

  “Sgt. Massey, that cruiser has heavy weapons. We....”

  “That's an order, Number One!!” Sgt. Massey exclaimed.

  “Yes, Sgt. Massey,” Number One replied. Number One made the necessary course corrections to place them alongside the shuttle.

  “Fifteen seconds,” Number One said.

  “Is our hyperdrive charged?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “Yes, we can jump at any time,” Number One said.

  “Brace for impact!! The cruiser is firing!!” R-1 yelled.

  “Maintain position!!” Sgt. Massey yelled as the ship shuttered from laser impacts.

  “The shuttle has jumped to hyperspace,” Number One said flatly.

  “Get us out of here!!” Sgt. Massey yelled.

  “Standby for jump in five, four, three, two, one.” Nothing happened. “Running diagnostics, standby....the hyperdrive has sustained damage, unable to jump,” Number One said.

  Number Two threw himself onto the floor. He crawled rapidly towards the hyperdrive's access panel and ripped it open. The tiny ship shuttered violently from laser impacts again. Number Two was now completely inside the hyperdrive. Sgt. Massey could hear him working frantically.

  “Okay, try it now, Number One,” Number Two's muffled voice said from inside the hyperdrive.

  “Engaging hyperdrive in five, four, three, two, one,” Number One said. The stars and asteroids that were surrounding them disappeared as they entered hyperspace.

  Chapter 12

  “That was a close one,” R-1 said as he mimed wiping sweat from his brow.

  “Yes it was, good job guys,” Sgt. Massey said. He noticed that Number One was studying the control console intently and asked, “What's the matter?”

  “The hyperdrive was damaged,” Number One said.

  “Yeah, but Number Two fixed it,” R-1 said.

  “Not exactly,” Number Two said as he crawled back up into his seat.

  “What do you mean by not exactly?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “I had to bypass some critical systems to get the hyperdrive to work,” Number Two said.

  “What kind of critical systems?” R-1 asked curiously.

  “Navigation,” Number One said.

  Sgt. Massey didn't like the way this was sounding. “What does that mean exactly?” He asked more insistently.

  “It means that we made a blind jump into hyperspace. We could end up anywhere in the galaxy,” Number Two said.

  “Great,” R-1 said sarcastically.

  “So what do we do?” Sgt. Massey asked worriedly.

  “We exit hyperspace, find our location and jump back in the right direction,” Number One said.

  “How long until we exit hyperspace?” Sgt. Massey asked.

  “Seven hours, twenty three minutes, fifteen seconds,” Number One said.

  “Good, then that's what we'll do,” Sgt. Massey said.

  “I am afraid not,” Number One said.

  “You just said....” Sgt. Massey began to say before Number One interrupted him.

  “I know what I said Sgt. Massey. When I said we, I meant myself, Number Two and R-1. In addition to receiving damage to the hyperdrive, we also received damage to the life support system. We are rapidly loosing oxygen that cannot be replaced,” Number One said plainly.

  Sgt. Massey was silent for a long moment. Then he asked in a low voice, “How much oxygen is left?”

  “Forty minutes, thirty seven seconds,” Number One replied.

  Sgt. Massey had been a marine for over twelve years. He had fought in several battles and had been wounded many times. He had always hoped that when his time came he would die with honor. To die in combat fighting their evil enemy was what he wanted. He didn't want to die of slow asphyxiation in the middle of nowhere all alone. It seemed, however, that the choice had been made for him. Everyone was silent for a few moments contemplating their dire situation.

  Then Number One said, “I can give you a sedative Sgt. Massey to ease your suffering. You will just go to sleep and not wake up.”

  “Thank you,” Sgt. Massey replied weakly.

  “That won't be necessary,” said R-1.

  “What do you mean?” Number One asked. Everyone turned to look at R-1 as he walked up beside Sgt. Massey.

  “It won't be necessary if we get him into the stasis chamber. Right, good buddy?” R-1 said as he patted Sgt. Massey on the shoulder with his tiny hand.

  “Stasis chamber!!” Sgt. Massey exclaimed as he looked down into the little robot's bright green eyes.

  “Yep, installed it myself. It's a top of the line model. Dr. Guitenberg spared no expense when it came to his shuttle,” R-1 said.

  “Wow!! That's great!! Thanks R-1!!” Sgt. Massey exclaimed with excitement.

  “No problemo,” R-1 said.

  “That's a load off,” Sgt. Massey said. He sat back in his seat with obvious relief. Dr. Guitenberg had saved his life. It was too bad that he couldn't have returned the favor. He recalled the Doctor's limp body sitting behind his desk. Then he remembered the tiny holo-projector he had taken and removed it from his armor. He placed it on the console in front of him and examined it carefully. He noticed that the tiny projector had a card slot in its base. He placed the Doctor's security card gently into the slot. He felt the familiar tingle in his finger tips as the projector came to life. A small hologram of Dr. Guitenberg sitting behind his desk appeared above the projector. Everyone looked at the tiny hologram intently as it began to speak.

  “Sgt. Massey, if you are viewing this hologram then I'm already gone. Don't shed any tears for me. I have lived a long and productive life. You on the other hand, Sergeant, have many years to live. That is, if you were able to escape the facility. The prototypes and R-1 are the crowning achievements of my life. If you can deliver them safely to Fleet Marine Striker Battalion command, you will hopefully be rewarded. I know why you came to RD-3 Omega, Sgt. Massey. I have known all along. Get my prototypes back to the fleet, and then the information I have stored in them should help you get the promotion you desire. I regret that I couldn't have helped you more. You se
e, Sgt. Massey, I was also exiled to the Kuiper belt. Any influence that I might have had disappeared long ago. Goodbye and good luck, Sgt. Massey,” Dr. Guitenberg said. The Doctor removed something small from his shirt pocket and placed it in his mouth. Then he laid his head down on his desk and the hologram disappeared.

  Everyone was silent for several seconds. Finally Sgt. Massey broke the silence and asked, “Did the Doctor commit suicide?”

  Number One considered the question for a moment then said, “It would appear so. When I examined him he had no pulse and was not breathing. We did not have time for a thorough examination however.”

  “Why? Why would he do that? He was a brilliant scientist! I don't understand!” Sgt. Massey said in anger.

  “I do not know,” Number One replied quietly.

  “He was an old man. Maybe he was afraid of being captured and tortured,” Number Two said.

  Sgt. Massey considered this for a moment then said, “Yeah, I suppose.” In his heart he didn't believe it though. Then he asked,”Why was he exiled to the Kuiper belt?”