Read Provoked Page 10

  Releasing her lips, he pressed hot, openmouthed kisses along her neck to her collarbone.

  The warmth in the brain receded.

  She arched up against him, so much need in her breasts they seemed on fire. “Kane.”

  “No talking.” He yanked open her blouse, eyes flaring at the plain cotton bra. A smooth movement had the front clasp springing open. “Very pretty.” His tongue flicked out to tease one nipple.

  She whimpered, her hands still tangled in his hair and holding tight.

  He lifted his head to pierce her with a gaze full of need. “See how good we could be together?”

  For two beats her brain failed to connect. Then reality crashed harder than a sledgehammer. “Wait a minute.” Her voice emerged husky. “The brain. You stimulated my brain. You planted desire.”

  “You can’t plant desire.” He settled himself on his elbows. “I just stimulated the amygdala and nucleus accumbens in your brain—one regulates emotion and the other controls the release of dopamine.”

  Desire flashed to anger. “You bastard.” She’d known him only a day and had already used words she never spoke. “You manipulated me.”

  “No.” His frown matched the slow burn in his eyes. The flash of anger combined with a heat of lust in his rapidly darkening irises. “First, I wanted to show you how else demons could mess with your brain. Then . . . well . . . things got out of control.”

  Okay. While he was giving his lame explanation, he really shouldn’t be pressing the strong line of his erection against her aching clit. Worse yet, she was two seconds away from ripping his pants off. “Get off me. Now.”

  “No.” The grip on her ass tightened. “Not until you at least consider how good we could be.”

  “From a logical perspective, I can’t stand you. In fact, I’d probably kill you in your sleep.” She released his hair and shoved both hands against his hard chest. The damn man didn’t move.

  “Some pacifist.”

  “See? See what a few hours with you does to me? No way will I mate you.”

  “Famous last words, gorgeous.” He rolled off her, smoothly pressing his shoulders against the floor and leaping to his feet without using his hands.

  What a show-off. But . . . well . . . the move was impressive. Balance, coordination, and strength. If she went crazy and actually wanted a vampire mate for all eternity, he’d make a good choice. Lucky for her she wasn’t going crazy. She grabbed the chair and heaved to her feet. “You’re a manipulative jerk.”

  “That’s nothing compared to what the demons will do if they get a hold of you.” Kane shrugged. “Well, without the kissing part, usually.”

  His face was flushed, his eyes burning, his body tense.

  Oh yeah. She hadn’t been the only one affected by the kiss. Slowly, she dropped her fingers to the buttons of her shirt to refasten, pleasure filling her when his gaze followed. Take that, buddy.

  Then her shoulders started to itch. She glanced down at the old rug still wearing her butt print. “Tell me that’s not from a real animal.”

  Kane sighed. “I don’t own this place, for goodness’ sake. However, once you get to Realm headquarters, you should be pleased. We have allies who are shifters. To the best of my knowledge, most animal-type fabric, rug, and coverings in every house we own are synthetic.”


  “I’ll make it ‘all’ as soon as possible.”

  She smiled. “You’re not as much of a jackass as I thought.”

  “That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me.” He dropped back into his chair.

  She nodded, fighting to keep from shivering. Whether from the cold or Kane’s kiss, she wasn’t sure. Man, she wished they were still rolling around on the floor. She’d never felt such need. While she wasn’t going to mate him, they still had this night. A tremor racked her shoulders.

  Kane sighed. “You’re not warming up.”

  “Yes . . . I . . . am . . .” She shivered again.

  He turned to eye her.

  “You mess with my brain, and I’ll kick your ass.” The time had ended for nicety. “Don’t even think of warming me up by manipulating some weird cortex in my brain-stem.”

  “Okay.” He tore off his shirt. Defined muscles showed in his broad chest that tapered into an intriguing six-pack. The scientist worked out. He’d healed from the bullet wound completely. His pants followed suit, leaving him in dark briefs. His legs were as sexy as the rest of him. He lifted her and sat on the sofa.

  “Hey,” she protested as he sat back down with her on his lap. “Why are you getting naked?”

  “I have briefs on—and my clothes were wet.” He yanked the blanket free before pressing her skin against his and rewrapping the blanket.

  His heat slammed right through to muscles and bone. She bit her lip to keep from groaning in pure pleasure. “Stop manhandling me.” Her voice came out weak and not nearly as angry as she’d like.

  “I like handling you.” That deep voice turned thoughtful and a bit rough.

  The storm raged outside, the fire crackled inside, and she was sitting on the hottest guy she’d ever seen. “Okay. This is not some big, sexy seduction, we’re lost in the storm, let’s get it on situation.” Her mouth formed the words, but deep down, her body howled in protest.

  He chuckled, turning her to straddle him. “Let’s warm your back.”

  Heat from the fire licked down her spine . . . not nearly as hot as the warmth from the hard body heating her front. His thighs warmed the inside of hers. “Kane, stop it.” Again, her body ignored the very simple words by her hands pressing against his hard chest, feeling the very, very nice muscles there.

  “Stop what? “ Dark amusement lifted his lip while those eyes swirled a deep violet.

  “Playing with me,” she coughed out.

  “Darlin’, I’m not playing. If I were playing, I’d do this.” He leaned in, his tongue flicking along her jugular. His mouth was hotter than possible. “And this.” Clever fingers wandered across her rib cage to sweep under her breast.

  She pressed toward him, her breath catching.

  “And this,” he murmured against her neck, tweaking her nipple through the cotton.

  With a sigh, she pressed against his sudden erection. “I’m not sure I even like you.”

  “Most people aren’t sure if they like me,” he said, lifting away and flashing a grin.

  Disarming and charming, the grin heated her insides.

  Vulnerability gentled her hands as she framed his face.

  “What are you really like?” She frowned, her body on fire, her mind curious, her instincts whispering she should run.

  He tilted his head. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I think you do.” She settled against his erection, enjoying the instant flare of lust in his dark eyes. “I’m not easy, and I’m not simple, Kane. I want you. But even though we’re fleeting, I don’t want a rational, this-is-a-reasonable-way-to-calm-down-and-ride-out-the-storm lay.”

  His eyebrow lifted. “Did you just say lay?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Darlin’, I’m all brain, no heart. That should make you happy considering the pleasure centers are in the brain.”

  “No.” She shoved against his chest, the movement rubbing her suddenly aching sex against a hardened cock too impressive to easily ignore. “This isn’t about thinking. This is about feeling.” Staring him right in the eyes, she tried to penetrate to his hard brain. “We both know you can feel, whether you like that fact or not.”

  Irritation flashed bright in those eyes to be quickly blanketed with humor. “That was a secret.”

  Her hands dropped along with her gaze. “Whatever.”

  He sighed. Running both hands through her hair, he gently tugged her head back until her eyes met his. “Amber, I like you. Against all rational thought, I like the way you think, the way you move, even the way you feel everything too strongly. And I want to have one night with you—not to
relieve some stress, although it would—not to cement your help, although it might—and not to further any of my rather pressing goals. I just want to get inside you and drive you crazy until you scream my name.”

  She opened her mouth but no words formed.

  His hold tightened. “But you should be very careful what you ask for.” The predator he’d been hiding rose to the surface.

  All amusement and charm disappeared.

  Awareness slammed through her. She’d misjudged him. Sure, she’d seen him kill demons. And she’d known he was a vampire. But he’d seemed like an intellectual, somewhat safe. The male trusting her enough to reveal himself right now was nowhere near safe.

  “You want the real me?”

  She nodded slowly.

  “Then say yes.”

  Her mind spun. Rational thought whisked away. She should think about this. There was no doubt they’d be parting ways after she fulfilled her promise and helped him with Jase. She had to get Grandma Hilde to safety and off the demon radar. But she never wanted to look back on her life and wonder . . . what if? So they had one night. “Yes.”

  At her acquiesce, she expected him to react. To delve deep, to pounce.

  Instead, his eyes darkened to beyond black. A slow smile, wicked and sure, slid across his handsome face.

  She shivered.

  He tugged her sweatshirt over her head. His hands went to her bare shoulders, sliding down until reaching her wrists.

  Then he tugged her to him and kissed her. Warmer than imaginable, his mouth slanted over hers, his lips firm and demanding. His tongue swept inside her mouth, sending her sliding full force into arousal. She tried to lift her hands to his chest, but they remained in place.

  Strong hands banded around her wrists and trapped her hands on her thighs. She couldn’t move.

  Shock, then fire ripped through her. Her panties dampened even more.

  His mouth worked hers, taking. Long fingers threaded through hers, sliding her hands behind her back to press against her hips, dragging her clit along his shaft. Sparks flashed behind her eyes. She whimpered.

  He lifted away, a dark flush across his high cheekbones, his nostrils flaring. Hunger glinted strong and bright in his eyes. “Now that’s a pretty sound. Make it again.” Pressing her hands against her butt, he rubbed his cock against her.

  She whimpered again.

  His smile revealed more of the animal he’d kept hidden.

  Doubt broke through the clouds in her brain, and she opened her mouth to protest.

  “Too late.” His mouth found her nipple, his strength easily keeping her in place.

  Where he wanted her.

  Sharp teeth nipped and then his tongue soothed. Electricity flared from nerve to nerve, making her nearly desperate to move against him. Yet his hold stayed firm, not allowing her to move an inch.

  The helplessness compared to his strength rippled shivers of need down her spine. “Kane.”

  The world tilted and she found herself lying on the blanket near the fire, the vampire kneeling between her legs. He ripped her pants and panties off. “Oh,” she protested, mind whirling, her hands suddenly free and reaching to push against his shoulders.

  One dark look froze her in place.

  “Hands down.” The set of his jaw hardened.

  She couldn’t move . . . could only stare.

  “Put them down or I’ll tie them down.” No mercy showed in his deep eyes.

  Her hands dropped to the blanket as if gravity worked for him. She shook her head. “I don’t . . .”

  “You do.” He plunged one finger inside her easily. Too easily.

  She arched up in response, a strangled groan emerging. Internal muscles flared to life and clamped down on him. Her arousal was obvious. “Stop playing.”

  “I’m not playing.” His finger found her G-spot, and she nearly shot off the blanket. With a deep chuckle, his mouth dropped to her clit.

  No easing, no teasing . . . he sucked hard.

  She exploded with a strangled cry, the entire room sheeting white. His fingers prolonged the orgasm until she wanted to beg. Whether for him to stop or keep going, she wasn’t sure. Finally, she came down, her entire body nowhere near sated and truly on fire. Her body protested when he removed his hand.

  While it had been awhile, in the past, one orgasm did her just fine. Now one wasn’t nearly enough. Somehow Kane had driven her even higher, somehow he’d perched her entire body on the edge, waiting for him. “I hate you.”

  He chuckled against her clit, sending her senses spiraling. “I’ll have to change your mind on that.” Slow, delicious licks had her squirming on the blanket, her hands itching to grab and take him. But she had no doubt he’d meant the sensual threat. He really would tie her down.

  The idea almost sent her into another orgasm. She shifted to the side to get his mouth where she wanted it, and he clamped both hands on her thighs. “Hold still, darlin’.”

  “ No. ”

  The slap to her thigh made her gasp.

  “Yes.” His shoulders settled into place, keeping her open to him. Whether she liked it or not. “You have quite the rebellious streak, don’t you? Let’s see what we can do about that.”

  Who was this guy? She levered up to tell him off when his mouth got serious. Coughing out a sob, she dropped back to the blanket. Man, he was talented.

  A rumble of pleasure echoed against her flesh as he went to work. Alternating between soft caresses and more intense licks, he had her mind spinning and her body gyrating within minutes. A bite to her thigh made her cry out. Then his mouth went back to her core. Minutes later she couldn’t tell the difference between pain and pleasure.

  Minutes after that she was begging in incoherent sobs.

  Finally, he lifted up, a pleased smile curving his lips. “Now that’s better.”

  The words didn’t register. Her entire body was alight, in definite pain, in a craving too intense to be real. Yet it was. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she knew she was going to kill him the next day. But for now, she almost sobbed in relief when he yanked off his briefs and settled against her. Finally.

  He plunged inside her with one strong stroke.

  Pain. Her entire body arched in denial. He was too big. She shoved against his shoulders, her breath catching.

  “Give it a second,” he whispered against her neck, his heated breath sending shivers along her collarbone.

  With a catch in her throat, she nodded, settling back down.

  Her body relaxed, accepting him. Her eyes fluttered shut at the exquisite pleasure. Who knew?

  Slowly, he drew out and then plunged back inside her.

  She gasped, both hands clutching into his tight ass. “Again.”

  Warning hinted in his sudden smile. She should’ve kept quiet. He shook his head, dark hair moving around his shoulders. “Giving orders, are we?”

  “No.” Quick, her response burst out before she could think.

  “Hmm.” Staying inside her, filling her beyond what she thought she could take, his mouth dropped to her right breast and engulfed her nipple in fire. His wet tongue flicked and teased the peak.

  Her nails dug into his butt, trying to get him moving again.

  His teeth closed and nipped.

  The breath swooshed out of her lungs as she paused. Too fast to track, he grabbed both her hands and flattened them against the blanket under his. “Not that I mind wearing your marks, sweetheart, but a man does like to take his time.”

  “I’m going to kill you.” She wrapped her legs around his hips, holding him in place. “Tomorrow.” After their one night.

  His smile lightened something inside her. “Then I really should enjoy my last night on earth.” Deadly fangs dropped low. His eyebrows rose in question.

  All instinct and without conscious thought, she turned and exposed her neck.

  His low growl of satisfaction echoed throughout her body to where they remained joined.

  Seconds later shar
p points embedded in her flesh. A flash of pain was brushed away by intense satisfaction.

  But the intense pleasure wasn’t hers. The feeling, dark and deep, came from Kane. Was this part of her gift? Or was this part of Kane’s talents? Either way, she relaxed into the sensation, letting the raw thrill take hold.

  She’d accidentally taken some mushrooms once that apparently were as strong as LSD. That was nothing compared to the feeling shooting her neurons into flight as Kane Kayrs took her blood.

  Giving a low groan, Kane released her hand to grab her butt, moving out and in. His fangs retracted and he licked her neck. Increasing his speed, he began to pound in a fierce rhythm.

  The pounding matched the wildness pouring through Amber’s veins. Her thighs tightened as she clasped her ankles together, meeting his thrusts. A spiraling started deep inside her. Breathing became impossible. Then breath became unnecessary.

  The only thing that mattered was where that spiraling sensation wanted to take her.

  His cock was hard, pulsing, somehow demanding. He thrust harder, angling over her clit.

  She broke with a cry, tidal waves of pleasure crashing through her. Her internal muscles spasmed around him as he continued to thrust, sharp fangs embedding in her neck again.

  With a low growl, he stiffened against her as he came.

  Sighing, her entire body went limp against the blanket.

  Kane licked her collarbone, raising up to flash a satisfied smile.

  She smiled back. “That was well worth the one night.”

  His grin turned wicked through the firelight. “Ah, darlin’. We’re nowhere near done.”


  A weak morning sun tried to filter through the swirling snow outside the small cabin. Amber had been awake for about ten minutes, listening to the crazy storm and wondering where Kane had gone. She gathered the blanket closer and stumbled toward the window. Multiple muscles flared to life in protest.

  She had been well and truly fucked.

  Kane Kayrs, vampire, now knew her body better than she did. He hadn’t missed a millimeter in his exploration.