Read Provoked Page 9

  Amber stumbled up the embankment, Kane’s hand steadying her several times. Finally, the path smoothed out. He turned to lift and cradle her against his chest. She protested, giving a slight struggle. He must be exhausted.

  He shushed her, tucking her head under his chin, his movements not slowing.

  Warmth flowed from the vampire, and she instinctively snuggled closer. The guy would kill without breaking a sweat, and yet, she’d never felt safer. Well, physically safe, anyway. There was no question Kane was driven and would take advantage of her brain again to get what he wanted. But she could understand the drive to save family—she’d do anything for Grandma Hilde.

  “Don’t manipulate me again,” she whispered against his neck.

  He shoved a branch out of their way. His lips brushed her cheek. “No promises.”

  Tingles spread along her jaw. What would it take to get a promise from Kane? Something told her he was a guy who kept his word, which made him smart enough not to make promises.

  Reaching an icy deck fronting a ramshackle cabin, he set her down, waiting until she regained her balance before letting go. Bending down, he surveyed the lock. “Step back.”

  She stepped away, sliding on the wood and grabbing the railing to keep from falling. The freezing wood cut into her fingers. Her stomach plummeted at the rough shack. They’d left a warm, plush, comfortable home for a crumbling hut? She shivered violently.

  Kane kicked the lock, his boot hitting precisely to the left. The door swung inward. Reaching for her hand, he towed her inside a small room with a barely visible sofa and fireplace. “Stay here for a minute.”

  He crossed the room and tossed old newspapers and kindling into the fireplace. Long matches sat in a box next to the paper and ignited easily. Kane reached up and opened the flue, blowing on the fire before adding more kindling. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  She stumbled toward him, her gaze on the wonderful fire.

  He stood, turned to survey her head to toe, and handed her the pink backpack. “You’re soaked. Drop the wet clothes, and find something in here to wear.” Reaching behind her, he grabbed a blanket off the one sofa and shook the heavy wool out. “Then cover up with this. I’ll be back shortly.”

  Then he was out the door.

  Shivering, her fingers barely working, she tugged off her vest, shirt, and pants, leaving on her panties. Reaching into the girly backpack, she yanked out a brandy bottle and a plastic bag filled with a woman’s sweatshirt and yoga pants. Soft and well-worn, they were probably full length on the owner. Talen’s mate must’ve been fairly petite. They fit like capris on Amber. She pulled them on along with the sweatshirt.

  Pulling the blanket around her freezing body, she sat on the couch. Guilt filled her from using the wool blanket, but she couldn’t throw it off. Poor sheep. But darn, she was cold. Heat from the small fire slowly penetrated the blanket.

  Kane returned with arms full of wood. Precisely placing several pieces on the fire, he sat back, satisfaction on his face. “There we go.”

  Amber leaned toward the heat, her hands keeping the blanket closed. “Are we safe here?”

  Kane nodded and held his broad hands out to the fire. “The storm has picked up, and we’re safe for the night. My people will be here tomorrow morning after the storm has abated to get us, so no worrying. Just warm up.”

  Her teeth chattered and filled the silence for a few moments.

  Kane reached farther into the backpack to produce crystal lowball glasses.

  Amber barked out a laugh at the high-end crystal in the very low-end shack.

  He poured them both a glass and settled himself into a purple chair that didn’t come close to matching the faded avocado-themed sofa.

  Amber took a deep sip, allowing the warmth to spread down to her belly. “I liked Talen’s place better.”

  “Me, too.” Kane grinned.

  She couldn’t help her answering smile. “Is Talen like you?”

  “No. None of my brothers are like me.” Kane leaned back in the chair. “Dage is the oldest, the king, and is always in charge. Next comes Talen, and he’s, ah, a strategic genius as well as being overbearing. I’m next. Then Conn, who’s the ultimate soldier and is mated to a witch. Finally, there’s Jase.”

  “The one the demons took.”

  “Yes.” Kane lost his smile. “I should’ve found him years ago. I’ve failed repeatedly.” Emotion swirled in his eyes, only to be quickly banked.

  She cleared her throat. “You scared me when you hurt Hanson.”

  “I’m sorry.” Kane kept her gaze, expression not changing. “Torture is never pretty.”

  “It wasn’t the fact that you hurt him.” A hard as the truth was to admit, Amber would’ve done the same to save her grandmother. “It was the perfect precision and lack of emotion that was scary.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “I’m not an emotional person.”

  “Why do I find that hard to believe?” she whispered.

  That dark gaze searched her face, finally dropping to her lips. They tingled in response. The man went beyond good-looking to sex and danger combined. How was that possible? Besides, why would danger be sexy? But on Kane, the danger only enhanced his masculinity. Or maybe his masculinity enhanced the danger dancing on his skin. The intimacy of the quiet cabin and the safe haven from the storm made both elements too appealing.

  The wind slammed snow against the windows, and she jumped.

  He studied her like a lion that was more curious than hungry. Right now. But the slightest hint hung in the air that he could change his mind at any time. “Amber, I’m by no means a demon, but all vampires have some psychic ability.”

  Oh no. Did that mean he was reading her mind? “What’s your point?”

  “I’m going to attack your mind with mine, and you need to defend yourself.”

  Panic bit into her. “No.”

  “Yes. We need to start training as soon as possible.” His gaze rose—relentless and sure. “Get ready.”

  “No, Kane—” Pain slammed into her mind so fast she caught her breath. Invisible fingers dug between her gray matter, tearing. “Stop it.”

  “Fight me.”

  “No.” Her knees drew up and she wrapped her arms around them, shoving her forehead against her jeans. “Stop.”

  “Damn it, Amber,” Kane muttered, his voice hoarse. “Fight me. This is nothing compared to what the demons will do to you—what they’re doing to your grandmother right now. Fight back.”

  Her grandmother. Anger and fear welled up so hard a ringing set up in her ears. “No!” She shoved against the pain, furious at Kane, sending anger spiraling toward him.

  Stars exploded behind her eyes into tiny bits, each shard stabbing into her brain like knives. Pain filled her gasp.

  She opened her eyes just in time to see his head jerk back.

  A slow smile crossed his face. “Nicely done.”

  The pain receded.

  Amber jumped to her feet. “Fuck you.” Turning on her heel, gulping back tears, she headed for the door.

  He beat her there and blocked her way. “I’m sorry.”

  Her knee moved of its own volition straight for his balls.

  Pivoting, he grabbed her arms and shoved her against the wall. “Hate me all you want, but you need to learn how to defend yourself.” His hold tightened until she faced him. Emotion, raw and pure, swirled through his odd eyes. “I really am sorry,” he whispered. One hand released her so he could wipe a tear from her face with his thumb. “There’s no other way.”

  “You just want to save your brother.” She gulped back more tears.

  Surprise filled his eyes that he quickly banished. “For a moment, I forgot Jase.” Kane frowned, shaking his head. “I do want to save him. But I also want to save you—and the demons know about you. The sooner you learn to control your gifts, the safer you’ll be.”

  “Do you really think they’re hurting my grandmother?” She wouldn’t cry anymore.

bsp; “No. I assume they really want you, sweetheart.” He cupped her chin. “I said that to motivate you. I was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

  Her gaze dropped to his mouth. “I’m a pacifist, damn it.”

  A cell phone buzzed. Kane started, and then stepped back, yanking the phone from his jeans and putting the device to his ear. “Finally. Cell service. What?” He listened, then let out a strong breath. “Excellent. Nice job, Dage. I’ll call you tomorrow.” The phone clicked off.

  Amber clutched his shirt. “What?”

  “We have your granny.” A relieved smile crossed Kane’s face. “The demons took her straight to the airport and had to make an emergency landing in the storm over Utah. Dage had been monitoring all transportation and had allies ready to take her. She’s been taken to wolf headquarters and will be moved to our headquarters as soon as possible, where we have excellent doctors. I promise she’ll be okay.”

  Relief flowed through Amber so fast her knees buckled.

  “Easy darlin’,” Kane murmured, picking her up to set down on the sofa. Frowning, he pressed a hand against her forehead. “You’re hot again. Must be something about fighting the infection of battling someone else’s mind. I need to get a blood sample as soon as we get to headquarters.” Thunder growled high above and sleet blasted against the windows. He sighed. “Which won’t be anytime soon.”

  Amber settled against the threadbare cushions, her mind fuzzing. The fire warmed the space, its soft light not quite reaching every dark corner. Outside the storm bellowed and tried to get inside.

  Kane grabbed the brandy glasses. Handing her one, he retook his seat in the chair. “Drink.”

  “Stop being bossy.”

  “Sorry.” Slowly, he took a sip, gaze watchful over the rim.

  She drank a healthy gulp. How was she supposed to act normal with a sexy vampire studying her? “Stop staring.”

  “No.” He licked a drop from his lip.

  She fought a groan. The brandy warmed down her throat to her abdomen. Wind whistled outside, lending an intimacy to the fire-lit area inside. Her eyes half-closed in reaction. Tingles set up in her knees—most likely from the mind war she’d just fought. But the confusion came from her reaction to the vampire. “You shouldn’t have kissed me last night.”

  “I know,” he agreed softly.

  “Why did you?”

  “You’re beautiful, sexy, and I want you.” His voice was calm and self-assured.

  No game playing with that man.

  She fought to keep her face calm. He said want in present tense. Her body reacted instantly, her nipples pebbling. “That’s surprising. I figured you’d go for some robotic scientist type.”

  “Apparently not.”

  As people, they couldn’t be more different. He was overeducated. She . . . not so much. “I’m a pacifist.”

  He gestured for her to finish her drink. “Let’s talk about that.”

  She downed the rest of the brandy, a delicious heat sliding through her body. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  He tipped back his head and drank his brandy, the movement both masculine and sexy. Setting the sifter on the side table, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “I’ve been thinking.”

  “That’s a new one.” She snorted.

  Vampires had sexy grins. Who knew?

  Kane’s grin widened. “So, I have a solution for our dilemma. You’re a pacifist who shouldn’t fight. I am a closet empath who needs to find my brother.”

  The guy probably didn’t confess that fact to many people. She smiled, more warmth coming from his trust than from the alcohol. “What’s a closet empath?”

  “Somebody who has fought for years to squash down the ability to read emotions from other people.” He sighed, stretching his neck. “Though, I can also attack with feelings sometimes. The ability can distract an enemy at the right moment, although I’d rather just use my brain.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with feeling things, Kane.”

  He shrugged. “Not the point.”

  “What is the point?” Besides that fact that she was in an intimate setting alone for an entire night with the sexiest man she’d ever met in real life.

  “The point is that there is a very simple answer to our dilemma.” His eyes darkened and his strong jaw set. “Mate me.”


  Amber sat back in her chair, a flush engulfing her entire body. “You’re crazy.”

  Kane didn’t move, just kept that intense gaze on her. “No, the idea makes sense. When vampires mate, they gain the abilities of their mates. In time, I would be able to shield from demon tactics, and you’d gain the ability to shield even better considering I can negate any empathic abilities I’ve been cursed with.”

  Gaining more ability to protect her brain held certain appeal. “I don’t even know you,” she whispered.

  He sighed. “Also, sometimes, I can send out emotions, not really strong, but enough that people notice and might feel the same. That skill would come in handy to someone wanting to mind-attack a demon.”

  Now that was a very good point. But mating him? The idea was beyond far-fetched.

  His gaze actually sizzled. “We’re attracted to each other—there’s no reason not to consider my offer.”

  Attracted? Frankly, she wouldn’t mind getting the vampire naked and exploring that kiss from outside the diner, but mating? Come on. Curiosity buzzed in her mind. “I’m assuming mating involves sex?”

  His eyes somehow darkened further. “Yes.”

  “So we have sex . . . and what?” Heat burst into her face.

  He cleared his throat. “Well, I bite you—and, ah, transfer a brand from my palm to you—somewhere. You can choose the place.”

  Oh, he had to be beyond delusional. “Brand? You brand me like a cow?”

  “God, no. The marking is like a tattoo—and you’ll gain my abilities and immortality.”

  How tempting was that? She crossed her legs, curious and oddly aroused. “And when we are finished being mates? Would I still be immortal?”

  He stilled. The air seemed to follow suit. “There’s no end to a mating. You’d be mine forever.”

  The matter-of-fact tone did nothing to conceal the strong note of possessiveness underlying the words. Then the vampire sat back, patiently awaiting an answer with confidence on his hard face.

  Her breath sped up, and she swallowed to keep from panting. “Not in a million years.”

  Both eyebrows rose. “Why in the world not? You’re aroused right now.”

  She lifted her chin. “Maybe so. You’re unbelievably rude to point that fact out, by the way.”

  “My apologies. But you need to think this through. Our mating solves all our problems.”

  “Except romance, fun, and happily-ever-after.” Three things she’d always strongly believed in. “I won’t mate for convenience.” Mother Earth. Now she was using the term mate like it belonged in everyday conversation. “Why would you?”

  One shoulder lifted. His long, tapered fingers spread out over his legs, his hands broad and oddly graceful. “I’ve always figured I’d mate out of convenience for business, for strategy, or to create an alliance. This fits.”

  Talk about unromantic. “A business arrangement is no reason to tie yourself to someone for eternity.”

  “How about survival? Yours and everyone you care about.” The set of his jaw promised the conversation wasn’t over.

  “What about love?”

  He sighed. “Love is a chemical reaction induced in our brain to encourage propagating the species. The sensation is merely a scientific phenomenon, like the northern lights.”

  On all that was holy. “You can’t seriously believe such nonsense.”

  “Of course I do. And so would you if you stopped to think about the idea logically instead of believing in silly movies and sonnets.”

  Silly movies? How was this the same guy who’d kissed her in the snow and pretty much knocked her socks off? “The a
nswer is no.” She was just silly enough she might’ve believed some baloney story about fate and destiny. But not logic and planning—not when it came to the heart.

  He shrugged. “I’m not giving up on this idea, and I can be very persuasive.”

  So long as he kept his dangerous lips across the room, she was fine. “I am not going to be your mate.” Relief filled her as she said the words slowly.

  “Your choice. Are you ready to train again?”

  “You mean have you rip into my brain?”

  He blanched. “Yes. Believe me, my attack was nothing compared to what the demons have in store for you. The sooner you learn to control your gift from a safe distance, the sooner we can go after Jase.”

  They’d saved her grandmother, and she’d given her word she’d help save Jase. “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  Soft, nearly seductive, his dark voice wandered down her spine as if he traced each vertebra with his lips.

  Her eyes fluttered shut.

  This time, the attack came in the form of a soft glide against her mind. Smooth, even slightly warm, a caress wandered from her frontal lobe to the center of her brain.

  She shifted on the couch, crossing her legs. A tingling set along her rib cage and wandered south to heat her abdomen. Mentally pushing against the caress, the warmth enveloped her entire brain and provided an electric stimulation that caught the breath in her throat.

  Desire ripped through her so quickly her knees trembled. Her sex started to ache. Her breasts pebbled. A slow sigh escaped her.

  A whisper of sound floated toward her as he moved, and the scent of male and musk wafted her way. Languishingly opening her eyes, she stared at the vampire. On his knees, he settled between her legs. His heated hands dropped to her thighs.

  She should be angry. But her gaze dropped to his lips, and she met him halfway. He swallowed her moan in a kiss that started with anything but logic. Fire engulfed her. Leaning forward, she clamped both hands in his thick hair, opening her mouth to take more of him.

  He delved deeper, his tongue possessing, his lips firm and demanding. With a low growl, he tumbled her to the rug, his hard body stretching atop her. Settling an impressive erection between her thighs, his hand slid down and secured her ass, rubbing her against him.