Read Quasar Page 14

  “When I set out from Rega I did not know that Quasar had escaped the confines of his mountain prison, it was not until I arrived at the black mountain that I knew he had escaped. I was simply doing a recon of the area to help me sum up the situation down here, and to help me formulate my plans to defeat the most powerful mind in the galaxy when he did get free.” Olsen replied defensively.

  “Well when you found out that he had escaped his prison, why did you not return to your Prior to ask him for assistance?” Colt asked.

  “You still do not understand do you? It is not only my planet that is in danger from Quasar; the people of Earth too are in danger. We have a week, two at most before the Church of the Universe despatches a starship to check as to why their missionaries have not called them. When they arrive, Quasar will tell them that someone has kidnapped them, and that they are held prisoner somewhere on Remus. As soon as he is able to, he will take over the minds of whoever has set foot on Remus and use them to take control of the ship. Quasar will then take the ship to the nearest technological advanced planet, probably Phlox or Mazere, and obtain the necessary technology that will allow him to begin his war of the mind. Luckily for us, the planets Remus and Rega are technologically barren, for Quasar did too good a job in destroying the Regan Empire. So you see we have only one week, maybe two to defeat Quasar or the galaxy will be lost, as it almost was so long ago in our past.”

  Olsen took a deep breath before continuing, for it had been difficult to get them to listen to him, they were already openly hostile to his words. Not one of them believed a word that he had told them. However, now his tale would be far harder to believe, for those not of his religion. Regardless of this, he continued with his tale knowing that he had little choice if he were to convince them to come to his aid and join him in his quest. His immediate need for people who are not telepathic was obvious to him, and he knew he had to convince them to join him or watch Quasar begin his first steps in destroying the peoples of the galaxy. However, before he could continue Alice had a question to ask of him.

  “Why not contact the Church and tell them of the problem, ask for their help?” Alice asked. “Then they will not simply blunder in here.” Alice smiled at Olsen, for she thought that she had hit on the simple answer to his problem, and theirs too, for she thought that a ship could be sent covertly to rescue them. She saw that her three friends were all behind her plan but the three missionaries simply smiled weakly and turned to Olsen as if waiting for him to tear it to ribbons.

  “If only it was that simple Alice, your people would never believe my story, as do any of you, and they would immediately send a ship to ensure that Bishop Miles and his colleagues were ok.” Olsen replied. “Then Quasar would take control of it and the battle for the galaxy would begin.” Olsen said kicking her plan into touch.

  “Let me tell you more about Quasar, it will allow you to see where I am coming from. Who he is and where he originally came from was unknown, that is until Prior Karson was able to glean the knowledge from those lords who live on the other side of the veil of death. He found out that Quasar was created in a laboratory and after killing his creators decided to carry on killing.”

  Olsen saw the disbelief grow in all of their eyes, almost heard their silent laughter, but then would he have believed such a tale if he were in their shoes.

  “John, leave us a while to talk about all that you have said, just between ourselves, and after we have seen Quasar tonight, then we will tell you of our joint decision.” Colt said kindly while thinking, what a dolt. Olsen nodded in agreement and looking very downcast, he went for a walk along the ravine.

  As they all waited for the sun to set behind the hills that stretched along the distant horizon, Bishop Myers spoke.

  “Why don’t I tell you our own tale as you have told us yours? We are here to lead the natives to the one true god, the one worshipped by the Church of the Universe, one which we hear you also represent Alice.” Alice nodded but as she did not want to interrupt the story, she said nothing.

  “We have converted many away from their old pagan religion and over to the true one. We had just finished our evening service yesterday when John came into our tent and forced us to come with him to this place. We had no choice but to comply with his demands, for he threatened us with his Phaser. Once we got here, he told us some of the story that you have just heard and the rest we heard just now. He then made us promise to stay here until you came along; it was that or be tied up to prevent us returning to the city. He said he would prove to each of us the truth behind his strange tale. We agreed to remain here for one full day, tonight after we have visited the Tent City, John has promised to release us. He made us bring the portable section of our interstellar communications device, is it over there in the corner.” Myers said pointing to the only modern piece of technology in the cave. “According to John it is to prevent Quasar from laying his hands on it and summoning help in the form of a starship, for as he has told you, Quasar would then begin his quest to conquer Remus and Rega first and then the galaxy.” Myers said, his final words said in a tone that conveyed his own deep felt disbelief. “Of course without this part the main unit is useless. We have promised not to use it until tomorrow morning.” Father Myers said.

  Just then, Olsen returned and Myers smiled sweetly across at him almost as if to humour him.

  “I can not see how one man can be a danger to a galaxy that is mostly not telepathic, it is simply absurd?” Alice argued. Olsen moved back towards them to explain a little more about the being known as Quasar.

  “Quasar is not simply a man Alice; the writings tell us that he can easily control a starship crew, even one that was not telepathic, but he could not do it over long distances. However, given the technology that is available now he would simply construct devices that he would attach to his victims heads. These devices would allow him to control a starship’s entire crew via the ship’s computer. He could do this even on starships that he was not actually on board at the time, once again the ancient writings tell us that he did it before, and he will do it again if we do not stop him here on Remus, the planet where he was last defeated in battle. Oh, and Alice, more of the people of this galaxy are telepathic than you think, there are many people out there who are related to the people who once made up the Regan Empire.” Olsen explained slowly as if they were young children.

  “Yes, so you tell us, first though I would like to meet this superman who you say can live forever.” Colt declared ignoring Olsen’s constant assertions as to the hidden dangers posed by Quasar.

  “Unfortunately, your wish may well be granted Captain Colt.” Olsen said sulkily.

  “As you know where he is now, why do you not simply nuke him, if as you say he cannot live through a nuclear explosion?” Partridge suggested.

  “For one thing there is no such device in this planetary system, and as I said earlier, to use such a device as you suggest Dave, would also kill many innocent people, I’m sorry but I am not ready to do that just yet.” Olsen replied angrily glaring first at Partridge and then at the rest of them.

  “And as you also stated John, we will not be able to do it at a later date.” Partridge retorted loudly.

  Alice was taken aback by such a thoughtless question as Partridge had asked, even if his subsequent comment was true, however, she put this aside, and instead she thought that it would be better if she quickly changed the subject.

  “Father Myers told us that you were expecting us, how did you know that we had survived our ordeal and would soon be here?” Alice asked a question that Colt too had wondered about and was about to ask this same question.

  “I knew that you had escaped from the nomadic tribesmen for I read the minds of the Alemanni, covertly so that they did not tell Quasar of my interest, they told me of your escape. Knowing this I searched for your camp site each night and finally found you last night, it was then a simple thing to keep track of you to ensure that you did not blunder in to the nomads’ en
campment.” Olsen replied. Colt then asked a question.

  “When the three of us enter the encampment tonight, won’t the nomads realise that we three are not telepathic and tell this Quasar that there are strangers in Tent City?” They all looked at Olsen to hear his answer to a very pertinent question.

  “No, for they do not constantly use their telepathic ability, and when they do it is only when the other party agrees to it. In any case, I will use my own mental powers to make them believe that we are indeed who we seem to be, just three travellers from a distant tribe. Unfortunately my own powers are not equal to those of Quasar, so that is why I need help in defeating him.” Olsen replied. A sad frown came to his young face for it appeared to him that the chances of Quasar succeeding in his desires seemed, at the moment, to be very high.

  “Why did your friends at the monastery not come to assist you in your quest?” Partridge asked.

  “Because they are telepathic, Quasar would have found them in an instant and then he would have found out about me and my quest, for no one can stand up to the power of his mind for long, or so it is written.” Olsen replied grimly.

  “John, what plans do you have for dealing with this eternal being, who according to you is almost impossible to kill?” Colt asked, even though he did not believe a lot of information that Olsen had given to them so far.

  “When you finally realise the dangers posed by Quasar, then I will tell you. You have so much to take in, so much to believe, it will be easier for you to take it in small doses rather than one large bite.” Olsen replied and Colt nodded in acquiescence for he could see the wisdom behind these words.

  The sun finally sank beneath the distant horizon and Olsen, Colt and Myers left their hideaway, and dressed in the clothes of the nomadic tribesmen of Remus, clothing that Olsen had provided, they made their way across the desert. They were soon approaching the tented city and then making their way through its streets, through which Olsen was busy using his own telepathic powers to reassure the locals who they passed that all was well. They finally came to the city centre, the hub of Tent City, here the locals drank at the few bars that sold a local alcoholic beverage, and it was here at the back of one of the tents that the three men sat and slowly drank the brew and watched. Myers immediately saw a difference in the behaviour of the locals, they were abnormally quiet, and they were ever watchful. Olsen ensured that the locals ignored them as they sat there quietly, watching and listening.

  “It is true that they are quiet and just a little uneasy, but John, that hardly proves your story, it could be due to many things.” Myers argued. If you are to be believed, he thought, you could be affecting them using your own power to control minds.

  “Have patience Father Myers, wait a while until our Lord Quasar makes his appearance, then you both will see enough to rid you of your doubts regarding his abilities.”

  Thirty minutes went by during which they settled down to their second drink, then the scene before them changed, a couple of the men, those quickest, left, the others threw themselves prostrate upon the floor and chanted Quasar, Quasar, Quasar. Olsen pulled his two companions to the floor and they joined in the chant as Quasar walked slowly into the entrance of the bar. Quasar stood there and gazed over the group of people before him; all was well he thought for all these pathetic creatures belonged to him.

  Just then, a priest of the ancient religion of Remus entered the tent, and on seeing Quasar, he cried out in anger.

  “Be gone foul demon before our god strikes you down; be gone from the land of the living and return to your home in the depths of hell.”

  Quasar turned slowly around and on seeing the priest, Quasar smiled, for he had his next victim, he walked slowly towards the ancient old man who stood his ground and defied him.

  “Quiet old man and bow down to your god.” Quasar ordered contemptuously as he looked the priest in the eye.

  The old priest turned his eyes away from the terrible and very suddenly large red eyes of the demon. He stepped backwards and looked around in haste to find some sort of a weapon with which to use against Quasar, and then he saw one in the hands of one of the terrified warriors that lay on the floor at the feet of Quasar. It was an ancient homemade percussion rifle. The priest leant down and grabbed it from the warrior and turning fired it, the bullet exploded from the rifle and struck Quasar in the centre of the chest. Quasar staggered for a moment, but only for a moment for then he laughed at the old priest.

  “Did they not tell you that it is impossible to kill me old man? I am a god.” He thundered.

  Quasar once again looked directly into the old priest’s eyes; this time the old priest froze, stunned that Quasar still stood there alive. The priest`s bravado turned quickly to fear and he found that he was unable to move or to say anything. The heart of the old man began to pound, his blood began to pump furiously around his frail body, faster and faster it went until the priest cried out in pain and then fell hard to the floor. His head had slammed against the floor and blood had began to seep out and pool upon the floor. If Myers and Colt had not seen this, they would never have believed it. However, the bullet that has struck Quasar in the chest was not a trick; they had seen the wound caused by its entrance into Quasar’s chest, for he was only wearing an open jacket made from the hide of their animals, one worn by the majority of the men of the Alemanni tribe. They now watched in awe as Quasar’s body expelled the bullet and began to heal before their eyes, and all this happened while they lay on the floor, afraid to breathe lest the noise bring them to the attention of Quasar.

  Neither did Olsen move from his position on the floor, he did not even dare to glance towards Quasar or the dead priest laying dead only ten feet away. Olsen did glance momentarily at Colt and Myers to ensure that his two companions were following his lead, for as Olsen had said; he was not strong enough to go up against Quasar here on Remus, at least not here and certainly not now.

  The old priest died there upon the floor of a massive heart attack, Olsen and the others listened as Quasar laughed out loud at the death of the old priest, and at the old man’s followers who had been too terrified to go to his assistance. Then Quasar walked from the bar and continued his evening stroll around Tent City.

  The occupants of the bar slowly got to their feet and while the warriors carried the body of the old man from the tent, Olsen led Bishop Myers and Colt from the bar and back to their cave and well away from any eavesdroppers who might be lurking near enough to catch any stray and careless words. When they got back, the night had turned cold and they all huddled around a fire that Partridge had made up.

  “Well, Bishop Myers and Captain Colt, what do you think about Quasar, now that you have seen him up close, is he a war lord, a Mahdi, or what I have portrayed Quasar to be?” Olsen asked. The others who had stayed behind looked at the two men and waited to hear their answers, although they still thought of Olsen as a crackpot they were interested to know how it had gone. Bishop Myers was the first to respond.

  “I certainly would not want to get on his bad side. What we saw tonight defies explanation in the normal way, were we under some sort of a hypnotic spell, I do not believe so, for I saw the old priest enter the bar with my own eyes, there was no trickery there, was there?” Myers was looking towards Colt as he asked this question, but he continuing speaking without waiting for an answer. “Captain Colt, maybe you could help me out by explaining what we saw, for it truly baffles me?” Bishop Myers asked again in a truly mystified tone of voice.

  “Me, Bishop Myers, I was kind of hoping that you would be the one to explain it to me.” Colt replied with a grin. Colt then related everything that had occurred while they had been at the bar, for the others were becoming a little impatient with the two men who had been there. Alice responded first to his strange tale.

  “If what you saw really happened then he must have used a form of psychokinetic energy to expel the bullet, but I always thought that was all hogwash?” Alice said, completely at a loss to cont
inue to speak of her thoughts on this matter.

  “Maybe he did, but how come he did not die first, and how did he heal up so fast?” Partridge asked equally baffled.

  “There must be an explanation, but what it is, well it is beyond my understanding, otherwise we would all have to agree with John, that Quasar is a superhuman.” Bishop Myers said. It was obvious to all that Myers believed that the possibility that Olsen was telling the whole truth was not even worth considering.

  “Unfortunately, it is difficult for a stranger to see or to understand the tremendous power that Quasar possesses, and uses quite freely, not without waiting until it is too late.” Olsen said to the others. “However, you must decide if you are going to help me, and before he acquires a fleet of starships and starts a very destructive galactic war.”

  “Are we to assume that we still can not use our communications device to call for outside help?” Bishop Myers asked anger now present in his voice.

  “If a starship shows up here without a real belief of the dangers posed by Quasar then we are lost, the galaxy and all you hold dear is lost. Quasar will eventually take control of the starship and then events will proceed as before, the destruction of all of our planets and the deaths or enslavement of all of our people. It will take longer as your people are not telepathic, but in the end, it will happen. If it is an important matter then I suppose you can use your device, but please ensure that no further starships come to Remus.” Olsen said conceding this one point. “I would rather you did not though, if Quasar is monitoring the main unit he will know that you must be close by, for the range of the remote device that you brought along is only one mile at most. As soon as you start to use it, you are gambling with your lives. If he is monitoring it he will hear everything you say, but more importantly he will have his men combing through the area around Tent City, and he will soon find this hideaway, of that there is no doubt.” Olsen warned them.