Read Quasar Page 15

  “All right John, I will agree to hold off for the moment, for I have nothing to report to my people that will not keep, nothing that will not see a starship arriving here to see if I am still in possession of my senses.” Bishop Myers replied although he did wonder just how they could prevent a starship from approaching the planet if one was already on the way.

  Colt was unsure just how he felt about this stranger, when they had been inside the bar at Tent City he had seen things that he personally could not explain. There was one explanation that did fit the facts, Olsen had hypnotised them into believing that Quasar had appeared and done these things, but when had he hypnotised them. On the other hand, if Olsen had used the power of his brain to put the events of the night into their brains, then that meant accepting that Quasar could also use this power. Colt`s head began to ache, badly, and not just from the poor alcohol that he had drunk, so he decided to leave off trying to explain the events at the bar until the morning. Playing along with Olsen seemed to him to be the best plan for the moment, wait and see what happens and decide then. Colt decided to put these thoughts to Olsen.

  “Ok, John, you must realise that this is all rather a lot to take in, especially as we have seen so little of Quasar. You are asking us to take a lot on trust, for we have only just met you, and we only know what you tell us. How about we go along with you for the moment and see how things go, if he is as evil as you say then we will soon have more than enough proof to allow us to assist you in bringing him to justice.” Colt offered.

  “Bring him to justice, and how would you do such a thing when he would be in control of every telepath around him, and probably yourself?” Olsen stormed finally getting angry with the people before him, for it was obvious to anyone that they refused to listen to him, to realise the danger posed by Quasar, to realise just how powerful Quasar really is.

  “There is only one way to deal with such a monster as Quasar, and bringing him to justice is not the way.” Olsen declared angrily. He tried to regain control of himself, for once again, he told himself, he was asking these people to believe so much in so very short a length of time.

  “Well, John, how about telling us just how you intend to deal with Quasar, it should be interesting, seeing as how you could not even make an attempt to save the old priest`s life?” Colt asked with more than a hint of sarcasm mixed in with some anger and a good deal more of disbelief.

  “I did not do as you suggest because Quasar would have used his awesome telepathic powers and made every customer in the bar rise up and attack us. Then we would either have been killed, probably shot by one of their archaic weapons or taken prisoner, neither choice appeals to me.” Olsen raged. “Look all of you, I will tell you how Quasar operates.” Olsen paused here for effect before continuing.

  “Quasar walked through Tent City tonight sending a powerful telepathic message before him, it told all of the people of the city that he is their god, and that they must worship him. The people in the town are powerless to disobey him, except for a few exceptionally strong willed individuals who end up dead, as the priest did, if they are not very careful. It is only due to my own lineage, that I too am not a follower of his.” Olsen looked down at the ground and it was obvious to the others that he was thinking, so they kept silent to see what else he had to tell them. A moment later, he looked up at them with a worried look upon his face.

  “Ok, now seems to be the time to tell you what I have planned for Quasar. I take it that you all know of the place where all those who commit terrible crimes are condemned to suffer for eternity after they die?” Olsen asked.

  Once again they looked at him as if he were mad, and even the bishop wondered this, however, he asked Olsen a question rather than answer his.

  “Why do you ask us such a strange question John?” Myers asked.

  “I have my reasons Bishop Myers, as you will see.” Olsen replied in almost a whisper.

  “Well then yes, we all have, it has many names, my colleagues and I refer to it as Hell.” Myers said in equally quiet tones.

  “I have heard it referred to as Tartarus, a name that is used by some of my people and it is to Tartarus that we must take Quasar, if we are to save the people of this galaxy from the torments that are getting more real every minute of every day.” Olsen declared grimly.

  “Surely, Quasar would have to be dead to start on such a journey, and if we are to take him there then we too would have to be dead?” Myers exclaimed. He was now very worried that Olsen was indeed mad, or some sort of a fanatic, which might even be more dangerous.

  “You have told us that killing Quasar is not possible without the use of a nuclear device, something thankfully you are not yet ready to use, so perhaps you will clear up the confusion within my poor confused brain?” Alice begged of Olsen.

  Olsen looked over at her; she was sitting near to the entrance of the chamber where a fresh breeze blew in, for it was rather stuffy in the chamber.

  “Of course Alice. On my planet Rega, it has long been rumoured that a portal exists somewhere within this planetary system, a portal that will take you to Tartarus. The portal was finally discovered some twenty years ago by Prior Karson, the prior of the monastery where I live. Unfortunately, it must be a one way trip, for no one has ever been known to return.” Olsen explained to the incredulous group around him.

  “Prior Karson was told how to find it by those who guard the normal entrance into Tartarus, and it was they who told him how one day, his people would have to make use of the other portal for the good of the people of the galaxy. He never attempted to enter through the portal for he would have been trapped there for eternity.” Olsen stopped here for he saw the ever-growing disbelief around him.

  “John, are you kidding us?” Colt exclaimed angrily. “Maybe no one has ever returned, because to make the trip in the first place you have to suffer from a condition known as death.” Colt exclaimed angrily and turned away before he said something stronger.

  “John, please assure us of one thing, when you all travel through the veil, you are not all high on some drug at the time, are you?” Rawlins asked an obvious question that had not occurred to the others.

  “Some of the brothers do burn a local leaf to assist them to travel through the veil, however, the Prior and I have never needed the help of a drug, it is in our dreams that we cross over.” Olsen replied.

  From the expressions of the others around him Olsen could see he was making a hash of this, he would have to do much better if they were ever to believe him, and he desperately needed their aid in this matter. Without it, his quest would be doomed to failure and Quasar would soon be on his way to becoming the emperor of the known galaxy. He smiled glumly at the others as he rehearsed what he wanted to say to them.

  “Captain Colt, Jim, I am not mad, neither am I a deluded follower of a pagan religion such as the ones practised both on Remus and also on Earth many centuries ago. The portal that I am talking about is a tear in the fabric of space that is a barrier between the here and now, and another dimension, a dimension where we continue our journey after we die. Unfortunately, this particular tear goes directly to Tartarus or Hell as your people refer to it.” Olsen knew that he was still losing them and thought hard about how to proceed with his plea for their assistance.

  Across from him, Alice caught the eye of Colt and her face told him that she too felt uncomfortable, as she had listened to Olsen talk. Her earlier fears for the sanity of this stranger seemed to her now to be well founded. She turned to glance at Partridge and saw similar thoughts cross his face. His face was plain for all to read, just as if he were an open book. Rawlins was sitting in silence as he took in everything Olsen said, but Alice could see that he too had his doubts as to the sanity of the man who now continued with his pleas. Alice shivered, though whether from the cool breeze blowing over her or from the growing fear that she felt of the stranger, she could not decide.

  “John, if no one has returned how do we really know that the place actual
ly exists, except that is in the dreams of your Prior?” Peter Rawlins asked.

  “It is true that the monks of the monastery have only travelled through the barrier while they have been in a deep meditational state. However, once there, they have spoken with old friends who have died and passed through to the other side, these friends have given them advice to assist them in their own lives. As I said earlier, I have made the journey myself, and got knowledge that would have been impossible by any other method. Prior Karson was also told about the portal by an old friend who now resides behind the barrier. He warned Prior Karson that Quasar was about to return, but that he should take heart, for a chosen one would be sent to assist him. It was he who told us how to defeat Quasar once and for all, by sending him to Tartarus.” Olsen hoped that his words would help to dispel their disbelief.

  “And you are the chosen one?” Colt said scornfully.

  “Whether I am the chosen one I do not know, all I know is that I must fight Quasar as if it is indeed me, for otherwise we will certainly be defeated by evil of a sort that has not been witnessed for ten thousand years.” Olsen replied before turning to Bishop Myers.

  “Bishop Myers, you and your colleagues surely believe in an after life, one where you journey to after death?” Olsen asked.

  “Yes, John, I do, but as I said before, you need to be dead to enjoy it, or not depending on your earthly life. Are you now saying that you can kill Quasar?” Bishop Myers asked in a quiet friendly tone as he attempted to give the alien time to make himself understood.

  Once again, it appeared to Olsen that Bishop Myers had not listened to one word of what he had said; or even tried to understand, he wondered just what sort of a believer the Bishop was, for he appeared to be having such trouble believing in the heaven and hell of his own religion. In fact as with many religion men of this age Myers only believe so much of what he espoused, as for Heaven and Hell, Myers had long decided to wait and see in what form they would exist, if indeed they even did exist.

  “In the normal course of things then yes you are quite correct Bishop Myers, but not in this case. Once we have taken Quasar to Tartarus he will be kept there by the lords of that realm, he will be powerless there, unable to escape from it for eternity.” Olsen explained.

  “Just where is this portal, if we could examine it we might be more inclined to believe you John?” Bishop Myers asked in his polite tone that was beginning to infuriate Olsen, although he tried not to show his ever-growing frustration with the people before him.

  “I can not tell you, for should you fall into the hands of Quasar he would soon learn about it from you and then frustrate our plans for him.” Olsen replied showing that he too could be frustrating.

  “Then why on Earth did you tell of its existence?” Colt cried out in anger.

  “I thought that you should all know about the one way trip to Tartarus before taking you there, for we shall all have to accompany him if we are to succeed in our plans.” Olsen replied.

  “Accompany him, to Hell! If you think that I will permit Alice to enter any place even remotely resembling hell, then you are very mistaken.” Colt declared angrily and getting to his feet as if he were preparing to defend her should Olsen attempt anything at that very moment.

  “You will all agree to enter Tartarus, and of your own accord, for in doing so you will be saving the galaxy from Quasar, that is a fact.” Olsen declared angrily.

  However, further discussion on the subject would have to wait, for Colt called for everyone to sleep on the problem until the morning, as by then everyone would be feeling a little more refreshed. Alice though had one further point to raise.

  “Assuming that all you have told us is true John, is there not a chance that Quasar may use his powers to take over the realm of Tartarus, turn the mythical Lucifer into a real person. Surely, from that realm he would be able to go out and battle for all of those lands of the after life that you mention. He could even be able to return here and rule the physical world that we live in, for he would in truth be a god.” Alice said fearfully, her voice dropping to a whisper as she spoke her final words and scaring not only herself but also the others around her.

  “Prior Karson has assured me that he will lose all of his powers when he enters Tartarus, otherwise I for one would gladly die here to ensure that he was imprisoned on Remus for a million years, and even his power would have faded and gone out by then, given that he was without a power source to replenish it.” Olsen replied with a certainty that had been shaken by Alice`s words.

  Olsen was glad to sleep on things, for he knew that he had made a very bad hash of things, but who in their right mind would believe what he had expected them to believe? Tomorrow he would have to do better.


  Quasar watched from the entrance to his tent as the sun rose to proclaim a new day had dawned in his dominion, he first enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and then he went for his walk, and as usual, he was beginning to feel a little bored.

  It was as the morning turned into the afternoon that he finally found something to interest him, for he read in one the countless minds around him about the missionaries from the planet Earth. His boredom immediately evaporated and he smiled as he immediately put a call out to Mahan, the headman of the Alemanni people, ordering him to present himself to his god. He could have used telepathy to speak to Mahan, but Quasar had now developed a liking for the more personal approach, he liked to see his slaves grovel. Only a minute passed by before Mahan arrived in a sweat and flung himself to the floor in total adoration mode.

  “Mahan, I have learnt that there are three missionaries from the planet Earth living and working in this collection of tents they refer to as a city.” Quasar spat out the last words contemptuously. “Find them for me and have them ready to speak to me by the time that I have finished my lunch.” Quasar ordered his quailing head slave.

  “To hear is to obey my god.” Mahan replied as he stood up and scurried from the massive tent used by Quasar, who then called for food to be brought to him. His wives had been anticipating the order and moments later luncheon was set out before their lord and master.

  Mahan and the men of his tribe looked in every tent without finding a single missionary, then they began to pummel the leading men of the city but again without success, for no one had seem them since the missionaries had held their church service two nights earlier. Mahan did find their tents though and returning to his god in abject terror, and trembling as he entered the tent, he once again threw his body to the floor and abased himself before Quasar.

  “My Lord Quasar, I must report my failure to find the three missionaries that you so earnest wanted to see grovelling at your feet.” His words tumbling out of his mouth as he anticipated the pain that he was sure would follow his failure. “Oh, Quasar, mightiest of the gods I beseech you to take pity on your humble servant in this time of his failure. I searched the tent they call their church and then I looked inside the tents where they sleep. I then searched every other tent within the city personally. The missionaries are nowhere to be found within the city of tents, they must have left to preach their false religion amongst the other tribes of Remus.”

  Mahan felt Quasar enter her mind and screamed in pain as Quasar pushed inside, but this time it was only brief, for Quasar instantly found out that his head slave spoke the truth and for once, he did not take his rage out on the messenger. Although he was angry at the man`s stupidity.

  “Do you think that I will use my limitless powers just to locate these men, men who are dead inside, and can only communicate vocally, surely you realise that I have more important things to occupy my time.” Quasar raged. “Send the men of this pathetic city out to find them and bring them back to me, have each team accompanied by some of my own people, the faithful Alemanni.” Mahan beamed at the compliment given by his god to his own people.

  Mahan quickly rose from the ground and left the tent, within the hour teams of men were riding out of Tent City with suppl
ies to last them for a week. Quasar smiled, soon he would have them, for he had learnt while delving through the various minds of Tent City that the missionaries did not ride the native horse, they must have set out on foot across the hot burning desert. It was while he stood there watching the riders moving away from the city of tents that something of a mystery began to occupy his thoughts. He sent his mind out again amongst those who were left within the city and soon had ten weeping women sobbing at his feet in fear.

  “Stop crying, for I will not hurt my people if they are true to me.” Quasar demanded of the women who slowly quietened down enough for Quasar to continue.

  “Tell me, how many services do the missionaries normally have in a week?” Quasar asked softly.

  Marissa, the head wife of one of the leaders of the city stopped crying as she whispered an answer. “Twice a week my god, no more.” Quasar gently entered into the minds of the women and saw they all agreed with this answer and not one woman knew of his presence within her.

  “Tell me, when is the next service due to be held?” Quasar asked.

  “Tomorrow morning, it is the most holy day of the week; Bishop Myers refers to it as Sunday, the day of rest.” Marissa replied in a slightly more confident voice.

  “Do these missionaries normally leave their church, their town, without leaving at least one missionary to answer your questions or see to your spiritual needs?” Quasar asked in a kind voice.

  “No my lord Quasar, never, there is always one of the missionaries within the church and the other two are always to be found within the city, never have they abandoned us so completely.” Marissa answered confidently.

  Quasar roared out in rage at her words and the women began to sob with renewed fear as they saw the look of anger that appeared on the face of their new god. Quasar had been growing rather annoyed with the woman who answered for the others, as she had become more confident in his presence, and by saying that they had been abandoned, she had inferred that it would be of no use to turn to Quasar for comfort and help, was he not their god! He now let his presence be felt within her brain, she screamed in agony, and cringing in fear, she suddenly realised what had angered her new god. The other women also saw her mistake, and not wishing to be associated with such a blasphemer drew away from her. The eyes of the women were fixed on the floor before Quasar, to scared to look upon his face as they waited to see whether they too would be punished, but he now showed mercy, and this was for the first ever time. The other woman had fainted from the terrible pain within her brain and lay sprawled at the feet of her god who looked down upon her with contempt.