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  Author’s Notes

  I think this story may represent the most inspired piece of writing I’ve ever produced. I hope this manuscript reflects that. Many success gurus state how inspiration is not nearly as important as hard work, and I totally agree. But man, it’s lovely when the muse visits and decides to hang out for a while. And this is the first time I’ve been so completely taken over by the muse, that it almost seems like I channeled this story.

  Now, the character of ‘Belinda’ in this story, in a lot of ways, reminds me of the character ‘Sarah Connor’ in the movie, ‘The Terminator’. And let me explain why.

  For anyone who doesn’t know, a Black woman named Sophia Stewart wrote the script for the movies ‘The Terminator’ and ‘The Matrix’. And what makes Sophia’s story even more exquisitely dope, is both movies are part of the same story. See, Sophia was so inspired by seeing the movie ‘Star Wars’, that she decided to write her own movie based in the science fiction genre. She’s said in several interviews that ‘Neo’, is a thirty-three year old John Connor, who finds Morpheus’ rebel faction and joins them. She also says Sarah Connor, is actually ‘Neo’s’ mother. Sophia also said, ‘The Terminator’ movie further informs her story, when agents like The Matrix’s ‘Agent Smith’, sends one of their cyborgs back into the past to kill Sarah Connor, so John Connor (a.k.a. Neo) won’t be born. And the ‘J.C.’ in John Connor, represents jesus christ, according to Sophia.

  By the way, Sophia won a lawsuit she filed against Warner Brothers studios for copyright infringement, and got a settlement reportedly in the hundreds of millions for both, ‘The Matrix’ and ‘The Terminator’ films. So to me, ‘Belinda’, just like ‘Sarah Connor’, gave birth to the rebel faction that will arise to thwart the plans of Mr. Hubersham and ‘the stout man’. So Belinda is this story’s real savior—just like Sarah was in the ‘Terminator’ movie.

  Also, in regards to these films, it was found that the Wachowski siblings, you can’t call them ‘brothers’ anymore, because Larry Wachowski got a sex change operation, and is now ‘Lana’ Wachowski…were ‘outed’ for stealing Sophia’s script. This is why the first movie was so masterful and the sequels sucked.

  Sophia said she realized her script had been stolen, when she went to see ‘The Matrix’ with a friend and recognized the dialogue immediately as her words, nearly line for line. Anyone wanting to read Sophia’s original story can purchase her book, ‘The Third Eye’, which is said to contain the story of both ‘The Matrix’ and ‘The Terminator’. And, people are now referring to Sophia as the ‘Mother of the Matrix’. One last thing about Sophia, she actually wrote herself into ‘The Matrix’ movie as ‘The Oracle’; so whenever you see her, you now know who she represents.

  I actually wrote about this on my Blog, ‘The Cinematic Symbolism’ Blog, in the post titled, ‘The legend of Sophia Stewart’.

  Now, here’s how this anecdote comes full circle, for me at least. Sophia didn’t realize that when she saw the movie ‘Star Wars’, she was actually seeing another account of plagiarism of sorts; that being the ripping off of our ancient Black ancestor’s history—again, let me explain.

  Our ancient ancestors produced artificial light through an invention called the ‘Djed Pillar battery’, and you can see examples of what looks like a drawing of a light bulb on the side of pyramid walls. Now, the ‘Djed Pillar’, is where George Lucas got the term ‘Jedi’ from. Also, jesus christ and his ‘parents’, Joseph and Mary, were adaptations of our ancient ancestral deities; those being, ‘Ausar’, who the greeks called ‘Osiris’; ‘Aset’ who the greeks called ‘Isis’; and ‘Heru’, who the greeks called ‘Set’. Now, if we do some research, we’ll find out ‘Heru’ is the child of Ausar and Aset; and not only was this the template for the greek and roman deity called ‘jesus christ’, but Heru is actually where we get the word ‘Hero’ from. So all of that ‘Star Wars’ mythology, is actually the mythology of ancient Black people. Sophia’s people. And I hope she knows this now.

  About the cover, I was looking for a way to visually convey the frat’s usage of nano-robots to carry out their dastardly plans. And I think the pic of a miniscule robot on a person’s thumb, illustrates the concept well. And this story, like so many of my Blog posts, are and were inspired by the breadth of gentrifying initiatives all over this country, usurping Black people out of communities where they’ve built lives. And if you’d like to know more about the ‘endgame’ of this wave of gentrification, you should also take a look at one of my Blog posts titled, ‘Gentrification and the Black Diaspora (Part 2): The King Alfred Plan’. Afterwards, comment on my Blog and let me know what you think about that post and this story.

  So to everyone, I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it, ‘cause man, this was a blast! And as always, thanks for reading my e-book!


  Other books by this author

  Revering Revolutionaries

  Is the Black Diaspora ready to get free? I mean free from the tyranny of western fascists and their institutions? Well, here's the tale of four brothas who dared to challenge the western status quo, while leaving a blueprint for the rest of us to follow; brotha Wesley Snipes, Dave Chappelle, Kat Williams and Prime Minister Robert Mugabe.

  The miseducation of Michelle Rhee

  Michelle Rhee was sold to the public as the savior of the Washington D.C. school system. She was an Ivy League darling who would be the person to finally reform the swarthy denizens of its poor neighborhoods and make them see the true value of an education. But the reformations she would initiate after becoming School Chancellor would have her looking more like Lex Luthor than Superman.


  Brent Grimes is listed as a homeless resident of the East Side Men's shelter...only thing is, he's not homeless. Not only that, but his annual salary is well above the six figure mark. Brent's fraternity has him commissioned to perform a certain task at the East Side; and if he fails, his boss will make him pay dearly for coming up short.

  The Coup of Carrots (Remix)

  Brent Grimes is summoned by his fraternity to eradicate a problem threatening their agenda on a foreign soil. While he knows he'll need all his wits about him to accomplish the task, what he doesn't know, is his frat has been keeping a centuries old secret, not only from him, but from the world at large. A secret so shocking, even he's reluctant to believe its truth.

  About the author

  MontUHURU Mimia is an inquisitive novelist, song, script, short story and Blog writer, who’s in the midst of erasing all the anglophilic tendencies he might have picked up in the american school system. He’s also given up organized religion, to be a practitioner of his ancestor’s Black spiritual sciences.

  Connect with MontUHURU Mimia

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  Check out my Blog post on Sophia Stewart here:

  Check out my blog post about ‘gentrification and the King Alfred Plan’ here:

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